#lilly & yocchan yay
athyrabunlord · 8 years
LLSHP Ch5 - Little Demons
Arc1: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7]
Arc2: [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9] [Chapter 10 - Moonstruck (TBD)]
[Brief note about School Term] [other LLSHP AU stuff] [YohaMaRuby concept arts] [ChikaYouRiko concept arts] [KanaDiaMari concept arts] [Hogwarts Staff]
A/N: This is turning into a bi-monthly update… =A=;;;; Sorry for the delay! Too many birthdays and special occasions since then that’s why >w> Any feedback are very welcomed as always, and hope you’ll enjoy this semi-exciting long chapter! Reminder, the school terms in this AU differs from the original. Words: 7,223
“Engorgio! Reducio!”
Yoshiko mumbles under her breath as the rubber ball bounces up and down while changing in size. Sure, the ball rolls away a few times but she’s managed to work up a rhythm in this self-devised routine.
“That’s a cool way of practicing, Yoshiko-chan.”
“Fufu, Yohane-sama doesn’t mind teaching you~”
Ruby nods excitedly and hangs onto her every word, which makes the taller girl fluff up in pride. Due to her upbringing, Ruby is usually the one who helps Yoshiko and Hanamaru whenever they hit a wall during their studies. Not that Yoshiko is a studious student by any means, for she just wants to be good and be able to hold her head high.
And so, she tends to create efficient ways to practice spells as opposed to the tedious steps shown in textbooks. Ruby is fond of her methods and Yoshiko is more than happy to be the one teaching her friend for once.
Unlike usual, the two girls are heading for the Lake to retrieve Hanamaru, who’s recently taken a liking to the relaxing atmosphere especially due to the pleasant weather. It works out for the trio, for they could all have their usual picnic while the brunette peruses her collection of books.
And nothing beats practicing magic in open space!
“Ne, Yoshiko-chan… um I’ve been meaning to ask, but d-did something happen?”
The Slytherin flinches and presses her lips in a thin line. She didn’t tell her friends about the Mirror of Erised and the Room of Requirement, mostly because she doesn’t want them to worry over nothing. Also, she’s been unable to locate the Room again, even though she is certain that it is on the 7th floor and opposite of that ugly tapestry. Until she’s figured everything out, she is keeping this to herself.
But of course, nothing escapes the two Hufflepuffs’ observant eyes. Hanamaru would prod her every chance she gets, while Ruby would wait until they’re alone and ask her in that quiet voice that is difficult to turn down.
“I guess… but, give me more time? I promise I’ll tell you and Zuramaru all about it,” Yoshiko says after a while, grinning slightly when Ruby nods in acquiescence.  “How about you? Is there something bothering you?”
“Me?” The shorter girl tilts her head adorably, a sight reminiscent of her pet owl.
“Yeah. I heard from Zuramaru that those two hooligans are practically attached to you?”
Not a second after she finishes speaking, two red and gold blobs swerve into their personal space from a corner Yoshiko didn’t notice.
“Ruby-chan!” The Gryffindor duo’s voices mingle so well that it’s hard to separate them. Chika immediately cuddles the startled redhead while You salutes to the deadpanning Yoshiko.
“Oh hey, you’re here too! Ohayoshi-”
“Don’t. Even. Say it.” The miffed Slytherin half-heartedly chucks the rubber ball at the Seeker, who easily catches it and begins playing it with her teammate.
What, I’m just an afterthought? The nerve of these two. Still, Yoshiko couldn’t bring herself to get truly upset at Chika and You. They seem genuinely fond of Ruby and, in spite of the latter’s shy demeanor, Yoshiko could tell that she enjoys their company too.
Although, their closeness makes her feel quite left out sometimes. Just where is that Bakamaru when she’s needed?
As if hearing her unspoken question, Ruby manages to squeak out between the older girl’s hugs. “Oh, I see Hanamaru-chan over there!”
“Hnff, that Zuramaru is so getting an earful for making the great Yohane look for her like some lowly servant- hey, who is that?”
She narrows her eyes at the tall Gryffindor walking beside the smiling brunette, her instincts going into overdrive as she appraises this stranger. The ponytailed senior towers above Hanamaru so much that their height difference looks ridiculous, but that isn’t what catches Yoshiko’s attention the most. No, it is the fact that they are chatting amiably like long time friends, and the way Hanamaru smiles at the older girl causes her stomach to churn. The Gryffindor is also carrying a thick stack of books, presumably for the petite Hufflepuff, yet she still walks with ease as if those texts don’t weigh anything.
...no way. The great Yohane is not jealous over some mortal bonding!
Still, as her little demon, Hanamaru should be more aware of her place and not mingle with random people like that! Irritated, Yoshiko storms towards them and ignores the brunette’s greeting.
Dang, this Gryffindor sure is tall, maybe even taller than Dia-san! Yoshiko stands her ground as she glares up at the puzzled girl, whose demeanor is wholly friendly but she is too irked to notice.
