#like... steve and dustin's final interaction before they go into battle? those weren't my boys...
dylanlila · 2 years
stranger things used to be about FRIENDSHIP!!! "friends don't lie" the show literally revolved around that phrase. like the whole thing doesn't even begin with will's disappearance, it begins with these four boys who love each other playing their favourite game, four kids with completely different personalities and backgrounds. st used to encourage differences and highlight unexpected similarities between characters positioned as polar opposites. breaking the age barriers. sharing knowledge between generations. refutation of either the "cool kids" or the "nerds" being superior to the other. the gradual symbiosis of those two worlds. FAMILIAL LOVE!!!!!!! the complex joy of being somebody's friend!!!!! the confirmation that yes, you can and are supposed to have more than one best friend. that's what the show was about. not... this
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