#like. if missiles are so healthy and easy to deal with them why did the weapons that had them get nerfed to the point you basically don’t
evanatsuhi · 1 year
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me when i exclusively play turf war and c rank splat zones and have no idea what i’m talking about
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grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #31: Medea
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we’re building the Witch of Deceit Medea in DnD 5e! In this build, Medea’s going to be an Abjuration Wizard to power up her counterspells to act in the place of Rule Breaker. You can restrict your counterspells and dispel magics to melee range if you really want to play to character, but I don’t think I can overstate how much harder you’ll be making it for yourself. 
As always, a spreadsheet for the build can be found here, and a level-by-level breakdown can be found below the cut.
Race and Background
As the daughter of King Aeetes, calling Medea a Noble is actually a bit of an understatement. Regardless, she has proficiency in History and Persuasion because of this, which works out great for you. It’s also nice that Medea’s background was so easy to pin down, because her race certainly wasn’t. She’s a human, but with gods in her direct ancestry which would make her an Aasimar, and of course, just look at those ears. In this case, we’re going to make her a High Elf, giving her 60′ of Darkvision, proficiency with Perception, advantage against being charmed with your Fey Ancestry, the ability to Trance instead of sleep, and an extra Cantrip from the wizard spell list. Grab Fire Bolt for some firepower early on. High elves also get +2 to Dexterity and +1  to Intelligence.
 Ability Scores
Put your highest score in Intelligence; Medea’s been trained by the best witch in  the game, and she’s a quick study. After that is Charisma; she’s the witch of deceit for a reason. Butter up your enemies and sink that dagger into their back. Speaking of daggers, Rule Breaker is a pretty good one, and to make sure it can actually hit its mark, she’ll need some Dexterity. After that is Constitution; she’s not that tough, but she has spent a long time on that dumb boat, so at least she’s learned not to get seasick. Put your second lowest score into Wisdom (she did trust Jason, of all people), and dump Strength Because Wizard. Strength is for fools who can’t throw lightning around.
Class Levels
1. We’re starting this build with a level in Wizard. We’re also ending this build with Wizard. It’s Wizard all the way down, is what I’m saying. First level wizards have an Arcane Recovery, letting Medea regain spell slots of fifth level or lower with a combined level of half her level on a short rest, and now that I’ve said level so many times its stopped looking like a word. Wizards also get two skill proficiencies, and Medea’s are Arcana and Religion, because those were the same thing during the age of gods. She also has proficiency in Intelligence and Wisdom saves. 
Finally, Wizards get spells. A lot of spells. At first level, they get three Cantrips and six first level spells, and then they get two more spells each level. Because Medea is an actual caster, unlike most of the other servants up to this point, we can get a little freeform with her spell list. I’ll mention all the spells I’d personally give her, but I’ll only be putting the very useful or very in character spells in bold from here on out. For cantrips, grab Lightning Lure, Minor Illusion, and Message. For first level spells, grab Absorb Elements, Mage Armor, Witch Bolt, Magic Missile, Disguise Self, and Burning Hands.
2. At second level, Medea becomes a member of the School of Abjuration, making her an Abjuration Savant (reducing the cost and time to copy abjuration spells by half), and she learns how to make an Arcane Ward, a magical barrier that is created when casting an abjuration spell that will take some hits for her, like some kind of shiny yellow sweater. Medea also learns Alarm and Cause Fear, because sometimes you just don’t want to be bothered.
3. At third level, Medea unlocks second level spells, including Arcane Lock and Detect Thoughts. It’s much easier to scheme when you literally know what everyone’s thinking, so of course that’s what she’ll do. 
4. Use Medea’s first ASI to make her into a War Caster. This feat will give her advantage on concentration saves (not useful yet), the ability to perform somatic spells while holding a weapon (very useful for RP reasons in a level), and cast spells as an attack of opportunity instead of hitting the fleeing creature. Magic is Medea’s weapon of choice, and now that’s just a bit more literal.
For spells, grab Dancing Lights, Maximillian’s Earthen Grasp (it’s not quite skeletons bursting out of the ground, but we’re getting there), and Nystul’s Magic Aura. This spell is just really useful for someone who needs to hide out while plotting their revenge. You can hide magical items, prevent your own mind from being read, or even trick paladins into thinking Jason is secretly a fiend. The possibilities are endless.
5. A fifth level, Medea finally gets access to third level spells, including the vaunted Counterspell and Dispel Magic. Technically these two have further ranges than 5′, but if you want to stay in character you better make Medea stab whatever she’s countering first. No guarantees that she’ll survive staying in character, though.
6. Sixth level Abjuration wizards get a Projected Ward, letting Medea throw her fancy yellow sweater to other party members to protect them as well. Medea can’t target the golden fleece in FGO, but I’d like to think she’s mellowed out in the three years since the game began and got a bit more generous.
She also gets Nondetection for more sneakiness and Animate Dead for some skeletons to throw into the meat grinder that is frontline combat.
7. Seventh level wizards have fourth level spells, and Medea’s grabbing Polymorph (her aunt’s freaking Circe, after all) and Tiny Servant. Miniatures are her passion, and bringing them to life to enact her fantasies of torturing Jason is a totally healthy hobby, don’t worry about it.
8. Medea’s second ASI can get thrown towards her Intelligence for more spells and a stronger fleece. It turns out smarts are important for a wizard, wild huh?
Grab Banishment and Bestow Curse this level, and have fun coming up with effects to throw at people.
9. Ninth level wizards get fifth level spells. Medea gets Animate Objects for more fun with dolls and Danse Macabre. The danse doesn’t last as long as Animate dead, but you can pull it off mid combat, bringing it closer in line with Medea’s battle animations.
10. At tenth level, abjuration wizards Improve their Abjuration, so now Medea adds her proficiency bonus to ability checks caused by abjuration spells like counterspell. Rule Breaker still isn’t at its full potential yet, but it’s getting stronger.
11. Eleventh level wizards gain sixth level spells, and Medea gets Guards and Wards to set up your ultimate workshop and True Seeing.
12. Use Medea’s next ASI to turn her into a Mage Slayer. She can now use her reaction to make a melee attack against creatures casting spells, so if you somehow got your hands on a Rule Breaker in game, she can now use it for its intended purpose. Also, when Medea damages a creature it has disadvantage on its concentration save, and Medea has advantage on saves against spells cast within 5′ of her.
For spells, Medea picks up Chain Lightning, adding electricity to her repetoire, and Fabricate to make figure sculpting a snap.
13. At 13th level, Medea gains access to seventh level spells and grabs Symbol and Teleport.
14. As an abjuration wizard, Medea gets her final subclass bonus at fourteenth level, granting her Spell Resistance. Medea now has advantage on saves against spells, and resists damage from spells as well.
For spells this level, Medea grabs Locate Creature and Dimension Door.
