lizaluvsthis · 10 months
For your SMG34 headcanon who was the first one to fall in love and when did those feelings turn mutual?
Okay I think I might share some of that smg4 episodes here-
(COUGH this is gonna take too long than just a simple answer. Forgive me-)
I'd be likingly to say that Smg4 felt like he and three somehow 'linked' together after their first encounter. In this time- four thought it was nothing and is just a shove-
But when coming to the episode "The Monster"
Three and four actually made a basic contact with each other. Four asking how Three's day was like- DUDE- HE'S LITERALLY YOUR ENEMY... but three responds back boring than usual.
Then this was their first interaction with each other.
In WOTFI 2012
Three asks four if he really thinks coming to hell would solve all of his problems. Then four responding in agreement. "Yes actually, seeing your face and thinking where did my life go wrong"
He wanted to destroy four so bad until mario saves the day- he never interracted to them after that.
In S.M.G. club. Smg3 happens to be the one who works there. I mean- a CLUB WITH A WHOLE LOOKALIKES OF SMG4?????????????????
WHAT NOW??? But as mario left three the scene ends there from his appearance.
The Mystery of the missing white and blue
This EPISODE is where Smg3 is probably the FIRST one to actually reveal is slightest hint of crush for smg4 when he said he would be his "girlfriend" and he would be the "boyfriend" now I may have thought about it- what if after his interraction with four during The Monster episode is actually where he started to consider having him on part of his life?
Enemy or not.
He worked in a literal look alikes of four in the club. Did he have an obsession with four that much?
Maybe he started to have that thing planted and started growing a tiny sprout during the missing white and blue?
Maybe he was trying to show he wasnt that mean and evil. (Literally saved four's life and everyone here)
In Birthday Freakout
Enzo's birthday- Four asks three "you're gay for me?" Then three punches him out of the room.
Three does change little by little from wotfi 2018 where he called up as a certified psychiatrist, Three's appearance was shown after getting his award for saving the universe and without his help- Waluigi couldve destroyed everyone.
During the episode Mario's spicy day
Four thought three has got something from his sleeve and wrecked the whole place that three worked hard for down.
This made three so sad- and it really did broke his heart seeing the reason why he maybe was wrong to actually change into a good person. And to actually have this deep feeling for Four.
This changed three's perspective change back from where they used to be enemies again. Theres how you got 2020 of wotfi
Back on his world of dead memes- he actually changed- he gave up on destroying four (again) and actually calmed himself down
Perfectly balanced episode is where his feelings with four actually started to plant its seed again. Tho its not visible but it is seen on the 10th year anniversary where he calls him out for a baka- right after when smg4 calls him a tsundere.
And there got the episode after smg0's appearance. MARIOS OKAY⁷
Thats where the two had held hands with each other for the first time and actually the part of also training their meme powers together. (To work it off- from the other episode where smg3 sacrificed terrence in exchange for his meme energy to transport into mario for an escape) he didnt let or didnt used the choice of using anti-meme energy.
He didnt want him and four to go insane even tho the power he gain attraction to. He simply gave out terrence...
Ykw? Theres just too much- lets just include the main one. Mario does tiktok challenges where three and four kissed off screen. (i hate susan for that)
All i want for christmas is mario to FREAKING SHUT UP
Is the episode where smg3 finally has that smile on his face being there with smg4- thats the moment he got mutually connected to him and probably well- starts to have more interactions with eachother offscreen.
Smg4 felt like him and three were linked with each other after the first contact. And Three starting to have a small crush on four during/after his job on thhe S.M.G. club.
I have a feeling that he was slowly trying to change after his constant fails from finishing off four with his stupid evil plans.
And starts to change for a chance to make it up for a fresh start.
Three losing his feelings for four but ends up right back again after the arc and does change. He starts to actually have a mutual connection with four.
