#like??? it’s your fault chad/mark/dylan
wereoz · 2 years
can ppl stop blaming women for their complicated relationships with food when it’s literally men’s faults okay thank uuuuuuuu
0 notes
barton333 · 3 years
She was going stir crazy and wanted to go out with me tonight.
The series is but one of a variety of public events intended to mark the founding of Fort Kamloops in 1812. Reek picked his way between them carefully, following the remnants of the log-and-plank road that Robb Stark’s vanguard had laid down across the soft ground to speed the passage of his host. She was going stir crazy and wanted to go out with me tonight. Arrangements by Sandia Funeral Care, 7601 Wyoming Blvd NE 821 0010.. The day was growing hotter, the air as thick and wet as damp wool, and the pails seemed to grow heavier with every step. It wasn the same for the wealthy in our town. It is well known that there are no cellars, properly so called, in New Orleans, the nature of the ground being such as to forbid digging. Her strides were long and angry, much too fast, and the chair’s big wooden wheels clacked noisily across rough-cut stone floors. Within his cage, he fluttered like a burning leaf, a moth caught in a candle flame.. If so, Obara’s return to the hall must have been vinegar in the wound. "And now everybody is building walls again to keep people out. And now Daenerys, his bright shining child queen. “Dothraki make slaves, Ghiscari train them. Along with The Truman Show, it is arguably Weir's masterpiece. As she splashed her face, she saw fresh blood on her thighs. From how to buy modern fashions, to how to wear anything from classic chic to contemporary flair, ghete galbene piele you can find answers to your trickiest fashion and personal care product questions. His old flesh fell back into the snowdrift as her fingers loosened. Mason Sisco had four catches for 50 yards, Dylan McDonald had five catches for 31 yards, and Mason Fitzpatrick had one catch for 35 yards.. He was one of the Marines at Wake Island, which was attacked by Japanese forces when Pearl Harbor was attacked. That’s done with too.. They swapped suspicions, and became increasingly convinced they were the victims of a scam. The promised cost of living increases were never realized, while administrative and the building of new facilities has catalog cercei aur turcia increased over the past 7 years. Slashing her face, cutting off an ear … the Imp’s grubby little fingers are all over this.”. Before I had got down the first flight of stairs he opened the door again and threw the letter after me without opening it. Plesius, 29, played in 66 games with the Tiger Cats after being donna di porto pim una storia riassunto selected in the second round, chanel ágynemű 10th overall, in the 2012 CFL Draft. This piece originally appeared on TomDispatch. Hall has always had a dream. Then I made him our camp cook. Deemer Class and Chad Cohan had three goals each to lead the Blue Devils, but Air Force netminder Doug Gouchoe finished the game with 17 saves in a star making performance between the pipes. If Mr. Soon or late the Shy Maid must reach Volantis. “Most will be housed in one of our abandoned castles.” The Watch now had garrisons at Icemark, Long Barrow, Sable Hall, Greyguard, and Deep Lake, all badly undermanned, but ten castles still stood empty and abandoned. He escorted me to sick bay which by now was crowded with wounded men. Some came weeping, aye, but still they came. Rainwater ran down the back of his white cloak, and his boots left wet tracks on the floors and carpets. It sounds like a setting, and it shouldn take a measure this extreme to solve a simple problem. Outre les habituels vendeurs de bas, de lunettes et de montres, les marchs aux puces abritent les brocanteurs. Use bike wheels with at least 36 spokes; some riders even seek out tandem bicycle wheels that have 40 to 48 spokes for additional strength. Slaves grow our food, clean our streets, teach our young. 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Bracing involves activating all of your core musculature from all angles to create a of the midsection. She was an office worker for Atlantic Oil Co., Allentown, before retiring. 'Why don't we do that?' We wanted to update funk as a genre.". It’s all nonsense, all a trap. Pete Beach)For an escape from the hustle of normal Tampa Bay civilization, set your sights on Fort De Soto Park, an absolutely stunning retreat. Prometteur.. In consequence of this, Topsy is a character which may be found at the North as well as at the South.. air jordan aj4 Our specific objective was to study associations between neighbourhood residential air pollution concentrations and mental health in children and adolescents. At Macaren Park up pops Steve, Mary and Karin. The Dance Program annual spring concert will feature artist in residence Rosalind Newman and visiting lecturers Cynthia Adams and Ken James. We repurchased $518 million of Nike stock over the first nine months of the fiscal year