#like. idk. a guy whos not afraid to be openly emotional u know?
sadkois · 1 year
Shoves a microphone against ur lips. do you think Nishiki could've been saved if some good friend had hugged him
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keeperoftinyarmy · 3 years
1 I follow all of jm's ships and I must say it's been a while since ym has been interacting so much. I missed them. Which leads me to smthg i'd like to point out. There are ships in bts that r kinda always there they're always in the backgroung sort of like hopekook, jihope, minimoni & then u have the tk or ym who'd go months without really interacting or sitting next to each other but then u have jm putting his hand on sg knees, sitting close & tk being all over each other. I follow u and some
Anonymous said:
2 of ur mutuals & I don't always get ur thoughts on km. When s/o points out that tkk r too touchy for friends who r not emotionaly connected u guys say it's bcoz both jk & tae r touchy but i see jk never touches jm like that. When ppl point out that jk sometimes doesn't reciprocate with jm u say it's bcoz jk is afraid to get caught on camera yet the guy nibbled jm's ears during rb & put him on his lap. So If jk is afraid to touch jm on cam why does he nibble his ear? Jk is hard to understand
Anonymous said:
3 & i don't quite understand how u explain him being so touchy with jhope or tae (who he's been emotionaly distant with) but jk putting some distance at times with jm supposedly because he doesn't wanna do too much in front of the cam for fear of letting his emotions be seen and yet he makes gcfs who at the very least show jm as the dearest person to him in the group. I get why ppl question jk's intentions so much ppl can't seem to be able to convincingly explain his rs with tae & jm.
4 idk if i'm explaining myself well the word limit makes it hard to elaborate my thoughts. Basically my question would be could u clearly explain ur thoughts on why jk is so physically close with a member he is emotionaly distant with & why he seems to put boundaries with jm who he is closest to while using his art to express his closeness with him & also at times doing weird things like nibbling jm's ear & supposedly being bolder than jm at times. His behavior doesn't make sense.
As we can see the culture of the BTS friendship/family is very tactile and affectionate. All of the guys display physical affection toward each other in varying forms. As you mentioned, Jungkook does not shy away from the affection and often gives it freely...to everyone...but less often to Jimin. Why? You mentioned that GCFT shows Jimin to be a dear hyung, which should mean Jungkook should be just as openly affectionate with him as he is with the others. Let's suppose that Jungkook has stronger feelings for Jimin...a crush..or they are involved...something more than simple friendship. Most people tend to treat the person they are romantically involved with differently. It's why you can spot the couple within a friend group. They might sit a little closer together. They might talk in hushed intimate tones. They might look at each other a bit longer than they do other people. Their touches linger or they touch more often. Those are all the basic tells of a couple. So let's speculate that Jungkook and Jimin are a couple and they don't want that information to come out. How do they avoid that? Maybe touch less to insure that the difference in your connection doesn't show? Since touching a friend evokes a different response than touching a partner.
I don't know for sure why they don't interact the same as the others. But it seems to me they made a conscious choice to temper their physical affection. Now Jimin does touch JK more and I think it is because as another anon said that type of interaction is part of his "beloved stage persona" and also he is the hyung. A hyung doting on his dongsaeng is not out of the ordinary. Also Jimin has a better hold of his emotions...he has a really good poker face. Jungkook does not. He is easy to read...even strangers just watching him on TV can read him. So he may have determined that the best way to keep everything in check is just to hold back from touching Jimin. That is why the times we do see him initiating contact with Jimin there is a hesitation you can almost see him debating within. Or he's running on pure instinct - like Rose Bowl and a simple back hug has somehow been escalated to an ear kiss. If he had taken more time to think on it, maybe that might not have happened...maybe. I just know that Jungkook not touching Jimin seems to be the right decision...because of below.
