#lima food tours
alpacaexpeditions · 3 months
Discover Lima's Culinary Delights with Alpaca Expeditions
Embark on unforgettable Lima food tours with Alpaca Expeditions. Dive into Peru's rich culinary heritage, savoring authentic flavors and exploring vibrant local markets. Book your culinary adventure today!
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realmermaid333 · 5 months
Tigris character analysis ramble LOL
I'm not sure if someone has already pointed this out or if this has been discussed before, but I was thinking how maybe Tigris turned herself into a tiger via body modifications, and chose to eat only raw meat to cope with past cannibalism and sexual trauma. We hear Coryo speak a lot about cannibalism in the Capitol during the war, and how much it disgusted him. I mean, the boy can't even look at Persephone Price without thinking about it. Part of me thinks maybe Tigris secretly took some meat off of the bodies in the street as well and ate it so Coryo could eat the lima beans and stuff that they got from Pluribus, and other food they scavenged.
I feel like she would have avoided having Coryo eat it, and would have instead wanted him to be able to eat normal food to "maintain his dignity". Though there is the scene where Tigris says he must be "too young to remember how bad things got" when he insisted that she never did anything disgraceful for survival. She did seem to hint that they all did disgraceful things- including Coryo. But Tigris would have thought poorly of herself for eating a human, and we know that being forced into cannibalism is very traumatizing. Maybe she thought of herself as a "beast" or a "monster" for it so she chose to turn herself into a tiger. And eating raw meat would fit into that persona. Maybe she did it as a form of self-punishment after she decided to be a tiger and succumb to being the beast she thought of herself as. Or maybe it was soothing for her to relive eating the meat in a more controlled way. Like with raw steak rather than human meat.
We know that her and Snow had a falling out, and there are many different factors that could have played into it. Like Snow sex trafficking victors, shaming her for her body modifications, or just him being generally cruel to others, etc. There is another theory I saw online that maybe Snow forced Tigris into the body mods to make her seem less "weak" or "easy to abuse" like how he'd described her early on in TBOSAS. We know that he could be very possessive of her, so I could see this being a possibility.
Though I think it is more likely that her body mods were her own doing, especially since eccentric body mods like hers were becoming more normalized in the Capitol. Like how Katniss's stylist, Octavia, had green skin in the first book and she changed the color of her skin somehow throughout the trilogy. But then again, we know that whatever happened between her and Snow was bad enough that she was pleased when Katniss said she was going to kill him.
But maybe Tigris also saw herself as "having a sweetness that welcomed abuse" so she thought making herself look "scary" would protect her from experiencing sexual abuse again, as it's somewhat implied in the books that Tigris had to turn to prostitution for food as a teen.
I also think Snow may have used Tigris's change in appearance as an excuse for firing her from her stylist position, when in all reality it was for other reasons, like her disagreeing with his actions. I like the theory that Tigris was Finnick's stylist. It would make sense that maybe Tigris would end up being a stylist in the games if she didn't have many other options, we know she was pretty against the Games so how she even got that job in the first place is something I am so curious about. Maybe she became numb to it, or hopeless and bitter. Maybe Snow offered her the position and expected her to take it. She could have done it to avoid further conflict with him because she still loved him. And maybe Tigris figured that she could at least bond with and comfort the children before they inevitably died in the Games. There are many possibilities.
But I could see her being Finnick's stylist, and maybe she really liked him and bonded with him. And when he won, she of course maintained that bond with him, and would have seen him on his Victory Tour and every time he was in the Capitol. Maybe he confided in her when he was being sex trafficked, or mentioned it nonchalantly, and that was when Tigris realized that Snow was doing this to literal children, and it wasn't just the older, adult victors choosing to go into sex work or something like Snow could have led her to believe.
This could have started a big fight between her and Snow and led to her being fired from the Games. This would especially make sense since she was a stylist long enough that Katniss remembered seeing her on tv, but also enough time passed that it took her a while to recognize her. Finnick won the 65th Games, so Katniss would have been seven the last time she saw Tigris on screen (assuming Tigris was fired before the 66th HGs) but it still wouldn't be hard for her to remember seeing a tiger lady.
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taz-ma-raz-skylar · 9 months
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Credits to diarioep: The British Hispanic actor who participated in the live action of OnePiece, TazSkylar, was around our country getting to know our wonders. Known for his character 'Sanji', he performed at the Geek Festival 2023 that took place in Lima.
After the event, the actor took a vacation in the capital, he also toured the dunes of lca by car and skateboard. Where he spent the most time was in Cusco, visiting Machu Picchu, bathing in the waterfalls, going to Aguas Calientes, taking a photo with the White Christ. In addition to trying a variety of foods. A few days ago the artist left our country to fly home over Brazil.
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chaletnz · 9 months
Exploring Central Lima
With the tour group behind me and loose plans to meet up with Tom again in the evening I set off on my own to explore and take some more photos at the notable locations we visited with Jorge. I spotted a churro spot, Churro San Francisco, which looked delectable and cheap so I bought a crèma pastelera to tide me over for another hour before lunch. I visited a few shops and found another bucket hat tucked away in the back of a huge market to add to my set. There had been so many and then I hadn’t found any more when I was ready to buy them. My lunch was at El Chinito which had rave reviews on google, I chose the traditional chicharron sandwich with camotitos (camote chips?) and the chicha to drink which was warm and purple but surprisingly good! I ordered way too much food so I took a doggy bag with me to leave in the hostel fridge for some hungry tourists. I picked up my public transport card and loaded it with enough credit to get me home after exploring and then went to find a supermarket to buy a cold water bottle and some snacks. I walked to San Martin Plaza for a look around and then headed to Chinatown before it started to get dark. It was insanely busy around the Chinatown market with people everywhere and cars also trying to drive through the hoardes. Everyone was shouting but there was a large police presence around here too so people were orderly and keeping their behaviour in check. I walked myself back to the central station so I only needed to take one bus and it was perfect timing as I arrive just in time to step on to a non-crowded bus that only took 15-20 minutes to get me all the way back to Miraflores in the middle of rush hour traffic. It seems the bus lane is actually very efficient for moving people in and out of the city and this lane can be used for emergency services too as I saw a few police cars use it too. I walked back to the hostel via Parque Kennedy to check in on all the cats again and then went to lie down and eat my reward slice of cake for hitting 20,000 steps again today!
