#like you don’t see red or enid and think one is in the Woman’s Role and one is in the Man’s Role– they’re both just. themselves.
seilon · 2 years
sorry I will not shut up about this show But. I just. wanted to mention how fucking cool it is that ok ko has a major bi character in it (a bi man at that) that has important on-screen romantic relationships portrayed with both a female partner and a male partner and neither is considered less legitimate than the other. his orientation isnt pointlessly called into question or suggested to have been faked or changed for ending up with a man when he was previously with a woman. It’s just natural, and so one doubts that he was once romantically interested in/involved with carol just because he ended up with boxman. and I think that is very cool and something I feel like I super rarely see with bi characters– when bi characters are represented I feel like it’s pretty common to only have them shown romantically involved with one gender or another and it’s more of a side note that they also like people outside that gender, or they’re portrayed as “confused” or god forbid suggesting their feelings for someone weren’t really real because they ended up with someone of another gender (not to be confused with comp het; in that case the individual isn’t bi and that’s different). And so having a children/family show that has two solidly bi characters first of all, and one who’s a grown adult who’s had established relationships with two genders on screen is just honestly really cool and I appreciate that so much
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twdmusicboxmystery · 5 years
FTWD 5x12: Ner Tamid - Analysis
Wow! This episode had so much in it! You know how sometimes I don't go over the minute details in the background because I feel like you guys already know them and they only serve to illustrate parallel? This was kind of the opposite. I will talk about the major parallels I saw, but the amount of small details was mind blowing and I think they're important.
***As always, spoilers abound for episode 5x12 below. Don't read until you’ve watched.***
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We start with the image of the fire burning. It's a rope that's being lit by a match. We also see a chalice that has a Star of David on it. This is a rabbi in a mosque who is observing some Jewish worship. The first thing this reminded me of is the altar that Morgan built in Coda.
Of course, the rabbi’s sermon gets interrupted by walkers. I thought it was interesting that he put on a jacket. After all, it didn't look particularly cold outside.
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They had him stop and put on a black jacket for no apparent reason. He was wearing a black jacket over a white shirt, so suddenly he was wearing black and white.
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While outside, he sees a car with three walkers trying to get into it. My first thought was that there must be someone in it, and there was. He took down the first two walkers without too much trouble, but the third one ended up on top of him. Then the car door opens and Charlie steps out.
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Okay, so many interesting clues in this sequence. We have the altar from Coda, the Star of David, the black and white colors, and the fact that there's a girl alive in the back of the car with walkers surrounding her.
Naturally, my first thought was that maybe Charlie is meant to be a proxy for Beth here. I think she is, and I've wondered before if maybe she's meant to be. There hasn't been anything super huge pointing to her being a Beth proxy thus far, but remember that she shot Nick. And it's not like Beth shot any main characters before she disappeared or anything, but even so, I thought there might be something to that. Ever since Charlie appeared, she's been sort of a background character. She's always around but they haven't spent a lot of time on her characterization. I thought maybe they were holding her in reserve for something. Given her role in this episode, she's definitely starting to look like a proxy.
The rabbi introduces himself Rabbi Jacob Kessner and says the mosque is called Temple B’nai Israel. Charlie says she saw the light in his church, and that's what drew her toward him. He tells her it's not a light. It's Ner Tamid (title of episode). It's the flame of truth or of God and God lead her to him. Then, it looks like the light is flickering and about to go out and he says that flame of truth needs new batteries.
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Holy TD symbolism, Batman! First of all, Battery Theory. And there's a big emphasis on batteries throughout this episode. Of course, all that started at Grady because we saw so many batteries that were dying. Also remember that Norman said that Beth was Daryl's light in the darkness and to see that light go out was very sad. Now, in this episode, we have an emphasis on a perpetually burning light that's never supposed to go out. Sounds like a Beth parallel to me.
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Another interesting detail: the rabbi keeps referring to God as a “she.” At first, I thought maybe he was referring to the flame as a “she.” And maybe he was. But he did it more than once. I can tell you that’s a little weird. A very traditional Jewish rabbi, as this guy seems to have been, would not think of God as a woman. The god of the Old Testament, whom they worship, is and was always male. So why would he do this? Whether he’s meant to be referring to God or the flame, it feels like a hint from the writers about who the flame or Christ figure in the show is, you know?
