#like. yeah. if you asked me my favourite character i'd say it's steve. and eddie the second whom i care about most at the moment.
teplejtrouba · 2 years
will byers means so much to me. it hurts to see him hurting because i know the pain all too well. he is me and i am him.
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abruisedmuse · 2 years
I mean I guess I gotta say Eddie for the character ask! I'm sure you'll appreciate the opportunity to talk about him haha
You know me so well ❤️❤️❤️.
5 good qualities: A nerdy boy, empathic, sarcastic, heart of gold, plays guitar, funny, has a quirky charm about him, fine as hell,
3 bad qualities: doesn't run when he should. That's it. There's no more 😂
favourite episode/etc: tbh, simply all of scenes just because that's "all we're getting". Except that one scene 😭. But my absolute faves are in the cafeteria, the d&d game, obviously when he plays Master of Puppets. Iconic moment there. His romantic walk in the woods with Steve. Speaking of Steve, the "don't ya big boy?". Oh and fighting the demobats.
otp: Steddie, Steve x Eddie
brotp: Dustin and Eddie
ot3: Steve, Eddie, and Robin
notp: I'd have to go with Eddie x Chrissy. Now I understand the appeal of it. It's just a tiring trope and I didn't really see a romantic chemistry between them. Platonic yeah. But not romantic.
best quote: "I Say You're Asking Me To Follow You Into Mordor...But The Shire Is Burning. So Mordor It Is."
"Harrington's got her. Don't ya big boy?"
head canon:
Uncle Wayne gifted him the acoustic guitar in his room and taught him how to play. It's what started his love of music. When he was younger he tried to make money to purchase an electric guitar and didn't have an easy time so Wayne worked longer hours to save up and purchase one for him. Shortly after Corroded Coffin formed. His third guitar, the one he plays in the upside down, was all Eddie though. He got a job worked his ass off and bought it.
Eddie heard Steve singing once and fell in love.
Uncle Wayne, clearly knows how terrible Eddie's childhood was, so whenever he saw Eddie being lost in a movie or a book he never asked him to stop. Just let him get lost and have a brief moment of peace from the real world.
Wayne doesn't really understand the fantasy of Eddie's books or D&D. But he listens to every word and asks questions. *fun fact Steve does this too*
He is always biting his nails. An anxious tick he picked up from his childhood.
Discovered his love of reading by biking to the library and finding a copy of The Hobbit sitting on table. He picked it up and didn't leave until the library closed. At which that point he checked it out.
Eddie and Robin form a film club. Idk why this is always in my head. But it is.
Eventually teaches Dustin to play guitar. He's okay at it but they soon discover Dustin has a penchant for Drums.
Is actually a great mechanic. One of the best but doesn't like to brag about it or even offer to look at it because it reminds him of his father. So if he does offer you're incredibly special to him (looking at you Steve Harrington).
Sleeps very little due to ptsd/childhood trauma. And if there's a storm with a lot of thunder and rough wind that causes the windows and then porch door to slam against the trailer he doesn't sleep at all. When he starts dating Steve, any night there's a storm Steve takes him to his place. So he can sleep. Though to be fair regardless of location he sleeps better with Steve.
Absolutely kills it at mini golf. And he's obnoxious about it too.
Okay....that's enough hcs for now.
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alivingfire · 11 months
F I R Y for the fic ask game! 😎
thanks anon friend!!
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
i'll do one from my big bang, there are quite a few dialogue bits i'm proud of with that one (caveat it's unedited, so like, who knows if this bit stays in the editing)
“Well, yeah,” Eddie said. “I need to know your feelings on Ozzy versus Dio as lead singer.” 
Steve laid his head back, eyes fluttering shut, as Neon Knights filtered through the air around them. “Dio’s a better singer. Ozzy’s scarier. Both‘re good.” 
“Steve Harrington,” Eddie marveled despite himself. “Always keeping me on my toes.” 
Steve laughed, raspy and tired, and bumped his knuckles against Eddie’s thigh. “Even trade,�� he said. “You sat through an hour of me and Wayne talking about the Pacers last week. Figured I’d give your boy bands a listen.” 
Eddie’s offended screech could probably be heard back at the bonfire, and Steve cracked an eye open to watch the reaction, pleased with himself like a cat covered in canary feathers. “They- Those are not-” Eddie said, and Steve laughed at his sputtering, “Black Sabbath is not a boy band!” 
“Man band, then,” Steve said. “Dudes in matching outfits having fun singing about death together. Don’t see the difference.” 
“Well, we had a good run,” Eddie said regretfully. “But I’m afraid this is it, I can no longer speak to you. My conscience won’t allow it.” 
“Your conscience can kiss my ass,” Steve said, eyes closed again. 
