#like. I don't usually defend Sophie. but all of yall have been having some intense emotional reactions
greens-spilled-tea · 11 months
Don't fucking send anon hate it's really that simple.
And if you find yourself in the situation where you got anon hate or a hurtful anon (even if it wasn't necessarily anon hate), I'm sorry that happened to you.
Honestly, things may not have been worded the best and wishing harm on someone else is not okay, but also yall are really taking things that someone said in a moment of intense emotion way too personally.
I'm not saying it's okay to wish harm on someone. Isolation and ostracization are so incredibly traumatic experiences for anyone to go through. I've been there.
But also, it kind of looks like yall are literally trying to find things to be mad at now. Instead of acknowledging that someone said something in the heat of being upset or triggered, you... what? Further demonize them? Show how awful they are for having an emotional response to a death threat?
It's a very emotionally charged situation. People were and are hurt on all sides of this.
Can we at least put those differences aside to try to help each other for once instead of constantly tearing each other down?
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