#like yeah im disappointed but this isn't the worst way to lose
stormyoceans · 2 years
hi monica! maybe you don't wanna talk about this and that's okay, you don't have to answer this, but i just wanted to come here because your blog is a safe space for me and i know you enjoyed vegaspete's story as much as i did (you even made the experience more enjoyable for me during the kp days tbh). i haven't been following the cast or biblebuild a lot since the fandom became extremely toxic imo but the news of build resigning made me sad for some reason, i can't even explain why but i feel so bad... these last few days were a confirmation of how vile and nasty the fandom is and maybe that's also the reason i'm feeling like this. idk, like idek what's the point of this ask i guess i just want to know if you're okay or if you understand me, vegaspete was a great ship and i was kinda excited for 4min so the way things have ended are just the worst... i even feel bad for feeling bad because the allegations were pretty serious for me to be feeling bad for him/this whole situation... anyway yeah. it's all very confusing and it sucks, i've never experienced this before... hope you're okay and take care, sending you a hug xx
hello, anon!!!
first of all, im really happy to know that you consider my blog a safe space, because this is what it is for me and what i'd like it to be for the people who follow me as well!!! this is also why i tend to avoid talking about certain topics on here, though, because they're just very upsetting and life is already hard enough as it is, so i'd rather focus my energies on happier things
im also slightly older than the average user base and i've been in fandom for most of my life, which means that i've actually witnessed this type of "drama" happen quite a few times before and the one thing i've learned in all these years is that parasocial relationships never end well. to me actors are simply a vessel through which characters and stories come to life, so i never get particularly involved in them as people or in their personal life, and even when that happens (like with jimmysea in these last few months) im very aware of the boundaries and of how much im gonna actually let them affect my life
i don't mean to sound condescending, so i hope this isn't how im coming off right now, but this is just to say that i have a lot of experience and thicker skin and im doing fine because i know how to deal with it, didn't care about build himself, and haven't been too involved in the fandom in a while. however, this doesn't mean i can't understand you or that there was never a time where i did let myself care about an actor way too much and get thoroughly disappointed, and precisely because it did happen to me in the past, i know how upsetting this entire build and poi situation can be
i don't know if this can be of any help, but i think it's completely valid to feel sad about it and about the repercussions that's going to have, even if it's just about a ship or a show. i personally don't believe that caring about those means you don't care about the allegations or the real people involved in this, because they're things that made you happy and that you were looking forward to and that made life a little bit more bearable, so it makes sense that you would feel bad at the idea of losing them, it's just human
that being said, i think at this point we should all just take a huge step back from this situation and let the law deal with it. it happened and there's nothing we can do, except being kind to each other. there are still other things to be excited about and that can bring us happiness, it's just a matter of finding them, so just take care of yourself and take all the time you need to deal with what happened. i hope you can feel better soon, anon, im sending you a hug too!!!!
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aviangrian · 3 years
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tsui-no-sora · 2 years
(sorry finn's followers. this got long)
you don't understand how much i would prefer it (whatever It is) to be caused by cdream as opposed to an external force (ie. xd), just for keeping a cohesive narrative with good causality and shit, but also for the blorbo to finally, actually DO something for the first time in eight months (the upcoming lnv stream and daedalus arc don't count because that's 90% dream Reacting to others rather tahn pursuing his initiative from s1 +2) but and i mean this very respectfully. cdream Is hot shit and Has the revive book and Is pretty good at manipulating people, but unless he's struck a secret deal with Xd or planning a server wide doomsday 2.0, I don't think he's powerful enough to incite a 'world changing event' (especially when considering ccdream's genera addendum of 'dynamics and relationships changing', like cdream could Do that, but probably not on a mass-scale and in a way that revitalizes the entire server)
im incredibly glad we won't get a physical reset of the server, i would Not deal with that, that would be just Awful. i'm also trying to keep my expectations humble, most importantly because i really can't fathom what in god's name they could have planned to make everyone log onto the server again without changing anything about it physically. a collective memory wipe (maybe to a certain point in time, maybe to different points in time for different character, maybe every character is set back to the worst moment in their life and have to work from there <- not expectations just musing) i'm really a little brought empty on ideas. let's truly just hope that it isn't another soon or another oups we had to cancel an entire arc because one (1) cc didn't show up.