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gemwolfz · 11 months
the thing i miss most from my trip to japan has got to be the convenience store food/snack selection. onigiri is so easy to eat (not just in terms of convenience, but as in its rice and i love rice) and there was always such a variety of pastries. and there was that cantaloupe flavored frozen dessert (shaped like soft serve ice cream but definitely wasnt ice cream but idk what it was exactly) that i got on a walk that was sooo so stinkin good
i love being middle class enough to go on big trips ive loved every country ive ever been to. peru was so good it was my senior trip so we had a whole local guide and all our meals were paid for and were very high end (and i was forced to try new things because there were only like 2 options per meal) and although it was a very tiring "we are doing so much every day" trip it too was great fun 10/10 everyone i encountered there was lovely (the only negative interaction being with people from one of the other schools in our tour group, which im still fuming about to this day but i digress) and i would love to go again and especially to spend more time in lima.
just to finish flexing all the countries ive been to my first time out of the country was a trip to england and france. both were pretty. my brother got injured and had to get a cast so we got disability priority for a lot of things which i feel scummy for appreciating so much but also god the lines for things were horrible im so glad we got to skip so many. anyway london was quite lovely, paris as well but i think the main reason i would ever return is because we never got to go to the louvre
anyway enough sleepy rambling i need to actually sleep goodbye
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pixiealtaira · 2 years
Here to Stay is the New Bird
Pairing: Kurt/ Sebastian
Rating: R for swearing and threats to Finn
Notes: This is for @kurtbastianarchive’s ‘First Time’ anniversary event.  Day 2:seasonal
 Sebastian Smythe had several hobbies that just didn't fit in with the image Dalton needed one to have when one was trying to fit in and make little to no waves nor stick out too much.  And he was already doing poorly on that request of his folks...but he wanted to be able to LIVE and not simple exist for the next two years while he was stuck in the USA.   He was highly irate about that, mind you, since if he'd been allowed to stay in France he'd have been taking his major tests and been done by the end of the year. 
Sebastian shook off his ire, physically, once again and continued walking through the parking lot to the hut at the front of the paths leading through out the bird sanctuary and state park just outside of Lima.  He was going to enjoy his preferred hobbies even if he had to do it alone, regardless of his parent's pleas to fit in better.
The girl at the information and donations section of the booth looked bored out of her mind.
“The path on the far right is for hikers and dog walkers and anyone silly enough to go jogging in the snow.  The other paths are snow shoe only until March.  We would like everyone to  be out of the area by sundown except for on our night outings, and those are 10 to 20 bucks, depending on the evening and what is involved and included.  Sleigh rides are in the open fields from the  sanctuary to Holdings Farms and back...with a 30 to 40 minute stop at the farms for treats or a tour.  Those leave every hour on the hour and the cost is 20 bucks per person.  The funds for the sleigh rides are split between Holdings Farms and the sanctuary all other funds stay with the sanctuary to go towards conservation programs and upkeep.  There is a paper with the different events right in front of you. Have a good day.”
“No fee for just using the paths for the day?”
“Nope.  If you need to rent snow shoes there is a tent behind the booth.”
Sebastian smiled as he left the opening labeled info and walked to the other side of the booth, which was filled with two other young women who were serving hot drinks and food.  There were benches and logs set so people could sit to put on show shoes and...ice skates?  Sebastian looked over to the large field past the logs and saw a large rustic ice rink and past that set of benches and several stools.
“Finn Hudson, if you are not going to actually join me out here, go the fuck home!”
Sebastian turned to the voice yelling.
Kurt Hummel was yelling...a Kurt Hummel Sebastian hadn't ever dreamed of seeing.  The other boy had on normal jeans. In fact Sebastian was pretty certain they were LL Bean Flannel Lined, like his own...relaxed fit, if Sebastian wasn't mistaken. Kurt had on Sorels and a down filled winter coat in dark green, and a normal stocking cap and normal plaid scarf and completely normal mittens!  He looked like a boy. A screaming furious boy but a boy none the less.
“But Kurt...Blaine said not to let you go do anything.”
“If Blaine wants a say in anything I do then Blaine should not have canceled our date for the sixteenth time this MONTH!  He hasn't taken me out or done anything with JUST ME since I gave in and slept with him!  So Blaine can just go screw himself and probably whoever he ditched me for...again.  I am going snow shoeing, screw you all.”
“I'm telling your dad.”
“Go ahead.  I am exactly where I am supposed to be, I was just supposed to be here with Blaine, who didn't even have the manners to call and cancel our date...instead just waited until I called him when he was 2 hours late to see what was up.  I have missed the last four weeks, Finn.  I have been trying to get here to go hiking for FOUR WEEKS. I am going today.  Now, you can join me or go home.  But if the word Blaine comes out of your mouth while you are near me for the rest of the weekend...I will ruin you.”
“But Blaine said...”
“Finn, I will show your mother your porn collection and all the sites you visit on line.  And then I will show Rachel, Quinn and Santana.  And I'll let Brittany see them.  And she has no filter.  Your quirky enjoyment of people fucking food and fucking while covered with food and fucking through things like pizzas will make it around the whole STATE!”
Finn turned so pale Sebastian could see if difference from where he was standing and reversed out of the parking lot so fast he left tire marks.
Kurt stomped over to his huge black SUV and pulled out a pair of wooden snowshoes and a backpack and poles.
He turned and slammed his vehicle's door shut.
Sebastian was slightly startled at the glare still on Kurt's face and even more surprised when it softened just a tiny bit at seeing him.
“Well, at least Blaine isn't off fucking you. Although, I can't decide if I am now more upset and worried or less. I thought it was you because all I've heard since scandals is 'Sebastian this and Sebastian that and Sebastian says....'.  But now I'm wondering if he is just using you as his shield since I had such a visceral reaction to you and gave him an easy avatar to place in front of whatever he is actually doing that I could happily hate on and worry about.”
“Why did you react so strongly?”
“Do you recall your conversation?”
Sebastian shook his head. “Not really.  I was hitting on him and he was dodging it without really saying no.”
“Exactly.  He had finally mentioned a boyfriend and you said it didn't matter at all to you if it didn't bother him.”
“Finally?” Sebastian asked.
“I had been at the Lima Bean since before you two got there helping one of the AV kids with a mechanical issue on a cart thing they were trying to build.”
“Yeah, Oh.  I also knew he had met you at Dalton, more than once and you were texting and talking to each other.  Blaine might have ignored that I made friends there, but I didn't loose them all when I left, no matter how much Blaine tried to make sure I did.  Inside info and all that jazz.”
“Look.  I'm sorry about that.  I mean, most of what I said doesn't work today anyway.  I guess...from what I saw that day and heard from the Warblers, I would have never guessed you'd be out here or anywhere that didn't involve makeup, girly clothing, and creature comforts.”
“I am the son of a mechanic from Ohio.  I've worked on cars pretty much since I could hold a tool, before I could walk...and I hunt and fish and camp and whatnot. Now, I do fish and hunt only because my dad asks it...I am not found of killing animals and I don't  like most river and lake fish. Halibut is lovely, most trout taste like mud.  But...I like outdoor activities.  Besides...scarfs and other knit items and sweaters.”
Sebastian laughed and Kurt smiled.
“Are you trying to tell me I wasn't as off in my call as I thought?”
Kurt shrugged.    “What are YOU doing here?  This doesn't seem YOUR type of thing.  No Caviar or Champagne or servants waiting on you hand and foot.”
“I picked up snow shoeing in France a few years ago.  I like it and cross country skiing better than downhill. I saw the flier for the paths here at the sanctuary at the Lima Bean and thought this could be where I practice my 'not really posh enough for most Dalton kids' hobby.”
Kurt laughed.  “And see. I figured snowshoeing would be right up their alleys. It is 'too fancy' for McKinley kids.  Except Sam...he wants to learn.”
“He here?”
“Nah, had a family thing he needed to attend with his folks.  Apparently not everyone in his extended family know he moved back here and they are trying to keep it that way.  I don't ask.”
“So, you've been here before?”
“Yes.  I spent about every other weekend out here last year and the year before.”
“Mind company?”
“Can you be as not atrocious as you are currently?”