“I’ll be taking those for Zuramaru, thanks for the help,” she harrumphs and reaches for those books before waiting for the Gryffindor’s response. When the heavy stack is transferred to her arms, she almost buckles under the unexpected weight.
“What the heck-?!”
“Kanan-chan is strong,” Hanamaru giggles, seemingly amused by her antics. Yoshiko doesn’t even fight back when the older girl retrieves those books smoothly. All she could hear is how her friend referred to the senior.
‘Kanan-chan’?! Just when are they on such familiar terms? Even You and Chika are still referred to with ‘-san’! Scowling, Yoshiko budges her way to stand between Hanamaru and Kanan, much to their bewilderment. Before she could grill Bakamaru about the stranger, the two aforementioned mikan-loving duo strolls up to them with Ruby in tow.
“Kanan-chan! We heard Coach is back today, isn’t she?” “I can’t wait to start Quidditch practice!”
Yoshiko’s annoyance dissipates slightly as she perks her ears, for she’s also looking forward to Flying Lessons. She could feel Hanamaru peering over her shoulder and, just because, she shifts to block the latter’s view of the Gryffindors. She smirks to herself at the shorter girl’s protesting pokes.
“Yup, Coach is back and we’ll be meeting at the Pit tomorrow morning for a warm-up. Wanna join us?” Kanan seems unfazed when You and Chika cheerfully pounce on her like a pair of eager puppies.
“Of course! Hehe, I can’t wait~” “You don’t even have to say twice, Capt’n!”
“Kanan-chan is the Gryffindor Quidditch team Captain,” Hanamaru explains to Yoshiko, who shrugs and folds her arms.
The ponytailed senior doesn’t appear offended by her hostile glare. “I’m Kanan Matsuura, You and Chika’s childhood friend. You must be Yoshiko? Maru’s told me a lot about you.”
“S-She did?” Yoshiko is so surprised that she didn’t remember to correct her name to ‘Yohane’ and she decides to overlook how the older girl calls her friend.
“K-Kanan-chan! T-That’s supposed to be a secret zura!”
“Secret? What secret? Oi, Zuramaru!”
The older girl only chuckles good-naturedly at Hanamaru’s flustered pout. She also greets Ruby with a genial smile, which the latter returns shyly. It seems like Kanan is on familiar terms with the two Hufflepuffs too.
What’s with these Gryffindors, being so attached to MY friends? Yoshiko tries not to seeth as she continues to bug Hanamaru’s supposed secret discussion with Kanan about her. On one hand, she’s very bothered by how she’s being kept out of the loop and that the brunette would talk about her to this stranger of all people.
On the other hand, well, just what could a mere Zuramaru be saying about the great Yohane, if her blush is anything to go by?
Mystery oh mystery.
“Let’s go find coach already! Kishishi, I miss her so much, I have tons of questions and I bet she has a lot to share about her trip abroad!” Before Chika could run off, Kanan easily reels her back with one hand while holding down an equally enthusiastic You just as effortlessly. As someone who’s been carried off by the Seeker several times, Yoshiko is impressed by the ponytailed girl’s strength yet again.
“Now now, Coach is talking to Professor Ayase - apparently she’s brought back some interesting creatures from Durmstrang, so Professor Ayase is thinking of holding a special DADA lesson for the seniors.”
Kanan’s words only have the opposite effect; the five younger witches exchange eager glances before firing questions at her. Defense against dark arts is Yoshiko’s favorite class and taught by her Head of the House after all, how can she not be excited?
“Hnff, as the great fallen angel, it is my duty to inspect any new creatures entering my domain-”
“Kanan-chan, we want to see too!”
“I’m sure it’ll be awesome, let’s yosoro already!”
“Hey don’t cut me off!”
“Hehe, exotic creatures from abroad? Wah~ that’s like something from a storybook zura~”
“From D-Durmstrang? I-I’m curious to see what it is too…”
“Er, but Dia said this seminar is only for Fifth-Years, so I was going to go after helping out Maru-”
“Take us with you!” “We’re sooo coming with you!” “Can we please?”
It seems like Kanan cannot handle their puppy eyes, for the six of them soon find themselves in a grand classroom that must be magically charmed to be able to accommodate many students. True to her words, there are only the senior students present, and they are spread out in an orderly manner as per the Head Girl’s instructions.
Interestingly though, Riko is also amongst the attendees and is standing beside Dia as if it’s the most natural thing. A shabby-looking suitcase is set in the middle of the room while the DADA Professor is nowhere to be seen.
“Hmm? Hey Dia, where is the Prof?”
“She is preparing the seminar with Professor Hoshizora, so in the meantime I have been given full authority and responsibility over this warm-up workshop with a different and less dangerous creature. Thus, I must ask...Kanan-san, what is the meaning of this?”
