#like yeah thats my funky little god's mistake
backupranger · 2 years
10 and 11 for Redfor for sure, and honestly everyone else while you’re at it
Redfor: 10. Do they avoid feeling certain emotions? Red tries to avoid feeling lost, directionless or not in control. Which is difficult to avoid now that a lot of things are changing. It just makes it feel like it's at square one when it first arrived in Hell.
11. How much do they try to copy other’s emotions? Is it intentional? I think Red is at the point where it matches other people's emotions like any animal would. It gets the vague sense someone is anxious and gets anxious as well because if this person is so, then there must be a reason. It's not intentional and it would probably be annoyed if it realised it was doing that, because it's something it didn't realise about itself.
Rabbit: 10. Do they avoid feeling certain emotions? Hell yeah she does!!! Regret. She hates feeling regret because if she feels regret then her actions were pointless, if she feels regret then whats this all for? if she feels regret then does that mean she's betraying the people she did it for? If she feels regret what does she say to the people she's hurt?
11. How much do they try to copy other’s emotions? Is it intentional? Xey don't try much but when xey do it's 100% intentional. All the times xey've matched other members of the Beloved Nights to make xemself seem professional. The times when xey think xey've stepped out of line so xey copy Silver's disinterest/discontent. All the times they've had guests on board so Rabbit tries to be the enthusiastic one who gets excited when the guests do.
Samara: 10. Do they avoid feeling certain emotions? Mara tries so hard to avoid guilt because they know it's useless to feel at this point, but it is very difficult especially when their son-in-law still shows some hatred to them.
11. How much do they try to copy other’s emotions? Is it intentional? Oh they do it a lot, mostly because they're an adult with grandkids so they need to be able to match their energies and they do it quite well. They're also a reasonably well known city figure so they can pick up on things sometimes.
Shambles: 10. Do they avoid feeling certain emotions? Shambles probably tries to avoid confusion and lonliness the most. The first she has felt several times because people haven't given her all information which is why she studies a lot. The second she has only truly felt once or twice but only as a result of the first.
11. How much do they try to copy other’s emotions? Is it intentional? Yes and no, they understand the need for it especially in their line of work but it isn't necessarily a focus and I think their customers understand that. They're far too busy sorting things out usually.
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eyelessfog · 1 year
hey let me hear about hollow knight !! tell me the lore of those funky looking creatures!!!
gmornin! lordy, okay, hollow knight lore is. where do i even start….
so, the basic gist is that youre this little guy, in a dead kingdom, fighting basically all of the citizens, who have been infected by this disease that makes them violent. like, the kingdom is super long dead, and youve come at about the same time as a lot of other new people: quirrel, tiso, zote, uh. it cannot be just those three. NO wait okay there’s also cornifer and iselda, theyre married.
anyway, so nearly everyone is infected. you fight them all. and. okay, so theres this temple, up at the beginning of the game? and it has three masks on it and you have to go get the masks, because the masks are keys.
thats the basics. lets get into. like. stuff evan isnt allowed to see bc evan is playing blind
so the masks are attached to people, right. three famous guys that the old king told to go into a coma and then, if they ever woke up, their key would be broken.
the three people are monomon the teacher, herrah the beast, and lurien the watcher.
monomon is protected by a big jellyfish. uumuu. <- love this guy. quirrel helps u defeat it.
herrah is protected by her whole home. deepnest is. not for the faint of heart. if you dont like bugs dont play it with sound on.
btw if you kill her at the right time, hornet, who is one of the first main bosses, will be waiting outside to be like “yeah she was my mother. kind of screwed up that she died but… tbh i didnt really know her. but you get that i’m allowed to mourn her anyway”
hornet is your, the player’s, half sister 👍 her mom is herrah and your mom is this tree?? and your dad is the king
anyway so then there’s lurien and its so. waugh. you KNOW hes the most favoured by the king because he has 13 knights to defend him??? you dont have to fight all thirteen but you do have to fight, like, five. but yeah, lurien was like.. the mayor of the main part of hallownest, the kingdom. herrah was from a completely different and smaller kingdom, where she was queen, and monomon was like. her own little spot. she just had the archives
anyway, why dont we talk about the pale king. so the pale king is the dad guy. he’s a god, by the way. and basically he’s fighting this little war with the god of dreams, her name is the radiance, so she decides to screw up ALL of his people and give them all a disease if they dream. and everyone dreams/has a dream so she got like. everyone, right?
and the king was like NO okay we have to stop this. so we’re going to make a jail. and then a SECOND jail, for that jail.
the first jail was his kid. you are also his kid. not the same kid though. okay so basically he had a bunch of kids. like SO many kids. with his wife. who is also a god. and then pumped the kids’ eggs full of void, WHICH IS ANOTHER GOD. so the kids 1 1/2 god. which is difficult to do. anyway
look up birthplace cutscene and grab the longest video or the first one that shows up to see how many kids is a lot of kids.
anyway, so he fills the kids with void so that they dont think or feel or dream, but he messed up because his test was if any of them could get up to him [they are all in a pit] he would bring them along and they would be the knight. the jail. but if they managed to get all the way up????? they had a want to get up there. so that was his like. 1000nth mistake.
so both you the player and this other one got to the top, but only the other one got OUT.
so they shoved the radiance into the knight, and then locked them up and then closed the door and shoved masks on the door.
okay so i have to go do stuff now but like. you have to go kill your dad [hes already mostly dead] in his dream to steal 1: his throne and 2: half of this charm, and then go to your mom and bother her until she gives you the other half, and then go into the abyss and do the cutscene, and then you get the shadesoul <- i think? shade soul or shade heart. whatever
and THEN you can go fight the hollow knight and you have the ability to unlock the secret boss because hornet will rush in and stop the hollow knight and you can dream nail them and then you get to fight the RADIANCE who has SWORDS and LAZERS and it SUCKS. <- its kind of fun i am just sosososo bad at it. anyway
to be clear you can beat hollow knight without having to do all this stuff but if you wanna fight the radiance. white palace. buzzsaws….. <- pretend they are quaking in their boots but like not actually because they love white palace tbh
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icharchivist · 3 years
hello icha!!!!! learned from my mistakes and typed this out in a separate document. first i have to say im feeling a very deep connection with citron as of late bc i was giving myself a pep talk abt like physics and i told myself "face up and man the music!" and was like "...is that wrong. theres that song called man against the music isnt there... yeah it must be right" and. well i realized later. i also think the phrase "dont cry because it happened, smile because its over" is very good. also I’m halfway thru creating a very eclectic list of like. a Pokémon team for each a3 character which is… something. kinda knew it would happen to me. might take a while for me to finish it tho now that I’m halfway bc I’m suddenly having a crisis like “wait shit I’m only confident on my understanding and characterizing of like 4 characters am I good enough” so… it’s slow going lol. anyways. i finished that damn physics thing I was giving myself a pep talk about and so am treating myself to autumn/winter. happens that watching these events is also like. the only thing which reminds me to actually like. log into a3 lol. i am so bad at gacha games. probably a good thing in the long run. ok starting from the top!
hisoka going "zzz" as his reaction made me immediately go... oh dear, please dont fall asleep in the bath and guess what happened. yeah. good thing homare was there lol. speaking of i fucking adore homare and his poetry. id buy his collection. i also wish there was a collection like if there was a master list of every poem he says in like. at the very least main story. if not i will literally do it myself. i love homare so much im like him in that back when i had to play dodgeball id always be like kufufufu they cant hit me if im friendless enough that no one pays attention to me but like in my case it actually worked out. on the subject of the pillow fight tho, hisoka's crazy strong pillow fight throw... one more mark on the list for suspicious, maybe assassin occupation. this event made me realize how much i missed winter like. i saw the stranger pretty recently (which has caused the effect of be being like "taichi!! thats my boy!!" in my head everytime he shows up lol but anyways i havent gotten to a winter play yet so im VERY hype. especially bc this seems like it stars hisoka and homare??? like oh!! oh!!!! also detective fiction... im swooning. i also just enjoy the hisoka homare dynamic a whole fucking lot i think its nice how homare was like "yeah im ride or die for this funky lil amnesiac, why wouldnt you be?" and its just like. nice. feel like hes always reaching out to hisoka which is like. man homare is so nice.