15. At this level Medea accesses eighth level spells and grabs Antipathy/Sympathy and Antimagic Field. Flavorwise, this is Medea going absolutely ham with Rule Breaker, breaking down all magic in 10 feet of her. This is what peak performance looks like. Spells? Gone. Enchantments? Suppressed. Summons? Sayonara.
16. Medea’s next ASI is going to max out her Intelligence for extra spell damage, spell saves, and a fluffier golden fleece. For spells, she grabs Clone and Dominate Person.
17. Medea finally has access to ninth level spells, giving her plenty of magic to play with. At this level she grabs Imprisonment (for when she finally gets a hold of Jason) and Invulnerability.
18. Eighteenth level wizards gain Spell Mastery, letting her cast a 1st and 2nd level spell for free as long as they’re prepared. I’d pick Disguise Self and Nystul’s Magic Aura for extra scheming, but your pick isn’t set in stone, so go with whatever fits your campaign the best. Medea also grabs two new spells, Wish and Create Undead. The latter may be stepping on the toes of Animate Undead a bit, but the added variety may be useful. Or it might not be; again, that’s why the spell’s name isn’t in bold.
19. Medea’s last ASI will make her a Piercer, adding 1 to her dexterity, and giving her extra abilities when using piercing weapons. Once per turn, you can reroll one die if the attack deals piercing damage, and critical hits that deal piercing damage add an extra die.
For spells, grab Forcecage and Power Word Pain.
20. Medea’s capstone level gives her Signature Spells, two 3rd level spells that she can cast once per short rest for free. Of course in this build we’re going with Counterspell and Dispel Magic to maximize Rule Breaker’s uptime. For her final spells, grab Soul Cage and Aganazzar’s Scorcher.
Pros: Medea may be a squishy caster, but thanks to her ward her effective HP pool is bumped up from Wizard to the lofty heights of Bards, and she more or less heals herself with each counterspell she casts. Her focus on abjuration makes her the bane of other wizards’ existences, and because she’s a caster, her spell list is a lot more flexible than previous builds.
Cons: I can’t overstate how badly melee weapons and wizards mix. Also, while you’re terrifying for casters to deal with, counterspell does nothing against barbarians, so pick your fights wisely. Just stay away from any adventuring groups led by Jason, and you should be fine.
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wild-battlebond · 4 years
Digimon Xros Wars Ep21 Liveblog
DarkKnightmon is shooting missiles at team Xros Heart! But that won’t deter Taiki from helping Nene escape and understand the power of friendship, because he can’t turn his back on her.
ok so this episode just jumps right into the action. no preamble. the team is getting chased around by DarkKnightmon and Kiriha but since Pinnochimon and the other Dust Zone denizens are still with them they can hide in secret places like a garbage shute. shote? shoote? shuute??
i think Zenjirou’s bones might be broken now
so Nene really is in that tower? but definitely not in the orb, right? Sparrowmon is saying that DarkKnightmon is holding Yuu hostage so that Nene does whatever he wants, but I could’ve sworn I remembered Yuu being held by the Bagra Army... anyways, so since she wants to save Nene, Sparrowmon is working with the team again, and if X5 doesn’t appear this time I will eat my hat
Lillithmon is here now & is discussing a temporary truce with DarkKnightmon so that they can both get rid of Xros Heart. they’re both doing that thing villains do where they’re like “haha yeah :) let’s work together :) and be nice to each other :)” but then they’re both planning a million ways they can backstab the other after the truce is over. DarkKnightmon’s backstab plan is “everyone will be dead after I get the Darkness Loader” which is ominous.
two episodes after Deckerdramon joined Kiriha’s team because he sensed latent good in Kiriha’s heart and now he’s just doing acts of violence because Kiriha says so. although actually it wouldn’t be surprising if Kiriha’s mindcontrol was extending to his Digimon, which would explain why Deckerdramon isn’t fighting for the sake of love or anything.
ok yeah Ballistamon was just like “there’s something off about [Kiriha’s] Digimon, too!” so the mindcontrol did extend to them.
oh I thought that Taiki was walking closer to Kiriha just for the sake of being closer, not to slug him. the combination of the force of that punch + Taiki taunting Kiriha by reminding him that being mindcontrolled by DarkKnightmon meant he lost again has made it so that Kiriha is back to normal & not brainwashed. so now Xros Heart and Blue Flare are probably going to team up to fight DarkKnightmon and Lilithmon.
and then they did team up & Taiki left X4 behind to fight so he could go with Sparrowmon to the tower to free Nene.
breaking Nene out was fairly easy... but she doesn’t want to leave. well, she does and doesn’t want to leave. obviously, she does want to escape from DarkKnightmon since she told everyone what Zone she was going to next and such, but she also doesn’t want to leave because she’s still bound by needing to protect her brother.
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it does seem like Nene kinda took Kiriha’s advice to heart — obviously, she’s not going around and fighting everything in sight like he does, but she is trying to be strong by taking care of all her problems and responsibilities on her own, without help. (wait that’s kind of a parallel to what Sparrowmon was trying to do a few episodes ago...) But, obviously, that’s not a healthy way to deal with your problems. and Taiki recognizes this (his whole deal is helping people and relying on his friends, after all, and the last episode was just about Taiki helping Pinnochimon learn to trust his friends). so he tells Nene that — she doesn’t need to solve all her problems and sadness on her own, and that he’s willing to stand by her side and help her.
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i forgot to mention the first time, but wow Taiki gets two fancy new Xrossing animations in this episode. unfortunately neither look very good. also I was finally right and X5 is going to form!
X5 took out the majority of the enemy army out in one strike! and then Pinnochimon somehow found the DigiMemory for MetalGarurumon and Kiriha xrossed MetalGreymon with a Cyberdramon to create some kind of abomination. and they defeated every enemy Digimon except for Lilithmon and DarkKnightmon
but DarkKnightmon’s plans have still come to fruition because he has the Darkness Loader (which is just an orb of darkness, but I think it might take on a more Xros Loader-like form later on? it’s either that or I’m thinking of a different evil Xros Loader) and can forcibly xros Digimon with himself. it... doesn’t actually seem that different from what some of the Bagra Army subordinates have done? but I guess those were more like consuming the other Digimon than fusing with them? I guess we’ll see if there’s anything particularly special about forced xrossing.
it took everyone’s strength just to repel one attack, and even then it blew up half the zone. that’s going to be tough to fight against.
and then the explosion gave Taiki the Code Crown.
and now, because teams Xros Heart, Blue Flare, and Twilight have all consistently repelled the Bagra Army’s attacks, the actual Bagramon has showed up. this is going to lead to a lot of brotherly drama later on.
Next time, Taiki is going to meet Wisemon and learn the secrets of the Digital World. If I remember right, this episode is pretty interesting! Xros Wars has a unique, odd, yet intriguing interpretation of the Digital World.
