#like you don't understand i can count on one hand the number of kdramas that have these stupid non-eventful scenes lol
dramadramallama · 5 months
your honor,
this might sound very specific—and it is—but do you know how much i yearn for easy, quick, normal, simple, no slow-mo, just everyday regular SMOOCHING in romance kdramas?
you'd think it'd be as common a thing to witness as dramatic make-out sessions under the rain, or love confessions during the first snowfall of the year, BUT honest to god these quick kisses are the rarest of pokémons. and i am always so stupidly thrilled when we have a newly established couple just act like... a newly established couple????
please let me see them giggle and be disgusting and childish like, this is what i signed up for?? they're supposed to be freshly in love and high on the fact they're being loved back!!! they're supposed to be silly with it!
anyway, all this to say, thank you the story of park's marriage contract for giving me exactly, and i mean eXACTLY, what i want out of two fictional people in love. candid moments.
i rest my case.
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