yeah, i guess ccwilbur is a pretty trustworthy cc most of the time, and 'I'm gonna miss c!wilbur' could just as well have been meant to say that he's gonna miss actively writing the characterand as i've said him saying that wilbur's still gonna hang around after finishing his lore was during a time when he still planned to do play the last arc entirely solo, so i don't how much plans might have changed since.
and yeah, i don't think he's gonna pull another nov 16 and follow up on all the death flags. i feel like most people can agree that some suicidal bitch commiting suicide, coming back, trying and yes. failing Hard to be better and then just commiting suicide Again would be incredibly depressing. maybe that's what he's going for (that or leaving), but i feel like there's there's definitely gonna be some intervening force.
'i don't think about themes because it doesn't work in this kind of media' don't you dare say that to alexis "legacy" cc!quackity headquarter's face ever again. like i mean there's definitely character's that are just little guys someone has fun telling a story with/ weren't initially written to have a specific theme, but i think it's fair to atleast consider 'legacy' to be important to cc!quackity's character, since he literally spelled it out for us last stream. obviously you can feel like it doesn't really come across as a 'theme' in the medium but i think that considering the amount of effort and structuring ccq puts in his streams, it's fair to think about his story having intentional themes (why do i have such a strong opinion on this help)
you don't have to do your streamers like that, but Yeah. ccdream is literally worse than cctommy (was), and tbh, outside a bunch of lore clips i've Never watched a ranboo stream. also what the hell did beeduo do, you're making it sound like they had an irl divorce. i have strong feelings of disappointment of for his lore even considering that he's literally just a teenager (like im one to judge im two years older than him terrible at finishing Anything) and i can understand losing motivation or being overwhelmed but from a fan perspective it just sucks. honestly at this point i'd be happy with 30 second 'ewranboo blew up the prison because [reason] and decided to help dream because [conversation they had] and heard his voice because [weird enderman thing]' because it'd help a Lot
oh. you mean you have followers from My side of tumblr, i was talking about stuff that even my loyal cwilburian and cinnter moots would tear my throat out for. idk, lots of people like having all the different opinions on their dash at once, like i prefer browsing different sub communities on their own because i Really don't feel like getting slapped in the face with a 'actually cphil was Pogchamp for killing his suicidal son' 7am opening tumblr in the morning, but still like. know that even your favourite meta writers aren't going to know All the details. and i mean. i guess there's also people who aren't terminally once and don't notice 85% of what's going on their dash.
yeah. whatever episodes ccmicheal went through was just weird, because it felt really disconnected from what Both the fans and other ccs have expressed on the topic, it really had the vibe of 'I'M not getting enough attention so let's throw everything down a sandhill' <- relates the to beef you're having
i dunno. i feel like with time i kind of got used to it, we already had it in the first big lore drought (the time when you first joined) and while i have a bunch of concerns about wilbur's storytelling (how is he going to satisfactorily tie up his story in One stream) i am comforted by the fact that atleast my guy gets an real, solid ending. because i don't know how your dash looks but on mine most anxiety centers around stories frizzling out entirely, being discarded or irreversibly changed due to cc negligence (for examplem when we still had hope that cranboo was going to continue his story but it was already. 5 months since he died and got stuck in limbo)
to be very honest, a lot of my hope for c!crimeboys relies on how unhinged cc!crimeboys are about their little ocs, yes they're going to literally throw them in hell but they're also gonna cry over a single scene with them in a fan animation. optimism everyone.
oh sure, cq Freaked out (and i cannot emphasize that enough) at the prospect of cdream being out of prison, he knew he'd fucked up, he knew he'd tortured a person fully capable of paying back every ounce of suffering and festering pain that he caused i don't know how much charlie dying impacted that because the ending of the last lnv stream really kind of showed him pretty much giving up on defense. that is not to say that i'm seeing him go down entirely without a fight, that is to say that i think there are going to be both stark differences as well as parallels between him and sam.
fr you can't just ask your little brother if he deserved being abused by the green teletubby. cwilbur i love you and i get that you did not want to see your hero in a bad light but sometimes you're the most ass awful person on this entire server. same with 'well i think you should have used camp fires' my man. have you ever heard of something called Tact.