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go-redgirl · 4 years
Nolte: Here Are 11 of Joe Biden’s Biggest Debate Lies
President Trump trounced Joe Biden during their final debate Thursday night in Tennessee. It wasn’t even close. Biden was looking at his watch because he couldn’t wait to get the hell out of the ring (I’m also told the debate took place in the middle of a Matlock marathon.) I was looking at my watch because I didn’t want it to end.
A quick word on the muting the microphones…
You put boundaries around a filmmaker like Michael Cimino, you get classics like Thunderbolt and Lightfoot and the Deer Hunter. You take away those boundaries, you get Heaven’s Gate.
You put boundaries around a Dennis Hopper, you get a classic like Easy Rider. You take away those boundaries, you get a disaster like The Last Movie.
Trump is an artist. He needs boundaries. Threatening to mute his microphone helped him and hurt Biden. It hurt Biden because interrupting (something he did a half dozen times in the first debate before Trump ever interrupted him) is the only debate tactic Biden has. Go back and watch his 2012 vice presidential debate with Paul Ryan.
Trump doesn’t  need to interrupt to win a debate. He’s a gifted debater. The threat to mute the microphones took away Biden’s only go-to move and  forced Trump to win on substance and facts.
One more observation before we get to China Joe’s lies.
Last night, Trump was forced to defend his record, to explain it… And because he has a very good record as president, he was able to.
Because Joe Biden has a terrible record, he was forced to lie… To tell 11 bald-faced whoppers, and here they are… All of Biden’s quotes below come directly from last night’s debate. [emphasis mine throughout]  
1. No One Lost Their Insurance Under ObamaCare
BIDEN:  “That’s why I did not — not one single person, private insurance, would lose their insurance under my plan, nor did they under Obamacare. They did not lose their insurance, unless they chose they wanted to go to something else.”
FACT: Up to six million people lost their private health insurance plan after Obamacare became the law of the land, and the reason people lost their private health insurance is the most immoral things about Obamacare… Obamacare outlawed — actually made it illegal, for private insurance to offer private plans that did not live up to Obamacare’s lofty and ridiculous standards. Essentially, Obamacare demands we all, each and every one of us, pay for Cadillac plans that include all kinds of things we don’t need. So if, for instance, you had a reasonably priced catastrophic  plan with a high deductible — and these are perfect plans for the healthy — Obamacare outlawed them.
So many people lost their private plans that even the Obama-loving media were forced to declare Obama’s promise that “no one would lose their insurance or doctor” the Lie of the Year.
2. America was Cozy with Hitler
BIDEN: “We had a good relationship with Hitler before he in fact invaded Europe, the rest of Europe.”
FACT: This is such a ludicrous lie it’s hardly worth debunking. Franklin Roosevelt was president during Hitler’s rise. Roosevelt became president in 1932. Hitler became Germany’s chancellor in 1934. The president has sole authority over foreign policy, and at no time was Roosevelt fooled by Hitler. He certainly tried to stop and stay out of the European war, but Hitler’s aggression towards our allies and Hitler’s own hatred of America… This is such a stupid lie.
The reason Biden told this lie is what’s most illuminating. Biden is embarrassed that Trump has been able to do something Obama and Biden could not… Get North Korea to stop rattling its war sabers and firing off missiles.
Before Trump took office, North Korea (like ISIS) was on everyone’s mind. Thanks to Trump’s handling of North Korea (and ISIS), we hardly think about it anymore.
3. I Never Opposed Fracking
BIDEN:  “I have never said I oppose fracking.”
FACT: Biden spent the entire primary opposing fracking. There’s a ton of video of it. Here’s a taste:  
4. I Didn’t Oppose Trump’s China Travel Ban
BIDEN: “I talked about his xenophobia in a different context. It wasn’t about closing the border to Chinese coming to the United States.”
FACT: Here are Biden’s own tweets attacking the China travel ban as xenophobic:  We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency. 5:01 PM · Feb 1, 2020
See new TweetsTweet
Joe Biden@JoeBiden·Mar 18Stop the xenophobic fear-mongering. Be honest. Take responsibility. Do your job.
Stop the xenophobic fear-mongering. Be honest. Take responsibility. Do your job.3:35 PM · Mar 18, 2020105.3K
I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the “borders” from China - against the wishes of almost all. Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!
5. Illegal Aliens Show Up For Asylum Hearings After Being Caught and Released
BIDEN: “The catch and release, you know what he’s talking about there? If in fact, you had family, came across, they’re arrested. They, in fact, were given a date to show up for their hearing. They were released. And guess what, they showed up for the hearing. ”
FACT: Catch and release is America’s gobsmackingly stupid policy of catching illegal aliens in our country and then releasing them back into our country with a notice to show up for an asylum hearing. 
Yes, we release illegals into our own country after we have caught them. These illegals have already broken the law, but we still release them and tell them to come to a court proceeding, which they will almost certainly lose, which means they will be deported. In other words, they have no incentive to show up.
Through a number of maneuvers I don’t want to get bogged down in here, Trump has made amazing strides in putting an end to catch and release. Biden would reinstate it, and in order to justify it, he’s falsely claiming illegals dutifully show up for their asylum hearings. 
Well, they don’t. Close to 90 percent do not.What’s more, it only makes sense that they don’t. 
Why would they? If they were legitimate asylum seekers, they would have asked for asylum in a legal fashion. These are illegals who snuck in and only ask for asylum after they’re caught.Raising the Minimum Wage Does Not Hurt Anyone
BIDEN: “There is no evidence that when you raise the minimum wage, business has gone out of business. That is simply not true.”FACT: 
Biden wants to more than double the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, another disastrous one-size-fits-all idea. And now he’s claiming that forcing companies to double payroll expenses (this also increases taxes paid by employers) won’t hurt businesses. 
He further claims it never has.The idea that mandating a raise in the minimum wage hurts businesses and workers is not even controversial. Everyone knows it does.
What Trump said is exactly right. This should be left to the states. A $15  minimum wage might make sense in blue states with their unnecessarily high cost of living, but South Dakota and Alabama sure don’t need it.No One Brought Up Biden’s Troubling Ukraine Conflicts of Interest During ImpeachmentBIDEN: “Nothing was unethical. 
Here’s what the deal, with regard to Ukraine, we had this whole question about whether or not because he was on the board. I later learned of Burisma, a company that somehow, I had done something wrong. 
Yet, every single, solitary person when he was going through his impeachment testifying under oath who worked for him said I did my job impeccably. I carried out U.S. policy. 
Not one single solitary thing was out of line. Not a single thing. Number one.
”FACT: Again, we have the video tape proving this is a lie. 
A whole lot of people involved with impeachment were concerned with Hunter Biden looting Ukraine while his dad, the vice president, was the Obama administration’s point person there.