“I'll do my best.  Can I tease you if you say something way gay or girly?”
“As long as it is not about my being or person.  I cannot help my voice or face.   And I no longer look like a 12 yr old milkmaid, but that is still feeling like a recent development, so yeah...a bit sensitive on some things.”
“Fair enough.  I did live in France and I am not back by choice for the most part so honestly, if I say anything about Europe or such today at least, it's because I miss it- not to be pretentious.”
“I think we can handle a truce for a while then.” Kurt said.  “Do you have a preference to which path we take?”
“I haven't been out in nearly a year.” Sebastian said.
“We'll take the far left path. It is just over a ¼ a mile, ending at an overlook over a shallow lake which birds flock to. Very flat and mild.  So, a half mile to the end and back, a good start for getting back into things.  If we still want some time out we can do the one next to it as well.”
Sebastian smiled and nodded.
Kurt was a surprisingly pleasant companion for snow shoeing.  They had about the same taste in how quickly to move.  Kurt was packing a camera and sketchbook, but he only asked to stop long enough for a few quick sketches three times and her took photos pretty much while on the move.
Their conversations quickly turned to Dalton classes -Sebastian was taking several that Kurt had taken the year before- and teachers each liked and didn't like and other students.  Sebastian had gotten the impression from Blaine and a lot of the more vocal Warblers that Kurt had kept to himself totally other than Blaine and Kurt's questions and comments and answers spoke volumes towards a different tale of his time at Dalton.   Kurt asked about students Sebastian knew had nothing to do with the Warblers, like Leo from the French club and Phillip from the Debate Team.
As they came to the overlook and end of the path, Sebastian was drawn to the views and sights.
“It's lovely, isn't it.  Every season here is lovely.” Kurt said, taking off his snowshoes and climbing the steps to the overlook.   “This path ends here, but the third path down leads to the boardwalk area you can see across the way. The next path loops in between the two paths, traveling along a stream for a while---with a set of wooden footbridges and several picnic areas.  Then the middle path and the ones to the right of it go off towards the marsh area on the far side of the forest area and then off towards Holdings Farms and the larger deeper lake.  Most are a mile and a half or longer.  The path that loops is ¾ a mile, and the far end of the boardwalk is a full mile and a ¼ away.  All are pretty flat, at most rolling type terrain, but not terribly open...although I've never had a problem with snowshoes made for flat open terrain, because they are all well maintained paths.”
Sebastian joined him at the top, leaning on the railing and looking out over the shallow lake. “Is the ice skating rink well maintained?”
Kurt turned to Sebastian and beamed at him.
“It is decent.  Weekends are better for ice-skating.  And Wednesday afternoons, because the Lima's Pee Wee Skate Club has meetings Wednesday starting at 1pm and going until 4:30 and the group that maintains the rink always lays down good ice for them.”
“Would I have company if I asked?” Sebastian asked softly. “I have enjoyed hiking with you.”
Kurt smiled. “You might have to endure Sam sometimes as well.”
Sebastian shrugged.  “I wouldn't mind.  I could use more down to earth acquaintances.”
“Well, I think I need to hang out a bit more and get to know people a bit more before leaping willy nilly into friendship stage for anyone.  It seems to bite me in the ass when I don't.  Not to mention I have a  bad habit of jumping to conclusions about people too often by not getting more of the bigger picture.”
Kurt smiled. “I can work with acquaintances for a while.  Mind working towards friends?”
Sebastian smiled. “I don't. You are surprising down to earth.  I expected more...high maintenance and flamboyancy in everything.”
Kurt laughed.  “I can be high maintenance. And I am a bit flamboyant.  I do like unusual clothing. I like vests and things around me neck, like ascots and ties and scarves. I like jewelry.  I do sing girl songs...but I sing everything, when I can.  I don't want you to start off looking for something you won't get.”
“And I do like to play the field. And I am spoiled rich kid without much connection to the real world.”
Kurt smiled.  “Oddly enough, I am generally fine with both those things.   Heck, unless you are being truly horribly nasty and mean, I'm even OK with snark for the most part.”
Sebastian laughed. “I would hope so, you are probably as snarky as I am.”
“To some.  I have to rein it in most of the time though.  Finn doesn't understand it and whines to his mom and my dad about me being mean and Blaine gets irate if I snark too much and Santana starts to get her feathers ruffled and acts out violently. I get tossed into lockers more when she gets testy.”
“Tossed into lockers?  Like stuffed into them or...”
“Thrown against them, now at least. I used to be picked up and stuffed in them but I finally grew too big by the middle of 8th grade.  Although when I say tossed into the dumpsters, I do mean put into them.  That hasn't happened much for the last twp years...I grew 6 inches over the end part over 10th grade and the summer between 10th and 11th.  It was too hard for them to get me into the dumpsters to make it worth while.”
“And you didn't stay at Dalton?” Sebastian asked horrified.
“Despite the general story of my leaving Dalton, the reason was because the 6 months emergency financial aid was going to be over before school was finished and I could not afford to stay without it.  Going as long as I did caused several financial issues as it was.  So I left when I did so I could start McKinley again when the 4th quarter started. I finished all my classes at Dalton remotely, so I got credits from those as well.  It shouldn't have been such an issue...but my dad had been sick right before I had to go to Dalton, and then he married Carole..like the weekend before I ended up at Dalton, but she and Finn could NOT live in the house we had -not enough room for Finn to have without sharing with me- so we had to get a new house...and they went insane with that, and holidays, which the least said about those last year the better.   And just the growing pains of combining families and such...money was very tight for a bit...at least for me.”
“And that isn't the commonly known reason you left Dalton?”
Kurt snorted. “Blaine convinced the Warblers I left so I could go to nationals with New Directions. He convinced several teachers that regardless of what the Headmaster said, I left because I was having too hard a time with the classes and was terrified I was going to fail. He convinced my old roommate I left because I hated Posh people and missed my friends.  And he half convinced the counselor I left because I was desperate to be around people who were my sort of people and the wealth displayed at Dalton made me feel ashamed of myself  and potentially suicidal due to the fact I could never hope to achieve it or live in that type of world. Luckily I met with him six more times after leaving Dalton and so could assure him I did not feel any of those things ever and I was OK being back at McKinley...not safe, but not as in danger as before.”
Sebastian snorted.  “No one but Jeff every said anything about why you left...or  why you were there...only that you 'stole' Blaine.  Jeff said he thought one of the reasons you left was you worried about your dad and missed him...and you missed your job. And then Thad told Jeff he was silly, you couldn't have had a job, you were in school.  Even I have held jobs while in school before, Thad is the one that is ridiculous.”
“What did you do?”
Sebastian smiled. “I worked in the mail room at my Uncle's Law firm last summer, and in France I worked at a place which did art and music classes for kids during the summers, half day...I was done by noon.”
“Did you enjoy it?  I volunteered at the Lima Summer Musical Theater Camp once I was too old to participate, until last summer and the summer before.  I also work at the garage.  I have been doing that since forever.”
“So what, you like fix cars?” Sebastian asked.
“I do. I'm trying to get my certification to do more body work and work on big vehicles now.”
“Ok, so that just overwrote all other images of you.”
Kurt laughed. “We should probably head back, but...would you like to meet up next weekend?”
“I would.  Could we skate as well?”