Back with Sarah, Dwight, and the rest of the group, we see the armored truck roll over a walker’s head. 
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After that, the rest of the cars in the convoy also went over the walker and smash it to bits. It just reminded me of Consumed. When Daryl and Carol were following the cop car into Atlanta to look for Beth, we very obviously saw them smash a walker head in the same way.
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When the convoy stops to set up camp, they use rolls of chain-link to guard against walkers. It just reminded me of the prison. We also saw Charlie and the rabbi killing walkers on the fence around his synagogue. So lots of callbacks to the prison.
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When the caravan stops to rest, they us a circular setup for their camp with the tanker in the center. It's a smart way to set up camp against walkers and other enemies, but the circle is also interesting. A couple of things I think this could be.
We’ve talked before about how Morgan’s symbol of the X inside the circle, which we saw in Coda, could possibly be a lamp sign or the symbol for the positive charge of the battery, which is also often symbolized by an X or cross inside a circle. This looks at the negative charge the battery. The minus sign inside a circle. And given that there's a big emphasis on batteries here, I think that's interesting. I may be developing more of a theory about this, but I'll leave it for another time.
Charlie refers to the Light of Truth a lamp once or twice. Which, to be fair, it is. It’s not an actual flame, but rather a light, which can be plugged into a batter, in the shape of a flame. So it works in a literal sense. But also, Lamp Theory.
The other thing I couldn't help but think of is that when we first met the hipsters (Jadis’s people), they encircled Rick's group and we got a bird’s eye shot of them in a circle. I think this is probably part of that same symbolism.
We heard a few 8s in this episode. When talking about going to get gas, Sarah said it would be “tank town at 0800,” which was her way of saying they were going to get gas at eight. Of course they didn't, because they realized Charlie was missing.
Then the rabbi said it took him eight years at Yeshiva to understand what Charlie had already figured out. I looked it up and Yeshiva is a Jewish university. I’m really side-eyeing that. He’s referencing 8 years of education. Remember that there was an 8 beside Beth in Tyreese’s death hallucination and now we’re 8 years post-Coda.
The Rabbi was talking about how God had led her to him and he said, "maybe there's something you need here." So, more of the “something you need” theme.
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It occurred to me that the inside of the synagogue looked a little bit like Ezekiel's theater in the kingdom. Because it’s q synagogue with pews, it also naturally looks a little bit like Father Gabriel's church. And of course there’s the church Glenn and Enid went into in 6a.
The rabbi also explained the resurrection in a way that had a very strong parallel to what Herschel told Rick in S2. While on the highway in the finale, waiting for the others to find them, Herschel said he'd always believed in the resurrection of the dead, but what was going on with the walkers wasn't exactly what he had in mind. The rabbi said something very similar. That he used to tell his congregation that eventually the dead would reunite with their bodies and be resurrected, but he thought he only got it halfway right. So, a major call back to Herschel and S2.
He also said tradition was very important. This is definitely true from what I understand of Jewish culture. They're very ardent about their traditions. I also took it to perhaps be a line the writers might be aiming toward us and the symbolism in general. As if to say that precedent in the show is very important.
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We had more emphasis on the battery because he was on his last battery and it started to go out. In order to keep the lights going, he needed to find new batteries. Definitely feels like a theme to me. Obviously, the light equals hope and you need batteries, apparently, to keep that hope burning. These are all things we saw heavily around Beth and Grady.
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The rabbi goes to another building and finds that it's full of walkers, who are escaping. My first thought upon seeing building is that it looked like a lot like the school from S5. The same school the Termites camped out in front of. Many of Father Gabriel's congregation (as walkers) were in it, which is why he broke out of his church in Coda and went there. It was in that scene that we saw him look at a bible and one of the pages said Bethel on it.  
So this rabbi definitely has heavy parallels to Father Gabriel in S5. He is alone in his synagogue and his congregation is dead. They been imprisoned in a building some distance away from his church. 
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When he goes looking for them, there's a circular driveway in front of the building. So that circle theme appears again. We also see red flowers. I'm thinking the red flowers, just like the color red, equals death. I was reminded of the poem, In Flanders Fields, which is a famous poem about red poppies growing where men in war died. Just goes to show that his congregation was dead, even though they hadn't revealed that to us yet in the show.