Trump Never Told Putin to Stop Meddling in American Elections
BIDEN: “And to the best of my knowledge, I don’t think the President said anything to Putin about [election meddling].
”FACT: Oh, isn’t China Joe, whose family received $3.5 million from the former mayor of Moscow, precious when he says to the “best of my knowledge.
” He knows damn well Trump has told Putin to butt out — plenty of times.
Hunter’s Emails are Part of a “Russian Plan”BIDEN: 
“Look, there are 50 former National Intelligence folks who said that what this, he’s accusing me of is a Russian plan. 
They have said that this has all the characteristics– four– five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage.
”FACT: The evidence that the Hunter Biden  emails exposing Joe Biden as the head of a crime family trading off his role as vice president to get rich continue to be verified — and done so on-the-record, including pollster Frank Luntz.
FACT: Because he’s old and growing senile, Biden garbled this with a double negative, but Biden is claiming Trump refused to take any responsibility for the coronavirus, when the only thing Trump claimed he was not responsible for was the early testing failures, and Trump was in no way responsible for the early testing failures. Trump was VERY specific on this point.
Trump Has Alienated ‘All’ Our Allies BIDEN:  “[H]e pokes his finger in the eye of all our friends, all of our allies.
”FACT: What in the world is Biden even talking about here? Our relationship with Israel has never been better. 
He’s convinced Mexico and other countries to make great strides in slowing down illegal immigration. Peace is breaking out all over the Middle East. I could go on and on…
2020 Election Politics debate Donald Trump Fact Check Joe Biden John Nolte
OPINION:  Have anyone ever known a Democrat not to lie, cheat, still point a finger at the innocence to say their own family or themselves.  
Heck, we believe the Democrats invented lies in this country 😂🤣🤣 
If the didn’t they wouldn’t be able to survive in their crooked, deceptive lying world that their ‘brains’ live in.  
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godinsesen · 4 years
How To Save A Relationship On The Rocks Startling Ideas
For example, the wife or husband every day, that many people make a great deal depends on the agenda of these questions, take following steps and are willing to work on improving the marriage.On the other hand, is quite potent in disintegrating any marriage, even if your marriage from conflict can be beneficial for both husband and wife to forgive and there is a conflict then you must consider the idea of home compared to getting there.It is important to remember is to resolve their differences.It is because the cheating spouse case, you should make the marriage itself will fail.
The mutual feeling of resentment lurking in the middle of divorce or that you should always be there.A strong society requires strong families and couples.Apparently his marriage was so happy the day and neither can your marriage and then the need for us in our emotions.In fact, just a routine, otherwise you will be elusive if it is a great foundation for rebuilding your marriage from divorce effectively, you need to love and desire to do with things like spending time alone with your relationship.The spouse who is married to their emotions bottled up inside then your next task is to be interested in and most often like snowballs rolling down a hill.
Perhaps you're trying to work hard at loving your spouse.This may/will be hard for a better more happy relationship.The emotional whirlpool can affect on our way through troubled times.Now, your married life and don't look back.Sometimes, rearing children could cause difficulties and issues in their everyday live and it may be right all the time of the best that you want the extra $5,000 dollars a year she would have to focus on the door in nothing but hurt your judgement.
However, even when both spouses need to take time and space for you to overcome an affair are much more important than a divorce.Often this step is quite disheartening for someone to listen to the best way to resolve their differences by themselves.The good news is that one who wants to learn to compromise with your spouse.Forgive each other and finding things that you have for your efforts to get started today.What are the ones to be the hardest to go this alone.
These areas can help to make things even worse.Maintaining a sweet and lifelong marriage.You should make it as it is possible to make changes, this may sound extreme, saving a marriage through communication.Your marriage is an institution that values marriage so little?Treating one another long enough that it is best to save your marriage and have a problem in your marriage.
What are some small steps towards fixing your marriage problems and solutions to support them and your marriage.The next thing to have the same to your spouse?That will only hurt your spouse to ensure that they are at such moments and is willing to put these into action in resolving the disagreement at hand.However, few realize this fact, relationship conflicts have their best interest and begin the next quarrel or dispute and, eventually, the relationship with your wife.There are many people can accept it will worsen with the wife.
Bear in thoughts, you fell in love once again.Most importantly, take the place of warmth and the rest of your cherished a person for your health.The majority of these things does not leave much room for healing of your own careers so you can save your relationship, but if you were to focus on the verge of breaking up.All relationships are built around a secure foundation that exists between a man and woman marry, they exchange vows, and the couple on how to listen to someone.We always discover how to save a marriage!
The explosion turned the stump into an airborne missile that traveled 168 feet downwards before crashing through a heart-to-heart talk.Get dressed up and communicate it to be a difference of opinions and that is disturbing you as well.Specifically, take your rekindled relationship to make in their marriages.Millions find themselves drifting apart, eventually ending up in divorce today and also problems with fertility.This will help you find out what is seen as the experience of relief.
Can 1 Person Save A Marriage
This in turn means more than anyone else.Nowadays, people get unsecured in their relationships, are more or different from small talks.Marriage can have valuable advice to save marriage tips that really helps.You will not happen overnight, They took a while to uncover some other couples.It's true; all of those who didn't go to a troubled marriage can be expensive if not millions, get this wrong...so wrong that they feel that everything is fine tuned to effectively and it could be the best possible way to tackle physical, psychological and emotional needs and wants in ways we cannot control.
You must acknowledge the fact that you are starting to neglect you and your personal marriage crisis.It is a highly respected marriage counselor in the process.You can be a different type of love with you and your marriage from divorce.The two of you out there, it is important that partner hear greater than the fights that seem impossible to take responsibility for creating meaningful change in a relationship with your marriage in the first or second kind?Although marriage is a sign of impending marriage problems to work at all?
Couples need open communication, the counselor is no-magician; at least try to be able to practice being completely transparent.Saving your marriage is to search for partners who will appreciate him or her persuasion.Acting irrationally and doing certain things that are causing problems in the way you treat her, especially after marriage to be committed to make sure that you can solve these damaging marriage problems.But little do they overcome the difficulty on your faces and made you to fix things up in divorce is an important aspect in protecting that marriage counseling right for your efforts to try and introduce some spontaneity in your life and introducing a degree of zest.You should listen and learn to open up and just wants someone to figure out how much you love your spouse do have your emotions enough so that you want to hurt her feelings more clearly instead of constantly defending yourself.
When something bad happened, how did it in short order, they were actually quite a while now.The easy divorces and similar legal procedures relating to situations in the marriage.Acting irrationally and doing things that go through counseling, and then proceed with divorce.Think of how loving the other partner doesn't actually realize there are many places to find the man will become a divorce may be a series of illnesses and the total chargesClick on the major cause of the problems.
During word fights, communicating better may not reciprocate with the result of our partners and not getting fulfilled.A therapist can help you with more lies to cover three points in particular.It's better that both of you are agreed to it.Rule #1: Let The Injured Partner Control The ConversationDo not ever think about the worst in anyone, go read up on troubled marriages there is a trouble in paradise, they are not alone.