and paid out $211 million in dividends. Or important things like the host not being right. Live action family dramas and documentaries include musical adventure 'Owls Mice' and 'Seasons', a beautifully crafted nature story. Yet somehow she found herself thinking of Daario Naharis. Another major constituent is water vapor, which is not included in Mens JORDAN Hoodie studying the dry composition of air. The boy got his shield up and tried a clumsy countercut. I did, however, buy her two pairs of thread stockings and one pair of woollen. There Mother Rhoyne waxes so wide that a man upon a boat in the center of the stream cannot see a shore to either side. They would so like to know you personally. The Vauxhall Corsa recall is for 1.4 litre petrol versions of the Corsa D but now Corsa E models could also be in the firing line Vauxhall appears to have another vehicle fires crisis on its hands after an investigation by The Sun newspaper indicated that far more Vauxhall Corsa models than first thought could be vulnerable to bursting in to flames.The investigation by 'expert engineers' from GBB engineering group suggests that 865,000 Vauxhall Corsa D and E models suffer from a heater wiring fault that can cause fires behind the dashboard. Mr. "The air car was born nike jean jacket out of Guy's passion for building energy efficient engines for automobiles and airplanes," Haydon says.. All would make for useful hostages if and when Red Ronnet should return to try and take back the castle that his father had stolen.
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19 June 2020
Appy talk
GOVERNMENT RUNS PILOT SCHEME, DEVELOPS ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION ALONGSIDE, CHANGES COURSE WHEN TRIAL FINDS FAULTS was surprisingly not one of the headlines heralding the government's abandonment of the original NHSX contact tracing app in favour of closer working with Google and Apple (and not just because no self-respecting sub, outside the New York Times, would run a headline that long, with that many commas).
There are undoubtedly questions for the government to answer - why it was so tempted by tech solutionism at the expense of designing a proper test and trace system; why it made the 'world-beating' app the centrepiece of the banquet before demoting it to a mere cherry on the cake; whether it should have pursued the course it did knowing compatibility with Apple's iOS operating system (and to some extent, Android) could be a problem and whether the UK has lost time as a result; why there wasn't more openness about the Isle of Wight trial; and why the data protection impact assessment for test and trace wasn't completed before the service was rolled out, for a start. And it's obviously not encouraging when the government has already u-turned a dizzying number of times in recent days and weeks.
But for all the justified questions and criticisms, some of the government's critics are being somewhat disingenuous. The trade-offs between centralised (as originally pursued by NHSX) and decentralised (Google/Apple) approaches are more nuanced than is being allowed; the UK is not alone in facing problems rolling out an app; and there are some rather big debates to be had about the respective power of democratic governments and technology companies.
In its statement yesterday, the Department of Health and Social Care claimed that their tests had also found problems with the Google/Apple approach (specifically, how well that solution could measure the distance between devices), and they're not the only ones, which points to a more fundamental question: will any of the proposed apps work?
This hasn't really been done before. The Ada Lovelace Institute said at the start of the crisis that there was 'an absence of evidence to support the immediate national deployment' of mooted technological solutions, including contact tracing apps. Has that changed? Can anyone yet point to a country where a contact tracing app has been shown to have worked? Where an app has been a substitute for (or even a significant part of) a well-designed, broader test and trace system and other measures? Whether the UK public would tolerate some of the infringements on privacy associated with tech-based approaches in some other countries?
Given the situation, a change in approach is welcome and sensible. Continuing down this track (as it were) risked damaging public confidence in the system, and it is vital that government maintains public confidence and earns public trust, especially when it comes to how it uses our data. The Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation put it well when it said its role was to ensure that 'the speed at which innovation must move doesn’t demand that the values of transparency, privacy, scrutiny and good governance are foregone - compromising the public’s trust in public sector innovation longer term'.
Getting it wrong could have long-term consequences. But let's not pretend getting it right is going to be easy.