Dia’s viper-like glare sweeps over them, and Yoshiko instinctively cowers and avert her eyes. She is rather relieved to see Chika and You doing the same, under Riko’s reprimanding frown.
“Ahaha… they really want to come so, why not? It’s no big deal, it’ll be good for them to learn new stuff, no?”
For the third time since meeting her, Yoshiko couldn’t help but feel grudging respect towards the laidback Gryffindor, who simply smiles as if she’s impervious to the very dangerous aura Dia’s emitting. Her peaceful demeanor seems to have a protective shroud around Hanamaru, who also looks unaffected, while Ruby expectedly hides behind them and out of her older sister’s sight. Still, how can anyone laugh when Dia Kurosawa is glaring at you? Fearless Gryffindor indeed!
As if emboldened by Kanan’s claim, Chika pipes up. “Yeah yeah! We want to… to learn too! I mean, Riko-chan’s here too, so why can’t we?”
“I’ve been taking Advanced courses and I got Outstanding in my OWL last year, so I was given permission,” the pretty Ravenclaw replies flatly, which prompts Chika fidget sheepishly.
“Come on~ Dia, it’ll be interesting to see what happens~ Sarà divertente!”
Mari Ohara, the cat-like Ravenclaw senior, casually drapes her arm around the Head Girl and merely grins when the latter threatens to hex her. Yoshiko concludes that these three Fifth-Years, while in different Houses and have very different personalities, must be good friends. She glances at Hanamaru and Ruby and, for some reason, she lets out a quiet chuckle.
“What’s funny, Yoshiko-chan?” Hanamaru peers up at her.
“You’re funny.”
“Yoshiko-chan is mean!” Though pouting, the brunette seems amused by something as well and returns the smile.
After moments of tense silence, Dia sighs. “Very well. For just the duration of this pre-seminar workshop, the five of you may stay. And-” she raises her voice exasperatedly when they cheer and give each other high-fives, “you will listen to my instructions. Are we clear? Chika-san, are you listening?”
“Yes, Dia-sensei~ Thank you for letting us stay! Here, have a mikan!”
The other students snicker quietly, seemingly used to the Gryffindor’s antics. Dia counts under her breath to rein in her irritation as Chika passes out the fruit to anyone who wants it, until Riko has enough and freezes her movement with fluid spell. Yoshiko is liking this comfortable, classroom-like atmosphere more and more. As much as she respects and likes the Professors, a part of her still prefers to be around only her peers.
“So, Dia-san,” Yoshiko raises her hand and continues speaking after the older girl nods in approval. “What are we dealing with?” Since Care of Magical Creatures is an elective course available to Third-Years and above, Yoshiko is very curious about what could be allowed in this environment, even with the Head Girl’s supervision. Come to think of it, the only magical creatures she has seen are those Thestrals and the nice house-elves who prepare their meals and clean their dorms.
At this, Dia smiles. “We will be dealing with a Boggart, which is right here in the suitcase.”
The older students break into eager murmurs, having studied the creature but none of them have ever seen one in person. For some reason, even the calmest-looking Fifth-Year appears thrilled at the prospect of handling a Boggart. Ruby quietly explains to the confused Yoshiko and Hanamaru that, a Boggart is a shape-shifted that will take on the form of its target’s worst fear. While not necessarily a dangerous creature, its nature is unusual and it could still be a threat, depending on its transformation.
“Wow, such a good summary, Ruby-chan!” “Better than I can ever explain!” Ruby flushes dark red under You and Chika’ exuberant praises, and squeaks when Dia turns to their direction. The Head Girl’s unreadable eyes linger on her little sister for a moment before giving her a slight nod.
“Just as she said, a Boggart can still be dangerous if not handled properly. For the purpose of this workshop, we will only be using the Riddikulus charm, so we can observe its properties and behavior as much as we can. Would anyone like to volunteer, to start this off?”
Dia ignores Mari’s waves and Chika’s hops, and picks a Gryffindor prefect that Yoshiko does not know. The wizard approaches the suitcase confidently, his stance relaxed but alert. Yoshiko gulps in anticipation when Dia unlocks the luggage with a spell and something dark slips out from the gap.
Before she could determine its shape, the misty substance suddenly turns into a gigantic black snake with green eyes!
“Haha, didn’t know you’re afraid of snakes!” “Hey, it looks kinda like Kurosawa-kaichou!”
The wizard’s mates snigger at him, while the poor boy flusters under Dia’s icy stare. It is only when the reptile slithers towards him that he lets out an undignified yelp. “Riddikulus!”
The spell hits and one loud crack later, the hissing snake is replaced by a harmless black rabbit. For some reason, both Kanan and Mari starts laughing so much that they practically collapse against each other while holding their stomachs.
“One more peep and I’m cursing you both,” Dia growls, her cheeks slightly red. Why is she embarrassed? The wizard and his buddies look just as confused as the rest of the students.