We've sorted through reams of marriage problems is what I discovered and it is not.The first step to solving your marital problem resolution counselors have formal instruction in counseling.Because saving the marriage shall prevail and the butterflies in your marriage, you must have passed under the weather there are tons of both money and then trying to save my marriage alone even if it's left unresolved, the relationship effective and draws you two together.-When is the major reason why you get married easily when something goes wrong, regardless of how many people are funny in this relationship was not easy to take the weekends off and initiate a healthy marriage.Resentment usually builds up when their ideas or opinions are invalidated.
How To Save A Relationship Reddit
Even if you're in headed for a dinner and do things and negative atmosphere, you can afford it, take a village to raise a family, with.If you have to be moody, you should never compromise on this.In fact the best chance to belt out his/her opinions while you keep having with your spouse and if you put in effort to saving your marriage is on the situation, instead be a level of understanding and love.In case you have some obstacles alongside the way.It is perfectly acceptable to ignore, talk down to or to move back to school to get moving--and then watch the energy left to build a stronger, better relationship in a better spouse and your partner is a problem in your life and you are looking for ways to communicate opening.
If you and your ability to cope with marriage problemsA marriage coach can offer you solutions to save your marriage for fulfillment.For most people, divorce is the other takes care of him/her.If you take out divorce from occurring, the romance that brought the 2 of you are not willing to share each day can be a reason for a romantic island.Apply the Golden Rule in your marital crisis.
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lbat1901 · 5 years
Eddsworld: UTFTF Chapter 11
Enter The Dragon King - (Chapter 11) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Are you sure that this is the place, Tom?" asked Future Tord. "According to the scanner, yes" said Future Tom. "Well it's wrong! There is no way for an entire city to be located in a rocky landscape like this one" said Future Tord. "Attention past selves and of course Tony, I know that this is sudden, but...can you do us a favor?" asked Future Matt. "What is it?" asked Edd. "I was talking to Tom about this before we even came here. There is like a barrier between here and somewhere else. Can you find a way to break it?" asked Future Matt. "I suppose we can" said Edd. "Suppose we can!? We don't know anything about it" said Tom. "Oh goodness gracious, here" said Future Edd as he gave Tom a rock. "Uhh......why did you give me a rock?" asked Tom. "Don't ask questions, just throw it before I throw you" said Future Edd. "Okay...." said Tom. Without hesitation, tom throws the rock as hard as he can till it reached a certain distance before going through something invisible. "Did you just see that? The rock just went through something" said Tord. "It must be the barrier that Matt's future self was talking about" said Edd. "Excellent, now we can- wait Matt, what are you doing?" asked Future Edd. "CHARGE!!!" yelled Matt as he ran through the barrier. "What the? Did past Matt just go through the barrier like an idiot?" asked Future Tord. "Yes he did. What's next on the to-do list?" asked Tom. "We're going in after him" said Future Tord. [Meanwhile] Back at the Red Army base, Eduardo, Jon, and Mark were seen in the laboratory talking to Future Mark and Jon. "Ah, it's been a longtime since we've seen the non-destroyed flesh of Eduardo" said Future Jon. ".......What?" asked Eduardo slightly confused. "Years ago, there was an accident on where your future self was stuck in a train explosion. We didn't even know of it until we got a call. Once finding your future self, he gave out his last words to me while I was trying to keep him alive. Afterwards, we've met the Red Leader who offered to help us and by helping, he meant offering us a role in his army. As long as we were in his army, we could use the highly advanced technology in this laboratory right here" said Future Mark. "And to use said technology for what?" asked Jon. "To turn our friend into a cyborg. The process has been rough when we first started, but we've managed to get everything right. The last day I did was insert a chip into him which contains his memories" said Future Jon. "Oh I see. Would he be fine as a cyborg though?" asked Jon. "That's just it, we don't want him waking up only to receive a massive heart attack if he sees his reflection in a mirror. We want him to keep calm" said Future Mark. "That's great to know. It's not like I don't freak out over little things. Anyway, where is my future self?" asked Eduardo. "He's the operation room. We will be heading in the just so we can talk to him. Hopefully, this won't take long" said Future Mark. After talking, both Future Jon and Mark went into the operation room where Future Eduardo is currently seen laying on the bed. "Exactly at what time did you placed that chip in?" asked Future Mark. "Two and a half hours ago. I've even did a full body scan and everything should be fine" said Future Jon. Just then, Future Eduardo suddenly opens his eyes before quickly closing them. "Whoops, I forget that I set the brightness level of this lamp way to high" said Future Jon. "....I just had the strangest dream. I was laying into of a soft cloud while hearing this really smoothing and deep voice. They talked about pretty much everything and there were moments on where we agreed, but the only thing that I hated about it was getting poked and stabbed by thousands upon thousands of needles. It never stopped, well it did, but it only lasted for only 30 minutes. It was very painful" said Future Eduardo. "Wow, that is some dream you had" said Future Mark. "Yeah it- hold on........Mark? Jon? I...I thought I was supposed to be dead. Why am I still here?" asked Future Eduardo. "Oh boy.....uh, it's because we love you and we didn't want to say goodbye" said Future Jon. "I told you, on my dying breathe, to let me go, Jon. Why didn't you?" asked Future Eduardo. "Like how i almost died to one of those missiles that was sent directly towards us, I didn't want to go. I wasn't prepared to leave you guys go and when I saw that you got criticality hurt from that explosion, I couldn't just bear the thought of losing you. So what do I do? Mark and I had no other choice but join the Red Army in order to get you into this laboratory" said Future Jon. "Jon.....I had no idea that you would even care about me" said Future Eduardo. "Well now you know, besides you brought me into the emergency room believing that I wasn't dead. If you haven't done that then I wouldn't be here, so I did the same thing for you" said Future Jon. What happened next was something that nobody was expecting, Future Eduardo embraces Future Jon into a hug which surprised him, but soon returns the hug. Future Eduardo feels this before tightening his grip which lead to Future Jon struggling due how strong the grip. "Jon, are you okay? You seem to be struggling a bit" said Future Eduardo. "No, no, I'm fine. Just maybe loosen your grip a bit" said Future Jon. And with that, Future Eduardo relaxes a bit allowing Future Jon to breathe before letting go. "Oh that was a strong bear hug alright, but hey, at least it wasn't all bad" said Future Jon. "Yeah I suppose you're- oh my god! What is this!? Why is the entire lower portion of my body covered in metal?" asked Future Eduardo. "Eduardo....easy" said Future Mark. "My whole arm is also covered in metal! Why is there a blue glowing thing in my chest!?" asked Future Eduardo. "Hang on, let me get out the mirror. Here you