“I own figure skates.  They are black, but they are figure skates.”
“And?  That is what I have as well. Is that not the norm?”
“Nope, not with anyone I know.  Finn won't let me go with any of the glee club guys when they go skating because I have girly skates and not manly skates...i.e. hockey skates.
“What about Blaine?”
“Blaine told me he doesn't skate...or do anything like that.” Kurt held up his hand as Sebastian went to talk. “I know Blaine is lying, I'm hoping he will tell me why one of these times he refuses.”
Sebastian nodded.  He turned and headed back down to the path.  Kurt joined him.  They sat on the steps and put their snowshoes back on.
On the way back towards the parking lot they talked about musicals they enjoyed, movie and stage and what they would like to see.  They talked about what they liked to sing and a shared lack of faith and religion, who their favorite artists to listen to were and who their folks' favorites were.  The conversation went from music to museums and local oddity spots and other places that needed to be seen.
Sebastian was shocked at how much he felt the end of the path had come just too soon.
“Could we exchange numbers?” Kurt asked, paused right by the exit of the path to the open area that led to the parking lot.
Sebastian smiled. “Yes. Definitely. And you'll call or text?”
Kurt smiled back. “Yes.  I've had fun.  This could be a very good thing, I think.”
“It already is.” Sebastian said. “And you'll be free next week?”
“Definitely.  I'm actually already looking forward to it.”
“And...would you be willing to other things?  Like a museum?”
“Yes.  I'd love to have someone who'd enjoy a museum with me.”
“Think we can move past acquaintances soon?” Kurt asked.
“Maybe to close acquaintances.  That would be a firm step.  I am sure close acquaintances do things together.”
Kurt smiled. “I am sure you are right.  One question before I head off?”
“Lima Bean?  How should we act?”
Kurt smiled.  “Yes.  Yes, I can do snarky.  See you later, Sebastian.  Thank you.”
Sebastian watched Kurt scamper to his SUV and climb in.
He was looking forward to the coming week.  It felt good to think about indulging hobbies that he hadn't had a chance to in a while.  He wondered if Kurt would be up for an art museum and if he could convince Kurt to take him to the car museum he'd been talking about.  And if getting Blaine and Kurt broken up would be too much rocking the boat for his parents to handle.  Although, maybe he wouldn't really have to do much in that department after all...a little spying and asking around about where Blaine kept running off to, a little bit of hogging Kurt's time when Blaine canceled...and a bit of sharing of information.  He could keep his close acquaintance and not rock the boat too much at the same live and have someone, maybe even more than one someone, to live life with for a while.  Sebastian wondered which kid Sam was, before starting his car and heading out.  He sort of hoped it was the blond one who smiled a lot. He seemed like he might be the sort of cheerful type person Jeff was and Sebastian rather liked Jeff.  Maybe he should try more of this whole acquaintance thing...friend thing.
Author’s note: the other days are coming....slowly.  
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alirafiaei · 1 year
Top Travel Destinations in the South
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In January 2023, Travel + Leisure and CNN Travel compiled their annual list of top travel destinations for the year. Unsurprisingly, a number of US cities made the list of top destinations. Of the chosen cities, six were in the American South.
Two of the cities named were in the Carolinas. The January 2023 issue of CNN Travel reported that one vacation destination well worth visiting was Charleston, South Carolina. Noteworthy destinations include the Spoleto Festival and the International African American Museum, expected to open in June 2023.
Held in March, the Spoleto Festival hosts theatrical, dance, opera, and musical acts at a range of venues. The International African American Museum offers visitors the chance to tour places where Africans arrived during the slave trade. Visitors can also tour exhibitions that describe the lives of enslaved people and their descendants.
Charleston also has something for those who enjoy dining out. Food lovers can hang out at the Charles Wine and Food Festival in March. Alternatively, visitors can experience the upscale establishment Magnolia's. For a less formal night out there is Bertha's Kitchen, where visitors can try its famous red rice with sausage, fried chicken, and lima beans.
Asheville, North Carolina, is the other city that made the top destination list in the Carolinas. Travel + Leisure reports the town offers a well-rounded vacation destination. Here, tourists can partake in year-round outdoor activities, explore the city's historic sites, and enjoy sophisticated dining spots.
For example, those who like white water rafting can visit Wrong Way River Lodge, where they can stay in A-frame cabins sitting along the French Broad River. Those who want to camp comfortably can stay at AutoCamp Asheville, which will open in mid-2023. The Glamping Collective is another newly opened establishment on a 160-acre site, where visitors can stay in glass cabins and domed pods.
Essential dining establishments include the S&W Market, a food hall offering a wide array of cuisines. French Broad Chocolates and Battery Park Book Exchange are old favorites, the former offering confections and the latter a chance to sip Champagne while enjoying a good read.
Just north of these two states, Alexandria, Virginia, provides tourists with easy access to vineyards in the northern part of the state and the chance to learn more about its history. The city was home to the country's largest domestic slave trade during much of the 1800s.
Sites such as the Freedom House Museum tell the narrative of Africans forced to work as enslaved people. Furthermore, the African American Heritage Trail, which opened in 2020, features 11 historical sites narrating 200 years of African American experiences, including stops at the Torpedo Factory, where Black people worked during WWII, and Waterfront Park, a point known for it slave trafficking. Jones Park is another significant landmark where visitors can learn about Benjamin Banneker, a notable mathematician, inventor, and free man who was instrumental in surveying the new U.S. capital.
Another American favorite, Nashville, Tennessee, is in the middle of a renaissance. The Conrad, 1 Hotel, Soho House, and redesigned Hermitage House are a few of the hotels fueling this rebirth. Regarding good places to dine, visitors can head to Fifth + Broadway Complex, where they can enjoy Southern staples such as fried chicken at Hattie B's or the Assembly Food Hall, which offers varied eating establishments and bars.
In terms of nightlife, travelers can get their fill of honky-tonk bars until the wee hours of the morning. They can also head to Justin Timberlake's Twelve Thirty Club or live events, such as CMA Fest (Country Music Association Festival), which recently celebrated its 50th anniversary.
For travelers looking to entertain the entire family, Central Florida offers various theme parks, such as Disney World, Epcot, and Universal City Walk, the latter offering adults a sampling of Orlando nightlife. Travelers to Disney this year can eat, breathe, and sleep Star Wars at its newly opened Star Wars: Galactic Star Cruiser, a two-night adventure. Another option is to travel southeast to Tampa and spend the day at Busch Gardens, an amusement park experience with a tropical theme.
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amazontripsperus · 2 months
Best Amazon Tours in Peru for Indigenous Experiences
The Amazon is one of the most biodiverse places on earth, full of adventures and possible discoveries. With its huge Amazonian basin, Peru offers an ideal place to get close to nature and deepen ties with indigenous cultures. The best Amazon tours in Peru can provide an enriching journey deep into the heart of the vibrant ecosystem to travelers seeking unique indigenous experiences, learning from local communities their traditional practices and being able to value their deep cultural heritage of the Amazon.