that scene in one year later was sure something, i love that cwilbur's hero worship was used as both an element of comedy (he's a pathetic overly emotional 40yo. goof) and mild horror as in he is lovingly. and loudly daydream gushing about the guy that almost killed tubbo last time they met. very good arc 10/10
listen i know it comes from a very different corner of the fandom, but i very much respect stone theory, like i get where it comes from (i also just wanted to see cwilbur, ranboo and punz working on a project together. it would have been funny okay) but to be entirely frank, i don't think it's gonna happen given the way insonsolable played out at large (i like to believe that ccwilbur is better at threading a story than leaving a single blib hint i couldn't find even though i knew what i was looking for) and the fact that we literally only have one cwilbur stream left.
take your time, i really just want to see because there's always the possibility of me being both blind and deaf and missing something really obvious lmao
Gonna put this under read more because it got so long and I feel bad cluttering somebody's dash with this
Yeah that's actually another thing I relate a lot to the Stone Theory because idk what he's planning on doing or what he could possibly do build a monument underwater to pray for server unity or something I don't freaking know
I really hope he does somehow cause things to occur by his own hands and Volition it would just be more interesting than it just occuring and well whatever the plan is must be a very big thing and well he is the admin and connected to XD and has the revival book so capable of things he is
But yeah idk what it would be like also in a in real world sense of course it actually changing the server just depends on everybody else playing along with it more than anything that could actually happen in streams I think
I don't think there would be much need to change things physically for it to work even with a memory wipe of any sort but truth to be told I just don't want it to be a soon thing and at least knowing that the place will be physically okay it's good enough for me
Yeah I think there's gonna be some extra limiting force to whatever it's gonna happen in his ending and I do think he meant actively writing the character and playing it more than anything else after all it will be different after the story is done I think that while the plans surely must have changed a little because of the sudden give me one more month bit with Eret they must have stayed pretty consistent throughout those bits or at least I think so because I was utterly convinced the Friend and XD bit had been completely abandoned and turns out it wasn't so I think he's pretty determined to do whatever he envisioned for his story occur
Little side track about c!Niki yeah I would have liked more anger as well maybe something closer to what happened with c!Fundy but I also don't really mind her just not holding the same intensity of anger any longer after so long and I think that's mostly just because I relate to it I had a really bad fall out with a very old friend and I was so angry about it at the time but now it's been so long that I just feel kinda bad and that's it so for me it makes sense but idk
And here is where I get sad over c!Niki and c!Fundy cuz we haven't gotten content of them ever :((
I mean personally I don't think cc!Wilbur cares a whole lot if his story is incredibly depressing or not aka basically everything from a little before Pogtopia up until now and I don't really think he's thinking super hard about what message it will send or something like that also taking messages from random streamers very seriously seems dangerous to me
Nonetheless I don't think that's where it's going because that's not really the sorta storyteller I think cc!Wilbur is
I don't think legacy was really a thing for his character before that specific stream now with the framework of legacy being important to him like we know now we can re contextualize some of his pasts actions with a consistent framework and that's kinda the thing with a lot of of the characters looking at for example c!Ranboo's first stream by itself is very different than c!Ranboo's first stream when you also know that he lacks memory that he plays defensive that he keeps all of his thoughts mostly to himself and that he doesn't like governments and then you can make a theme out of it but I really don't think most streams are done with the theme already in mind
So yeah that is a theme for him specifically I don't think most characters have themes and it's important to his story after knowing it so searching desperately for a theme before it seems counterproductive to me
"You are making it sound like they had an irl divorce" Well kinda nah I'm just joking they just you know don't really interact like before
Cc!Prime Boys really only talk about their characters once when all the Astros align and everything happens just right but at least cc!Tommy is more straight forward catch cc!Dream just saying well what is most commonly accepted as a goal for him would be this which would lead to certain behaviours being seen in this manner by this group of people if you think about this way you could arrive to these other conclusions like king just tell me your plan please
Yeah I don't wanna go up to Ranboo's face and say I demand you give me lore if he's not into it anymore that's fine too just I would like 20 minutes on a stream where he says all of that or a fic or a Reddit post or by this point I take a Twitter thread cc!Eret style just because as a fan I would like to understand him better