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i had an amazing day with my friends :-) ! a lot of rambling about it below ! 🌈🧸
i really can't even verbalise how good today was - i was just buzzing the entire time which i guess is a good sign?? but jeeeez today was incredible!!! i was feeling super inauthentic and fake and doubting if my personality was real etc the last couple of weeks but like… being around these three goofs who i've learned to call my genuine friends (even though i've only known them since sept when we started college) has made me feel so real and heard and involved and aaaaah i would do anything for them.. they are. so wonderful ?? 
i never thought id find a real life group friends like this honestly. and i mean, internet friends are a whole different thing!! i just can't even explain how amazing it is to have people who know me for who i am irl first and foremost rather than what i sometimes feel like i am online which is some sort of idealized version of myself (which isn't true either way. i'm being myself regardless babie and i'm trying to remember that!!) but i just... i just feel so alive and unstoppable with them and i actually feel open expressing things to them?? for the first time i sent them a sentimental ramble kinda like what this is which is very big for me honestly.. when i met them i was fully prepared to never? be truly open with them?? and yet how supportive they've been towards me has completely blindsided me and i'll forever be grateful for all they've done for me so far :,)
i didn't know how they would respond to me being so passionately thankful to know them when they may not reciprocate it. but today really helped me like.. realise that they do care about me and that they love me back which i never expected. today really just kinda… put me back inside my body??? they make me feel like myself again and that its okay to be myself - i wanna cry about it tbh i just feel so happy and grateful to know them. and we saw sonic together btw!!! which was. so wholesome and fun and genuinely enjoyable omg. it had... like elements of all of us in our group of 4, jack said it was like the epitome of us which idk that stuck with me like wow we really have like... learned each others interests and everything after 5-ish months of being friends and it's oddly soft to have that irl :( and i had never seen a movie with more than one friend before this?? so being with my group and just passing our giant popcorn together and bonking my head against one of my friend’s (selin) shoulder bc physical affection babie and calling her pretty and going wild when we saw an ad for our college being like “omg put us in we go THEREEE !!” and. again just. not being afraid to express that i genuinely love them was the best…. i’m v overwhelmed in a positive way sjddjksks. 
i just feel so real and secure in who i am because of them and i hope i get to feel like this more as i...... ?? “recover”? idk i’m still struggling with realising that what i've gone through and been hurt through is enough to validate some sort of recovery but i know i deserve it. everyone deserves that inherently :(
also, if you have seen the sonic movie already, you will know that there is a certain song near the beginning by uhh my fav band wink wink i don't wanna spoil incase any fans see this i want them to see the movie and b surprised with seeing this song playing bc i almost cried. and i ??? hand flapped openly when it played and my friends didn’t judge me or anything i love them i… ??? i’m overwhelmed ohh my gosh i love my friends …. i love them so much. they've been so supportive and there for me when they could have just been these... very uninvolved friends who didn't make any attempt to talk to me unless i initiated it but they aren't that. they're conversational and supportive and care enough to remember the things i like and actually who i am and involve me in things and treat me like i actually add something to the group and asdfghjdfklj i’m v. very thankful for my friends oh myy goodness... i love them so much. 
ALSO. ??? okay silly thing. i hugged all 3 of them today which i ? also initiated which felt very risky bc i always have that lurking fear that my affection or kindness will be rejected and i guess that has made me suppress those sort of things a lot but i hugged all 3 of them!! with selin its a regular thing and her hugs are v soft, harrison’s one was quick bc he had to leave but i just love that despite the other two giving him fistbumps i felt confident enough to jsut.. give him a liddol hug bc i appreciate him and i hope he knows that :( the only other time so far weve hugged was bc he got super excited about his christmas present i got him (its a pin and he wears it everywhere now i could cry!!!!) 