Immersive Cultural Encounters
The greater part of Amazon jungle tours from Lima goes beyond the usual observation of wildlife; this time, it allows real exposure and interaction with the indigenous communities. Among these people one can visit are the Shipibo-Conibo, Asháninka, and Yagua. Each community has unique traditions, languages, and ways of life that show a great tapestry of culture. This can include attending traditional ceremonies, observing the preparation of local medicines and healing practices, or watching how traditional crafts are made. Such interactions enrich your personal knowledge about the local culture and help in preserving and appreciating these communities' ways of life.
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Traditional Knowledge and Practices
One of the highlights of indigenous-focused Amazon tours out of Puerto Maldonado is the insight into traditional ecological knowledge. Indigenous guides and community members describe their deep knowledge regarding rainforest flora and fauna: how they use different plants for medicines, foods, and everyday life in general. These tours often include visits to local herbalists or shamans to observe ancient healing practices and spiritual signs or meanings associated with plants, herbs, and various animals. Having experienced it enables one to better appreciate how indigenous people relate to their environment, showing a harmonious relationship developed through the centuries.
Authentic Community Involvement
The greatest Amazon tours in Peru focused on indigenous experiences often put great emphasis on sustainable and responsible tourism. Such tours are designed and managed in a way that the local communities directly benefit from the tourism activity, leading to economic development and cultural preservation. By joining this kind of tour, you can help the local artisans by purchasing their handicrafts and also take part in community-driven conservation efforts. Such tourism can enable an equitable distribution of the benefits accruing from travel and help safeguard the cultural integrity of indigenous peoples and their heritage.
Adventure and Exploration
While being immersed in local culture is the essence of such tours, active jungle adventures generally formulate the core. Most of the tours offer guided jungle hikes to take you through the different ecosystems of the jungle, spot wildlife, and appreciate the beauty of nature that exists in the Amazon. Activities can range from canoeing along winding rivers to birdwatching for rare species. These adventures are led by educated guides who provide background information on the ecological importance of the rainforest and its relation to indigenous cultures.
Sustainable and Ethical Travel
Therefore, looking at sustainable and ethical criteria is an important focus when choosing a tour that delivers indigenous experiences. The best Amazon tours in Peru move toward environmentally sound conservation with respect for indigenous rights. Reputable tour operators work closely with the local communities to make sure their practices are not affecting the environment and traditional ways of life. They respect responsible travel practices: reducing ecological footprint, avoiding exploitation, and being culturally sensitive. In opting for tours with these practices in mind, you are preserving the rainforest from further destruction and ensuring that the rights and welfare of its aboriginal people are upheld.
Planning Your Journey
Looking for an experience that will expose you to indigenous people in the Amazon tours in Peru is best done by searching for quality tour operators with a focus on cultural and eco-tourism. Check out reviews and testimonials from past travelers to get an idea of what kinds of experiences to expect. Consider what aspects of indigenous culture and rainforest exploration are most important to you, and choose a tour that aligns with your interests and values. It’s also a good idea to reach out to the tour operator directly to ask questions about their sustainability practices and community engagement.
Explore the Best Amazon Tours in Peru with Amazon Trips Peru
Amazon Trips Peru offers the best Amazon tours in Peru, delivering unforgettable experiences through guided jungle adventures. Specializing in cultural interactions with indigenous communities and immersive rainforest exploration, they ensure an authentic and eco-friendly travel experience. Discover the magic of the Amazon with expert local guides.
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indiatajtours · 3 months
Taj Mahal tour packages by India taj tours Company.
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India Taj Tours Company offers a range of Taj Mahal tour packages to meet the interests and tastes of every traveler, allowing them to experience the magnificence of the Taj Mahal.
1. One-day tour from Delhi to the Taj Mahal: Travel smoothly from Delhi to Agra and return in one day while touring the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort with our friendly guides. Taj Mahal tour packages Take advantage of our local team's experience, delectable meals, and comfy transportation to make the most of your trip.
2. Overnight Taj Mahal Tour: To enhance your experience, spend an additional night in Agra. This will give you more time to see the Taj Mahal's sunrise and sunset vistas. Take in the delicious local food, become fully immersed in Agra's rich culture, and learn more about Mughal history by seeing Agra Fort and other important sites.
3. Jaipur & Taj Mahal Tour: Take a multi-day tour that combines the regal charm of Jaipur with the draw of the Taj Mahal. Enjoy opulent lodgings and smooth transportation between cities as you explore the magnificent forts, palaces, and lively markets of the Pink City, such as the Amber Fort, City Palace, and Hawa Mahal.
4. The Taj Mahal and the Golden Triangle Tour: Take a thorough tour of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur that includes stops at the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, Amber Fort, and other famous sites. With a blend of history, architecture, and regional customs, this tour provides a comprehensive look into India's cultural legacy.
5. Customized Taj Mahal Tour: Use our customizable tour options to arrange your visit around your interests and availability. Whether you'd rather have a private tour, exclusive lodging, or something different, like a dawn tour or a photography trip, our experts will create an itinerary that goes above and beyond your expectations.
The India Taj Tours Company: Why Choose Us?
Professional Guides: In-depth guides offer insights into each destination's history, architecture, and cultural significance. Travel in comfort: Take advantage of air-conditioned cars, cozy lodgings, and smooth transfers all along the way. Local Experiences: Indulge in regional cuisine, meet craftspeople, and explore undiscovered treasures to fully immerse yourself in the culture. In conclusion, India Taj Tours Company offers a variety of tour packages that highlight the finest aspects of Indian hospitality and heritage. Take an amazing trip to the Taj Mahal with them. Our trips offer to make lifelong experiences amid the timeless splendor of the Taj Mahal, whether you're a history buff, a cultural enthusiast, or a tourist looking for inspiration.
Two South American neighbors, Peru and Chile, each have a rich past, varied cultures, and thriving economy. Because to their close proximity, they have certain things in common, yet they also stand out from one another thanks to their distinctive differences. This article offers a thorough analysis of Peru and Chile, comparing many elements such as geography, culture, economy, and social programs.
Regional Variations The Amazon rainforest, the Andes mountains, and the coastal deserts are just a few of the varied landscapes that make up Peru. The climates of the nation are diverse, ranging from tropical in the Amazon basin to desert near the coast to temperate in the mountains. Arequipa, Cusco, and Lima are major cities.
Conversely, Chile lies on the western border of South America, bounded by the Andes mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Its long, narrow form allows it to span a variety of climates, from the Atacama Desert, the driest desert in the world, in the north, to Mediterranean conditions in the center, and temperate rainforests in the south. Santiago, Valparaíso, and Concepción are among of the major cities.
Background History Ancient civilizations play a major role in Peru's history, especially the Inca Empire, which left a lasting legacy of sites like Machu Picchu. Later Spanish colonization of the nation resulted in a blending of Spanish and indigenous traditions. Important moments in history include the 16th-century advent of Spanish conquistadors and the 19th-century independence movement.
With ancient cultures like the Mapuche and Tiwanaku, Chile has a rich past as well. Much of its current culture was shaped by Spanish colonialism, which started in the sixteenth century. Significant historical turning points include the Pacific War, which established its northern boundaries, and the late 20th century shift from military dictatorship to democracy.
Historical Culture Peru's cultural legacy includes a mosaic of Spanish and indigenous elements. This blending is on display at festivals such as Inti Raymi and saint festivities. Peruvian music comprises traditional instruments like the panpipes and charango, and the country's art is recognized for its pre-Columbian textiles and ceramics.