(Now for four I was thinking that it was his late-turn to actually have feelings for three after wotfi 2021 sorry i couldnt add more because these two are so gay that I could barely say anything-)
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mattypattypinky · 10 months
🎀Date w Megamind at a Theme-Park/Amusement Park headcanons🎀
it would be his idea to go. He'd think it sounds like so much excitement. He'd want to take you. He wouldn't be subtly dropping hints, he'd pull up a flyer and say that he'd want to go.
Roller coasters would remind him of being rocketed around space in a little shuttle.
He'd hate the lines to enter. Usually often than not Theme-Parks have a long wait line to enter, and usually often than not it takes a while to pay/ get tickets printed, so he'd be standing in the heat for a good 10-20 minutes. If the line was too long he might use his dehydration ray on the entire line. He'd have to break in / sneak in because he's just... not allowed in.
"If anybody asked, we payed for our ticket."
He likes excitement, he loves a challenge, he'd an adrenaline junkie. He'd wanna go on as many rides as he can. He'd wanna go on the hardest to handle rides, and I feel like he'd beg you to come with him.
If you were afraid of roller coasters he wouldn't make you, though. He'd ask you to take pictures of him up there with minion.
He'd be the kind of guy who wants to go on high altitude rides after eating lunch despite it being a known rule to wait a few before riding another coaster after eating a full meal - especially if you're queasy. Minion would definitely nag him about not doing it, as Megamind wouldn't be used to rollercoasters (as I doubt he'd be allowed into Theme-Parks normally, he's a supervillain-) and he's not exactly the sturdiest person.
He'd really like droppers since he likes the thrill of likingly going really high, and then being thrown down to earth like how he was when he was a baby, or when metroman would throw him.
He'd be a Theme-Park food junkie. He'd want to try pretty much every food that's being sold. He'd want to eat an entire hot-dog, candy apples, funnel cake, cotton candy, milkshakes, all sorts of stuff before going on high jerker rides. He'd get extremely sick. He'd encourage his partner to eat a lot as well.
"Aren't we going on that roller coaster next?"
"Yes, so?"
He has no fear of puking. 😭😭😭 I feel like if he did he'd go straight back to riding afterwards.
He'd love little carnival games. He'd ask if he could use his own gun to win his date a prize of your choice, and one for himself. (He forgets about minion😭)
If minion wanted something he'd feel bad and go all the way back to get one for him after leaving the game minutes ago. He doesn't want minion to be excluded from the group.
"What's the matter with you, Minion?"
"I wanted a stuffy too, sir!"
"MINION! Why didn't you tell me?!?! What one do you want, I'll get it for you."
Minions just apart of the date honestly.
While he's walking around he ALWAYS has food. One second he has a cotton candy, then next he has a lollipop, then a milkshake. Minion has to constantly worry and warn him about a stomach ache but he would ignore him.
He'd probably encourage his partner to go on the scary rides with him even if they were afraid (He wouldn't FORCE them, but he'd heavily insist/beg😭)
"What do you mean it's scary, a hundred feet isn't even that high!"
He'd hold your hand on a ride.
"Its okay! Just hold onto me! Pretend you're a woman, and you're having a baby!" - He thinks that will take the stress away but he ends up sounding really goofy😭
He'd love the roller coaster photos and he'd want one so bad. He'd look so excited and happy, Minion would be indifferent, and you would be either excited or terrified. He would want to keep it even if his date looks terrified😭 "What do you mean it's an unflattering picture? I think it looks wonderful. Look at how happy I look!"
He'd really like water rollercoasters, not riding them but the fact that in some areas of the park, if you stand near the ride, you'll get splashed and soaked. He'd prank his partner and minion by gesturing them to stand in a specific spot so that he can "take a photo' - and getting them soaking wet.
He would take the photo and he would have it put in a frame later. Of you and minion. Sopping wet.
Minion would scold him, especially if it upsets you.