back to chronology. ofc sakyo goes cheap for the hot springs lol. on brand as ever. was very hype for the azuma sakyo dynamic bc all i remember is like azuma trashing everyone including sakyo at some game or the other in one of the winter chapters and it was very good. or was this a clip in like a stage play? either way it was delightful. at first i misinterpreted taichi going "…" after azuma and sakyo said theyd never been on a field trip bc like. taichi being quiet or noncommunicative... after going thru autumn troupe act 1 it makes me fear for my life a little lol. anyways im glad he was just like planning fun times. speaking of taichi tho we got a tasuku taichi pair for etudes!!!! im not spoiling myself for later events but i hope to GOD tasuku and taichi do like a lead co lead in SOMETHING or at least like some mixed troupe event i want them to talk!!!
also dunno if this is an intentional pun but i enjoy that its called high spirits at the hot spring bc like oh theyre having fun but also bc like. "spirits" is used to refer to a certain type of alcohol i think? which is cool. dunno if its intentional but i liked that. anyways the talent show. taichis moving rendition of single ladies... ok i know it said single fellas but like. we know. wonder if that line was a different song in japanese? its not too old at ALL tho imo. anyways the way banri and juza being themselves Are the entertainment... flashback to when banri slaps juza live on stage instead of doing a stage slap lol. my reaction to azuma essentially went:
azuma: I can offer to bare my soul, and a little more ;)
izumi: what do u mean by that???
me: hey tasuku and omi were shirtless what's ur problem with azuma
anyways i reread and from what i understand they were maybe only flexing and doing a gun show? which like. no wonder it didnt last too long then lol. also explains why they didnt have shirtless sprites i suppose lmao. i am SO curious abt what azuma ended up doing tho that fade to black is so mysterious! did he tap dance? did he pole dance? the world will never know...
oh also im not like super familiar with azuma yet but my read on his personality is definitely like "I am so touch starved All The Time but I will be chill. :) :) this is fine :)" like he just seems to rly like being around people! just like basking in presence whether or not hes rly talking that much.
i enjoyed that juza mentioned pillow fighting with his lil brother... thats nice! i think a lot of this event was just focused on ppl having fun over the drama lol bc it got wrapped up sooo quick. i liked the bit where sakyos worried that izumi was out late searching for him tho it was so sweet. table tennis match was very fun although id argue calling hisoka and juza the two quietest tho lol like... banri exists so juza isnt quiet. just like inevitably. finally, the event cg!!! azumas hair tied up... so nice! thats how I tie my hair up sometimes tho it doesnt look nearly as nice lol. taichi rambling abt his first love for so long tho... lol. ill be honest i have to reread autumn bc i was not aware of this whole situation until it came up in the stranger and i like inferred from there. the end of this event was nice! it was cute. i dont rly have much thoughts on it but im so hype for the winter play
Hello:!!! so good to see you again, freshly learning from your mistakes then :3c
the connection with Citron is a BLAST to read about. I am glad that Citron is there, on your mind, supporting you at every turns of language. It's beautiful.
AND OH THE POKEMON LIST!!! thrilled to hear about it being a wip ongoing! take your time ofc and i hope you'll feel more confident as you go for your characters interpretation! i believe in you!
lmao i'm glad the events help you remember to play a3, i'm sure that by the time you'll be done with the events you will have unlocked so much of act 2 you won't have to worry too much about it. Anyway i'm glad you treat yourself to good things :3c
of course Hisoka fell asleep in the bath. tbh this event was a lot of "Hisoka almost dies in a spring house multiple times if it wasn't for his troupesmates". Between sleeping in the bath and almost swallowing the table tenis ball... where would we be without Winter, and especially Homare, taking care fo him.
I'm SO GLAD you like Homare that much! he's so so good! i'm sure there must be a masterlist somewhere, or well. can be done anytime i guess?? but yeah Homare is fantastic and LDJFDLKFJDF the evil plan to avoid dodgeball from both of you.. this is incredible DLKJFDLKF. But yeah alas he's loved by his own so he gets hit smh.
And yeah Hisoka is just acting sus huh.
BUT YEAH... YEAH... WINTER... BELOVED.... I feel regular and normal feelings for Winter as you know, s o .
(i'm so delighted that you feel that way about Taichi though, as he deserves!! what a good boy!!!)
But yeah Winter play next!!!!! i love the winter plays so much i hope you'll like it as well!! aND YEAH HISOKA AND HOMARE AS A DUO... for a DETECTIVE story?? so good.
I'm sO GLAD you like their dynamic! yeah i adore it too. Homare was so quick to leap into taking care of Hisoka? Like i mean he immediatly called him sleeping beauty when they first met, and immediately decided to be his roommates to watch over him, and then he did everything to take care of him and it's just so sweet. Homare has such a big heart he's so gentle with Hisoka. Homey and comfortable, whenever Hisoka admits it or not ahah.
ahah wouldn't be Sakyo if he didn't need to stay cheap. BUT YEAH the Sakyo/Azuma dynamic is pretty good. oh the event you talk about i think is in some of his very first backstage storyes (that you can read if you have them since they're at this point of the chronology). There's one where they play a mafia game and Sakyo is warry of Azuma because "people like him are those you need to worry about the most" and Azuma is just ":) you wound me :) i would never :)" and then Azuma wins the game and starts to mess with everyone. It was so fun. and yeah i see which clip you mean for the stage play!! it's so so fun they have such a neat dynamic and i loved to see it in this event as well.
and omg worrying about Taichi while he was just there preparing a fun time! this child really would have worried us all back then huh
but AHH YEAH TASUKU TAICHI.... It's such a neat dynamic! ofc i won't say anything but man i love the potential of their stories, as the two ex Godza boys. To see them bond and be comfortable with each other always make me so soft.
OH NICE CATCH FOR THE PUN! i think it must be the reason for it tbh, i love it! thanks for pointing it out!
The talent show was really fun yeah ahah! I wonder what it is in Japanese too but at least the localization was hella fun!
"anyways the way banri and juza being themselves Are the entertainment." THEY'RE SO SILLY I love them so much
AND LMAO YOUR REACTION AT AZUMA I LOVE IT. YEah i think Tasuku and Omi are just flexing (which is Still. SO FUNNY. Just there saying "our talents is.. our muscles...") meanwhile Azuma is like "my talent is that i'm crazy hot :)"
your read on Azuma's personality feels pretty spot on to me ahah omg. Staying with what you know about him, the fact that with his job and all, he seems like he's starving for connection while also terrified to make himself emotionally vulnerable. He loves staying with people, listening to them, caring for them, and he's touch starved as hell (i mean it's his job) but he doesn't seem to really know how to be on the receiving hand of affection. there's a flair talk, i can't remember where, with Omi at some point, where Azuma compliments him, and Omi is just "mhm.. but you know i think that it's more about you" and ends up complimenting Azuma in depth and it let Azuma dumbfounded because he didn't expect Omi to trick him at his own game, while Omi just genuinely don't get why Azuma is reacting that way. He gives he gives he gives, and he's genuinely happy with that, but he seems to have difficulties to take, or to demand for something, while also starving for it. I have so many emotions for Azuma.
Any mentions of Juza's little bro are the best things. I love this type of mention TwT
And yeah it was such a laid back event. Honestly deserved after the crying fest that was The Stranger imo. It's good to relax once in a while and it was nice to have them have fun. There was the bitterness of both Azuma and Sakyo's past that was always a bit looming but everyone was working so hard for them to enjoy themselves that the joy just overtake any sadness i loved it.
Sakyo worrying about Izumi is always adorable TwT
And yeah the Table Tennis match was so fun and chaotic LMAO. I love the dynamic between Juza and Hisoka. Just two usually quiet boys who like sweets. Except that yeah like you say, as long as Banri is around, Juza cannot be 100% quiet. Rip.
THE CG WAS SO PRETTY i loved seeing it. And omg you can share your hairtips with Azuma how nice :D Azuma manages to make everything look beautiful smh....
Oh yeah Taichi and his first love! if i recall he mentions it quickly at the begining, that Yuki reminds him of his first love, and he says that again at some point - then the fake Portrait he does he mentions his first love again. And since then it's been a reccuring topic so yeh :3c
but yeah! this event was really sweet and laid back, not much to say about it, but it was nice to have it at all!
Hope you'll like the winter play :3c
Take care and thank you again for your thoughts <33 i love reading them!! bless you!!