and i hugged jack for the first time which is !! like a v silly little thing but for a bit he was the one i talked to least? but gradually we’ve been closer with each other which is v fun bc we are solidarity in many ways fjsdnvfhkfrjgf...... the curly hair.. the hypermobility (we found this out today and we both went wild btw!! spiderman pointing at each other meme in real life im telling u), the way we say the exact same things, the gay solidarity... anyway i love hugging people oml i haven't had this many hugs in one day maybe *ever*!! so it was euphoric leave me aloneeeeee let me be dramatic i am ridiculously touchstarved goshfhj. they're also all taller than me which isnt saying much i UNDERSTAND THIS (tumblr has made me think my height was average until i went to college and EVERY person i come in contact with is taller than me by a good bit) but omg... hugging taller people as i've now found out... is truly very neat!!!!!! u people that have previously been lucky enough to hug a tall ppl were right :D  it was gentle. hold each other gentle like hamburger !! 
harrison had to leave a lil bit earlier so he missed out on the sick group hug but jhkdmljdskfhg ogmjhkkh i feel so overly dramatic about that but genuinely just.......... and i didn't initiate that one! selin did and it meant so much to me like. idk i've had the fear for the longest time that i was just grotesqueeeee and nobody would be willing to interact with me let alone give me physical affection so having that and kinda just being comfortably squished between them......... the bliss i experienced in that moment u guys........... i cannot......... dang that was a long ramble just about the hugging alone can u tell how happy today made me ohmygogoshd........
argh okay last paragraph u get my point....... i never thought i would have friends like this so it's just like, im not exactly FEELING hope that it will happen it's the just the. god i don't know another more emotive word for it but just?? the realisation that it has happened and i have these guys and that i'm apart of something bigger than just myself instead of strictly one-on-one friendships, im apart of a group and i feel trusted by them and i feel just. i don't wanna say i was “meant” to meet them but i truly feel that meeting them has changed everything for me and i'll always be over the moon about that :,) ! 🌙🧸🌈💞🌙🧸🌈🌙🧸💞🌈🌙🧸💞🌈🌙🧸💞🌈
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gyeommine · 6 years
MONSTA X as Roommates
wow sorry this has been a LONG absence. i am swimming in school work and deadlines atm so bear w me. my final exams are this year so i am trying my best love u all <3
(all gif creds to the original owners)
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okay so he’s a typical male but he tries really really hard okay?
he’ll say he will do his chores, make his bed or do his laundry
but he’s a busy sweetie
so he’ll fall asleep in a crumpled duvet
and it melts your heart so you have to do it
and he’ll always thank you super sincerely where his eyes disappear into his face and honestly ur roommate is the most adorable human alive.
u always catch him being an actual dad
he’ll be in his favourite sofa crevice, scratching his chin w his arm up in that position the bois make fun of him for.
and you have to try with all your might to not burst out laughing
instead you send a picture to the mx groupchat.
it’s called tender blackmail.
he also falls asleep on the sofa a lot but u can’t move him so
another dad thing he does is that he’s lowkey super protective
he’s not often an emotional person so it’s quite well hidden
but he does worry if you’re home later than him and will probably call u.
and will let out a prominent sigh of relief when you respond
lets you wear the baggy shirts he doesn’t wear anymore or so he claims
it just makes him chuckle when his shirts completely drown you
you also get to see a v sincere side to shownu
you can clearly see how his performing on top of variety shows exhausts him (esp when he claims variety is not his thing)
but he’ll never snap at you when he’s like that
because he’s so sincerely appreciative of having you around
but doesn’t disguise his dumbness
you guys can’t have many expensive ornaments
bc he’ll go to thoughtfully polish it to cheer you up
and end up breaking it
he’s a literal sweetheart that tries so hard, love him please
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(wOW i would protecc this man w all my heart. purest)
he would be the sweetest roommate in th world
even tho he’s busy 24/7
he’ll sometimes randomly buy you your usual coffee
or he’ll see you’re almost out of milk or something
where he’ll promptly restock so you don’t have to
he’s incredibly thoughtful
it makes you a lil sad sometimes when he’s particularly busy
bc you miss him like crazy
but when he gets the chance, he makes sure he hangs out w you and dedicate some set time to his best friend
bc he really appreciates you
you’re both each other’s main support
he knows that when he walks in through the door after a shit day
you’ll be sat on the sofa ready to hear him out
it leads to way too many profound chats till like 3 in the morning
he’s a lil’ bit protective
on the rare occasion he’s not working and you’re not home
he’ll be snapchatting you, texting you
‘wonho i was just at the gym?’ ‘can i come too??!!”