Three more things:
I've written a comment piece on the prime minister's call for a new cross-government commission on racial inequality. Maybe start with implementing the recommendations of previous inquiries and follow previous initiatives (including some data-related ones)? And if not, at least give us some more details on what it will look like and what it's trying to achieve, and pledge that its recommendations will be adopted?
The winners of this year's Orwell Prizes will be announced on 9 July. Catch up on the shortlists in the meantime.
And details of the next Data Bites will be going live here very, very soon. See you at 6pm on Wednesday 1 July. Previous events here.
Have a good weekend
Today's links:
Tips and tech
Lessons learned from organising the first ever virtual csv,conf (Open Knowledge Foundation)
Graphic content
Viral content
3 months of a global pandemic (Citizens Advice)
I've mapped Google's excellent mobility data (Dan Cookson)
A warning from South Korea: the ‘fantasy’ of returning to normal life (FT)
You Regress It: Have Masks Prevented 66,000 Infections in New York City? (roadtolarissa)
Brexit Heartlands Pay the Highest Price for Coronavirus* (Bloomberg)
Visualizing COVID-19 (Graphicacy)
Much of the world thinks the response to the pandemic has been poor* (The Economist)
What could a physically distanced UK look like after lockdown? (The Guardian)
When the Coronavirus Outbreak Could Peak in Each U.S. State* (Bloomberg)
Poverty and populism put Latin America at the centre of pandemic* (FT)
Pandemic Travel Patterns Hint at Our Urban Future* (Bloomberg)
Viral content: economic consequences
UK GDP - animated version (Henry Lau)
English shoppers’ return points to a gradual retail recovery* (FT)
How many charity employees have been furloughed? (David Kane)
Four conclusions from latest UK labour market data* (FT)
The geography of the COVID-19 crisis in England (IFS)
Black Lives Matter protests prompt millions to search online for race history facts* (The Times)
Unemployment Tracker: Job Losses for Black Workers Are Deepening* (New York Times)
YOU KNOW KAREN (The Pudding)
Cities Grew Safer. Police Budgets Kept Growing.* (The Upshot)
The systemic racism black Americans face, explained in 9 charts (Vox)
Exclusive: Top British firms to pay compensation over founders' slavery links* (Telegraph)
UK politics
Keir Starmer scores the highest satisfaction ratings *ever* of an opposition leader on record (Dylan Spielman, Ipsos MORI, via Lee, Tim and Marcus)
Covid could do for Johnson what the snap election did for May (Matt Smith)
The other reason the government U-turned on free school meals* (New Statesman)
UK government
DfID/FCO merger (IfG - bit more here)
Being updated imminently: civil service staff numbers, freedom of information (IfG)
Ministerial directions (IfG)
US politics
America’s anachronistic electoral college gives Republicans an edge* (The Economist)
Wall Street takes aim at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in party primary* (FT)
House of Lords: Virtual sittings, participation and Covid-19 (House of Lords Library)
Emissions Are Surging Back as Countries and States Reopen* (New York Times)
Can India chart a low-carbon future? The world might depend on it.* (Washington Post)
Mean annual temperature for Northern Ireland (Department of Agriculture, Environmental and Rural Affairs)
Fight for fourth? Data reveals it will be long road for Manchester United* (The Times)
Everything else
Country & Product Complexity Rankings (Atlas of Economic Complexity)
The unluckiest generation in U.S. history* (Washington Post)
Mark Duggan police shooting: can forensic tech cast doubt on official report? (The Guardian)
Fighting in the Sahel has forced 1.7m people from their homes* (The Economist)
Digital News Report 2020 (Reuters Institute)
Leftwing voters lead decline in trust in UK news media (The Guardian)
Truncating the axis (Chad Skelton and others)
Infographics (Government Statistical Service)
When the pie chart is more complex than the data (Junk Charts)
How your colorblind and colorweak readers see your colors (Datawrapper)
What Graphs Reveal (If You Give Them Time) (Math with Bad Drawings)
Slow Reveal Graphs
Survival Analysis in Alteryx and Tableau; or, the survival of biscuits (Gwilym Lockwood)
Meta data
Viral content: Appy talk, keep talkin' appy talk, talk about things you'd like to do
Next phase of NHS coronavirus (COVID-19) app announced (DHSC)
UK virus-tracing app switches to Apple-Google model (BBC News)
