#like. he's waaaay too terrified of failing his dad's legacy to let his bloodline die
layzeal · 1 year
See thats the thing. Yes it will make him absolutely miserable to end the bloodline. But thats the thing. He can't do otherwise. The more he fails to get a wife (and to examine why), the more he interiorizes that it must come from an inherent fault of his and the worse his attempts get. Thats also why I dont think he would "adopt" either, his problem is that he can't really move on. Jin ling is different, because he's his sisters son, not his. And hes channeled all his energy into him, which is crazy politically speaking since jin ling can never be a jiang heir. I think part of him is terrified that he would do to his actual son what his father did to him (bc he will always love jin ling more on the basis of him being jiang yanlis son, the same way jiang fengmians affection for wei wuxian was a continuation of his love for cangse sanren). I think its really complex but honestly I'm compelled by the increased misery as stated above :)
i get you friend, but i really think you're giving him more credit than it's due 😭 my man has never done a bit of self-analysis in his life and i don't think failing to get a wife will get him to start
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