and then suddenly you’re hanging out as per
living w wonho is the chillest thing
except when he neglects to wear a shirt when he’s having a lazy day
and you’re red in the face, throwing fabrics at him to cover him damn self.
friends or not it’s illegal for wonho to walk around like that
you both gel without arguments
you like the same films, music and even like to eat at similar places
never any arguments over takeout lol
you even end up giving each other skin care tips 
which makes for a pretty blissful living arrangement if you ask me.
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(a visual??????)
okay you two are the ultimate best friends.
you have a long list of movies and tv series/anime that you two have to watch together
primarily because you know how whiny and salty he will be if u break it 
you’re both pretty relaxed roommates
like the dishes don’t need to be done right this second
magically chores still get done
thankfully, minhyuk isn’t the typical gross male
but he will probably shamelessly steal food that you have labelled
which is probably the only source of any conflict in your house.
when you’re both at home
you better believe this loud ass will wake you up super early to go do something together
“time to bond (y/n)!!!!” “what r u, 5?”
but you’re lowkey kinda grateful that he wants to do stuff with you
since you’re always afraid you’ll lose him to his schedule
you’re still super super close
you guys create your own dance routines and memorise current choreos that are trending 
you prank each other, which may involve you printing pre-debut pictures of minhyuk and plastering them everywhere
you have you’re own handshake that may or may not last for like 5 minutes
and if either of you forget it oH THE b e t r a y a l
did i mention that minhyuk is a massive drama queen?
but in a funny way (unlike a certain member who’s about to follow)
you will have named your shared apartment, no doubt
and will reference its name in the invites of the house parties you guys host
you basically act like siblings when their parents go out for the evening... 24/7...
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(his smile could sAVE lives. it’s so bright)
the ‘drama queen’ i previously mentioned
if u wanted a relaxed roommate, dude look elsewhere
i reckon yoo kihyun is a clean freak
he is mad about a rota of chores, to ensure it’s equal
but i can imagine him redoing them anyway if they weren’t done exactly how he normally does it.
this causes some some minor bickering
it’s always resolved when you ask what you’re doing for dinner that night
you guys have this insane ability to just drop arguments in a flash
which is why the intense cleaning regime never bothers you
plus, it contents your parents that you don’t live in a pig sty
(and silently wish that they could hire kihyun to clean on the side)
but beneath the bitterness, he can be super thoughtful
he’ll remember a food you were craving that one time
and suddenly you’ll find it in the cupboards
when you ask, he’ll shrug it off 
but he lowkey loves to cook for you.
you guys will love to buy furniture together
prepare yourself for many trips to look at random decorations or house plants to liven up your two dead souls
relishing the simple joys like buying new plates or cutlery like the secretly middle aged people you are.
