#like yeah fiction isnt real and ofc u can twist anything however u want as long as its nonprofit
forgloryforhonor · 2 years
Can you explain your last post
There’s a tendency of other fans to equate gintoki with spike spiegel from cowboy bebop
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And mugen from samurai champloo
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Both of them are the main characters from shows directed by Shinichiro Watanabe.
And while the similarities between gintoki, spike and mugen are there (mavericks with heart of gold, gambler, devil-may-care attitude, traumatic past) some fans go to the extent of insisting on their headcanon that the preferences in life partners of these three characters are all one and the same
...that their type is a “woman that could kill them.”
(Yes this is a shipping thing too... eugh)
Iirc only Mugen explicitly said that his ideal woman was “one that could kill him.” That was from the money counterfeiting episode.
While it was true that he and that ninja had excellent banter and sexual tension, diehard samurai champloo fans will tell you that the true heroine (and potential love interest) was Fuu all along.
I am aware of this because I have followed the samurai champloo tag for almost 10 years now. This point had been repeated many times even in official pamphlets and interviews.
I did ship mugen and that kunoichi btw. However mugenfuu, jinfuu and mugenjin dynamics ran deeper than mugen x kunoichi ever could.
As for Spike, yeah he and Faye had chemistry but Spike had only one soulmate and that was Julia, who he had a really complicated thing going on with. (I wont even touch that with a stick. Spiegel truly loves Julia whether we like it or not.)
Edited: yeah spike did say to Elecktra “I love a woman that could kick my ass.” Does that change anything? Actually no, since Mugen/Spike were basically from the almost the same creators.
Gintoki meanwhile has one canon celebrity crush (and one clear love interest, like he genuinely wants to marry them and etc.): Ketsuno Ana, a gentle yet powerful soul (and also divorced but still very unavailable). He had never said that he was interested romantically/physically in people/women that could kill him/kick his ass. In fact his type seems to be the ones whose smiles and kindness can get him thru the day no matter the weather and the circumstance. (Diviner arc)
I mean... finding similarities across various pop culture is all enjoyable and good. That is fan behavior and it’s valid. However if people do it to the point where even canon is becoming more obscure and obsolete? When canon is starting to be forgotten? To the point of turning vastly different characters from different series into one type of dude? I think that’s the time we have to take a step back and really look into the source materials. Come on.. At least take the time to know what kind of info you are twisting for your fandom needs before making it your own or smth.
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