Upon seeing this, my first question was whether the rabbi locked his congregation in there, just as Gabriel locked his congregation out. We don’t find out what happened until about three quarters of the way through the episode. This rabbi didn't have as much culpability as FG did. He didn't actively sentence his congregation to death. We do find out that he was having a crisis of faith — much like FG in S5 — and that he abandoned his flock to go try and figure out his own psychological crisis.
When he returned, they’d been locked in that building already. So, he abandoned them and then they died. But he did not orchestrate their deaths in quite the same way FG did with his flock. Still, the parallels are there.
I think this is important is because 1) We saw this around FG in S5 while Grady was happening. So even though Beth never met FG, it was definitely happening around her storyline. And 2) FG is now a walking embodiment of Sirius symbolism.
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John and June come to pick up Charlie and the bring a battery for the rabbi. They emphasized the number 36 by having June say there were 36 people in the convoy. The rabbi then said that some people believe there were 36 righteous people in the world at any given time. There are a few ways you could read this. 6x03 is Glenn’s death fake out episode. 3x06 doesn’t especially stand out to me. Series number 36 was 4x01. You know, where Beth came front and center?
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Meanwhile, back at camp, Sarah and Dwight sit atop a trailer, keeping watch together and drinking beer. Dwight says the beer is pretty good, and Sarah says, "Seriously?" There’s the Sirius reference for this episode. Pretty much every episode of this season has had one.
The two of them have a casual conversation, but I found it kind of interesting. Sarah asked Dwight how long he'd been on his own, and he didn’t know. He said he lost track of time. So, he doesn't even know how long he's been gone from DC. Interesting, as they’re kind of playing with time again. Then Sarah says, "but your gal kept going, the idea of her?" Definitely something that could be applied to Daryl. Dwight answered that the walkers kept him going too. He said he used to watch them, wandering who knows how far, not knowing where they'd come from and where they were going. Just a lot of things about traveling long distances and being on journeys that I feel it could apply to Beth.
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Meanwhile, Dwight keeps looking through blue binoculars. So there's that pesky blue color again and the binoculars theme. He’s also sitting on a blue cooler (@frangipanilove’s blue coolers theories) and there is a red/green diamond pattern on his shirt (Beth = Queen of Diamonds).
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Back in the synagogue, we also find out the rabbi makes his own wine. He says he has a “green thumb.” Of course, the wine he makes is probably much different than moonshine, but the concept is the same. He's making his own booze.
While John and June are there, the rest of the rabbi’s congregation break out of the building through the glass (Breaking Glass Theory) and the synagogue is suddenly surrounded by walkers.
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Then we have some ladders! After posting my ladder theory this last week, I was excited to see this. They were trying to find a way down to go help the convoy because Logan's people had found them and they were on the run. John uses a ladder and slams it into a car windshield, breaking it. He and June descend and use the ladder as a bridge between cars to try to get across the lot without actually having to walk among the walkers or kill them. Think about that. They’re using LADDERS as BRIDGES across CARS to get through a WALKER HORDE.
They nearly make it, but in the final leg of their journey, one of the fences falls — not unlike the church falling in 6x07 and letting walkers into Alexandria, and they know they can’t make it out.
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Charlie had one of Beth's lines here. Yet another way to show that she's a Beth proxy. When the rabbi tells her that it's okay, she says, "It's not okay, it's not okay." Beth said that twice a Grady as well. In fact, it was one of the last things she said before being shot, in reference to Noah staying behind.
John also used the phrase “exhibit A." He’s talking about how she wasn’t necessarily wrong to do what she did. She kept them all moving to avoid exactly the situation they were in: surrounded by walkers and trapped on top of a car. He says their “current circumstances are exhibit A.” So this is the A theory. I have more to say about this, but just keep it in mind for today.
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In order to save John and June, who were then trapped into the car, and get all them out of there, the rabbi blew a horn—a Jewish horn called a shofar—to lure the walkers into the church. 
A couple of things about this. 1) The home is not unlike the wolf horn blown in 6x02, which also led the walker horde toward it, and led to Glenn’s death fake out sequence. 2) What follows in this episode is exactly what happened with Father Gabriel’s church in Coda. They lure the walkers into the synagogue and then trap them inside by barring the front doors.