surprisingly, yall have a v similar ideal
i can just picture this modern (not to mention spotless), monochromatic apartment in seoul
mx and your friends will be so jealous of how well you run your appartment together
although they quietly question your friendship, yall get it each other
your closeness is measured in bitterness and insults
and you don’t really need anyone to understand your friendship
bc it works
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this living arrangement will be the exact opposite to living w kihyun
“organised mess”
it’s just you guys are always so busy with your careers and lives
so tidiness happens to be the bottom of the priority list
except when parents come over
then you’re doing hurdles over each other to tidy up
trying to find as many convenient dark spots in the place to hide unwashed laundry
when you are both at home
it’s a quiet contentedness in each other's company
you’ll most likely message each other instead of yell
but when you do call out to him, it usually takes 3-6 times before you receive at least a mumble in response
you’ll probably text each other when you’re right next to each other
well, if hyungwon’s even awake
you will definitely leave passive aggressive notes to each other
‘close the cupboard u moron - love (y/n) xoxo’
and hyungwon will reply on the same cupboard door
‘even ur writing is loud omg - hyungwon’
and the door will be wide ajar
and you’re genuinely not sure whether he hasn’t noticed the actual issue or is blatantly ignoring it
nevertheless, it’s your guys’ sense of humour
you guys probably stay up a lot together when you’re both free and not feeling up to doing much
a few beers while watching some b-rate movie to laugh at
but the film will soon be forgotten and you’ll be talking about anything from love to what vegetable you identify with
and end up falling asleep on the sofa next to each other at 6 am
and the cycle starts all over again
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(one of the sweetest dimpled people alive)
a golden, pure apartment
you guys are inseparable and the cutest friends alive
yall really take care of each other, even if its a little out yours’ way
you both can immediately sense when something is wrong
when you drag your feet into the flat, your face completely drained
jooheon is alert and ready to let you rant about your day
and he’ll offer to pay for food that night or cook something
likewise with him. you just sense when he needs a cry or a moan.
you guys are also super goofy
jumping around like 10 year olds to your favourite playlists
having your own lip sync battles and completely slaying the raps
i can also imagine you two having a redecorating day together
you playfully bickering over a shade of blue for the living room
idk it just seems like something you guys would do together
you also leave sweet notes for each other
especially if you don’t see each other at home for a while
you’ll wake up to a lil’ sticky note wishing you a pleasant day
it’s honestly sickly sweet
you’ll prank and tease the other members when they come over
because you guys are an unstoppable, mischievous duo
unfortunately shownu doesn’t really scare like jooheon does
so the tables over turn :/
jooheon has also put a ban on horror movies 
because he’s so jumpy and he knows he’ll never live it down
you guys will also share a bed in a completely platonic way
like you have just missed your best friend
so you have a sleepover... in the flat you share... as adults
everybody just assumes you’re dating and mx think you should
esp when jooheon gets lowkey jealous when you go on dates, since he’s so openly protective of you
but you guys know where you’re at
and you’re happy as best friends
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(i love this gif of changkyun. look at his cheeks ahhhh)
you guys are long-term childhood friends so the apartment vibe is chill
you have been friends so damn long, you know exactly how each other click so there are rarely any problems
if there is, you threaten to blackmail w the thousands of ugly photos you have of him.
then you remember he has an equal amount as you, and the actual issues is dropped within seconds
because you guys are still goofy through it al
like i said, it’s a v chill household
chores get magically done, eventually, but there’s no real rush
but you are both rarely there to have to thrive in it
it does make kihyun want to die a little when he visits
changkyun is often at his own studio
and you’ll receive calls asking you to listen to something he’s produced and see what you think of it
it means you guys end up spending more time at his studio than the apartment you both pay for lmao
but it doesn’t bother either of you
sometimes, it does take some prompting from you to stop him from overworking himself
what you guys love to do is go out on drives
just drive somewhere completely random, sit and watch the night creep in
you guys can pretty much talk for hours and hours
be it reminiscing, talking about the future or about the new music that you have been listening to
this does mean changkyun always has headphones in
so you’ll have to call his name repeatedly to get his attention 
your apartment will also always smell good
you both end up buying heaps and heaps of incense and candles
careful in not making the landlord believe you guys are doing drugs lmao
but it just creates such a relaxed atmosphere
and you don’t have to think too hard when buying each other presents
sorry if the lengths aren’t v well balanced. i had LOADS of ideas for some members and fewer for others. curse of writer’s brain grrrr. some of these were so cute, and i would so room w changkyun tbh
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My BTS WINGS Tour in Chicago Fan Account
THIS IS A LOT. Like 4 whole pages in google docs 😬. Don't feel obligated to read the whole thing just because you follow me. If you have any questions to ask me feel free to message me :-)
OK first things first shout out to the uber guy who was blasting a kpop spotify playlist when he pulled up to get me lmao
He told me he personally wasn't into it but that he had been driving people to the venue since like 11:00 AM and he already saw people lining up so i was like 💀
I got to the venue by 6:30PM and had to wait like 5 minutes to get in
OK…..so I ended up getting an ARMY bomb ewhvfqghrlhotw
And….here’s the kicker……….it was $60 🙃🙃🙃
It was impulsive af but i had the money and i was so afraid i wouldn't get anything else because shiz was selling out fast so i panicked 😬
I waited in this long ass line because i knew I had to get some kind of souvenir but by the time i got to the front the ARMY bombs were the only things left
And you know what's hilarious? i ended up not even using the ARMY bomb because after waiting in the second line i didn't even have enough time to charge it 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
So i was just like Fuck It and bolted to my seat which was 2nd tier
Even though my seat wasn't close to the guys...it didn't feel too far away? The venue is really nice tbh like i was of reasonable distance and could see everything fine.
