#like yes sometimes the writer literally is condoning murder. war movies funded by the US military literally do condone murder
larnax · 2 years
assuming that everything anything an author writes 100% accurately represents their real life opinions and experiences shows a lack of reading comprehension, but, crucially, so does assuming that authors never write things that do accurately represent their real life opinions and intentions. the reactionary response to people taking everything an author write at face value that's "HAH, you dumbass, i'm a million times smarter than you because i understand that any time an author writes about murder they're not condoning it" is also really shallow and counterproductive because analyzing an author's work to try and discern which parts of it they genuinely believe and which they don't is an extremely valuable type of analysis. at the very least if you don't have this skill it's impossible for you to recognize propaganda, which a lot of these people helpfully demonstrate.
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