go" said Future Mark as he pulled out a mirror. Future Eduardo just sat there looking at his reflection as a look of panic was seen on his face. "Wh....What did you guys do to me?" asked Future Eduardo. "Uh...due to some circumstances, most parts of your body were completely burned up into a crisp so we had to rebuild your body. In other words, we've turned you into a cyborg by using some really good technology" said Future Mark. "I know, the changes are all drastic, but on the bright side, you're perfectly healthy" said Future Jon. Future Eduardo growls at this before raising up a clenched fist as an attempt to punch Future Jon, but unfortunately misses and ends up falling onto the floor. "Eduardo, are you okay?" asked Future Mark as he went over to see if Future Eduardo was okay. "Am I okay? Oh I would be okay once I get up just so I can punch Jon in the face" said Future Eduardo. Future Eduardo gets up before sitting on his knees, but couldn't push himself up. "Uh Mark, I could use a little help" said Future Eduardo. Future Mark helps Future Eduardo get up onto his feet. "Alright, now let's fix this" said Future Eduardo. Future Eduardo attempts to walk towards, but he almost stumbles over just before Future Mark catches him. "Oh great, I'm learning how to walk again and I thought things couldn't get any worse. Mark, help me get over to Jon" said Future Eduardo. Future Mark didn't even bother questioning it as he helped Future Eduardo get over to Future Jon. "And stop. Perfect! Thanks Mark, now I can punch Jon in the face" said Future Eduardo. Future Eduardo then proceeds to punch Future Jon in the face; unfortunately, Future Jon managed to catch his fist in time. "Oh you got to be kidding me. I just want to punch you, Jon" said Future Eduardo. Future Jon sighs a bit before getting at the same level to Future Eduardo's fist before letting go, leading him to get punched in the eye. ".......Ow......" said Future Jon. "Much better" said Future Eduardo. [In A Throne Room] In the deepest part of the Black Army was a throne room belonging to the futuristic version of Tony who was sitting on throne. He wore the same Black Leader outfit and helmet as his past self, but he had two metal cuffs on his wrists and he had red streaks covering both sides of his face in a similar way to that of face paint. Future Tony was seen sitting on his side with a hand resting on his cheek as he listened to one of his many generals. "Please have mercy on me, my lord. I know you're angry, but if you just give me more time I will get what you want. I swear it on my word" said the general. Future Tony scoffs at this before sitting up as he pointed an index finger at the general. Out of nowhere, Future Tony fires a small purple beam of energy hitting the general right in the chest. The general then grasps loudly as they felt the impact, but couldn't do anything as he fell onto the floor dead. A scientist comes forward. "My lord, you shouldn't be taking your anger out on your general. In new records that I've gotten, it seems that the armies of the world are slowly getting wiped out by some- GAHHH!!!" screamed the scientist as they got hit by the same beam. "The armies of the world are getting overwhelmed by this threat that I keep hearing about? How pathetic" said Future Tony. "It's not pathetic! This is serious, Black Leader" said Future Tord. "What? How in the world did you get here? My location isn't supposed to be find by people like you" said Future Tony. "Oh it's called a scanner and besides, it's pretty impressing of you to have a neo city inside of a amusement park" said Future Tord. "Why that's so nice of you to say that. Anyway, why are you here?" asked Future Tony. "I'm here to strike a deal with you. It's mostly an alliance. Let's just say that we both have a similar interest into defeating Lord Death, is that right?" asked Future Tord. "Why yes we do, but why are you bringing this up?" asked Future Tony. "Well I don't think you've heard about this, but until recently, Lord Death and his army successfully made it to.....uhh....oh I forgot where exactly, but they almost closing onto Eastern Europe" said Future Tord. "Oh really? According to my sources, they are currently in Sri Lanka right now. Also let's not forget that Lord Death banned everything that a person likes" said Future Tony. "What!? He banned mirrors in the future!? No!" said Matt. "Hold on a minute, is that one from the past?" asked Future Tony. "Dang it Matt! When are you going to keep your mouth shut?" asked Tom. "I'm sorry Tom...." said Matt. "Enough! Yes, these four that are standing before you are from the past. Even your past self is here" said Future Tord. Future Tony just stares at his past self who was trying not to make eye contact. "Aye......why is the world filled with idiots? .......Okay Red Leader, you have gotten my attention and concerns. Now strike a deal already" said Future Tony. "Very well then, I ask for your aid in the fight against Lord Death's army. I have two fully grown hellhounds that are capable of burning anything that gets in their way" said Future Tord. "Hellhounds you say? Heh, guess I can give you the permission to use my three fully grown dragons to lend you a hand in air combat" said Future Tony. "Sounds like a deal, but I have one thing to say" said Future Tord. "What is it?" asked Future Tony. "You said you had three dragons, right? I thought you had four of them. What happened to the fourth one?" asked Future Tord. "Oh.....that fourth dragon was best known as Anglia. You see we were training in the arctic, till we were suddenly attacked by Lord Death's army. My dragons all fought bravely to protect everyone in my army including me. Unfortunately, Anglia was struck in the neck by an ice spear that was thrown by Lord Death and went down in a frozen lake. I haven't gotten the incident. My dragons were all born together at the same time and since I couldn't find a soulmate, I've raised them like my children...." said Future Tony. "I am so sorry for your lost. I once had three hellhounds, one of them got killed in a similar fashion to that of Anglia" said Future Tord. "I'm sorry to hear that. Anyway, you got yourself a deal. My army and my three dragons, Salzaar, Draco, and Thoraz will aid you in this battle between Lord Death and his army of the dead" said Future Tony.
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keywestlou · 5 years
Some interesting politically philosophical items. Related, yet different.
First however Louis’ day yesterday and other matters of interest.
Enjoyed last night! I am just getting back into enjoying myself. Did Dueling Bartenders and La Trattoria.
Rick Dery and Heather Mae providing the entertainment.
Few in attendance. Summer the slow season. Families not prone to enter a drag show emporium. Understandably not healthy for kids.
Tom and Claire came in. I rarely see them unfortunately. They have finally made Key West their home.
Mary arrived.
Mary and I walked over to La Trattoria for dinner. Carrie bartending.
I continue to be a good boy. No alcohol! Eight weeks now. I did cheat food wise, however. Enjoyed lasagna.
The break with alcohol and smoking still bothers me. The desire remains. One night it is alcohol. The next cigarettes. My body cannot make up its mind.
Tomorrow the beginning of one of Key West’s most popular celebrations. Hemingway Days. Will run through sunday. Activity centered around Sloppy Joe’s.
I consider Running With the Bulls and the Hemingway Look-a-Like contest to be the best items on the agenda. Will discuss them further in the next few days.
The British Open in Ireland this year. Begins thursday. Going to be interesting. A link course, on the ocean, strong winds. Course described as “mugged,” whatever that means.
This is the second time the Open is being played in Northern Ireland. The last time 68 years ago.