My seat was at the end of a row in the middle seats so i didn't feel squished which is a HUGE bonus cuz that was my main concern so overall I think my seat was pretty good.
Before i talk my head off about the performances i want to give a big shout out to the people who filmed, did artwork and put together the VCR’s throughout the concert. Everything was so beautiful and fit the themes and songs well.
After the first VCR, which was arguably an art film, these guys came out with Not Today and y’all….
That was honestly when i realized that this was...Actually Happening.
Like these guys i care about so much were performing right in front of me
I screamed so damn loud lmaooo
After Not Today they did their introductions and they were all SO CUTE ☺️
Ofc Hobi did his iconic “I’m your Hope!” and my heart fell out of my ass LMAO
Yoongi was so freakin Extra™ he took his damn ear buds out and made that cocky hand gesture where he closed his eyes and put his palm to the back of his ear to get everyone to scream for him I CAN’T with him 😒
But.. i still screamed as loud as i could 😏
I screamed for all the members everyone did
After their cute introductions and small talk they continued on with the concert where they performed Am I Wrong (an under appreciated tune), Baepsae (LIT 👅👅👅 they all looked so hot) and the Dope which i hadn't listened to in a while so i felt nostalgic jamming to it.
And then we got to the solo stages...
Jungkook is such a talented kid tbh. Like i joke about him a lot in my tags but he looked so cool performing Begin. His footwork was something else 👌🏾
After him was Jimin with Lie and HE HAD HIS TIDDIES OUT (I’m calling his mama lmao). But no it was just a reallllllly low cut shirt like 👀 I see you chimchim. The performance was literally art in motion for me with the choreography and background VCR, and the song itself is just a masterpiece, my fave solo after MAMA. Jimin is so captivating to watch.
After him was Yoongi with First Love and it was so beautiful and passionate. The background VCR had really well done art and complimented the beauty of the song. Yoongi has such a cool energy to him, very confident and unafraid. I really appreciate what he had to offer.
And look... I already knew Yoongi was a good looking dude but like…Idk what happened but this concert made me realize how beautiful he really is??? Hobi is my bae you guys know that but Yoongi had me swerving a couple of times jesus 👀
After that they came back together as a group perform Lost (vocal line only, and another under appreciated bop) Save Me (my favorite group performance, when Hobi’s part came on I screamed and then loudly repeated the only english line he had in his verse,”The best of me!”) and then I Need U (a classic)
After that was Namjoon who performed Reflection which was very mellow. It is a very vulnerable song that encompasses emotions I think anyone can relate to. I am glad he could openly share those feelings in a song. When he go to the part where he repeats the “I wish I could love myself” line we were all chanting WE LOVE YOU like the fans at Brazil and Newark. It was so sweet ☺️
After him was Taehyung with Stigma and HE DID THAT. Tae really gave his all during that performance. I still worry over his vocal technique tho cuz he is a natural baritone and that solo had a lot of high notes. But he was so immersed in his song and it was so soulful like 😭 I’m super proud of him.