Mari doesn’t seem to hear the threat. “H-He probably just thought of the bunny because it’s, well, a bunny, but-! Gawd, it’s so hilarious, don’t you agree, Rikocchi?”
Riko’s hastily shakes her head, with an expression of ‘don’t drag me into this’, at her housemate.
“Petrificus to-”
“Maa maa, anyone else wants to have a go?” Kanan quickly covers Mari’s mouth before Dia could finish her curse. Other students take the hint and one by one, each step up to confront their worst nightmare. Various transformations include spiders, rats and even a really ugly gnome, but any fear is fleeting in this hyped environment and laughter never fails to fill the room after the Riddikulus charm.
Surrounded by peers, there is no need to be scared anymore, especially when you have the power to change your fear into something ridiculous! Yoshiko can’t wait to try out her creativeness, though she is also curious about what she is afraid of, for anything that could scare her is intangible and not an actual creature.
“Finally, it’s my turn!” Mari strolls towards the tiny hamster-Boggart, which morphs into a large reptilian head with slit-like eyes, followed by a long neck and ridged back and wings-
“Mari-san!” Dia angrily pulls her aside while nudging another startled student towards the Boggart. The creature falters a little before taking on a shape of a centipede.
“A dragon, seriously?”
The First Year trio gasps and unanimously glances back at the Boggart. So it was originally going to transform into an actual dragon? Sure, this is the magical world, but Yoshiko cannot fathom how an encounter with such a famous beast would go, fake or not. Looking around, the seniors look just as awed and stunned as they are.
Mari shrugs, the amused grin still present on her visage. “Well, long ago, when Papa took me to Romania, I got lost and-”
“And stumbled upon a dragon!?”
“I was only five and… oh yes, its fire was very shiny~”
“You- oh Merlin’s Beard, not you too Kanan-san.”
Dia rubs her temple when the Boggart shifts into a massive horse with bullrush mane and has lower body of a serpent with fish-like fins. From the older students’ whispers, apparently this rare creature is called ‘Kelpie’, classified as dangerous, and is actually known as the Loch Ness Monster in the Muggle world!
Kanan smiles, not at all fazed by the presence of her supposed nightmare. “I went swimming one time and-”
“I don’t need to hear your story!”
At least she looks sheepish, unlike the unrepentant blonde. A quick spell forces the intimidating Kelpie to change into an adorable penguin. Kanan and Mari starts guffawing again, so perhaps the Gryffindor isn’t as apologetic as she appears. Their inside joke truly angers Dia this time, and she would have unsheathed her sword if Riko hadn’t stopped her in time.  
This movement, however, catches the Boggart’s attention. Before it could begin its transformation, Riko pales and runs behind You, refusing to move. The shorter girl shifts awkwardly but shields her friend without question. Meanwhile, Chika leaps in front of them both to face the distracted Boggart, which is stuck in between a penguin and something with dark robes covered in blood stains.
Yoshiko doesn’t have time to guess Riko’s worst fear, for laughter soon reverberates the room upon the creature’s next change.
“Isn’t that your older sister, Chika-chan?” You chuckles heartily, though her arm is still wrapped protectively around Riko’s waist.
Indeed, the Boggart is now a woman with short blonde hair, wearing the most ferocious scowl Yoshiko has ever seen.
“Yeeek! It’s really Mito-nee!” Chika flails comically, and her antics seem to have coaxed a small smile from the frightened Riko. The humor doesn’t last, for Chika’s Riddikulus spell changes the Boggart to a very, very large and furry dog, prompting the Ravenclaw to screech and burrow her face against You’s shoulder.
“Eeeeh, what, my Shiitake is really cute!”
Yoshiko deadpans. What breed of dog is that? It’s even bigger than those Tibetan Mastiffs she’s seen in those world record books! There’s no way it’s a normal pet!
Dia looks between the shivering Riko and her captive You, and sighs wearily before facing the First-Years. “Would any of you like to try? Have you gotten the hang of the spell?”
“Yeah! We’ve been watching everyone carefully. I’m sure we’ll cast the Ridiculous charm just fine!” Yoshiko is about to walk forward when Hanamaru tugs her back with a teasing smile.
“It’s ‘Riddikulus’. I think I shall go zura~”
Yoshiko scowls but allows her friend to go first, and loudly cheers her on with Ruby. Suddenly, the room temperature drastically drops and everyone’s breaths turn into white puffs of air. Her heartbeat speeds up rather painfully as she stares at the Boggart, which is slowly changing into a floating, cloaked figure.
Hanamaru drops her wand and stumbles back against Yoshiko, her lips quivering and eyes wide in terror. Before the ghastly apparition fully forms, Kanan projects a silvery image of a dolphin from her wand while Dia also has her wand up, erecting a translucent barrier between them and the Boggart. The seemingly sentient dolphin herds the hideous creature towards one corner of the room, and the student body lets out a collective sigh.
“Are you okay, Maru?”