Minion would definitely be the type to prepare and pack with sunscreen, water bottles and towels, and he'd be wearing a sunhat even though he's a fish in water.
"Alright guys, come and have some water, you've been running around in the sun for an hour"
I guarantee Megamind would whine about being babied.
Megamind would also really want to see the animals. He'd be fascinated by them as he probably hasn't seen half of the animals here.
He'd want to get his face painted. He'd get it painted something super cute, but super EVIL... Like a dragon.
He'd encourage you and minions face painted as well. Minion would have his tank painted to look like a fish.
I guarentee on the ride home he'd be whining and feeling sick about his tummy hurting and feeling nauseous.
"Miniiooooon!! My tummy hurts."
"Well, maybe you shouldn't have eaten three corn-dogs, sir."
It's honestly rlly funny...😭😭😭 they'd bicker the car ride home. He'd have an amusement park hangover for at least two days. He can't commit villainy for a whole week 😣
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illuminan2580 · 8 months
ok i just finished helluva boss rn. I'm totally NOT normal and i need somewhere to spill my mess out so here i am.
Like wtf how can it be THIS AWESOME??? I literally love every character. They're all charming and getting their own soft points. And the music?!?! All the musical vibe I'm getting from this show is incredible! Tho i haven't seen many musicals myself but I want to say that hb kinda give me a Rent vibe...? Like they all suffer from their own trouble but they still have each other. Such heartwarming fellas in hell. This show is making me so emotional.....
AND i also want to say that it's so obvious that the creators behind it love every one of the character. This makes me feel rly touched. I can feel the passion even from the other side of the screen. We watch too many shows that the creator only want to use the character for money making but in hb (and hh) this is apparently out of the case so I feel so precious for this.
As for the ships, I can't wait to see they finally have sooooome process in e8. There has to be a duet right???
Now I have listened to Just Look My Way like hundreds of times. This song is SOOOO BEAUTIFUL OH MY FUCKING GOD. It'll be a huge loss if I cannot hear it one day in the theatre. This song needs a concert, the whole series need a concert or a live or a musical. Idk how to explain but the whole song let me think of Elizabeth, maybe because of the royal vibe from the song's style and arrangement. And about the lyrics change, the new version truly represents Stolas' feeling for Blitz. How could you so deeply in love with that dickhead Stolas...Seeing this likingly unrequited love makes me both heartbroken and touched by the weight of Stolas' emotion. Stolas calling Blitz dearest...was a whole new level of heart attack for me when I first heard it (in a good way). Truly beautiful song...I wasn't actually a Stolitz stan before but this song made me want to see them reaching a happy ending in the future episodes. I don't really think all of their problems can be solved in s2e8 so, uh...just wait and see now.
Actually my little brain can't stop thinking about the possibility that Blitz would see the crystal as a sign that Stolas doesn't need him around anymore. I myself enjoy this assumption too much hehe...This ship would be more painful if Blitz misunderstands Stolas and just leaves with their bleeding hearts left behind.
haha yeah I started rewatching the episodes focusing on Blitz and Stolas now. Look what the song has done to me🙃
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milkiijustwrites · 3 years
idk if your gonna write this but like KOKICHI WITH AN S/O THATS THE ULTIMATE ARSONIST
Btw gender neutral s/o OK ♥
Arsonist s/o
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A/N: this request is just beautiful, *french kiss* ON IT ANON!
Characters: kokichi ouma
Warnings: +they/them s/o +bff relationship +bad grammar
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Oo boy, kokichi always wanted to create chaos with someone , but no one will most likingly do that with him, but then they came
At first, kokichi was just very curious of his talent, the ultimate arsonist, that exist? Like- how??