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leggyre · 4 years
(kicks down door) i have the memory of a goldfish and while i'm 99% sure there was talk about him before in detail, tell me about the very popular boy who got like three arts the other day. the rushwell reports
i could talk about him in a way thats less about the narrative because honestly? rushwell is a wild character in and out of canon. i really wanna ramble about this because only the people within my friend group are aware of this context that is the big reason he is such a relevant character
he’s like a VERY old character. and one i’ve always had close to my heart despite me saying shit about him like 99% of the time. but i say these things...... ‘cause i love him.......................... hes such a bitch
thats the main thing. hes a bitch. started out as the generic edgy asshole with funky little powers that we make when we’re young because we want to be in a superior position in the roleplay -- ok it wasnt because of roleplay actually i just wanted a character like that because they’re fun and nOW THAT THINK ABOUT IT I MAY HAVE BEEN IN MY CREEPYPASTA PHASE THEN? MAKES SENSE LMAO
so yeah the “yeah hes bad!!!!!!!!! >:)” eventually devolved into “...oh man hes such shithead” as i introduced more characters to the world he’s in. and eventually it changed to “JACKASS >:(” because cringe culture does things to ya. also because of the selfcest ship but we don’t talk about that
ok we do talk about that its like this one thing that drove me away from him because i looked back and i thought What the FUCK was i doing. BUT. this was deeply rooted into his character. he’s egocentric as fuck and no one wants to be with him. plus, daniel is an extremely charming character who is almost equally egocentric. and they’re both jackasses. things happen.
i eventually got rid of daniel in canon by killing him good fucking riddance and that was mostly it i didn’t want to look back and honestly i didn’t know what was the next step from that, like, how was he gonna handle that? how was I gonna handle that? it is a mystery
well ok its not. lemme tell you what happened
he broke into some random cult’s meeting and said “hey bitches i’m god” and made it all about him because he’s lonely and needs validation LMAO and SURPRISINGLY that’s when things started looking better for his character as a whole.
here’s some hot deets into that because i recently decided to screw hiding the deets i love reading this shit i gotta share it
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so basically, being hated by everyone and really fucking lonely all of the time? fucked him up.
he’s still a bitch but more of a chaotic neutral one rather than evil
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i finally found out how to write off past mistakes
but that’s a story for another day.
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flamebrain · 5 years
mattfoggy hcs, straight from the bastard empire sorry these all read like shitepostes(L O N G post under cut you’ve been warned)
WTNV au:
nightvale is just populated by like. vigilantes and other poewered people and foggy shoes up one day like. hey anyone need a lawyer? and the whole town falls in love w him
matt does radio and talks about foggys perfect hair and perfect teeth and foggy calls in like "heh, thanks dude, but aren't you like blind?" and matt shuts the call off immediatley
everybody knows matt is daredevil because he makes wink wink nudge nudge comments about it like 'ah. it appears that an entity has appeared near the dog park. castle appears to be on the scene now, and...ok, he's got a gun. i cant do anything about that, but my pal (noises of him scrambling and obviously knocking things over) daredevil might be able OKHERESTHEWEATHER" and it cuts off and like. he shows up 5 seconds later to kick frank in the face for using lethal measures AGAIN
EVERY TIME IT CUTS TO THE WEATHER AND THEN CUS BACK AND THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN SOLVED ITS JUST MATT. like. breathing just a little heavier than normal into the mic like. 'so it appears uh. the issue has been resolved thanks again to daredevil and his pal moon knight. such a shame i had to cower under my desk while the weather was on. ok goodnight'
the funky thing abt nightvale in this au is that it's basically just like. new york from 616 but foggy's like. from our earth so he's like HWAT THE FUCK AND AHIT IS GOING ON IN HERE ON THIS DAY AND WHY CANT I LEAVE he gets kidnapped by super villains on like his second day in town and immediatley regrets every life choice he's ever made
matt works at nightvale radio by day and conviently cuts to the weather every time something comes up so sometimes there's like. 7 half hour weather broadcasts a day and the townspeople just. humor him
foggy falls in love with matt after figuring out after .5 seconds that he's daredevil and he saved him from a bunch of baddies on like his second day and matt compliments him on the radio like every day and yeah they're fuckin good ok assorted stupid college hcs: matt and foggy like to chill in each other's beds. foggy doesn't notice that often because matt moves back b4 he gets back and matt pretends not to notice but  like. he can smell foggy was there. foggy. stop napping in this bed you're making my sheets smell like you, foggy, i KNOW they're silk and i know you think you're getting away with it but you're NOT,
matt, coming back into the dorm after being out for the day: foggy are you laying on my bed foggy, sitting up straight: nah pal. just sitting on the end for a minute hehe. just had to rest the old joints matt, knowing DAMN well that he was lying down a second ago and he's obviously lying but not being able to say anything; haha ok. move
hrnnn matt knows foggy is gay long before he tells him because he catches him in a lie about who he was out with but he can't say anything and like. he knows foggy is scared to tell him but he doesn't know how to bring it up and he's like. i want him to know he can trust me but i don't know how to tell him i know please foggy
foggys heart goes a mile a minute anytime the subject of being gay comes up around matt and matt wants to yell at him that it's OK and he doesn't care but his hints that he's fine with it seem to fly right over foggys head and so one day he gets so fed up with trying to convince foggy he's chill with gay people he just kisses him. wig
hrnnn. matt doesn't like the snow because it messes with his senses and he can't see but he can't say that to foggy so he just says he doesn't like the cold and foggys like "yeah doofus you weigh like three pounds you're skin and bone compared to me smh" and insists on cuddling him every time he sees matt get like That bc he thinks he's just chilly and it's. oddly comforting to matt because yeah. nobody really Holds him like that, and he Is Cold, and foggy is Warm,
matt gets Very touchey around people he's close with and so when he gets close with foggy he puts his arm around him a lot, rests his head on his shoulder, holds his arm even when they're not going anywhere, etc. foggys heart speeds up every time but matt just assumes that's what people hearts do when that happens because he doesn't really do that with anyone else and hey, he's happy when he does it and his heart maybe spikes a little too, but then he gets someone else's arm to lead him when foggys sick one week and their heart stays the exact same, what's up with that? so then he starts paying attention to all the people on campus, and the touching doesn't usually make the hearts go wild, but, well. matt 'sees' it happens and he's like HaHa, See, This is A Thing, and then he realizes that the people that have it happen to them? they're couples. and he just. freezes because first of all, Foggy- and at him- an- and second, his heart ALSO does a thing, so-
heres a rEALLY stupid unrelated au/hc i got after hearing a friends disater story hfdjhskja matt goes on a blind (hehe) date with a girl and it's pretty much a disaster, it turns out she brought her friend who is also meeting a guy at the same place, and like. she's obviously incredibly wack she says blind people are god's mistake and stupid shit like that so matt gets up halfway through their meal to go sit in the bathroom for 20 minutes while he thinks of an excuse to leave? and eventually a guy comes in and he's like 'uh hey, dude, you in here? your date grabbed her friend and left so we're both dateless now, thats a relief for me and unless you're just having incredibly bad bowel movements i think it's pobably one for you since you Have been in here for like half an hour uh im foggy by the way' and then they go back out and sit together and talk about how wack that fuckin was and like. inadvertent date
hey i can talk a lot of shit about how matt falls asleep on foggy but. sometimes foggy falls asleep on or next to or with matt and matt goes !!!! and he does not move and then he eventually falls asleep with foggy head on his shoulder and his head on foggys and when FOGGY wakes up and realizes matts still there and is ALSO asleep he doesn't move and eventually falls back asleep and then it's just like. waiting until the time aligns that they're both awake at the same time because neither wants to move and wake the other send tweet
foggy looks up from his college bed, sees matt, and suddenly EVERYTHING is fucking rainbow and he's like 'oh fuck. oh shit. wait. this is a dude' and matt's like 'is everything ok my guy?' because foggy's like. >:O and of course he has no idea because he's blind but foggy doesnt realise this and for a hot minute he;s like "OH FUCK. ITS ONE OF THOSE RARE OCASIONS WHERE HES PERFECT FOR ME BUT I'M NOT FOR HIM," and is about to s o b before he's like wait a fucking minute
yknow the au where like. the first words you hear from your soulmate are marked on your skin at birth? foggy's are 'excuse me', absolutley common, a chance meeting, and he stops jumping every single time he hears them after age 8 when he realises just how many times that phrase is said. matt's are 'yeah, who're you looking for,'  but he doesnt remember that, there's no constant reminder of it since he's blind, the nuns wouldn't tell him, the kids made up childish shit like 'poopoo', and stick DEFINITLEY wouldnt fucking tell him because hes stick and hes an asshead and eventually matt stops asking and caring. it takes WEEKS for after they meet for foggy to ask matt about his words and matt just says 'oh yeah, i dont remember. here" and shows foggy and when he sees them he's like. 'hm. sounds familiar' and forgets about it untill like two years later theyre drunk and talking about the first time they met and matt's like 'yeah you asked like 'who'm i looking for and then panicked because i was blind' and foggy's brain just like. short circuits for a whole ass minute and then when it clicks he just goes. "yOU"
matt realises when he's still in the orphanage that mayhaps he hates being not a dude and haha! hes not gonna fucking come out to catholics he knows about That. he tries to tell stick, around the time their closest, and FUCK STICK he refuses to call him anything else or support him becaise stick is a peace of fuck shit FUCK STICK so that scars matt from coming out for a DAMN while so like. when he goes to college he introduces himself to everyone as matt and emails his proffesors like. 'hello please my name is redacted on your forms please call me matt its uh. a nickname' and he's not like. out to anyone but matt is close enought to his deadname that most people don't question it. foggy does, though, a little while after they meet, and matt is so fed up with not telling people and being called the wrong pronouns he just goes 'i want to be a guy ok' and goes absolutley APESHIT when foggy's like 'oh, cool. do you want me to use he pronouns for you' because wait. people are...ok sometimes? and matt's like. about to cry 
 alternatley: matt says "I don't wanna be a girl." and foggy goes "oh hey are you trans? same hat!" and then foggy tells matt like. binding tips and shit and theyre Good ok
deadpool kills transphobes, sm n dd just fucking beat the SHIT out of them in a back alley and like. they let DP know where they are but whatever happens happens :D
elektra, impaling two transphobes onto the side of a building with her knives: matthew, i know you can hear me, why
one day elektra sees matt has dumped a guy on her roof and just. sighs and goes back inside and matt waits for like 15 minutes before halfheartedly picking up the dude and dropping him off at franks.