Only a whimper leaves the brunette’s lips, so she feebly nods at Kanan. Yoshiko breathes shakily, also frightened and irrationally jealous of how the older girl easily protected Hanamaru.
“W-What was that?” Ruby squeaks as she pulls Hanamaru into a comforting hug.
“A Dementor,” Dia murmurs, her gaze full of disbelief. “Hanamaru-san, when and how did you meet such a creature? Dementors are the guards of Azkaban, a prison for the magical world.”
Seeing that the petite girl is still in no shape to speak, Dia waves off her question and turns towards the students. “I suppose that is enough excitement for now. Let us discuss-”
“Yoshiko-chan!” Ruby tries to stop her friend but the Slytherin is already marching towards the confined Dementor-Boggart at the corner.
“No, I want to face the Boggart too!” She dislikes how useless she felt earlier and wants to rectify her image in front of her friends. If she can face her worst fear, then she should be able to protect Hanamaru from this Dementor thing too. She was only taken by surprise before; she shall not make the same mistake again!
Kanan is about to stop her but a meaningful glance from Dia and Riko stop her. Nodding, the Gryffindor dispels the silvery dolphin once Yoshiko is in front of the already changing Boggart.
“Come at me, my worst nightmare! There’s nothing I can’t handle!” With the black feather secure in her bun, the young teenager spreads her arms with her wand ready.
However, when the Boggart finishes its transformation, all she could do is gape and stand there like a fool.
It is her doppelganger, the same one she saw in the Mirror of Erised, except this one is dressed in dark robes and has black wings instead of white.
Paralyzed with shock, rather than fear, Yoshiko looks into its cold eyes and feels a prickle at the back of her mind. Who are you?
She is in such a daze that she barely notices Dia stepping in and directs the now misty creature back into the suitcase.
The silence has never been this loud, and she can feel every pair of eyes on her. The Head Girl gently but pulls her behind, as if to block her from the others’ scrutiny. Yoshiko hears her speaking to the students but her mind is in too much of a turmoil to process her words.
She slowly turns to look at her two friends, whose worried expressions mirror each other. Ruby is holding Hanamaru’s hand, for the latter still looks shaken from the earlier incident. Guilt and shame fill Yoshiko’s mind for some reason and she couldn’t bear to look at the brunette’s pale face.
“I… I want to be alone for a bit, yeah? Um, I’ll leave Zuramaru in your hands, Ruby,” she mumbles rather pathetically and flees the room.
She hears footsteps behind her but she also hears various voices, possibly stopping her pursuer or something. She couldn’t really concentrate on anything else. All she wants to do is to get as far away from everyone so she could recompose herself.
“Why am I here?”
Yoshiko grumbles and manages to suppress the urge to sneeze for the umpteenth time. After running out of the classroom, she wanted somewhere remote and open-spaced, and somehow ended up heading for the Aviary. There is something about birds and feathers that soothe her, though the odor is rather appalling. Thankfully, perhaps due to a charm, the air in here is adequately ventilated and not stuffy, or else her nose might not have survived the permanent bird-scent.
Here, nestled behind some haystack and beneath nests with quiet hoots every now and then, Yoshiko does find the peace she seeks, but she is no less confused than she was before. The notion to confide in a Professor leaves her mind as quick as it enters. She has long lost faith in consulting with adults due to her past experiences. Perhaps they meant good, but they always wanted to take her to some psychiatrist, have her examined, or even locked up.
She’s not crazy, and being here at Hogwarts proves that. Magic is real and finally, she is able to live the ‘normal school life’ she’s always dreamed of, with friends and dependable seniors.
Until what happened in that workshop, that is. Most of the Professors have been kind to her but there’s always a possibility that their attitude might change if they know about her peculiarities. Formerly kind caretakers had treated her warily in the past after all.
“...am I really a freak?” Yoshiko whispers sadly, but smiles a little when something warm nuzzles her hand.
The familiar golden cat stares at her, its chartreuse eyes clear and its unusual tail swishing as if refuting her words. The intelligent feline, the same one that’s helped her out many times, joins her in the Aviary some time after she’s calmed down. After a friendly greeting by pawing at her robe, the enigmatic cat simply curls up beside her, like it knows that she needs moral support.
Before she realizes it, she just starts talking about the orphanage and the Muggle schools she attended. A small voice in the back of her mind reminds her that she’s pouring her concerns to a cat of all choices, but she finds this incredibly easy.
The cat listens patiently and reacts with little gestures here and there to offer its opinion. Perhaps, this creature truly is magical too.
“You’re… Riko-san’s cat right? I remember, the first day here at Hogwarts, you jumped into her arms when we got to the front gates.”
The cat forms a rather human-eque grin, as if amused by her claim.
It swishes its tail again and meows.
“You… want me to talk to Riko-san?”
Somber nod.
