girlchildinafrica · 6 years
On Monday I am writing my last exam and doing my last OSCE for my Middle Clinical Rotations ! This is very clearly a blog post borne out of unabashed procrastination. #sorrynotsorry
Finishing my middle clinical rotations is a big deal though ! It means that have successfully completed another year and a half of my degree !
The next step is : Student Internship !
I have to complete my elective first, one month in adult neurosurgery, but immediately following that I begin my journey towards the ends ! #SI 
At my university , the last 18 months of the medical degree are spent as a student intern (SI). We are expected to function at the level of interns. After that we graduate and become contributing members of society ! #yay
We rotate through all the medical disciplines in hospital and don’t have any theory classes (ever again!). Of course we’ll still get formal tutorials , have tests and OSCES after every rotation but our teaching is purely clinically based.
The prospect of being an SI is definitely nerve-wracking ! Student internship officially signals the beginning of the end of my journey towards my MB,ChB degree! I’ve had a tumultuous experience this past year and I am hoping that the changes I made were for the better and have far more desirable outcomes 😀
My last theory class was some time ago during the Ethics module. There is a tradition at my university that is upheld where fifth year students dress up as special characters on the last day class. In ode to Harry Potter , I dressed up as Lord Voldemort’s most loyal lieutenant,  Bellatrix Lestrange !  It was a fantastic day and I thoroughly enjoyed myself !
Lily Update!
(Because my commitment to regular blogging has been shockingly abhorrent) !
The last six months of my life have been challenging. So many overlapping and intersecting struggles seemed to present themselves (at the same time #ironically) and I had to take some time to do genuine introspection and critical self-reflection.
I am glad that I did because the alternative would have been a slow and steady descent into depression and worsening of my anxiety.
I am proud of the seemingly harsh but prudent steps that I took in order to take charge of my mental health.
I decided that my mental health mattered more to me. In order to carry on with my life and ensure future success, I had to bear responsibility for my mental well-being.  My zeal and enthusiastic promotion of self-love and self-care have now expanded to include self-analysis and self-truth. Honestly , it has been a lot of “self” to deal with.
Being an adult is hard . . . sigh.
I am also 22 years old now ! My future still looks bright and hopefully it stays that way #LilyAllen
I have two beautiful tuxedo cats named Jasmine Fleur & Babette Lafayette . Yes, their names are French. They are very interesting creatures. I think they like me but honestly it is so difficult to tell sometimes.
Anyway . . . My fifth year dance happened some time ago as well  🙂 ! Below are some pictures of myself along with mybest friends. I’m the one in blue #haha ! I had the best night and I would love to do it all over again . Being adequately inebriated was a wonderful part of the experience 🙂 ❤
I hope to blog again and soon ! I cannot, however,  promise because life usually just “happens” . . . sigh.
Until next time !
Lots Of Lily Love ❤ ❤ ❤ (LOLL)
  The Breath I’ve Taken And The One I Must To Go On . . . On Monday I am writing my last exam and doing my last OSCE for my Middle Clinical Rotations !
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