With a considerable influence from its indigenous peoples, particularly the Mapuche, Chile has an equally rich cultural legacy. Chile's cultural identity is greatly influenced by its literature, which is best represented by Nobel laureates Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral. Folk dances that are a reflection of the nation's rural past, such as the cueca, are included in traditional music.
Language In Chile and Peru, Spanish is the official language. But there is also great cultural value associated with indigenous languages. The Andean areas of Peru are home to many speakers of Quechua and Aymara. The Mapuche people of Chile, especially those in the south, speak Mapudungun.
The economy The mining industry—especially that of gold and copper—agricultural, and tourism are important components of Peru's varied economy. The export of natural resources and the expansion of the service sector have been the main drivers of the nation's consistent economic growth during the last ten years.
With a largely copper-dependent economy, Chile is one of the most rich and stable countries in South America. Agriculture, fishing, and manufacturing are some other important businesses. Strong financial markets and wise economic policies are two of Chile's well-known attributes, both of which support steady growth.
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alpacaexpeditions · 3 months
Experience the culinary wonders of Peru with Lima food tours offered by Alpaca Expeditions. Dive into the vibrant flavors and rich history of Lima's renowned cuisine. From bustling markets to hidden gems, these tours provide an authentic taste of the city’s gastronomic delights. As you explore, you'll savor iconic dishes like ceviche, lomo saltado, and pisco sauces, all while learning about the cultural significance behind each bite. Lima food tours by us promise an unforgettable journey through Peru's culinary landscape, expertly guided by locals who share a passion for food and tradition. Whether you’re a seasoned foodie or a curious traveler, these tours are designed to offer a delectable experience that highlights the best of Lima’s dining scene. Join us and discover why Lima is a top destination for food enthusiasts worldwide. 
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brookston · 8 months
Holidays 1.18
Anniversary of the Founding of Lima (Peru)
Bobby Vinton Day (Chicago, Illinois)
Dia de la Divina Pastora Bank Holiday (Venezuela)
Field Hockey Day
Flag Day (Honduras)
Four an' Twenty Day (Scotland)
Hair Dryer Appreciation Day
Heroes’ Day (Congo)
International AHC Day
Internet Freedom Day
International Laughter Day (Portugal)
Jazz Day
Lay Awake and Whisper in the Dark Day
Maintenance Day
Mercury Day (French Republic)
Metric System Day
National Forest Day
National Michigan Day
National Sanctity of Human Life Day
Royal Thai Armed Forces Day (Thailand)
Sandwich Islands Day
Stalking Awareness Day of Action
Thaipoosam (a.k.a. Thaipusam or Thaipoosam Cavadee; India, Malaysia, Mauritius)
Thesaurus Day
Waking Day (Elder Scrolls)
Winnie the Pooh Day
World Day of the Snowman
World Religion Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Gourmet Coffee Day
National Peking Duck Day
Unsliced Bread Day
3rd Thursday in January
Day of the Wallet Holder (Panama) [3rd Thursday]
Get To Know Your Customers Day [3rd Thursday of each Quarter]
Guys Night Out [3rd Thursday]
Women’s Healthy Weight Day [3rd Thursday]
Independence & Related Days
Lima founded (Aniversario de Lima; Peru; 1535)
New Scireland (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Revolution Day (Tunisia)
Festivals Beginning January 18, 2024
Celtic Conventions (Glasgow, Scotland) [thru 2.4]
Eataly Vino Festival (Munich, Germany)
FARE Idaho Field to Fork Festival (Boise, Idaho)
Fête du Vin (Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
Frog Leg Festival (Fellsmere, Florida) [thru 1.21]
Havasu Balloon Festival and Fair (Lake Havasu City, Arizona) [thru 1.21]
Illiana Watermelon Association Convention (French Lick, Indiana) [thru 1.21]
International Kolkata Book Fair (Kolkata, India) [thru 1.31]
Ozark Mountain Music Festival (Eureka Springs, Arkansas) [thru 1.21]
Seed Food & Wine Week (Miami, Florida) [thru 1.21]
Sundance Film Festival (Park City, Utah) [thru 1.28]
Virginia Farm Show (Fisherville, Virginia) [thru 1.20]
Feast Days
A.A. Milne (Humanism)
Amy Carmichael (Church of England)
Antoine Pevsner (Artology)
Athanasius of Alexandria (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Beatrix d’Este (Roman Catholic; Blessed)
Bruma IV (Pagan)
Chair of St. Peter (Roman Catholic)
Confession of Peter (Eastern Orthodox, some Anglican and Lutheran Churches)
Cyril of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Day of Danu (Celtic Goddess of the Earth, Moon, Fertility, Wisdom, Wealth, Abundance, Wind and Water)
Deicolus (Christian; Saint)
Egg Juggling Day (Pastafarian)
Feast of Neith (Goddess of War & Hunting; Ancient Egypt)
Feast of the Cross (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Feast of Women as Cultivators (Persian)
Festival of Neith (Ancient Egypt; Goddess of the Hunt and Warfare; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Jacob Bronowski (Humanism)
Juggling Day (Pastafarian)
Kiki Smith (Artology)
Leobadus (Roman Catholic; Saint)
Mahayana New Year (Buddhism)
Margaret of Hungary (Christian; Saint)
Martin Luther (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Peter-Paul and Marilou (Muppetism)
Prisca (Christian; Saint)
Robert Anton Wilson (Humanism)
Theocrats of Tibet (Positivist; Saint)
36 Companions in Egypt (Christian; Sains)
Ulfrid (Christian; Saint)
Volusianus of Tours (Christian; Saint)
Lunar Calendar Holidays
Lunar Bodhi Day (Buddhism) [8th Day, 12th Moon] (also 12.8)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Bend It Like Beckham (Film; 2002)
Blood Simple (Film; 1984)
The Bomb in the Cellar or Bullwinkle Lowers the Boom (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 338; 1965)
The Cherry Orchard (Play; 1904)
Cloverfield (Film; 2008)
Doctor Bluebird (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1936)
Dumb Patrol (WB LT Cartoon; 1964)
A Fistful of Dollars (Film; 1967)
Fresh Air (NPR Radio Series; 1975)
Gigantosaurus (Animated TV Series; 2019)
Grandma’s Pet (Oswald the Luck Rabbit Cartoon; 1932)
Hard to Be a God, by Arkady Strugatsky (Novel; 1964)
How I Met Your Father (TV Series; 2022)
Jeepers Creepers, recorded by Louis Armstrong (Song; 1939)
The Jeffersons (TV Series; 1975)
Legends of the Superheroes: Part 1 (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Movie; 1979)
The L Word (TV Series; 2004)
Mary and the Witch’s Flower (Animated Film; 2018)
The Nose, by Dmitri Shostakovich (Opera; 1928)
Once Around (Film; 1991)
Pumping Iron (Documentary Film; 1977)
27 Dresses (Film; 2008)
Six Millions Dollar Man (TV Series; 1974)
Socko in Morocco (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1954)
Star vs. the Forces of Evil (Animated TV Series; 2015)
Svengali’s Cat (Might Mouse Terrytoons Cartoon; 1946)
Tom and Jerry: Blast Off to Mars (Animated Film; 2005)
Tortilla Flaps (WB LT Cartoon; 1958)
United States of Tara (TV Series; 2009)
Up the River or Yangtze with the Laughing Face (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 337; 1965)
The Vacuum Gun, Parts 1 & 2 (Underdog Cartoon, S3, Eps. 33 & 34; 1967)
Today’s Name Days
Margitta, Ulfried, Uwe (Austria)
Atanas, Atanaska (Bulgaria)
Biserka, Margareta, Priska (Croatia)
Vladislav (Czech Republic)
Prisca (Denmark)
Lauli, Laura (Estonia)
Laura (Finland)
Gwendal, Prisca (France)
Margitta, Prisca, Ulfried, Uwe (Germany)