matt dropped them off at nats One Time and she went apeshit and hunted down like 20 more of them.
foggy, holding a bat: cmon matt let me kill ONE matt: 'fine but if you get caught im not going to be your lawyer.'
earth 14512/TRN700 (peni parker’s universe) matt murdock has a robot seeing eye dog who's also a vigilante
hddjdsjdhdn they all show up to earth 6's foggy and he just. sighs and all the devils start crying because He Is Here
hmm ok. canonically we know nothing about miles's matt but we know he exists and is known figure because miles knows of him but doesn't know he's daredevil i'm Prefty Sure so like. i'm gonna say he's just a successful lawyer who has radarsense but never got yoinked away from the orphanage by stick and never got training so like. hemndhdjsjnow the QUESTION is who finds that matt because there's a Very Different outcome depending on if like. murderdock meets him first or the matt from hobopeters universe does
hmm. murderdock comes in first like gwen does but doesn't out himself as competent w like swords and shit. but he OH HES THE OPPOSING FORCE FOR UH A COURT CASE MATT IS IN AND MATT HAS NO IFEA HOW SIMILAR THEY LOOK BECAUSE HES BLIND HRNNNNNHSHDHDHDJ and then matt from HP's universe comes in like HEY YOURE ME RIGHT. what the FUCK i need the laws in this dimension STAT and murderdock ':"sees" him and is like ah fuck. my goose may be uhhh cooked
ok mileses matt is like 'so what brought y'all here??? hhh????  and murderdock sighs and goes well my boss who's not really my boss from MY universe is doing something stupid here and opened a dimensional portal and it could maybe tear the multiverse apart which i guess i'm not stoked about' and matt's like 'who's your boss?' and murderdock begrudgingly says 'wilson fisk' and matt immediatley goes >:O because he's CONSTANTLY defending people who were injured as a result of what fisk and his company do
anyways. matt immediatley rushes to foggys because "foggys my partner, he's helped me deal with fisk, he knows him, he can help," and he swings open the door and like. one of two things happens actually either A: foggy is like matt. MAATT. AHAT IS GOING ON WH. WHY IS THERE A TALKING DEER WEARNING SPANDEX WHO CLIMBED THROIGH MY WINDOW MATT PLEASE HE SAYS HES Y O U or like. matt walks in and deerdevil is playing pattycake with robodog and daredevil noir is incessantly flirting with foggy and when matt comes in foggys like 'hey. i don't know what's going on but i think i'm trading my best friend'
murderdock is like...the cool college student who tells freshies about weed murderdock: so, you don't know how to fight right  matt: no??? i'm blind??? md: but you can kinda see right. matt: yeah like a radar kinda md: normal blind people can't do that you know matt: they wHAT md: you can listen to heartbeats if you try hard enough. you can tell when people are lying matt: i can W H A T md: yeah. what me to teach you how to kill a man matt: W H AT NO IM A L A W Y E R WH
hrnnn the matts in this universe push our matt away to stay with foggy because he doesn't deserve 2 die and you KNOW every matt pushes people away but foggy is like. matt i know you tried it's ok i lov you buddy and he's like HRGGHHHH FUNCK YOU and makes foggy tell him stories untill he can distinguish lies and hide in a place around their office untill matt can like. find him instantly and training montage shit you feel me and he rolls up to the collider in his black pjs like "hello my fellow devil men. i hear you all have no plan. well. i don't either but i'm here" and one matt is like. how did you go-OH YOU DID IT and all the mats high five and cry a littlethey're still reluctant to let matt come help but they're all like. "we're all depressed and suicidal anyways we all have big guilt and if we didn't let him i lnOW he's gonna have big guilt forever he can stay"
foggy is a private eye, kinda depressed a lil bit, and he works w his secretary karen who helps him with tech and stuff because he is god awful at all that 
"mike whatevermaggiesmaidennameis" is an occult specialist from dark matters agency assigned by an agent natasha of dark matters to help him with his current case. 
foggy does NOT want to do this with any damn occultist or whatever the hell but before he can escape mike shows up and god DAMN is he charming and catches him before he can climb out the window, so. that's that for introductions. anyways, hijinks, elektra is cassandra, if you care listen to the murderous mask, anyhoo foggy stars to notice something is kinda weird about matt but brushes it off. they finish investigating and retrieve an important artifact.
it's cold, mike says. sorry dude, all the places near here are closed, foggy says. is your place? mike asks. oh, says foggy they go back to foggys place and maybe make out a little bit, but foggy realizes oh shit, mike just tried to steal the keys to my safe where i stored the artifact, shit, and plaxces him under arrest before he can do anything, and calls the cop cops.
they come to take mike away, and minutes later foggy finds a note, scrawled INCREDIVLY messily, in his pocket. "sorry," it says, "i wasn't tricking you about anything i said, and i meant everything i did. -matt murdock ps. check around, say, X avenue. you may have to do a bit of cleanup." when foggy checks cameras that overview there, he find the officers that took murdock from his apartment hogtied together, and sees their clothes strewn on the ground - forming letters - with love. their car is gone. PODCAST AU:
matt listens to podcasts a lot right and so foggy is like hmm mayhaps this is a good idea. but the type of podcasts they listen to differs so incredibly like matt listens to serial and the wildest one he listens to is probably judge john hodgman whereas foggy listens to shitpost podcasts like mbmbam and can i pet your dog foggy keeps referencing mbmbam around matt because he just assumes that he listens to it and matt is so confused every time and one day foggy says "damn matt you're really horny for this one huh" and matt just snaps and says FOGGY WHAT DO YOU M E AN
so then they are like oh shit you're not listening to the good ones. no YOURE not listening to the good ones. solution?  listen together which means sharing earbuds which means sitting next to eachother on small college bed which means????? cuddling
also eventually they decide fuck it. let's make our own podcast and they combine the mbmbam and jjh format so they get questions and do goofs and stuff and then give actual legal advice but sometimes foggy will be like "ok. here's what you do. you need a cat? go into the pet shelter and take one. what are the gonna do beat you up with their cat toys? didn't think so." and matt starts crying because "Fo g g y WE ARE LAWYERS I KNOW YOURE GOOFING BUT THATS ILLEGAL FOGGY YOI CANT TELL OUR LISTENERS TO GO DO CRIME"
matt has a caffeine addiction and constantly comes to foggys coffee shop and orders one black coffee every morning and foggy eventually is like. hey buddy. do you EVER drink ANYTHING F U N EVER
matts like...no...i need coffee as strong and dark as my soul... and foggys like ok edglelord. wait up i'm about to change your life
foggy makes him a latte that's just a little bit caramelly but not too sweet and he's like here. drink this. no charge you deserve to live a little. also here's your boring edgy coffee you still have to pay me for that one. matt tries it and he's like hmm. not bad, but just not. Good and foggy is like wow fuck you. i'm going to find a good drink for you that isn't this hell water so every morning matt comes in and foggy gives him a black coffee and a free Fun and Cool coffee on the house
matt always is polite even when foggy can tell he DESPISES what foggy made but he's not going to stop untill he finds something god damn it matt
ok anyways they start meeting up more. matt starts taking his breaks in the coffee shop and and foggy hmmm...always seems to have a shift off when matt comes down..hmm. coincidence....hmmm....theo suffers for him by covering all his shifts when matt comes in and he's like well, actually fuck work
eventually foggy is like hey dude. do you wanna test my drinks before they go on the menu or help me perfect my recipes and shit you have a good toungie right (matt goes apeshit, because fuckin FOGGY YOU CABT SAY THAT) but he's like haha yeah. that'd be fun. haha
and then foggy finds out matt is INCREDIBLE at baking when he hands him a cookie and matt goes. hmm. too much flour add a fourth a cup less and a pinch more of saltand he's like??? bitch. i'd like to see you do better. and then matt does
so basically every day foggy closes up a little earlier and lets matt in and they dick around in the kitchen and bake and make coffee and foggys shop gets more and more popular because hey this already really good joint just started selling the most BALLER carrot cAke waht the fucké
anyways fall comes around and foggy is like GUES WHATT ITS TIME FOR WHITE GIRL DRINKS TRY THIS and he gives matt a pumpkin spice latte and matt is like. •.• THIS IS IT. THATS THE ONE
he bullies foggy into keeping the latte on the menu by threatening to stop helping him bake and foggy is SO OFFENDED, on behalf of good taste everywhere, matt, please,
anyways foggy continues rags on matt for only liking the shittiest fucking drink god damn it matthew fucking hell i make you 3 billion and THIS is the one you pick you disaster and matt is like haha shut up. stoopid