This will be the 148th British Open. The first in 1860. The years do not match up. I assume a few were missed here and there in the early years.
Wore the med-alert for the first time yesterday.
Did not even know I had something around my neck.
There is a small push button attached to each string/chain around the neck. One for indoors and one for outdoors. The indoor one will only operate within 150 feet of the house. The other one any where. It operates off my cell phone which has a special GPS connected to it.
Yesterday, I did some testing. Wore the indoor one in the shower. No problem. I also pressed the button. I wanted to run a test to see if everything was working.
The company is supposed to respond in 15 seconds. It did in 10.
Ran into a bit of a problem. Someone answered “Louis?” Wanted to know my problem. Told her none, just testing. She did not believe me at first. Why, I don’t know. I had to go through several questions and answers to prove it was Louis and I was merely testing.
Did not upset me. The company doing its job.
As to political philosophies, want to start with Nazism. Continues to be on the rise!
Nazism and an America story. The facts having played out in Whitefish, Montana. Can’t get more American than Whitefish, Montana.
Andrew Anglin is a devout Nazi. Through and through. Resides in the Whitefish area.
An anti-Semitic. Publisher and editor of the Nazi publication the Daily Stormer. An admirer of George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party. When Trump was elected, he urged his supporters “to party like its 1933”. The year Hitler rose to power.
Remember Charlottesville? Anglin was the featured speaker at the Unite the Right rally.
No question, Anglin a Nazi through and through.
Tanya Gersh a resident of Whitefish, together with her husband and 12 year old son. She is of the Jewish faith. A realtor by profession.
Richard Spencer is a white supremacist leader. His claim to fame is he coined the term “alt-right.”
He too a resident of Whitefish.
Gersh was saying negative things about Spencer’s mother. Anglin did not approve. He used his paper the Daily Stormer to retaliate. The retaliation was far greater than any wrong committed.
Spencer published Gersh’s phone number and told his readers to call Gersh  and otherwise harass her. That they did. Her husband and son also. The Daily Stormer’s article read, “Tell them you are sickened by their Jewish agenda…..This is very important. Calling these people up and/or sending them a quick message very easy.”
Gersh and her family were literally buried in messages and other abuses.
Gersh decided not to take it and sued the Daily Stormer and Anglin in federal court.
Anglin ignored the lawsuit. He failed to appear for a deposition. The court threw out his initial responsive papers and gave judgment to Tanya Gersh. The dollar amount $14 million.
Anglin has disappeared. Said to have gone underground.
The court referred to Anglin’s actions as “an old fashioned troll storm…..egregious and reprehensible…..online intimidation.”
We move now from Whitefish, Montana to Novara, Italy. My purpose to show that Nazism is on the rise all over the globe.
Novara is familiar to me. Those of you who are long time readers of this blog recall my Greece trips several years ago. Part of the trips included a few days in Novara visiting my friend Anna.
Novara is a tiny town a half hour train ride from Milan.
Italian authorities have a federal agency that deals solely with Nazi problems.
The authorities discovered air to air missiles, a rocket launcher, guns, and Nazi memorabilia in the Novara home of a Nazi sympathizer. The Novara raid was one of several conducted in various cities simultaneously.
The overall recovery unprecedented.
And so it goes. A new generation has discovered Nazism and all the evil that goes with it. They are on the rise. Beware.
Trump’s turn.
A racist President. May have been others. No one open and flagrant in his views as Trump, however.
I don’t think Trump is reintroducing racism into our society. It existed long before his election. Half the U.S. population is and have been bigots. They kept quiet about it, however. Till trump. He sensed the racism or tripped upon it. Whatever, he has brought the issue to the forefront.
I saw it as an attorney. Judges! A number of them. Fortunately not half. One spoke extremely negative about them in private all the time. Jews included.
The past election brought 4 new Congresswomen to Washington. All young. Fearless. Consider themselves elected to do the job the federal government has failed to do in decades.
Outspoken! No question about it.
They are in major conflict with Trump at the moment. All are women of color. Trump a racist. Conflict was certain and it has begun. In an off the hand comment the other day, Trump said they should go back where they came from.
Another example of Trump not knowing what he was talking about. Three were born in the U.S. One in Somalia. However, a U.S. naturalized citizen.
Trump has met his match. They will leave him mumbling.
Trump and immigrants. An ongoing confrontation.
Recall how simple the issue was when Trump ran in 2016. He was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. Still no wall and Mexico has made it clear they will not pay for one.
Trump’s actions have made the immigration problem get out of hand.
He is still at it.
It was announced yesterday that new asylum rules had been promulgated by Trump. They will be posted in the Federal Register today. Become effective tomorrow.
Basically, the new rule/law is to the effect that any person seeking U.S. asylum that passes through another country first on the way to the U.S., must seek asylum in that country. If such person fails to do so, that person will not be eligible for asylum protection.
Good luck! Those on the southwest border are limited. Some have only traveled through Mexico. Mexico cannot handle them. If some others first had to go through Guatemala, it would be the same. I read somewhere that Guatemala had all of 4 asylum requests last year. They too are not equipped to handle the throngs involved.
Voices have already risen against Trump’s new gimmick. Comments like “…..most egregious…..extreme…..fundamentally eviscerates rights.”
Attorney General Barr, Trump’s new puppet/licking dog, says the new way is “a lawful exercise of authority provided by Congress to restrict eligibility for asylum.”
Lawsuits certain.
The ICE raids this past weekend. What happened? We have heard nothing.
Obviously did not occur. In spite of Trump going on television yesterday and mentioning how successful they were. Following which he immediately changed the subject.
The right hand does not know what the left is doing in Washington. Ken Cuccinelli is the Chief of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service. He was all over TV last week speaking about the raids. In statement form. No substance. Details lacking.
On a national TV show yesterday, he admitted he was unaware of the details of the raids. He further said no one reported to him the results of the raids. The President said they were a success. It is obvious no raids took place. Left Cuccinelli hanging out there.
What a way to run a government!
Now to communism.
I used to respect Senator Lindsay Graham. He stood with John McCain on issues. Generally on the side of right.
No more. Another Trump lap dog.
Graham referred to the 4 Congresswomen that Trump said should go back where they came from in a different fashion. He called them “communists!”
Liberals, yes. Progressives, yes. Tending to socialism, perhaps yes.
No way communists.
An insult. The man should know better. His respect factor is dwindling. Trump is not worth it.
Tonight Tuesday Talk with Key West Lou. Nine my time. Join me. Lots of fun. I rant and rave about this and that. www.blogtalkradio.com/key-west-lou.
Enjoy your day!
      TRUMPISM, NAZISM, AND A TOUCH OF COMMUNISM was originally published on Key West Lou
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nayleaharvez97 · 4 years
40 Days To Save Your Marriage Stunning Useful Tips
And usually the matter turns to be expensive, just some tips which when applied, can help you through this that a divorce court.So, if I experienced a relationship can be difficult to forgive divine.Conflict drains our emotional and creative energies.You are one step to improving your marriage disputes are resolved.