[Here I start to remember I joined the fandom as a L'Manberg main and Ranboo lover even though I don't really watch him anymore]
Oh I can't relate to that at all if I see an opinion that talks too badly about my little mewo meow with no consideration for my poor little feelings I immediately wither away and die (Exaggerating but still I do very much prefer looking at what I like and not looking at what I dislike when I can afford it) so it's difficult for me to understand other people willingly wanting to follow me to see things they disagree with but all the power to them I also am into Karmaland another series with cc!Q in it and there's people who follow me for the meta posts I do about them and it's so odd because they have c!Dream enjoyers sympathizers apologists and everything else you can imagine don't interact go die and it's like why you following me then
Your takes too hot they are gonna burn through the tectonic plates yeah same mostly I just get dsmp content out of going through the blogs that I already follow because for me the actual tags are downright unusable
Yeah that's pretty much how it felt like to me saying that actually the Dream SMP is dead and it's the audience's fault felt just really disconnected from reality like the DSMP fandom legit doesn't do anything but grow it's the most active fandom I ever been on but simply expecting that oh now I'm on this smp so even though I just stream by myself at 4 in the morning I should get just as many views as any other lore stream does ever seems kinda silly a shame tho cuz I actually did really like the concept he was going with with his lore same with Eryn
I also really want to see more Tina and Aimsey lore c!Aimsey and c!Tubbo have such an interesting dynamic and the fact that c!Tina is actually a demon in disguise is really cool and now I'm missing lore with my c!Tina my c!Tina she will always be famous
My dash mostly just cares about c!Dream's plan but I guess that makes sense because beyond whatever his plan might be there's not a lot more to infere for him there's also no way for him to ever achieve a happy ending to call it something unless the Dream Team suddenly decide to accept each other again and he's able to get over his plan
I do rather appreacite the fact that at least for sure c!Wilbur will have an actual ending as painful as it is it's always for the best for all stories to have proper endings I also hope eventually the Dream SMP storyline as a whole will have a concrete ending tho I don't know how that would look like
Yeah same if I just didn't know who the actual people are I would just assume oh c!Wilbur is dead already and that's that but I know cc!Wilbur and cc!Tommy adore their story each other and the smp as a whole also something I think which same with the Ghost Quackity stuff is that if they were really going to do that they wouldn't make it so incredibly obvious months in advance and I also remember that cc!Wilbur said that what he liked the most was subverting the audience's expectations and doing something completely different that what people expect him to do and same happens with Quackity lore nobody is ever really able to predict it so I still think it's gonna be mostly fine at the end
Well the bunker itself still exists so I like to imagine maybe he just goes there because it's one of the few things that give him safety it's a reminder that he still has this nation even if no not really and a trustworthy competent builder like Foolish by his side and he has made himself a very bad enemy but he still has this layer of protection maybe he just goes there and thinks about Charlie and about why he can't seem to ever keep anybody he cares for close to him before long
He's for sure not going down without a fight but I think that initial spark of intense anger and fear that he might have had before Charlie's death is pretty extinguished by now
Oh my god the campfires thing that was one thing I really liked about that stream Tommy seeing the little bedrock statue by Drista and laughing and showing his little makeshift camp thingy because it's like one of the two things about that era of his life that aren't just a constant terror and sadness on him and Wilbur just deadpan going you should have used campfires like oh my God that guy he's something else
He really is so emotional is actually one of the traits I like the most about him just like that one time he just randomly happened to break some dirt underneath him and he felt all the guilt of the world at once that wet cat has a lot of emotions inside his heart (Also I watched that stream while writing the Dream Redemption Arc fic and i was so tempted to during that one fight scene they have just make him say I love you directly to Dream like he does on that one stream where he just openly goes yeah man I love Dream but I held back because the scene was getting too hardcore even for my Dreambur infested brain)
Well for the stone theory the main proof isn't that bit of the stream like at all the proof comes from other past streams which I suppose you do know because you know what it is that bit of the stream is just noted because it gives off the implication that they met and discussed something important in the past which could be tied up to the stone theory
I also personally don't really believe it's going to happen mostly because Ranboo already dropped off the planet and Wilbur only has one stream left and now we know that what Techno needed all those materials for was completely unrelated so now the only possibility for that to be explored is for it to just be said during staged duo lore but I still think it would be cool
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