#lilly krug
chronivore · 11 months
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Caylee Cowan & Lilly Krug
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knockeddeadv5 · 11 months
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Lilly Krug
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bigboobslacey1 · 2 months
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archivist-goldfish · 8 months
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themakeupbrush · 1 year
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Lilly Krug at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival
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rebestie4life · 2 months
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bruce-wyatt-burner · 1 year
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ldagence-celbs · 11 months
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Lilly Krug German Actress and Model
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suimovies · 11 months
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“Heart of Champions”
directed by Michael Mailer
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bubskino · 1 year
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Lentsikka tekee pakkolaskun viidakkoon. Paikalliset spedet ei ole ystävällisimmästä päästä. Gerard Butler joutuu toimimaan, lentokapteenin hommien lisäks, rambona.
Haaksirikkoa, panttivankijuttua ja pelastusopereissöniä.
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rookie-critic · 2 years
Plane (2023, dir. Jean-François Richet) - review by Rookie-Critic
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I may not outwardly rave about them as much, but I am a fan of action films. When they're done right they can be some of the most purely entertaining films around. Joe Carnahan's Copshop made my top 20 films of 2021 and it was one of the most welcome surprises of the year. So, when I first saw the trailer for Plane, a trailer that, every time it played before another film in the theater, everyone around me would scoff at or say, "Well, that'll suck," I tried not to just dismiss it outright. In fact, I was secretly hoping it'd be great. After all, Gerard Butler (who starred in Copshop) was playing the protagonist and, almost even more enticing than Butler, Mike Colter plays the main supporting character. I loved season 1 of the Marvel/Netflix Luke Cage show (even season 2 had its moments), and was excited to see Colter getting a chance to show everyone what he's got on the big screen. With all that in mind, I went into Plane with an open mind, ready to be tossed into a wild 1 hour and 47 minute ride. I must say, I was not disappointed.
Now, I'm not gonna sit here and say that it's as good as those movies mentioned above, because it isn't, not by a long shot. What it is, however, is incredibly entertaining. Maybe a little slow to get to the good stuff, but still good. Sure, the characters have practically no personality and their motivations are the same overwrought, clichéd, and tired beats that have plagued movies like this since the dawn of movies like this, but honestly who cares! I'm not here for that. I'm glad they've made some effort to give a sense of story and stakes to the movie, but ultimately that is not what's important to me at all when I walk into Plane starring Gerard Butler and Mike Colter. I'm here to see the Plane go down, I'm here to see Gerard Butler fist fight a man to the death, I'm here to see Mike Colter hit someone with a sledgehammer so hard they're flung, like, 30 feet through the air. Who cares about Gerard Butler getting back to his daughter? Who cares if we don't give every single passenger on the plane a unique and interesting backstory and character development? We're here to see action, and Plane delivers, plain (no pun intended) and simple. I'm not insinuating that action films can't rise above the trappings and deliver something truly unique and wonderful (see aforementioned examples above). If they have something that makes them feel like more than just a piece of entertainment, then by all means, I'm down for that, too, but it's not a requirement of the form. There's a decent chance that it's also just personal bias. Something about seeing well-done action in a movie that taps into my monkey brain and makes me smile, makes me burst out laughing when something absolutely buckwild happens, not because it's poorly done or looks dumb or anything, but just because I'm having so much fun at the theater, and ultimately isn't that the ideal popcorn film experience? To each their own, of course, but I think that Plane did exactly what it set out to do, and I respect the hell out of it.
Score: 7/10
Currently only in theaters.
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elrincondelcinefilo · 25 days
𝔼𝕝 𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕒ñ𝕠 (2020)
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Chris Deckard pasó varios años creando una app que ha vendido a una multinacional por una enorme cantidad de dinero, pero por el camino ha sacrificado su matrimonio con Jamie, madre de su hija, Willow, que se cansó de que no le dedicara tiempo, así que pidió el divorcio. Ahora, vive solo en una suntuosa mansión en una zona rural de Montana.
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En un supermercado de la zona conoce a Sky, ex modelo con la que inicia una relación, pero Chris empezará a sospechar que algo no va bien cuando se entera a través de la televisión de que la compañera de piso de su nueva amiga ha aparecido muerta… Todo indica que alguien le ha dado boleto…
Tiene mérito el español Luis Prieto, que se labra una carrera en Hollywood con títulos como "Secuestrado", que protagonizó Halle Berry, y capítulos de series. No pretende firmar películas con sello de autor, pero rueda con solvencia, sin tener nada que envidiar a numerosos artesanos que se ganan la vida con productos que sólo pretenden entretener.
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Por desgracia, "El engaño" pretende recuperar el espíritu de los thrillers eróticos de los 90, como "Instinto básico", marcados por los excesos de secuencias sexuales, y al guión le falta chispa, y un poco de originalidad, ya que copia sin ningún pudor elementos de "Misery" y otras cintas.
La poco experimentada Lilly Krug se desenvuelve muy bien en su primer papel protagonista como Sky, a la que retrata como una mujer que sabe utilizar su atractivo para ocultar su lado oscuro. 
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Cameron Monaghan (Gotham) le da bien la réplica como el ingenuo Deckard. Sin embargo, el espectador se pregunta qué hace aquí el gran John Malkovich en un papel bastante menor (un casero ambicioso y libidinoso), en el que no desentona, como cabe esperar, pero tampoco tiene oportunidad de lucirse. De la misma forma se podría quitar a Frank Grillo, que aparece en el tramo final, pues su personaje no aporta demasiado.
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La cinta se visiona con acentuada atención debido, principalmente, a su sanguinario y sádico desarrollo y por eso recibe 3 estrellitas ⭐⭐⭐
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knockeddeadv5 · 11 months
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Lilly Krug
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bigboobslacey1 · 2 months
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archivist-goldfish · 2 months
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themakeupbrush · 1 year
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Lilly Krug at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival
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