#lila: im a bad bitch you cant kill me
adrienscroissantx · 3 years
Do you have any redeemed Lila hc?
i hc that her personality after redemption is similar to how she treated Marinette when alone (but you know, not out for blood or anything). She's kinda catty, little bit obsessed with her own ego and image. Touch of self deprecating humour, but like, in a ~ g l a m ~ way (she finds it very important in her recovery to find the ability to laugh at herself).
She's very fashionable, doesn't mind stepping out of the box after dressing like "the nice girl" for so many years. She has a taste for the more luxurious things in life, and she likes to show that off (even if it doesnt actually reflect her bank account). I'm talking the same 3 designer dresses and shoes. Changes it up with scars and hats that are way too big.
She likes to tease people, but not in a mean way, just in the "im ur bitchy friend and i know u love me" kinda way. She's less afraid to be vulnerable, and if something is going on, she will share introspection and take things seriously. She's witty and sarcastic and a little bit of a drama queen.
I also hc that she's actually quite mature. She's been through a lot, done a lot of bad things and tried to make up for them, and she's wise because of it. She gives good advice but she doesn't hold back on it. Her love is a firm, she's not going to coddle you because she respects you too much for that. It's her way of expressing that you're her equal.
She's Very Clear about setting boundaries and respecting the boundaries of others. She's still quite prideful and will retract when you hurt her ego, but it doesn't last long and she'll apologize soon afterward.
In my head, she's always been a chloe parallel, and i think she'd kind of act like her after a redemption, of course with way more self awareness and humour. It's still sort of an act, but its a way of living that uplifts her and the others around her, creating humour and easing tensions. She's playing the part, she's always going to be playing some sort of part, but its not a bad thing and its the best translation she can use to express whats on the inside.
She's had to get over a lot of self loathing and inner rage and guilt, she's very empathetic to "the bad guys" or misunderstood people who remind her of herself.
I think she'd be friends with Chloe, Sabrina, Alix and maybe Marinette if she was willing. Alya and her don't really get along anymore, they respect each other but they keep their distance. Alya was too affected by lies, and Lila understands that and wishes her well. No hard feelings really. She gets on with Luka quite well too.
I think she'd grow up to be an actress, either for TV or for Broadway. Or some kind of jazz singer (don't ask my why. its the vibes). She's interested in social work but god thats not the line of work for her. She's not good at being on the front lines. She's the type who wants to be in the spotlight, while funding and organizing lots of charities in the background. Actually ends up working with Prince Ali to help orphans, kind of thing. You know?
I really like Lila as a character, and the idea of her not being an antagonist, but an overly dramatic side character wearing feather boas in the classroom and reciting incorrect shakespeare, is hilarious.
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