Be grateful for
every single stage of life.
Especially the ones
that break you open.
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Light and darkness
can’t exist
without each-other.
Day and night
are born
from their encounter.
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You can’t save someone
out of their own lives.
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Feeling too much
can hurt sometimes,
but one day you grow
and realize
that your heart
was never really
It was just
wide open.
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And if someday
the uncertainty of this world
becomes too overwhelming,
I hope you remember
that some mysteries
aren’t meant to be solved,
they’re meant
to be lived.
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Rocks make the spark
that gives birth to a fire.
A miracle. Light extruded
from solid darkness.
I searched for so long
just to realize that
I am not the rocks.
I am the fire.
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I’m constantly on this search
for the essence of who I am.
Sometimes, it finds me
and I can feel its presence.
But if I try to grasp it,
it slips away.
If I try to separate it
from the rest, it escapes.
So elusive.
Like the birth of a soul
with no one to receive it,
no shape to define it.
Spilling everywhere,
touching everything.
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I just want to disappear
into this universe.
Be the sun and the sand,
the wind and the water
moving aimlessly.
I want to be the dance
between the earth, the sky
and the waves.
Be the energy that holds
everything in its place.
And then I just want to appear
as a tiny human being
and open my eyes
and open my heart
to see myself.
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Between the certainty
of light and darkness
there’s a play of shadows,
a question.
Between self and other
there’s an encounter
called distance.
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I hope you have
the courage to forgive
all the people
that never asked for
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If you think that the Truth can be known
From words,
If you think that the Sun and the Ocean
Can pass through that tiny opening
Called the mouth,
O someone should start laughing!
Someone should start wildly Laughing ‘Now!
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My consciousness strays, but it doesn’t matter, I find the greatest serenity in hallucination.
Clarice Lispector
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Be grateful for
every single stage of life.
Especially the ones
that break you open.
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I went to the place
where we come from, the sea,
and asked how to live.
Air and water touched me,
coming and going.
And along with the whole earth,
I breathed.
This is how, little one,
the sea whispered,
this is how we live.
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If you sit down at night
and pay attention to the sky,
you can listen to the stars
listening to you.
It’s a silent melody that won’t reach
your ears but will reach your heart
and it will make you understand
that you are not alone.
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The future
will meet you
in the present
and you will have
the presence
you cultivate.
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How foolish of us for trying
to escape the changes of life.
I wonder if a flower tries to resist
as the universe pulls its existence
from within the seed to the bud
and then petal by petal,
bringing it back
into the
Maybe it just says, with all
the silence of its being,
thank you.
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