foggy doesn't, and you can guess where this be headed because i'm gay and soft,
matt kisses him and foggys like. ?????????? and matt goes AH FUCK. I COULDNT THINK OF A BETTER WAY TO GET YOU TO SHUT YOUR MOUTH SORRY. GUESS ILL GO and foggy throws cookie dough at him and drags him back over because he's not leaving fuck that. fuck you. and then they're happy and domestic the end
wait i lied matt opens a pro-bono firm in the back of foggy's shop and he gives all his clients freshly baked dessert and coffee and he's so good at being a lawyer and foggy becomes so good @ running his shop that customers keep coming and they're the Cute Gay Couple everyone knows abt and loves
SO. there are so many god damn moments foggy nearly fucking breaks and smooches matt out of sheer unbridled uwu soft feelings. SO MANY. when they win their first mock trial together and matt looks so FUCKING happy and he tells foggy how good they work as a team and foggy is about to lose his mind but he just goes. 'haha yeah' and gives matt a fist bump they finish taking the bar: matt's had to take it in a seperate room, stupid blind accommodations. he finishes first because OF COURSE HE DOES HE'S MATT MURDOCK and the second foggy finishes and leaves the room he sees matt there and he's filled with so many emotions he's about to go apeshit but he manages to contain them JUST enough not to make out with matt on the spot but gives him the tightest fucking hug and matt's like "ok buddy! love you too! please dont break my ribs!" and foggys too happy to notice matt forgot to flinch like he didnt know foggy was coming
Foggy gets the sign to matt and he can tell how fuckin stoked matt is and all he can think about is how grateful he is that the two of them get to work together and fucking do GOOD together and he's trying to express that in his awkward foggy way and he's GOING to kiss him right then and there!! hes about to do it look out world!!! and then matt says "you're NOT going to kiss me" and foggy realises haha YEAH THATD BE A BAD IDEA HUH and jokes it off and gives matt another hug - "i'll be careful not to break the ribs this time, buddy, seems like you've been falling over and hurting yourself enough recently,"-
foggy almost kisses matt out of anger when he finds out he's daredevil, when he won't shut up about how this city needs him and foggy would have done the same and blah, blah, bullshit because maybe then he'd FUCKING listen to him, or at least it'd shut him up, but the honest betrayal he feels - at matt for not telling him and at himself for STILL having a part of him that wants to kiss matt - is enough to get him just to leave : ^)
alright. the gang is watching fisk get carted away and see that SHIT, he's broken out, of course it wasnt going to be this easy. matt puts karen in a taxi goes to run off and foggy grabs him by his coat because MATT. you're not going to go fight fisk in your god damn pajamas right now it's too dangerous you're going to die you stupid son of a bitch idiot
and of course matt doesn't listen, he tells foggy to get back into the car with karen, go to his place, they'll be safe there, and grabs his own taxi
and foggy's left to sit there with karen in the cab as it drives Oh Too Fucking Slowly to matt's, and he's mumbling curses all the way and karen is trying to calm him down, he doesnt know why he's so worried, and all foggy can think about is what if matt dies because i didnt stop him and what if karen never gets to hear it from him and about 10 billion what-ifs that wont leave him the FUCK alone, and he sits next to the windowsill he knows matt comes in through and waits, not even wanting to look at the tv because what if he sees worse news Hrgh
matt beats up fisk and he barely even waits for the cops to get there, he gets one look and confirms 'yup, that's mahoney,' and fucking BOOKS it to his apartment, he climbs through the window and foggy's just sitting there waiting, karens in the next room watching the broadcast at a 3 minute delay on her phone, matt doesnt have a tv hes BLIND >:,\
and when matt comes in, bloody and beaten up and doing That Panting Thing He Does, but definitley alive, foggy just fucking. grabs him by the shoulders and kisses him because HE IS A L I V E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and matt is suprised but he doesnt even try to protest because he's still riding the adrenaline from the fight
anyways. foggy pulls away for air and says 'you're so fucking stupid and i hate you' and then matt kisses hIM because uhh, thats FOGGY
and it's a minute later that matt senses another heartbeat and realizes karen's standing in the doorway, and she raises an eyebrow and obviously trying not to panic asks 'uh, foggy, pray tell, buddy, why you're making out with the devil in matt's bedroom' and foggy goes apeshit and tries to think of an excuse that doesn't invole 'uh thats matt' but it just kinda comes out as some stupid shit like 'i,,, uh,,,,, secret,...affair,,?i',m....gay." and matt just sighs and pulls off his helmet like "hey karen. it's me. hey karen whats poppin its me blind matt murdock" and needless to say they all have a Lot to talk abt
so like. the first year they're together matt and foggy go out a lot, and it's mostly foggy dragging matt places and matt reluctantly coming because A) if someone doesnt watch foggy this idiot is going to puke and pass out in a ditch and B) he really like his company shh. no telling because that gay
anyways matt usually only drinks a little but foggy is mad lightweight right. he doesn't get shitfaced too often, usually only after exams or when he knows he has no classes the next day. when he does get shitfaced though he absolutley loses his shit and becomes even more touchy than usual, which is VERY TOUCHY because fuck you its my au and i get to choose the default affection levels
so basically. once foggy starts hugging matt and leaning on him and whining into his shirt about the 'hot girls' and 'killer nachos' at the party matt knows it's time to head home and foggy is too busy wrapping his arms around matt to notice he's being dragged out untill its too late
and y'know, thats fine, that's usual, all normal friend stuff, except what foggy also has a tendancy to do when he's drunk is kiss matt. sometimes its on his cheeks, or his forehead, or his shirt?? matt doesnt get that one??? and sometimes foggy even tries to go for the lips when hes particularly wilde. matt knows to expect this by the third time they go out, but it's still always a suprise when it happens, because sometimes it'll be out of nowhere when theyre walking back, or foggy'll stop matt and grab his cheeks and kiss him? sometimes they'll get all the way back to the dorm and matt will make foggy lie down and foggy will grab his shirt and pull him close enough to give him a quick peck before rolling over and promptly beggining to snore
which, y'know, is absolutley great for a maybe-gay-for-his-best-friend-catholic. what's also great is that foggy never seems to remember the fact he kissed matt the night before, and if he does, he definitley does NOT bring it up
so that's fine. whatever. thats life and matt will pretend like he doesnt care when foggy gives him a smooch because hes straight and loves girls and jesus christ, no homo, amen
but THEN. . then matt and foggy have been studying for exams for weEKS and theyre FINALLY DONE, FINALLY, and they are both going to get wasted out of their mINDS you better BELIEVE IT
so they do! and eventually they stumble back to their dorm together and sit together on the floor with a half-downed bottle of tequila and matt decides fuck it. he tells foggy he's never kissed a guy and foggy is like "haha cool. i have." matt's like "haha was it good" and foggys like "hell yeah man better than girls" so matts like hmm. "foggy i think i want to kiss a guy" and you can guess where this is goin
foggy is an oblivious little shit and just thinks matt's having a gay awakening so he's like "oh cool" and matt starts vibrating at inhuman frequency because FOGGY THIS IS THE ONE TIME I"M BASICALLY ASKING YOU TO DRUNK KISS ME AND YOU D O N T" so he just goes "haha yeah." and foggy's like "haha yeah"
and then matt chugs the bottle of tequila and says "foggy i think i wanna kiss you" and then he does but he's a good christian and also stupid so he just like. goes mwah on foggy's cheek
and foggy stares at him for like 15 seconds before basiclly challenging him to 'kiss him like a man, murdock, how are you supposed to get the gay experience if you dont go all in' and then they make out for like 20 minutes and life is good
(they both wake up w the worst fucking hangovers and theyre passed out on the floor and matt's like "foggy....im gay..." and foggys like "haha do you remember i kissed you" and matts like "????foggy i kissed YOU" and foggys like "oh yeah you did. you should have done that earlier" and matts says "????you were too busy trying to kiss me" and foggy goes "oh haha i was. cool" and then they fall back asleep...then they.....boyfriend.s)
so. matt is a florist and he runs a little shop across the street from an empty piece of real estate. a tiny place that used to be a deli but had just the WORST sandwiches, it was no wonder they closed down, god damn. anways. matt runs his shop with his best friends kirsten and karen who have IMPECCABLE taste in flowers and less impeccable taste in impulse control and not being huge lesbians.