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It works, but the church/synagogue are lost. And once again, the last time we saw this was in CODA.
By the way, a shofar is made from the horn of a ram. We saw a ram one very prominent time before: in 5b when Aaron and Daryl were trying to capture buttons, Aaron tripped over one and nearly got bitten by a walker. So it’s a symbol they’ve used before. 
In the end, the battery dies, the light goes out, and the Rabbi goes with them.
Meanwhile, Logan’s men chase Sarah and Dwight and the convoy for quite a while. Once they have them cornered (Sarah’s truck runs out of gas) they just drive away. It seems, at first, because Logan’s guys saw John and June in Al’s SWAT truck coming to the rescue, but Dwight still thinks it’s weird. He says these guys don’t do anything unless it’s on purpose. (Clue about the symbols in the show perhaps?)
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Turns out, Dwight’s a smart dude when he wants to be. Somehow, probably from watching the Al’s tapes that he took from the vault last episode, he’s figured out where the oil fields are. He purposely had his guys chase Dwight’s group away so he could go steal the oil without them trying to stop him. The episode ends with him arriving at a place called Lonesome Quarry, where apparently the oil is.
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That’s super interesting to me. I need to think on this some more and maybe I’ll address it again later on, but it’s interesting that it’s a quarry. That actually gave me a bit of a lightbulb moment. I started thinking about the quart from 6a. The group started Operation Lead the Walkers Away from there in 6x01 and it led to Glenn’s death fake out in 6x03. If you recall, there were even semis and tanker trucks in that quarry. The operation started a day early because on of them fell off a ledge, which allowed the walkers a way out of the quarry, so they had to start the operation earlier than expected.
So I’m wondering if that was a foreshadow to this, or if they’re at least purposely paralleling the two. Remember there was a death fake out involved in that. Both the beginning of a death fake out, and the end where Glenn was revealed to be alive. So I’m very curious to see where this will go.
Looking at the trailer for next week’s episode, where Logan will obviously make a play for the oil, there are things that look a LOT like 6a. Like this. 
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It’s Logan, probably running from Sarah in her truck. But it just LOOKS a lot like Rich running during 6a. 
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And then we see people approaching on horseback. 
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No idea who they are as the picture is intentionally blurry in the trailer, but probably new characters. Helicopter people? Highwaymen? Also reminds me of the horse from the TWD S10 trailer.
So again, no idea who it is, but I’m excited to find out.
So what are my major takeaways from this episode? We saw a lot of callbacks to the prison and to Father Gabriel’s story line in particular. Those are things that were happening in S4/S5 around Beth. Another religious dude with a crisis of faith. Losing his synagogue, like losing FG’s church, along with the alter, were both specifically seen in Coda.
Then there’s the eternal light and it’s ties to Beth, and the fact that the rabbi keeps referring to it and/or God as “she.” And finally, something big will probably go down over this fight for the oil. So a good episode. Leaves us with lots of questions, but I enjoyed it.
I’ll stop there for today. I have a lot more to say. Not about the episode specifically (a few things about it, though) but a lot of what I saw here symbolically made me start thinking or rethinking some of our theories. I suppose I just have some musings about where this may be going and how things might connect. So, pretty much predictions post. I’ll post more thoughts throughout the coming week. How did everyone else like this episode?
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geek-gem · 6 years
My Dream Sonic Movie Stuff
I felt like putting revealed but just I’m worried it might not be all of it. Also was listening to this and was thinking of this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YUN7DIDGpjk Infinite’s theme but I first thought of this when I was at Target. Yet didn’t wanna type a big thing and my phone battery was low even right now 33 percent. But I feel I should just reveal this.
Ever since the leak from Reddit I have it on my blog I’ve reblogged it and think should I tag it. Yet just….would get more attention just something I mean the leak itself. Including shared it with my friend Fatpinkraccoon and I think he said it was decent and wait
So I was trying to find the draft and he said it doesn’t sound horrible and he’s open up to it or some shit. Just seriously I was trying to find this draft I saved now 31 percent.
Yet seriously but I’m gonna get what I’m talking about. It’s about just I wanna be honest but or just…I feel like it went it’s good that if the leak is true or not. I mean my version is honestly kind of crazy. While the movie is kind of simple and alright. Despite some stuff I’m bothered with and liked.