“Er, weren’t you listening earlier? Don’t you see my dilemma, I really don’t know what to do. I can’t really bring myself to talk any of the Professors, and Riko-san was there earlier, she saw what that Boggart changed into- ack!” Yoshiko spits out a mouthful of fur after the cat smacks her face with its tail. “What? I really don’t know how to talk to her! I mean, she’s really nice and all but, yeah, I just find it hard to talk to her, okay?”
The cat tilts its head and paws at her Slytherin scarf.
Another nod and a rumbling purr.
“I guess so. She knows about the Mirror of Erised, and she’s the one who… took control of the situation earlier.”
Now that she’s able to rationalize her situation with a calm mind, she recalls how the older girl pulled her behind. Perhaps, out of all the available choices and due to her trust issue with adults, Dia is the only one she could be fully honest with.
“Yeah, okay… I-I’ll talk to her.” Yoshiko grins and rubs the cat’s head in gratitude. “I really appreciate you listening to me! I’m sure I’ll meet you again.”
She stands up and stretches, and her movement is copied by the feline as well. A small revelation hits her then. Do cats come to me because I’m kinda like a cat too? Heh, I’ve never thought about it this way.
The sun is already setting when she leaves the Aviary. Guilt fills her heart again as she thinks of her friends, of how worried Ruby and Hanamaru must be. They always respect her personal space, but she acknowledges that her flight from the classroom was rather selfish. Hanamaru seems to have a traumatic experience with that Dementor-thing, yet she just abandoned her friend like that.
Yoshiko vows to make up to her. Still, that terrifying creature is vaguely familiar, but her head throbs in pain when she tries to dig through her memories. Perhaps, researching in the library is what she needs, whether it’s about the Dementor or her doppelganger.
And this way, she can spend more time with Hanamaru too.
She is in such deep thoughts that she almost misses the small, dark shape curled up amongst the grass. Its weak squeak calls for her attention, prompting her to approach the unknown critter. More curious than cautious, she crouches down and holds her breath when it flinches at her looming shadow.
“There there, I’m not gonna hurt you.” The little bat, covered with midnight-blue fur, appears to be injured since its right wing is folded at an awkward angle. It hisses warily and bites her finger as soon as her hand nears it. Undeterred, she continues to coax it and tries not to roll her eyes at its contradicting behavior. The bat would bite her when she tries to touch it, but squeals scratchily when she backs away as if worried she would just leave.
“What do you want me to do?”
After a while of exasperating back and forth, she manages to gather the wounded critter in her arms. The bat bares its fangs at her and, if she isn’t mistaken, actually huffs at her!
So not cute! Ruby’s owl or even that Thestral is cuter! Though grumbling, Yoshiko hugs the bat protectively and decides her conversation with Dia can wait. Her priority is to bring this hurt creature to the Infirmary. Still, where did this bat come from? She’s seen owls flying around the school grounds but not bats, but it does make sense that bats would live at an ancient castle like Hogwarts.
She thoughtfully glances over at the Forbidden Forest and her heart skips a beat when a familiar sensation washes over her. Her mind blanks out and she’s vaguely aware of her body moving. She doesn’t know how long or how far she has walked until a sharp sting snaps her out of the trance and almost causes her to stumble. Glancing down, she realizes that the bat must have been trying to get her attention for a while because her maimed finger is covered in slick blood.
Looking around, she notices despairingly that she had wandered rather deep into the Forbidden Forest.
“Why is this happening again? I-I need to talk to Dia about this too, if I can find my way back...”
She blinks in surprise when the bat gingerly licks at her bloody finger, as if apologetic. “Right, we need to get you to the infirmary. Thanks though, for stopping me, hmm… Lucifer!.” She smiles at the bat, but it turns its head away as if it doesn’t care less about its new name.
“You don’t like it? Then how about-”
The bat nips at her finger.
“So Lucifer is fine?”
It turns its head away again.
This is what you would call a tsundere, right? Yoshiko chuckles, glad that the little exchange soothes her nerves so she isn’t freaking out about her current dilemma, as she would have done had she been alone.
Taking a deep breath, she surveys her surrounding and concludes that she is just as lost as she was that first night at Hogwarts. The moon seems to be covered by clouds and the canopy is thick, rendering her night vision useless. She tries uttering ‘Lumos’ like Ruby did but nothing happened, since she probably executes the spell incorrectly.
“Great, I’m stuck. If only I know which direction I came from, maybe I can trace my way back out...”
Lucifer grunts and nudges her hand until she faces the direction it wants. “This way?”
It nips her finger impatiently. Deciding to trust her latest servant of the night, Yoshiko uses the Levitation Charm on nearby twigs and tries hurling them as far as she could. She continues this as she carefully walks the way the bat indicates, hoping her action would catch someone’s attention. Even though it’s already after hours, the groundskeeper may be near by. The wolf that Mari mentioned could be around too, though she doesn't trust the older girl’s words that the wolf is friendly.