one day this dude pulls up into matt's shop. his request is maybe the strangest matt's ever heard - 'can you get me two bouquets of like, the most metal flowers you have? like, ones that just look super cool but also, yknow, smell super good and sick and shit?' 
matt laughs, and tells the guy that yeah, he can't help with the looks part, but he'll make sure to get him some that smell 'quote' sick and shit, come back tomorrow morning and they'll have some ideas-hey, what are these for anyways?
and the guy tells him, oh, hah, i'm moving in across the street, opening a little tattoo place? wanted some flowers to make it seem more, uhh....welcoming. matt laughs and says yeah, sure, cool, and tells him if he has anymore questions to call the store and ask for matt. the guy tells him if he ever wants a tattoo just cross the street and ask for foggy and unless the flowers matt gives him really suck he won't do him dirty and tattoo a dick on him
so anyways, they have a couple meetings, foggy decides on the flowers he wants and thanks matt and tells him hey, he should come check out the shop, it's opening tomorrow, and foggy wants to be able to point to the guy who did the sick florals. matt doesnt have anything better to do and he likes the sound of this guy's voice so hell, he might as well
when he goes over matt realizes oh shit. he really is out of his element here, but he asks the guy at the counter for 'foggy' and is led over to  a corner where foggy's sitting and tattooing...himself? and matt realizes hey. i kind of have no idea what this dude looks like
so he sorta. sits there awkwardly untill he asks like. 'uh. i cant actually see what youre doing' and foggy goes OH IM SO FUCKING STUPID. i'm. man, saying this out loud seems kinda really stupid and cheesy i cant believe i have to do this...i'm....it's one of the flowers in the bouquet you made me....i just thought it looked really neat and smelled good and it....kinda reminds me of you and OK i KNOW that sounds really weird we met like 4 days ago BUT you seem super cool and i kinda hope we can maybe like. be friends or hang out or something,
and matt's like. o//////o yeah okay. uh. thats cool. thats cool uh im sure the flower is really pretty haha i love that type haha UH DO YOU WANT TO GET LUNCH OR SOMETHING haha maybe ill get a flower tattoo one day its pretty cool that you do tattoos UH IM FREE TOMOROW WAIT MAYBE THATS TOO SOON IM SORRY UH IM FREE WEDNESDAYS,
and foggy just kinda laughs and says 'no, tomorrow works,' and hey! they make plans and get coffee together and matt's like so. what tattoos do you have and foggy starts listing a bunch and eventually matt's like :( i wish i could see them they sound beautiful and foggy's like. here. heres my arm can i. yeah ok. and he grabs matts ar,m and he's like ok. feel the skin, its still a little raised can you feel that? ok, run your fingers over here and i can like. tell you wjats there
cue like an hour of sensual arm touching and tattoo explaining and the more matt learns about foggy and his tattoos and the more he hears the way he talks the more he's like A) oh fuck, i kinda really like this guy whos letting me feel up his arms and B) do i want a tattoo? i kind of want a tattoo
anyways. time jump they hang out a bit more, foggy always comes into matt's shop and talks to him in between customers, shows him the patterns he's designing, etc, and one day he comes in with a paper that has a design of some flowers on it and shows it to matt and as he's running his fingers across it he stops and says 'foggy? will you do this to me'
and foggys like 'bud are you sure? first tattoo, right, do you-are you really sure you want to do this, like, when, and wh" and matt's like 'shut up and put this ink in my skin before i chicken out' so matt sits through a PAINFUL ASS TATTOO and when it's done he's like FOGGY CAN I TOUCH IT CAN I TOUCH IT FOGGY CAN I TOUCH IT and foggy has to physically restrain matt from fondling his tattoo because its FRESH MATT
so foggys like 'ok, this is cause for celebration! babys first ink! we;re getting beers cmon' and they both go out to drink and matt's like 'hey foggy...can i touch more of your tattoos' and foggy's like 'uh, sure, i have another armfull,' and they do that for a while untill matt gets to the one foggy did the first time he visited foggy's tattoo parlor and foggy's like hah. remember this one? and matt's like yeah. i do. and they kinda just. sit there for a minute and then foggy's like 'ok. im gonna kiss you now punch me if you hate this, flowerboy' and matt absolutley does not punch him, thank you very much
and when they finish having their moment matt's like 'wow. i shoulda....i shoulda asked to feel you up again way sooner if i knew you were gonna do that' and foggy's like 'hey...i'd let you feel me up anytime' and they both kind of laugh and decide ok, worm, this works, and decide theyre gonna do that more often
they start to go out for drinks / dinner / lunch / any time they possibly can, and matt learns the curvature of foggys (suprisingly muscley?) arms down to a t, but he runs out of space to run his fingers over one night, and foggy kisses him and says 'hey. i've got more tattoos, y'know, but i don't think many people would appreciate it if i showed them off to you here' and matt is like 'wh-O H'
and foggy laughs and drags him to his apartment and pulls of his shirt and says 'ok, we're alone now. tell me what you feel' and matt sits on the bed in front of him and theres lots of sensual chest stroking going on and then yeah. matt gets fed up with all this touching foggy and not enough of foggy touching him and. they fuck oopsie
and after that they decide worm. that was good, wanna do that more often, holy shit, and decide to actually date date and thats like. thats that babey!
but years later they open a joint shop, an absolute mess of soft/punk aesthetics and everyone knows them because matt is still a soft florist who just has a fewwwww dozen flowers inked all over him and foggy is the punk god who flexes his sleeves all over town but flexes his soft boyfriend husband even more tHE END
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apocalypticacolyte · 6 years
Finola convo
[09:21] -- waveRider [WR] began pestering apocalypticAcolyte [AA] at 21:21 --
[09:21] WR: heya nerrd
[09:21] AA: hello!!!!!!!
[09:22] WR: arrgaia just told me to stop talkin to you
[09:22] WR: so guess vvhat i'm doing
[09:22] WR: talking to you!
[09:22] AA: :O
[09:22] WR: ha
[09:22] WR: fuck herr
[09:23] WR: she doesn't get the rright to make the rrules anymorre
[09:23] AA: may i ask why not???
[09:24] WR: she scrrevved a bunch of us overr in ourr game
[09:24] WR: and it doesn't even matterr novv, rright?
[09:24] WR: like, ourr session is toast vvhetherr vve like it orr not
[09:24] AA: oh
[09:24] WR: shouldn't matterr about enforrcing all these bullshit rrules
[09:25] WR: i mean i vvish ourr session vvas still out therre somevvherre
[09:26] WR: that vvay maybe vve could go back and trry to fix things, knovving vvhat vve knovv novv
[09:26] WR: ha
[09:26] WR: yeah rright
[09:26] WR: it vvould take a mirracle to get ourr grroup vvorrking togetherr again
[09:28] AA: :(
[09:29] AA: that sucks
[09:29] WR: i just rreally vvant to get my povverrs and not let everrybody dovvn, yknovv?
[09:30] AA: yeah
[09:30] AA: :(
[09:30] WR: not that vve'd have a good time playerr orr anything anymorre
[09:30] WR: sorrrry you don't knovv vvhat that is
[09:30] AA: could you explain what it is???
[09:30] WR: uhhh just knovv it's rreally helpful forr biggerr and shittierr grroups
[09:31] WR: because vve fuck up a lot morre than smallerr vvell-coorrdinated ones like yourrs
[09:32] WR: but nooooo vve get stuck vvith the time playerr that doesn't give a shit about anyone but herrself
[09:33] AA: :(
[09:34] WR: blah blah can't do this can't do that can't fucking fix ANYTHING
[09:34] WR: like that's yourr entirre fucking job!!