Yeah it’s possibly better then my ideas I’ll explain.
Since I’m a Zack Snyder fan and I’ve even said I want to see Zack Snyder make a Sonic film. Which just…it can’t be weird yet I like him very much and Deborah Snyder too who helps him. Including I’m a DCEU fan and just it’s rare to find some Sonic fans and DCEU as one but found some.
Yet my ideas were basically kind of crazy I wanna talk about the ones I should just reveal. Because I feel like it’s not gonna be how I imagine it.
Including spoilers for the DCEU but mainly for Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice only that but just in case beware.
So mainly keep thinking of a trilogy or even a series of movies that’s kind of similar mainly to BVS to Justice League. While the first movie okay I think I have a story but not much.
Basically what I keep thinking is Sonic and Eggman or Robotink being said more have known each other for years. With Metal Sonic being introduced in the film. Including the film basically just has references and these ideas of these movies.
Is that they have awesome visual references or just being based upon certain stuff. Such as the origin of Metal Sonic basically being based upon his origin from the OVA even a shot to shot remake I guess of his birth. Even the, “Strange Isn’t It” line is reference because of how much I loved that movie. Including how it interpreted Metal Sonic.
Along with the music the soundtracks being scored by Hans Zimmer if he was up for it along with Junkie XL most likely would for scores. Including very meaningful ones.
While the songs are some picked from the games to go with certain events.
Theirs even a remake version of the Sonic CD intro almost left Boom but you know the song and have it there but with Modern Sonic or movie Sonic. Even stuff like the Death Egg Robot but the story was a problem whether go with the Death Egg or Little Planet in respect of Metal Sonic and my friend Fatpinkraccoon messaged me about don’t be hyped for movies just it didn’t show the whole thing didn’t press it. Might be how he meant about Sonic Forces.
Yet also the music the songs not just from the games. But new ones selected from certain musical groups. Such as Linkin Park despite the tragic event that happened, Red, Disturbed and seriously, “Ten Thousand Fists” is amazing and just have that during a team up battle scene.
Then theirs the sequel and the crazy idea Sega would want Shadow early but I want Chaos done first too. Yet I was even making myself think that giving it a exuse. But the idea of mixing Sonic Adventure 1 and 2’s story together to have both Shadow and Chaos working together along with Dr. Eggman, Rouge, and Metal Sonic.
Including it’s still difficult of how to put those together. Such as Gerald’s plans and Perfect Chaos and the Ark. Also Tikal is in there too even talks to Shadow at times along with others.
Their is also the idea that the sequel is basically the Dawn Of Justice of the Sonic movies where the ending is of Super Sonic, Super Shadow, Perfect Chaos now reformed, and even Metal Sonic who knows the planet will die if he doesn’t help they all fight the Biolizard who’s strong as fuck.
Including it’s basically the Trinity vs Doomsday in BVS and it’s on Earth. Including in a weird way Metal Sonic is in Wonder Woman’s role because coming out of nowhere because he knows he needs to get involved.
Even the ending and I’ve made a huge text post where Shadow kills the Biolizard and the Biolizard kills him too. They even seriously bury Shadow as well and it causes people to think and makes them sad.
Then the sequel is basically Sonic Rush and Sonic Lost World into one no Eggman Nega but Blaze, Marine, and the Deadly Six. Where it even features Shadow’s rebirth.
Even his rebirth is basically a visual reference to Sonic X in the third season. He seriously launches out of his grave and but you know see his face but I guess his well shadow see what I did there or even feet or back of him looking at his monument.
He then just finds where a battle is at and his rings his inhibitor rings he took all four of them off and Amy has them. Including he finds these two Chaos Emeralds or how many were there when he returned and everyone is like HOLY FUCKING SHIT SHADOW BACK FROM THE FUCKING GRAVE HE’S ALIVE AGAIN the whole world goes ape shit or just so surprised.
Yet Shadow lost his memory when he supposedly died and I wanna put this he’s like I CAN’T REMEMBER SHIT BECAUSE I GOT STABBED BY A FUCKING BIOLIZARD or some shit. I forgot basically or was it like I CAN’T FUCKING DIE I WAS IN A COMA or some shit okay yeah I WAS HEALING FOR A SHIT LONG TIME FOR MONTHS or something because he can’t die. Yeah he got stabbed in the chest where his heart is at and everyone finds out about that he seriously can’t die.