And after him...MY MAN CAME OUT 😰 😰 😰  
Y’all i was NOT ready Hobi KILLED IT. Mama is such a bop but the meaning behind it is so gorgeous this boy really does love his mom. He danced, rapped and during the ending chorus he had his lil singing adlibs and I was just felt so content and happy seeing him perform with all his energy. He really is our Hope 😭😭😭😭
And during Hobi’s solo they showed soooo many baby pictures 😱 they showed pictures of him I never seen before including awkward pre teen photos of him posing like a superhero and I LOVED THAT cuz we all have those super awk photos we took when we were 12 thinking we looked badass and then we see them now and we’re like 🙄 so I’m really glad he was confident enough to show that he’s just as human as everyone else. And then...
ALRIGHT so here’s the deal…
Hobi is my Official Bias™ and Yoongi is my now confirmed Bias Wrecker™ but…
Jin is…idk I can’t explain it but he has such a special place in my heart. He gets overlooked a lot and in his solo song Awake he sings about this. Feeling like he is sometimes not a part of his own group and I’ve felt that way before so many times. Hell all my life even. When he was singing his solo I honest to god teared up like he’s just such a great guy with a great sense of humor who works so hard in everything he does. I sang most of the song and I screamed so loud for him, everyone did. I just hope he felt loved that night ❤️
Jeez i teared up just writing that…
And then….after that was the cypher 💀💀💀
EVERYONE was hyped, rap line went off, it was around this time were my voice was starting to hurt 😥
After that was Fire, another hype song
And then it was a huge mashup of their debut/rookie years title songs. It made me realize how far they’ve all came when it comes to music.
Diring that they performed Run which is the era i really started to stan them. It brought back some more nostalgia, mainly back to when the fandom life didn't feel so damn dramatic 25/8 😒
After that was when the started to talk with us again. They talked about how they spent their time in Chicago and how happy they felt to be there.
Namjoon said he went to look at Lake Michigan and the Michigander in me was like 😵😵😵
Like yes boys come to Michigan sometime! Swim across the lake lmao 😭
Namjoon also said that if he had to chose any US city to live in it would be Chicago which i thought was super cute and everyone around me was going nuts. I like Chicago a lot too and i hadn't been there in such a long time so it was good to come back for the concert. Hopefully I can stay longer next time
Also! The Chicago Armys did the rainbow project as well!!! It was so pretty. The organizers did such a great job. I remember when American Armys were first talking about making a project with the light sticks but people (including other American fans) were sort of putting them down because they thought we should leave making good fan projects to the Korean Armys which made me go??? But you guys really pulled it off!!!! Im proud of y’all.
The boys looked shocked that the American fans did it again because they had already did the same project at the Newark concerts, they all looked so happy and commented on it and how grateful they were.
After that they performed their more recent songs off the WINGS album including 2! 3! Hope For Better Days which had a beautiful montage of all the members from debut era. I know i keep saying this but it was obviously nostalgic
The also performed the WINGS Intro which I LOVE and wish it were made to a full song but for the concert they made it longer than usual so the boys could goof off and interact with fans and the stuffed animals the fans tossed at them. Jungkook wore these cute bunny ears  ☺️ ☺️ ☺️ super cute. They all looked like they were having a blast with the fans at the floor seats. That was the only time I felt jealous of not getting a floor seat. There’s always next time tho!
The last songs they performed were Boy Meets Evil(Hobi’s other solo that was the album intro, and ofc he freaking killed it!!! He is such a talented dancer and i hope he goes on Hit the Stage one day so everyone, especially non-fans, can finally see how great of a dancer he is) BST(LIT!) and Spring Day(Beautiful performance, a great way to end the concert)
The boys stayed on stage for the longest time even after Spring Day ended. They all took their sweet time doing final bows and saying goodbye to the fans. They were so sweet this whole concert and always kept the crowd hyped when they could talk to us throughout the concert. I'm so thankful I saw them. I'll never forget this and I hope to see them again.
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