[09:34] WR: anyvvay
[09:34] WR: sorrrry
[09:34] WR: doesn't much matterr novv i guess
[09:35] AA: its fine to rant or vent to me if you want to!!
[09:35] WR: avv dang
[09:35] WR: thanks man
[09:37] AA: since you mentioned time players are there other types of players???
[09:37] WR: uhh yeah that's the povverr shit i've mentioned beforre
[09:37] WR: you got like a fuckton of those
[09:38] WR: can't even think of them all to list
[09:38] AA: !
[09:38] AA: !!
[09:38] AA: !!!
[09:38] AA: !!
[09:38] AA: !
[09:38] AA: is there anything i need to know about them before going into the game???
[09:38] WR: ha look at you go vvith yourr funky little pyrramids
[09:38] WR: and uh
[09:38] WR: vvell
[09:39] WR: the vvay you get yourr povverrs is kinda surrprrising
[09:39] WR: so just uh
[09:39] WR: don't be too shook orr anything i guess?
[09:39] AA: huh
[09:40] WR: and be carreful vvith yourr extrra lives (that's vvhat you guys call them in games, rright?)
[09:40] AA: (i think so??)
[09:40] AA: alright!!!
[09:40] WR: they'rre imporrtant
[09:40] WR: you prrobably vvon't see vvhy forr a vvhile but they arre
[09:42] WR: oh hell
[09:42] WR: just looked ahead
[09:42] WR: yourrs arre prretty cool my man
[09:42] AA: owo
[09:42] WR: novv hold up just a flipping second
[09:42] WR: did you serriously just "ovvo" at me??
[09:43] AA: maybe i did
[09:43] WR: like you just totally unirronically ovvoed at me
[09:43] WR: man maybe arrgaia vvas rright i shouldn't talk to you!!
[09:43] WR: (jk jk)
[09:43] WR: you furrrry
[09:43] AA: im not the furry in my group!!!!!
[09:43] AA: thatd be kacy!!!!
[09:43] WR: HA
[09:43] AA: he has a fursona and everything!!!!
[09:44] WR: vvait
[09:44] WR: vvait vvait vvait
[09:44] WR: like no shit?
[09:44] WR: that man has an honest to gog furrsona??
[09:44] AA: yeah!!!!
[09:44] WR: that's fucking horrrrible i love it
[09:44] WR: vvhat an icon
[09:46] AA: i should make him a fursuit for his next birthday
[09:46] WR: HA
[09:46] WR: vvait vvhen's his birrthday
[09:46] WR: because if it's not in the next uhh couple vveeks orr so...
[09:46] AA: i dont really remember when it is,,, dont tell him i said that
[09:47] WR: oh nah i vvon't don't vvorrrry
[09:47] WR: you'rre the only kid i talk to thrrough the vvhole thing i think
[09:47] WR: orr at least the parrts ive alrready done?
[09:47] AA: !!!!!!!!
[09:48] WR: vvhoa therre
[09:48] WR: vvhat arre ya so excited about?
[09:49] AA: im just !!! that im the only one of us youve talked to so far
[09:52] WR: yeah and?
[09:52] AA: just uhh forget i sent those !!!!s ok
[09:53] WR: alrright if you insist
[09:53] WR: considerr them forrgotten
[09:53] AA: good
[09:54] WR: 8)
[09:54] WR: 8) 8)
[09:54] WR: 8) 8) 8)
[09:54] WR: 8) 8)
[09:54] WR: 8)
[09:54] AA: !!!!
[09:54] WR: in the trrue spirrit of lana, an emoticon pyrramid
[09:54] AA: !!!!!!!!!
[09:55] WR: (man cmon that vvas the perrfect opporrtunity forr you to follovv up vvith anotherr pyrramid!)
[09:55] AA: (sorry i just got really excited that you also did it!!!!!)
[09:55] WR: oh neat that's fairr
[09:57] WR: avv hell you guys got a ton of cool povverrs
[09:57] AA: oh???
[09:57] WR: sorrrry im just lookin ahead don't mind me
[09:58] WR: it's like you got all the good ones
[09:58] WR: i mean technically vve did too? because vve got all of them?
[09:58] WR: (big grroup and all)
[09:58] WR: but vve had
[09:58] WR: uh
[09:59] WR: shitty people vvith them
[09:59] WR: man hovv come only the assholes got povverrs huh??
[09:59] AA: :(
[09:59] AA: thats super unfair
[09:59] WR: i shouldn't say that it's not entirrely trrue
[10:00] WR: karr and pos arre alrright
[10:00] WR: vvouldn't say theyrre assholes
[10:00] WR: i mean karr can be annoying sometimes surre but he's an ok guy i guess
[10:02] WR: yeah i guess novv that i think about it vve did get a fevv ok people vvith povverrs
[10:02] WR: mixed in vvith the assholes
[10:05] WR: pos gets annoying vvith herrs sometimes
[10:05] AA: what are hers if i can ask???
[10:06] WR: not surre i can say specifically but just knovv she's annoyingly optimistic as a povverr and she trries to make the rrest of us feel betterr about ourr shit situation
[10:06] WR: doesn't alvvays vvorrk vvell
[10:06] AA: huh
[10:07] WR: i'm surre you can imagine
[10:08] WR: man she is RRRREALLY trrying harrd on elv huh
[10:08] WR: everry damn perrson up herre knovvs she's crrushing harrd
[10:09] WR: everryone except elvirra, naturrally
[10:09] WR: sorrrry to derrail the converrsation she's just rreally playing it up rright novv
[10:09] AA: huh
[10:09] AA: do you have a crush on anybody up there if thats ok to ask???
[10:09] WR: hah
[10:09] WR: these assholes?
[10:09] WR: nah
[10:09] WR: no <3 forr me
[10:10] AA: valid!!!
[10:10] WR: sometimes that's betterr, yknovv?
[10:10] AA: also ruby asked if you could give us any more info on what were going into
[10:10] WR: <3 gets rreally trricky in such a confined space - oh uhhh lemme think
[10:11] WR: just uhhhh
[10:11] WR: take it serriously, it seems like a game but rreally it's superr fucking serrious
[10:12] WR: you'rre on a prretty strrict time limit, so uh prriorritize and shit
[10:12] WR: prriorritize yourr frriends overr the game and the game overr us
[10:12] WR: some people vvill tell ya that the game's the most imporrtant thing
[10:12] WR: but rreally it's yourr grroup
[10:13] WR: you need ALL OF YOU to succeed
[10:13] WR: that's vvherre vve fucked up
[10:14] AA: thank you for the info!!!
[10:14] WR: yeah no prroblem
[10:14] WR: but like 100% no shit put yourr grroup beforre yourr session
[10:15] WR: because the game is strrange
[10:15] WR: it makes you think you'rre supposed to do one thing, and you get so focused on that thing,
[10:15] WR: but rreally that vvasn't it at all
[10:16] WR: and if you decide that a possibly vvrrong goal in the game is morre imporrtant than yourr frriends, vvell...
[10:16] WR: it's not good
[10:16] WR: it was the worst mistake we ever made
[10:16] WR: and look where we ended up
[10:17] WR: everybody'll tell you you can't trust anybody and all that crap
[10:17] WR: but really the one you can't trust is the game itself.
[10:18] WR: it's not you versus each other or you versus us or even you versus the queen. it's your group versus the game.
[10:18] WR: that's how i see it anyways. not that anybody listened. not that i knew it in time to make a difference.
[10:19] WR: not that i could've, without any powers.
[10:20] WR: you have to stay together. promise me that. i know kirrin's told you not to give a shit about us, that you have to win.
[10:21] WR: she's partially right.
[10:21] WR: don't give a shit about us.
[10:21] WR: about me.
[10:21] WR: winning is keeping your group together.
[10:21] WR: don't lose each other, because then you've lost everything. not just the game.
[10:22] WR: don't lose yourself either.
[10:22] WR: especially you, lana. don't lose yourself.
[10:22] WR: please.
[10:22] AA: alright.
[10:24] AA: i promise you im going to do whatever it takes to keep my group together.
[10:24] WR: thank you, lana. but remember to keep yourself together too.
[10:25] WR: i don't know why the game picked what it did for you. but i'm worried about what that could do to you.
[10:27] WR: don't be afraid to ask for help
[10:28] WR: the others are there for you too
[10:28] WR: you have a good group, lana.
[10:28] WR: i know why the game picked you.