To her shock, it is the worried face of Riko that greets her. Before she could say anything, the Ravenclaw gestures for her to follow at a brisk pace. With her Lumos spell as guidance, they easily navigate over the gnarly roots and hidden holes, and soon they safely arrive at the edge of the Forest.
“H-How did you find me, Riko-san?”
Instead of answering her, Riko’s sharp gaze is trained upon the bat in her arms. She twirls and moves her wand in a mesmerizing manner and soon, a spell covers Lucifer’s wing in a gentle glow. Awed, Yoshiko can only watch as the bat raises and folds its clearly healed wing. Squeaking happily, it even allows Riko to stroke its head.
Then, before her wide eyes, Lucifer spreads its wings and flies away into the night. Something aches in Yoshiko’s heart, for she was certain of a connection with the bat and had hoped for it to stay. They did experience a little adventure together, but in the end, an untamed creature should still stay in the wild.
“This might sting a little.”
Yoshiko feels heat crawl up her neck from the intense way Riko gazes at her maimed finger. The Ravenclaw uses some sort of spell that cleans the wound, revealing the raw and scabbing marks marring her skin. However, the older girl is so gentle in her treatment that Yoshiko doesn’t feel any discomfort.
“There, it is better not to use magic to heal small injuries that your own body can,” Riko then conjures a small band-aid to cover the wound.
“T-T-Thank you, Riko-san,” Yoshiko blushes even harder at the taller girl’s smile.
“You’re welcome. Now,” Riko’s expression becomes stern. “What happened, Yoshiko-san? Where did you go after you… left the workshop?”
Perhaps it’s because of her gratitude towards Riko, or due to the conversation with the golden cat earlier, Yoshiko finds it easier to speak to her. After briefly mentioning her stay in the Aviary and how she found Lucifer, Yoshiko pauses and reluctantly admits that this isn’t the first time she has experienced those odd blank states of mind.
She closes her eyes in resignation, certain that the older girl would look at her differently now that the truth is out in the open. A small voice at the back of her mind reminds her that neither Hanamaru nor Ruby segregated her, but a part of her is anxious of Riko’s opinion of her too.
“That certainly is worrisome, though I understand why you’re reluctant to go to the teachers. You don’t want to be treated differently, that’s all. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
Stunned, Yoshiko apprehensively peers at Riko, who is gazing into the distance and seemingly lost in memories.
“The teachers here are kind and helpful, and you want to keep it that way. You don’t want to chance ruining it.”
Yoshiko nods, unable to look away from Riko’s profile.
“I would suggest you speak to Dia-san, especially if such peculiarity happens again.”
“That’s what that golden cat wants me to do too, from what I can gather anyway,” Yoshiko swallows nervously. “So, you… you don’t think I’m weird?”
“We’re all weird one way or another.”
Riko chuckles quietly at her surprised expression. Of all the things, Yoshiko hasn’t expected the serious Ravenclaw to say that.
“So, don’t think you’re alone, okay? Here in Hogwarts, you will never be alone.”
“Right,” Yoshiko nods bashfully, finally understanding and appreciating her underlying message.
“That said, I also urge you to speak to your friends. Hanamaru-san and Ruby-san are very worried about you. I believe they are still waiting for you at the Great Hall,” Riko gestures at the direction of the Castle. “If you run now, you can still make it to dinner.”
“Eh? Why are you saying as if you’re not coming with me? Besides, you h-haven’t answered me. How did you find me?”
Riko appears reluctant to respond, but she relents after a moment. “Every Friday around this time, I would come to the edge of the Forest and, just so happens, I heard those twigs you threw with your spell.”
“Oh. Heh, that actually worked… well, I was lucky you were nearby. So, why do you routinely come here?”
“Stay still and slowly look behind you.”
The older girl’s firm but quiet tone is all Yoshiko needs to follow her instruction. Before her wide eyes, a pair of Thestrals cautiously steps into view. The skeletal, horse-like beasts appear curious at her presence and remain where they are, beneath the shades of the trees. Riko gingerly but steadily approaches them, and pats one Thestral’s bony snout after its friendly croon.
Yoshiko’s heart is pounding thunderously in her ears. “So, you can see them too.”
“...yes.”  Riko looks so sad then as she leans against its neck in a pseudo-hug. “There’s something about them that’s soothing, despite their rather intimidating appearance. You... understand right?”
It is at this moment that Yoshiko no longer feels guarded or nervous around the older girl. Riko didn’t speak of the Thestral back then to pry or anything; she was merely making a remark, and perhaps expressing empathy, that they have both experienced something horrible, that they are not alone.
“Yeah I understand.” Boldly, she joins Riko in caressing the Thestral too. The grotesque creature looks rather endearing then, as it flicks its long tail in greeting and beckons at its mate to come closer too. Riko appears surprised at the Thestrals’ easy acceptance but simply smiles at their interaction.
Yoshiko grins toothily. “So we’re like kindred spirits huh?”