But also he’s like not able to remember anything even they tell him he scarificed himself for the Earth and forgot does he just get out of his grave quickly or does he look at his monument forgot the first time of how I thought of it.
Yet even them telling him about the Ark he just can’t remember and doesn’t wanna help until something happens like characters words and actions he remembers everything before his death and back to the Ark and when he remembers he’s like to Zavok DON’T YOU DARE THREATEN MY FAMILY or YOU DARE THREATEN MY FAMILY while beating the shit out of him. That’s a reference to Man Of Steel and just the word family is a big word. Including Shadow because of Maria and Gerald the word means something to him or bothers him.
I even forgot in the sequel when kicking Sonic’s ass theirs a Martha moment I even made a post of that before Sonic Forces but it’s a moment I like and I understand it. Yet when Sonic says what about Maria or some shit and he even says SAVE MY FAMILY and okay WHAT ABOUT MARIA basically the scene where someone ether Amy or Chris tries to talk to Shadow. This basically haunts Shadow and he’s like STOP SAYING THAT NAME because he thinks he should be the only one to say that name. I’ve even quoted this and afterwards he’s like NO ONE’S FAMILY IS DYING TONIGHT.
I should just reveal basically Shadow’s role is mixing Batman and Superman’s character into one in a way.
But just I’m being weird and I need to talk about other stuff. Theirs Tails and I like Tails. You guys know and I was gonna say remember his Tornado yet weird it’s Sonic’s plane or whatever they say. Including remember it can turn into some vehicle in Sonic Adventure 2.
Also in Sonic X it’s the X Tornado and just imagine this. It’s a lot more fucking badass that even it’s vehicle forms has even more fucking guns kind of like tank. Basically just imagine the Bat vehicles even the Batmobile and just Tails is a fucking badass in that thing. It’s got fucking guns and can fly. Even other people can ride it.
Their also seems to be a lot of shouting WOOOOO mainly Sonic because I do that mainly Sonic Unleashed or some shit.
Including the other weird thing okay having the film be all CGI isn’t weird.
But I’m just also this I’m like so how are we gonna have, Catherine Taber (Lori Loud), Noel Wells(Lord Dominator) Ashley Burch (Enid) basically Loud House, Wander Over Yonder, OK KO and other actors how are we gonna fit them in and still think like human characters and new characters and others.
Including now with Sonic Forces out I’ve even revealed stuff. Such as a Team Chaotix movie with Vector, Espio, Charmy, Mighty, Ray, and maybe Madonna and forgot or might of thought of having Honey in there. Even the villains being Fang, Bean, and Bark and Sonic shows up at the end to help the Chaotix.
Their was even a Shadow film but not based upon the game but a new story. A Sonic Unleashed film as one of the sequels. Then a Sonic Mania movie. Now we have a two part movie of Sonic Forces with Silver appearing in the first one and this is all before Sonic Forces came out.
Including it’s not the big epic game I was hoping for that Fatpinkraccoon said I had false hopes about. Along with Infinite not being the Darkseid/Thanos of the Sonic universe where he kicks everyone’s ass. But yeah Sonic Mania being a prequel to Sonic Forces like how the game is too. To set up Classic Sonic and give classic fans a movie they want.
Yet just….over time shit changes. Even though I like Sonic Forces I still play it but I’m mixed on the game. Including my mindset has really changed. Such as I like the avatar and Infinite despite what his real story is……
I feel like that should be enough to be revealed. Such as just…I’ve talked about it before even sound tracks I listen from BVS I think of those scenes and just…..
Really it’s I thought in my head best that I’m not in charge of these films. I’ve basically created a franchise in my head and it’s caused me to go insane at times.
I said in my head let me have this like this leak. But even if it’s fake or not almost left rare instead of fake. Really just I like it oh head.
Okay but seriously it’s simple. Seriously my stomach even at the start of this somewhat but I’ve thought so much shit but not the first movie that’s all.
Got tags done and think no one else in other tags wants to be bothered. Wanna say 16 percent gonna charge this after I answer that message. Yet I’m surprised the Sonic movie 2019 tag showed up first
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