So he'll try to hang out with s/o and found out that he is literally a gremlin,he likes to prank people but mostly he could just light up fire anywhere
Oh no two gremlins, help
And then kokichi starts to think of a major plan for pranking
Aaaaand they started hanging out together every single day, to think of ways to create chaos
Their first victim is definitely Kiibo
The gremlins then light up kiibo's metallic body and let him jump in water to put the fire away
Obviously Kiibo got shocked by his own electricity and he needs to stay in Miu's lab for some days to recover
"Oops, we almost killed him, that's crazy"
Said s/o , they really don't know it would cause Kiibo to be damaged that - much ..
And of course, the teachers scholded them and punish them to clean up after school
Sigh, cleaning up? By the two gremlins? Bad decision my dear sensei, (teacher) They will only cause more chaos.
S/o burns all the leaves that fell from the trees and ask kokichi to enjoy the sight with them
So in that moment, they both are just staring at the leaves burning while listening to the burning sound as well
It's kinda interesting, they both thought.
But as soon as the time flies, the fire became bigger and starts burning the tree.
They both yelled, eyes full of sparkles while they just continue staring at the burning tree
The teachers would never let them clean up the school no more
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thebreakfastgenie · 3 years
I feel sorry for people who don't have Friday tea. I miss Friday tea. I would love to have a group of friends and recreate a weekly tradition like Friday tea but it's not the same when it requires more effort than a couple people going next door to pick up the massive trays of snacks that have been lovingly or at least likingly prepared for you. Sometimes you get shrimp cocktail and that's really unfortunate but you win some you lose some.
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lizaluvsthis · 9 months
- you're only allowed to call me Liza/Liz
- to ask me specific questions or anykind of stuff you want to put
- submit your arts or anykind of gifts you'd like to give me here by mentioning me
- give me an art request ONE at a time- chat stuff about Smg3/Smg4
- G0r3, Angst, Fluff, any drama stuff- just don't come overboard too much-
- If you'd like to DM with me you can! Keep things appropriate please, I'll be likingly to ignore people who're going a bit too far...
- talk out theories, research, lores, analysis from recent smg4 stuffs besides SMG34 too!
- ask permission if you want to repost or download my comics but if you couldn't just give credits ♡ (if not I'm blocking you out.)
- I could draw ocs or oc x canon only if I allow you to do so
NOT Allowed-
- You're not allowed to call me Eliza/El-
- I don't support AI arts or voices and I only use them sometimes for fun.
- I do not ship Mar4 and MxM although I do think that these two have great chemistry together but I see it differently in my view.
- Art critisizing (this is MY art and I could change it whenever I want)
- ask me 2 or more art requests I will insist myself if I did gave permission on that- not allowed to steal my HARDWORK/ARTS/FICS or even my artstyle.
SHIPS- (From Smg4)
OTP- Red
Maybe? - Orange
Friendzone only - Green
NO. JUST- NO - Purple
I mean I dunno not there yet Ig - Pink
Melony x Axol
I'm not there yet but I can see it-
Smg1 x Smg2
Tari x Meggy
Maybe? I dunno-
Niles x Smg0
Tari x Saiko
Meggy x Desti
Chris x Swag
Kaizo x Saiko
Platonic <3<3
Smg1 x bob
Mario x Meggy
Mario x Smg4
Mario x Smg3
NO just NO.
Mario x Smg3 x Smg4 (but if its only for friendship ways then its a friendzone/rather than a ship)
Meggy x Smg3
Tari x Smg4
Dasani x Smg4
Death Coffee x Smg3
Mario x PV (please don't take it seriously)
Meggy Spletzer- Demisexual
Tari- Demisexual / QueerPlatonic
Saiko- Asexual
SMG4- Bisexual
SMG3- Pansexual
Mario- AroAce (he loves spaghetti)
Swag- Gay
Chris- Queer
Luigi- Bisexual
Bowser- Demiromantic
Peach- Lesbian
Bob bobowski- Straight Aly
Melony- Straight Aly
Axol- Straight Aly
SMG1- Demisexual
SMG2- Panromantic
Karen- Straight Aly
PuzzleVision- ?¿?¿?
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