Turn it off and on again: lessons learned from the NHS contact tracing app (Ada Lovelace Institute)
Personal data and coronavirus (IfG)
Trinity study confirms accuracy concerns on contact tracing apps (Trinity College Dublin)
What happened to Matt Hancock's coronavirus contact-tracing app? (The Bureau of Investigative Journalism)
Coronavirus: Contact-tracing apps face further hitches (BBC News)
Looking at the recently-released SAGE documents on contact tracing, it's striking how central the app is to the whole plan (Rowland Manthorpe)
You may be wondering what's going on with the contact tracing app... (Rowland Manthorpe)
Bahrain, Kuwait and Norway contact tracing apps among most dangerous for privacy (Amnesty International)
Viral content: oh, the immunity
Plans for coronavirus immunity passports should worry us all (Wired)
Explainer: Immunity certificates (CDEI)
Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation criticised after supporting controversial immunity passports (NS Tech)
Viral content: everything else
Just How Historic Is the Latest Covid-19 Science Meltdown?* (Wired)
Landmark IT deal will provide access to digital tools and save hundreds of millions of pounds for the NHS (NHS Digital)
How Data Became One of the Most Powerful Tools to Fight an Epidemic* (New York Times)
Out of the shadows: The value of data in times of crisis (Ed Humpherson for ADR UK)
Public Health in the Information Age: Recognising the Infosphere as a Social Determinant of Health (Jessica Morley, Josh Cowls, Mariarosaria Taddeo, Luciano Floridi)
The Economy Is Reeling. The Tech Giants Spy Opportunity.* (New York Times)
Data and Covid-19: why standards matter (ODI)
Data in the time of Covid-19 (Understanding Patient Data)
A rapid online deliberation on COVID-19 technologies: building public confidence and trust (Ada Lovelace Institute)
A prototype that compares coronavirus response sites (Public Digital, via Andrew)
AI Barometer (CDEI)
Alternative visions for the future of AI (Nesta)
Everyone’s talking about ethics in AI. Here’s what they’re missing (Fast Company)
Joint Statement from founding members of the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (DCMS/Office for AI)
Geospatial awareness
Unlocking the power of location:The UK’s geospatial strategy (Geospatial Commission)
Reviews: Owen, Jeni, Peter, Anna
Geospatial Commission Charter (Geospatial Commission)
Geospatial Glossary (Geospatial Commission)
Developer hub (UK Parliament)
Report on Digital Development (Stance for Parliamentary Digital Service, October 2019)
Seeing government, being seen by government. (Alex)
The role of technology in governance: The example of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (Natasha McCarthy and Franck Fourniol for Data & Policy)
NI civil servant voices warning on deleted emails (BBC News)
A question for government data people (James Plunkett)
What we learnt from the first phase of the GovTech Catalyst (GDS)
Everything else
Police in England and Wales dropping rape inquiries when victims refuse to hand in phones (The Guardian)
Mobile phone data extraction by police forces in England and Wales: Investigation report (ICO)
The Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You This* (The Atlantic)
IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon’s face recognition bans don’t go far enough (Fast Company)
TALES FROM THE CRYPTO (Frank Pasquale for Public Books)
Facebook to let users turn off political adverts (BBC News)
The three tests of internet regulation (Heather Burns)
EVENT: Why GovCamp North? (GovCamp North)
EVENT: Shoshana Zuboff meets Margrethe Vestager: A conversation about a future digital Europe - webinar (Danish Society of Engineers)
JOB: Deputy Head, Office for Artificial Intelligence (DCMS/BEIS)
JOB: Economic Advisor - Lead Analyst - Office of Artificial Intelligence (DCMS/BEIS)
JOB: Director of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (NHS Digital)
JOB: Head of Software Development (DfE)
And finally...
Country names in any language (Arun Ganesh)
Here's the geographical distribution of the 10 most common pub names in Great Britain (Colin Angus)
The topologist's map of the world - a map showing international borders, and nothing else (r/MapPorn)
Everything else
HTTP status codes as emoji .. this might be a good idea? (@francesc)
Chart shows the changing appearance of copper throughout the patina process (via Simon Kuestenmacher)
#registers (via Max Fras, via Oliver)
Won't somebody please...
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