“Just my conscience?” Eddie teased, and Steve huffed another laugh. 
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
hmm. it's a good question, because i don't even know if i'd notice without someone pointing it out to me. maybe the strict adherence to found family tropes? like, my characters are going to be Codependent To The Point Of Absurdity. or. possibly that i think it's impossible for me to write anything that isn't a slow burn lol.
for reading, honestly, i have no guilt with any fics i read. like, someone else wrote them, so if i'm into it, i know i'm not alone! but some of my off the beaten path favorites are things like sex pollen/fuck or die, Hyperspecific AUs set in other worlds/locations/timelines (@teddywesworl's appalachian farmer au lives RENT FREE), and missing scenes from canon that change basically everything about canon.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
oh man, absolutely. for non-fic, i would say i strive to get across the humor or emotion in a scene with as few words as possible like c.s. pacat. i love leigh bardugo's worldbuilding and magical realism. i also love Grumpy Old Man Goes On A Quest stories like what nicholas eames and scott lynch write, and that's been on my mind a lot lately — basically a character going "yes i used to do that, and i was good at it, but i'm out of the game" and something dragging them back to their past.
for fic authors, truly i couldn't begin to list them all. but my bookmarks on ao3 are public, and if there's anyone in there, i bookmarked because it hit me in a way that will stick with me. if an author is in there multiple times? i'm in love.
Y: A character you want to protect.
STEVE HARRINGTON. STEVE HARRINGTON!!!! but also stiles stilinski, max mayfield, bucky barnes, and din djarin, if we're keeping it to fic i read.
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fangirlandtheories · 2 years
Ask game questions 1 7 11 17 31 50
Thanks so much!
1. favourite season?
Well my name is Summer, so... No haha, I'm very much in love with S4 V1 BUT there's a special place in my heart for Season 3 as well.
7. favourite episode in season 1, 2 and 3 respectively?
Season 1 Episode 3: Holly Jolly- It was when you realized how amazing and terrifying the show could be. I will never forget seeing 'RUN' for the first time, shivers going up my spine. This is the episode that we lose Barb. It's the episode that makes you think Will is dead. It's a huge plot for 60 minutes and they did it so flawlessly.
Season 2 Episode 8: The Mind Flayer- As a hurt/comfort lover I was well fed this episode. There's so much crazy shit that goes down in this episode. Bob makes his noble sacrifice, El rolls up in the most bitchin way, and of course the Steve and Billy fight. A true turning point for the season.
Season 3 Episode 6: E Pluribus Unum- Steve and Robin. The Russians. We'll get into this more later but this fucking episode. This was peak slurpee-sipping-Alexei episode. Erica gets the whole story in this episode, shows off that she's a nerd, gaining respect as someone other than 'Lucas's little sister' but as a valuable member of the team. This episode had the Billy flashback. This episode has the physical Mind Flayer for the first time. This was a wild fucking episode. My all-time favorite scene is in this episode. Watching Steve and Robin giggle when being interrogated was a privilege. I genuinely think it was just Maya and Joe having a blast on set.
11. which season had the best ending?
Not fucking 4 I can tell you that. I'm holding out hope for season 5. The thing about this show is that the previous seasons can never have a happy ending. I will say that Volume 1 of Season 4 had me so fucking hooked, so I suppose that's the answer, but otherwise I was most emotional for season 3.
17. do you think will is going to have powers?
Simply put? No. Not in the sense of like El's powers. I think the only way the show can end is a loss of power. I think he has a sort of Spidey sense. Something I don't hear enough people theorizing on is Max. I think Max is going to have some sort of sight into the upside down that is caused by her lack of sight in the... right side up?
31. when was the first time you watched stranger things/how long have you been a fan?
Season 1 episode 1 baby. I saw the preview, said hellllll yeah, and watched it. I fell off a bit and then season 2 came out and I fell back in love. Then I fell off a while. Then Season 3 came out. I was hooked for a while. Then I fell off. THEN season 4's trailer came out and it's so fucking funny because they showed Eddie in the trailer doing the bow to Erica at the table during the campaign and I REWINDED and said ummmm.... whomst the fuck is that? I thought he'd be this terrible villain and then I saw one goddamn minute of him and instantly fell in love. I've been hooked in ever since.
50. top five absolute fav things about stranger things in general?
It's an interesting concept, plot wise. It keeps me on my toes.
The fact that Steve works so hard to protect Robin's sexuality. It's a nice touch.
The character development.
The fact that it can make me nostalgic for a time period I never lived in.
The fans. Without the fans I'd be going insane. I read and write fanworks constantly. I would have nothing to do without so many creative minds.
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teplejtrouba · 2 years
will byers means so much to me. it hurts to see him hurting because i know the pain all too well. he is me and i am him.
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