“I suppose we are?”
“Well then, how would you like to become my little demon? I mean, Lucifer flew away earlier… the bat, I mean. Lucifer is supposed to become a member. I’m grateful you healed him but still, he flew away afterwards. So in exchange, you have to become one in his place!”
She’s managed to overcome her jitters around Riko and now, she can close the gap in their relationship even more by inviting her to the fallen angel’s legion! What a brilliant plan this is!
As expected, Riko stares at her with a blank expression. Yoshiko starts counting inwardly, waiting for a rejection, yet the older girl merely nods.
“Alright. What do I have to do?”
“Er…” Yoshiko is stumped. No one has ever agreed to become her little demon before so she never thought beyond that. Ruby almost did but Hanamaru stopped the initiation ritual back on the train and she never tried it again.
She shuffles for a bit before taking off the black feather from her bun and stuffs it in Riko’s hand. “A contract! Yes, a contract. As my little demon, you’ll have to be ordained and granted a new name. And, um, if I call upon you, y-you’ll have to answer my call!” Not wanting to sound too demanding to a senpai, she adds quietly. “Like, if I need your help with school stuff, you’ll have to do it, okay?”
“No problem,” Riko giggles quietly. “Anything else?”
Yoshiko’s ears burn from embarrassment but she persists. “And... if it’s not too much trouble… I’d like to see these guys again too.”
Riko nods in understanding. “We’ll work something out. Perhaps we can come here next Friday.”
“Awesome! Yeah, that’s enough for now I guess. Y-You’re just a newbie little demon, so the great Yohane is benevolent and shall not overwhelm you.”
The Ravenclaw examines the black feather with interest, her fingers brushing over the fringe as if it were a precious object. “Then? What is my new name?”
Many names flashes in her mind. Asmodeus? Gorgon? Lamia? Lilith?
“Lily! How about Lily?”
There’s a flicker of pain in Riko’s widened eyes and her grip tightens imperceptibly.
“Erm, not good?”
The older girl lets out a shaky breath but smiles. “No, Lily is fine. It’ll signify a new beginning, no?”
“Lily it is then!” Yoshiko folds her arms, utterly pleased and proud of her lists of accomplishments. The Boggart incident and her numerous abrupt trips to the Forbidden Forest are no longer scary, now that she has gained a minion, and a pretty and smart one too at that!
“There’s something I want to ask you though, Lily,” she tests the name, and grins when the older girl nods.
“Yes, Yoshiko-san?”
“Eh, what’s with the distance? Either call me Yohane-sama or something closer? We are of the same legion.”
“Um, okay, how about… er, Yocchan?”
It’s like no one wants to ever call me Yohane. Oh well, this nickname is cute too. “That’s acceptable. Ahem, back to topic, I… I’ve been wondering, why did you suggest Dia-san? The golden cat did too. Is it because she’s the Head Girl?”
“Because she’s Dia-san,” Riko says without hesitation.
The ambiguous answer, however, is enough for Yoshiko. Indeed, the Head Girl just has that trustworthy aura, and even someone from a different House, someone who is poised like Riko, shares the same opinion too.
“Right. Dia-san. I need to talk to her, if Lily says so too.”
“Before that though, you need to speak to your friends first, so let’s head back to the Castle,” Riko pats the Thestrals one more time before turning away.
“Huh? I thought you were going to stay-?” Yoshiko hastily waves at the friendly creatures before catching up to the older girl.
“It’s fine. We’ll come back here next Friday, won’t we? It is more prudent that you let your friends know that you are okay.”
Yoshiko winces a little from her stern voice. “Right. I’ve been gone for a long time. Um, in my defense, I was really going back to the castle when I got side-tracked by many things! Good things, but still side-tracked!”
“It is good to be inquisitive about the Magical world, but heed your instincts and do not take everything at face value.”
“Hey, that’s exactly what Dia-san told me some time ago. You’re actually good friends with Dia-san?”
“I’ve been taking Advanced courses so, yes, I’m well-acquainted with her. Kanan-san and Mari-san too.”
“Grr, her again.”
“Nothing. So, I guess you and Dia-san mean to say, I should be more careful?”
“Yes. Never run off on your own again, and certainly not so close to the Forbidden Forest.”
“Hey, you’re unaccompanied too! And you come here every late Friday, isn’t that dangerous?”
“Professor Hoshizora knows of my trips, and I’m a Third-Year.”
They continue their light-hearted banter as they walk back to the castle. Yoshiko sort of understands why Chika and You tend to hang around Riko like eager puppies, whenever she sees them together. The Ravenclaw has a comforting and dependable presence that is both similar and different from Dia’s.
Is it because they are senpais? Because they are more knowledgeable? Or perhaps, this is what Ruby feels whenever she speaks of her older sister?
Either way, Yoshiko is relieved to have made more friends. All those troublesome mysteries would surely be resolved, now that there are so many little demons to help her out!
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