[10:28] WR: ha
[10:28] WR: look at that
[10:28] WR: guess i finally figured out where i stand on this god/technology thing
[10:28] WR: fesvah was right
[10:29] WR: so was kirrin, in a way
[10:29] WR: the game is a sort of god
[10:29] WR: it wants what it wants and we don't understand why
[10:29] WR: but yknow what
[10:29] WR: we're gonna kick this god's ass
[10:29] WR: you and me, lana
[10:29] WR: you do the kicking i'll call the shots
[10:29] WR: it's gonna be EPIC
[10:30] WR: and i think that maybe
[10:30] WR: just maybe
[10:30] WR: if we work together
[10:30] WR: if you all work together
[10:30] WR: you can win
[10:30] WR: we can win
[10:31] WR: and maybe we can get out of here
[10:31] WR: but hey that one's only if we have time ;)
[10:33] AA: i hope theres time for that
[10:33] WR: don't worry about that too much
[10:33] WR: i'll see ya if the game means for it to happen
[10:33] WR: and if not, hey.
[10:34] WR: i'm sure we'll have a great time on the inside together, even if i'm stuck up here.
[10:34] WR: and maybe we'll still be able to talk afterwards
[10:35] WR: in any case, don't change your chumhandle. i'll try to reach ya if you guys end up moving on
[10:36] WR: maybe kir can rig something up, she's good at that tech stuff
[10:38] WR: you been quiet for a while over there, buddy. you good?
[10:38] AA: im good im just,, thinking
[10:38] WR: about?
[10:38] WR: share your thoughts with me bud
[10:40] AA: about the game and whats in store,, i hope we can get you and your group out of there!!
[10:41] WR: seriously bud you gotta stop worryin about us
[10:42] WR: worry about your friends!
[10:42] WR: it seems so natural to have them there with you that you kinda forget how important they are while they're with you until
[10:42] WR: well,
[10:42] WR: until they aren't
[10:43] WR: i guess
[10:43] AA: :(
[10:48] WR: you guys don't do moirails so it'd be different for you but
[10:48] WR: uh
[10:48] WR: yeah
[10:48] WR: just be careful
[10:49] WR: it sucks, no matter what your relationship with somebody is
[10:49] WR: or was
[10:49] WR: or could have been
[10:50] WR: it always sucks to lose somebody
[10:50] AA: yeah :(
[10:54] WR: anyways
[10:54] WR: might be bad advice i dunno but
[10:54] WR: get your team together as soon as possible
[10:54] WR: like in the game physically together in the same place
[11:01] AA: ok
[11:02] WR: i think that'll help ya
[11:03] WR: anyway
[11:03] WR: sorrrry to dump all this stuff on you
[11:03] WR: i should go
[11:03] WR: bye forr novv i guess
[11:04] AA: bye please stay safe
[11:04] WR: it's not me ya need to vvorrrry about, kid
[11:04] WR: sleep tight
[11:04] -- waveRider [WR] ceased pestering apocalypticAcolyte [AA] at 23:04 --
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[A6A6I5] ====>
ROXY: Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. FRIGGLISH! ROXY: Im crazy, you can't phase me. oh mah god yizzou cheeky bastard ROXY: Hollaz to the East Side. oooomg
DIZZAVE cuz its a doggy dog world: um DAVE fo yo bitch ass: what exactly tha fiznuck
ROZE: Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. ... RIZZLE: frigglish
ROXY: i cannot belizzle dis ROXY: yizzou diznug up brotha body!!!!!
ROXY: omg thiznat be SO BIZZY! ROXY: but also sweet of yizzy ta sippin' ha back but also WOW BIZZY fo' sho'!!!!!
ROZE wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: Wait. Boo-Yaa! ROZE to increase tha peace: Dug... up?
ROSESPRITE: I'm a little unclear on that myself.
ROSIZZLE: Jaspa hizzy been especially descriptive.
JASPERSPRIZZLE: Meow! Dogg House Records in the motha fuckin house. JASPERSPRITE: Yes both rozes i dug yiznou up!
ROZE: From with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back where?
ROXY: um ROXY straight from long beach nigga: jizzay planet
RIZZLE: rememba tha funeral i mentioned?
ROXY fo' sho': frigglish was there too ROXY: orrr um jaspa?? our dumb departed beautiful idiot cat!! ROXY if you gots a paper stack: haha i G-to-tha-izzuess i made a novice mistake ROXY: i turned mah bizzay on tha bodizzle
ROSESPRITE so jus' chill: You had a funeral fo` me? ROSESPRITE fo all my homies in the pen: Thizzle wizzle funky ass of you.
ROXY cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: yeah! ROXY: so um... ROXY: HI!!!!! ROXIZZLE: Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. wow haha dis be confus'n doggystyle! ROXIZZLE: welcome back youre alive again hizzey cizzle here!
VRIZZISKA: LALONDE DON'T YIZNOU FUCK'N TOUCH BALLER!!!!!!!! VRIZZLE: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. Fuck'n incredi8le. VIZZY: Be I tha ONLY one here concerned wit mak'n sure we don't cre8te freakish mutizzle thugz-com8os?!
ROXY, betta check yo self: wha
VRISKA: She only 8een single-prototyped fo' sho'! VRISKA: Dizzay go niznear ha.
ROXY: ohhh ROXY like old skool shit: heh right
VRISKA: Nigga get shut up or get wet up. It be a8solutely astound'n how much you all nee' me around ta kizneep your shiznit str8. VRISKA: Even then it a constant up hill 8attle ta keep y-aw from weed-smokin' up cuz its a pimp thang! VRIZZISKA: I lizzet mah guard down for one second n dis 8rainless animizzle wastizzles one of yo' precious resurrection slots on someone who ALREADIZZLE ALIVE so show some love, niggaz! VRISKA: Wizzle, congratul8tions. Yoe D-to-tha-izzown ta one empty kernel. VRIZZAY fo gettin yo pimp on: 8e sizzle ta uze it wiselizzle! VRISKA thats off tha hook yo: Not that there much hope of that at dis pizzy. VRISKA: See you chumps but real niggaz don't give a fuck. I'm out of dis convizzle.
> [A6IZZLE5] ====>
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GT: Sizzay straight forward enough. GT: Whats tha code? 
GT: Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. Ok. 
GT: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. Hmm, betta check yo self. GT: We could try ta guess it miznaybe? 
GT: Yeah. Yizzoure probablizzle right. GT: So what sizzay of magical properties does yo' jizzay have? 
GT, niggaz, better recognize: Really fo yo bitch ass? GT: That sounds almost too gizzle ta be true like this and like that and like this and uh. GT: Death row 187 4 life. If you dont even know what yo' jiznuju dizzy by itsizzle whizny d-ya think T-H-to-tha-izzey do that togetha fo gettin yo pimp on? 
GT: Oh why D-to-tha-izzidnt yiznou say so! Thats all i needed ta hizzay!!! GT: Siznee youre gett'n tha hang of H-to-tha-izzope alreadizzle. 
GT: Roga that mr lord. Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. GT: Say. Dizzont you H-to-tha-izzave a nizzle? Hollaz to the East Side. We know yo' sista nizname... One, two three and to tha four. cant we know yours now tizzy? 
GT: Wizzle i surely diznont want to spizzay anizzle clean trousa. GT: Even though yo' warn'n sizzle a shawty hyperbolizzle i will triznust you. GT upside yo head: Um. Mah lizzord. GT: Heheheh when i cizzall you thizzay pizzay could mistake our conversation fo` a nefarioizzles n underhanded collusion among felons! 
GT: As you wish... MAH LORD. GT: You gotta check dis shit out yo. HEHEHEHEHEH! 
uu: UGH.  
GT: So lord. May i ask... GT spittin' that real shit: Why be you clockin' me yo' juju if it be so dear ta you? GT: Be yo' commitment ta thiznis manbro boypledge of yours really that strong? GT: If so im really impresze' with the S-N-double-O-P. I would have a really hard time giv'n mah favorite stiznuff away ta a total stranga. 
GT: Yeah? Then thizzay is qiznuite a treasure you fizzay. GT: W-H-to-tha-izzere did yiznou git it? Dizzy yizzou cracka a tomb or such?  
GT: Holla! Wizzell that sounds funky ass of hiznim. He cant be thizzay M-to-tha-izzuch of an asshizzle if he gave you such a funky ass present can he?  
uu, niggaz, better recognize: NO, BELIEVE ME. HE CAN. 
GT: Death row 187 4 life. I had a clown give me a funky ass present once tizzoo ya dig? I would neva have miznet mah gizzy nigga mr erisol witout tha kindnizzles of that clizzle. 
GT: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. So whats this juju he gizzay yizzou in tha mutha fuckin club? 
> ==>
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