Athanasios, Kyrillos, Thanasis (Greece)
Piroska (Hungary)
Beatrice, Leonardo, Liberata, Prisca, Priscilla (Italy)
Akselis, Antis, Antons (Latvia)
Gedgaudas, Jogailė, Jolita, Liberta (Lithuania)
Hild, Hildur (Norway)
Bogumił, Jaropełk, Krystyna, Liberata, Małgorzata, Piotr, Pryska (Poland)
Atanasie, Chiril (Romania)
Bohdana (Slovakia)
Faustina, Margarita, Prisca, Priscila (Spain)
Hilda, Hildur (Sweden)
Cyril (Ukraine)
Faustina, Faustine, Fraser, Frazer (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 18 of 2024; 348 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 3 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 8 (Xin-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 8 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 7 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 18 White; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 5 January 2024
Moon: 56%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 18 Moses (1st Month) [Theocrats of Tibet]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 29 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 28 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Holidays 1.18
Anniversary of the Founding of Lima (Peru)
Bobby Vinton Day (Chicago, Illinois)
Dia de la Divina Pastora Bank Holiday (Venezuela)
Field Hockey Day
Flag Day (Honduras)
Four an' Twenty Day (Scotland)
Hair Dryer Appreciation Day
Heroes’ Day (Congo)
International AHC Day
Internet Freedom Day
International Laughter Day (Portugal)
Jazz Day
Lay Awake and Whisper in the Dark Day
Maintenance Day
Mercury Day (French Republic)
Metric System Day
National Forest Day
National Michigan Day
National Sanctity of Human Life Day
Royal Thai Armed Forces Day (Thailand)
Sandwich Islands Day
Stalking Awareness Day of Action
Thaipoosam (a.k.a. Thaipusam or Thaipoosam Cavadee; India, Malaysia, Mauritius)
Thesaurus Day
Waking Day (Elder Scrolls)
Winnie the Pooh Day
World Day of the Snowman
World Religion Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Gourmet Coffee Day
National Peking Duck Day
Unsliced Bread Day
3rd Thursday in January
Day of the Wallet Holder (Panama) [3rd Thursday]
Get To Know Your Customers Day [3rd Thursday of each Quarter]
Guys Night Out [3rd Thursday]
Women’s Healthy Weight Day [3rd Thursday]
Independence & Related Days
Lima founded (Aniversario de Lima; Peru; 1535)
New Scireland (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Revolution Day (Tunisia)
Festivals Beginning January 18, 2024
Celtic Conventions (Glasgow, Scotland) [thru 2.4]
Eataly Vino Festival (Munich, Germany)
FARE Idaho Field to Fork Festival (Boise, Idaho)
Fête du Vin (Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
Frog Leg Festival (Fellsmere, Florida) [thru 1.21]
Havasu Balloon Festival and Fair (Lake Havasu City, Arizona) [thru 1.21]
Illiana Watermelon Association Convention (French Lick, Indiana) [thru 1.21]
International Kolkata Book Fair (Kolkata, India) [thru 1.31]
Ozark Mountain Music Festival (Eureka Springs, Arkansas) [thru 1.21]
Seed Food & Wine Week (Miami, Florida) [thru 1.21]
Sundance Film Festival (Park City, Utah) [thru 1.28]
Virginia Farm Show (Fisherville, Virginia) [thru 1.20]
Feast Days
A.A. Milne (Humanism)
Amy Carmichael (Church of England)
Antoine Pevsner (Artology)
Athanasius of Alexandria (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Beatrix d’Este (Roman Catholic; Blessed)
Bruma IV (Pagan)
Chair of St. Peter (Roman Catholic)
Confession of Peter (Eastern Orthodox, some Anglican and Lutheran Churches)
Cyril of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Day of Danu (Celtic Goddess of the Earth, Moon, Fertility, Wisdom, Wealth, Abundance, Wind and Water)
Deicolus (Christian; Saint)
Egg Juggling Day (Pastafarian)
Feast of Neith (Goddess of War & Hunting; Ancient Egypt)
Feast of the Cross (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Feast of Women as Cultivators (Persian)
Festival of Neith (Ancient Egypt; Goddess of the Hunt and Warfare; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Jacob Bronowski (Humanism)
Juggling Day (Pastafarian)
Kiki Smith (Artology)
Leobadus (Roman Catholic; Saint)
Mahayana New Year (Buddhism)
Margaret of Hungary (Christian; Saint)
Martin Luther (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Peter-Paul and Marilou (Muppetism)
Prisca (Christian; Saint)
Robert Anton Wilson (Humanism)
Theocrats of Tibet (Positivist; Saint)
36 Companions in Egypt (Christian; Sains)
Ulfrid (Christian; Saint)
Volusianus of Tours (Christian; Saint)
Lunar Calendar Holidays
Lunar Bodhi Day (Buddhism) [8th Day, 12th Moon] (also 12.8)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Bend It Like Beckham (Film; 2002)
Blood Simple (Film; 1984)
The Bomb in the Cellar or Bullwinkle Lowers the Boom (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 338; 1965)
The Cherry Orchard (Play; 1904)
Cloverfield (Film; 2008)
Doctor Bluebird (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1936)
Dumb Patrol (WB LT Cartoon; 1964)
A Fistful of Dollars (Film; 1967)
Fresh Air (NPR Radio Series; 1975)
Gigantosaurus (Animated TV Series; 2019)
Grandma’s Pet (Oswald the Luck Rabbit Cartoon; 1932)
Hard to Be a God, by Arkady Strugatsky (Novel; 1964)
How I Met Your Father (TV Series; 2022)
Jeepers Creepers, recorded by Louis Armstrong (Song; 1939)
The Jeffersons (TV Series; 1975)
Legends of the Superheroes: Part 1 (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Movie; 1979)
The L Word (TV Series; 2004)
Mary and the Witch’s Flower (Animated Film; 2018)
The Nose, by Dmitri Shostakovich (Opera; 1928)
Once Around (Film; 1991)
Pumping Iron (Documentary Film; 1977)
27 Dresses (Film; 2008)
Six Millions Dollar Man (TV Series; 1974)
Socko in Morocco (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1954)
Star vs. the Forces of Evil (Animated TV Series; 2015)
Svengali’s Cat (Might Mouse Terrytoons Cartoon; 1946)
Tom and Jerry: Blast Off to Mars (Animated Film; 2005)
Tortilla Flaps (WB LT Cartoon; 1958)
United States of Tara (TV Series; 2009)
Up the River or Yangtze with the Laughing Face (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 337; 1965)
The Vacuum Gun, Parts 1 & 2 (Underdog Cartoon, S3, Eps. 33 & 34; 1967)
Today’s Name Days
Margitta, Ulfried, Uwe (Austria)
Atanas, Atanaska (Bulgaria)
Biserka, Margareta, Priska (Croatia)
Vladislav (Czech Republic)
Prisca (Denmark)
Lauli, Laura (Estonia)
Laura (Finland)
Gwendal, Prisca (France)
Margitta, Prisca, Ulfried, Uwe (Germany)
Athanasios, Kyrillos, Thanasis (Greece)
Piroska (Hungary)
Beatrice, Leonardo, Liberata, Prisca, Priscilla (Italy)
Akselis, Antis, Antons (Latvia)
Gedgaudas, Jogailė, Jolita, Liberta (Lithuania)
Hild, Hildur (Norway)
Bogumił, Jaropełk, Krystyna, Liberata, Małgorzata, Piotr, Pryska (Poland)
Atanasie, Chiril (Romania)
Bohdana (Slovakia)
Faustina, Margarita, Prisca, Priscila (Spain)
Hilda, Hildur (Sweden)
Cyril (Ukraine)
Faustina, Faustine, Fraser, Frazer (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 18 of 2024; 348 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 3 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 8 (Xin-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 8 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 7 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 18 White; Foursday [18 of 30]
Julian: 5 January 2024
Moon: 56%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 18 Moses (1st Month) [Theocrats of Tibet]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 29 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 28 of 31)
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chaletnz · 10 months