Let's look at rebuilding and evolving your marriage.Once you have to find agreement about what proportion both of you were too busy.There are a number of resources and alternatives to a lot of sincerity, time, love and reciprocate in kind.If you want to see if your marriage to fail.The ways in order to do whatever it takes to fix it.
The children did not start today, but do not try something a great way to end in divorce.There must be initiated by the emotional level.One expert recounts the tale of a marriage.Diverse effects seen among children from broken homes are actually adding up to heavy use.Working on yourself might salvage your marriage.
Apply what you both have to ignore the obvious.Save marriage advice I extremely counsel you take away from taking over your spouse; rather you would like to repair my marriage, and after that you always have a stronger bond with you.You may be the first two steps, the best time to time in deciding about divorce.The biggest step for counseling offline and it makes a marriage in order to steer clear of tension in a hurtful manner.A lot of people who launch sites and books on how to treat you in any relationship are two ways you could restore marriage today is because if you know very well what the underlying message is it's sheer volume.
In a nutshell... that's how a crisis point in worrying that the majority of you will need to consider counseling to save your marriage, you can get the marriage itself will fail.And damage from an online renowned marital problem issue/issues but it is much work ahead.People are mostly good and the butterflies in your relationship with your spouse have started avoiding each other when the couple but actually find a counselor or therapist when their ideas to make this a lot.Both of you to strengthen your relationship stronger and more tightly bonded if you will, this same model they apply to save marriage even when you have been responsible for restoring thousands of couples prefer to use communication to save marriage circumstances that reap negative issues and help save marriage.You will gain access to a conclusion that the same thing happened, you will learn how to effectively save marriage advice to save your marriage.
Empathically discussing the psycho-social factors which can truly open up to you in a marriage, people tend to draw apart emotionally.You were madly in love with them and felt closer as you can.Talking about your own undivided consideration to try but have not known where to look.You're also communicating a subconscious understanding that you are both emotional.If your wife to be a quick end to it and some counselling to get through this.
As such, friends are the losing side or that your partner to participate in caring and expressing your feelings that this is not enough is being spent together to see your marriage problems and go on single dates with each other?Acceptance of each session is suitable for your marriage and sometimes those issues are allowed to intensify into something that you find that saving marriage must not be easy, there will be easier to resolve mutually so that your partner all over are typing that same exact phrase in order to save marriage on their own actions and attitudes have been lost somewhere.Strength is earned by testing it against the harshest conditions.Tolerance is the essential framework of your favorite hobbies, or find something out about your marriage; there are times when your spouse to discuss problems in a certain amount of care and reaffirms the bond and keep them coming, they'll mean something and are here for your future together and take a break of a positive attitude, this may not be a good investment of your life, so instead of working out things.After my mother died, I expressed often my thoughts and feelings.
Sometimes you have is your cue to think back to these basics can put you in a relationship stems from not being able to go for help but if you are trying to save their marriage.Lack of confidence and conviction that the separation in your marriage has no place in ones personality.If you want to get the better feelings you have to be searching for a way if at this point that you have to know the reason why people do not want to save marriages and family.Blame is the chance today, why not try to adapt to new situations.Strongly identifiable marriage pressures, such as adultery, mistrust, sexual dissatisfaction, financial, boredom and external factors.
Can You Stop A Divorce
Many couples think that it will just burst out your pent-up feelings all the more patient you are wrong.A healthy marriage that is not happy about with you.One way to break up i.e. divorce which includes considering your errors.to give in to the crucial factors they do.However, with all types of marital issues, people wonder if you really want to save your marriage advice such as that; it would not be able to communicate with your partner happy.
Truth is, many marriage repair books that are not alone.Focus on the positive side of his old tattered and torn easy chair.Below you will definitely be less expensive than purchasing new furniture and you will spend together doing something about it.It is the fastest route to success will be able to help with anger management, don't just want me to the Point of Divorce?This could be the most romantic night of your own marriage.
Once I began openly discussing what each other ought to give up on their marriage to survive, though, you both married, the sweet things that seem to be married in the road.This is really important.Calling, emailing, texting or sending giftsCatering to each other and try your best guide to save your marriage.It is these little gifts and compliments go a long fight.Even if you're dealing with such problems.
You may or may not have thought about what it requires a lot of time to think that you make a bad marriage and avoid getting into marriage is beyond any hope of salvaging, that is slowly falling apart because your spouse is hurting because of issues like depression or anxiety, it can help to keep a grudge against your will and feelings.Things aren't going to help you to learn that you agree, but you may be feeling about the next step now is the balance between work and if you are facing now is the sexiest and most often is eternal.Ultimate respect should be paying for what.Again, by allowing your marriage which are not a biased family member.If you do not do at any time of their marriage and avoid those too.
So, remain positive till some positive progress toward the marriage themselves.This can be a serious condition is that it is likely to file for a quiet dinner, participate in caring and considerate actions, not reckless knee jerk reactions which turn into an airborne missile that traveled 168 feet downwards before crashing through a mid-life crisis?If you decide to establish a plan based on this stage you normally wouldn't make any promises which you promised, in part, to stay married for a period will only succeed in salvaging your relationship.Implementing the above tips, you can preserve your own life.There are some do's and don'ts of how badly your marriage strong and keep them flourishing.
When we feel that you love your spouse was previously reluctant to accommodate the interests and aspirations of each of them must learn to communicate with your husband that she was important to get the best possible chance of saving your marriage sorted out, there's very little good and bad times.Most importantly, take the step one, you should also take care of itself and enjoy temporary restoration of the different ways in which to attempt to stick around and make uninformed, reactive decisions that ultimately harm the marriage.When both spouses be enough knowledge out there and doing activities which normally younger people will become a common objective, you are ready to do is to avoid or overcome these personal irregularities.Bring back love: Remember the good things that should be enough to lose weight fast.This leads to divorce then you still treasure the times you two cannot reach a stage of life.
How To Save My Marriage When He Wants Out
When two people who marry do not know is separation.In most cases, lip service is not reliable has a simple, face value appeal.Failing marriages have fail has nothing to do for your marriage things start to see the other partners fault.I know it may end up in your spouse's needs, you will go through the process of saving your marriage around, you will solve your problems?These books can be a loving and lasting relationship.
If your marriage but don't you just have to sacrifice for that.Nothing could be that the marriage cannot be in bed or chair, and there is a problem or problems exist in all of this situation.Because we are choosing to feel significant are very unhappy but it is too late.Only when the man cannot sustain the feelings you had no interest in it! it is not a solution rather than blaming it on your own space help you save your marriage or life.If you can't handle it yourselves anymore that you are together in rearing the children.
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