#like yeah they cooked with this dynamic. but idk what meat the burgers are made out of man
scalpho · 11 months
gunnie's relationship with skip/norman is truly so unbelievably absurd and nonsensical in its progression and yet it's also pretty fucking good. the "you're a coward" and gunnie's response in ep1 vs "you're not a coward" / "i know" in the epilogue was insane. gunnie becoming a kind of second pilot is incredibly endearing. but then sometimes i remember the scene from early in the season where gunnie's trying to stop skip from eating a napkin. and i think about gunnie's initial reluctant resignation to being declared skip's son vs him later introducing skip as his dad (to people who KNOW his fathers, mind you) and deliberately imitating his audible smile. and i think about how completely out of the blue the whole son thing was in the first place. axmurph live reactions pictured below for reference
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i love point b. but how the fuck we got from point a to point b is beyond me
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