Lima: Central City Walking Tour
On my walk to PukuPuku cafe I passed through Parque Kennedy and saw all the cat residents snoozing on pieces of cardboard laid on the grass for them. I heard crying above me, there was a tiny kitten up the tree but I couldn't do anything to try and get it down. My coffee was just as good as the one in their Arequipa branch, I sat outside to enjoy it as some businessmen came in for espressos on their way to the office - it reminded me a bit of Italy as they drank them standing there for a few minutes then left. I then went for a pancake breakfast at Piñeiros thinking I had plenty of time but then it took more than 30 minutes to get my food so I had to shovel it down quickly and run around the corner to meet up with the walking tour guide Jorge. Once everyone had joined (around 15 people) Jorge helped us all take the bus network to the central city, we'd all brought exact change as requested. The bus network was actually fantastic. Jorge scared us by saying there's a lot of crime and petty theft on the public transit so watch our belongings closely as we are targets. A large group of tourists though, we drew attention to ourselves and probably even the most hardened criminals didn't want to chance it. The bus had its own central lane in the middle of the highway, with concrete blockades on either side so it wasn't going out into traffic and traffic couldn't enter the bus lane. Because of this layout it was incredibly efficient and faster than all the traffic on the road even with all the stops along the way. I would love to see something like this implemented from Denver to Frisco and Copper Mountain as it would make public transit flow freely despite the frequent highway standstills. Jorge showed us how to use the ticket machine to buy a ticket back and then led us over to La Merced Church in central Lima which would be our starting point. We met up with some more tourists there and began our tour at this Baroque church that was constructed under the Spanish empire, followed by Casa O'Higgins which memorialises Bernardo O'Higgins who played a key role in the independence of Chile from the Spanish empire. We then visited Fotografia Central an old photo studio, and then an old mansion which had unfortunately succumb to humidity and had not been looked after by immigrants who took it over. We stopped in a shady spot where Jorge told us there are 43 districts in Lima home to over 10 million people, the 4th largest city in South America after Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, and Rio de Janeiro. He also explained that the main sport in Peru after football is eating and we should not ignore "chifa" which is the Peruvian Chinese food and is very unique cuisine. We then visited the municipal theatre, and St Dominic Church where Jorge explained a few historical terms criollo (meaning born in Latin America) and peninsulares (born in Spain). The criollos were second class citizens during Spanish rule. The origin of the city name Lima came from the Quechua indigenous people calling it "rimac" meaning "noisy river" in their native language but the Spanish hearing "Lima" instead. The last part of the tour was Plaza de Armas, and Jorge pointed out the house of the president because of course he lives in the main square! We took a group photo and gave our tips to Jorge before splitting up. I'd been chatting with a British guy Tom, and British girl Ellie who both happened to be from the same area there was also a guy I can only describe as "Berliner" because he had such an unwashed Berlin resident vibe although I think he was actually Dutch or Danish or something... Ellie was into it so Tom and I took a couple photos of each other in the main square and then I gave him 10 soles for his bus ticket back as he hadn't brought enough money with him. I stayed to explore more on my own though, I love breaking away from the group!
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Exploring Peru's Rich Heritage with Local Tour Operators
Peru, a country known for its breathtaking landscapes, ancient ruins, and vibrant culture, has become a must-visit destination for travelers seeking a unique and immersive experience. To truly uncover the hidden gems and rich heritage of this South American gem, many savvy travelers turn to local tour operators in Peru. These operators play a crucial role in enhancing the travel experience, offering personalized and authentic journeys that go beyond the usual tourist trails.
Peru's local tour operators are the key to unlocking the secrets of this diverse and enchanting land. From the iconic Machu Picchu to the Amazon rainforest, these operators provide insider knowledge, cultural insights, and a genuine connection to the local communities, making every adventure unforgettable.
One of the significant advantages of choosing a local tour operator in Peru local tour operator is the deep understanding of the country's history and culture. These operators are often run by individuals who have grown up in the region, allowing them to share personal stories and insights that go beyond guidebooks. Whether exploring the ancient Inca ruins or navigating the bustling markets of Cusco, travelers gain a more profound appreciation for Peru's rich heritage through the eyes of those who call it home.
Moreover, local tour operators prioritize sustainable and responsible tourism practices. They are committed to preserving the natural beauty and cultural integrity of Peru. By choosing a local operator, travelers contribute to the well-being of local communities, ensuring that tourism benefits everyone involved. These operators often collaborate with indigenous communities, supporting initiatives that promote environmental conservation and socio-economic development.
In addition to fostering a responsible travel ethos, local tour operators in Peru offer personalized itineraries tailored to individual preferences. Whether it's a culinary adventure through Lima's vibrant street food scene or a trek off the beaten path to discover hidden archaeological wonders, these operators cater to the diverse interests of their clients. Such customization allows travelers to create a unique journey that aligns with their passions, ensuring a more fulfilling and enjoyable experience.
The personal touch provided by local tour operators extends to the level of service as well. Unlike larger, impersonal tour companies, local operators in Peru often maintain smaller group sizes, enabling a more intimate and interactive experience. Travelers have the opportunity to forge connections with their guides, who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and creating memorable moments for each guest. This personalized approach fosters a sense of camaraderie among fellow travelers, turning the journey into a shared adventure.
While the allure of Peru lies in its historical sites and natural wonders, the country's cuisine is equally captivating. Local tour operators often include culinary experiences in their itineraries, introducing travelers to the diverse flavors of Peruvian cuisine. From savoring ceviche by the Pacific coast to indulging in the robust flavors of high-altitude Andean dishes, these culinary excursions showcase Peru's gastronomic richness.
For More Info :-
Cusco adventure tours
Peru treks
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fff777 · 9 months
I watched Dream sketch #11 in Sao Paulo, Santiago, Lima, CDMX
This is part 1 of my reactions
Is this the last dream sketch? There have been so many, and there are so long, it takes so long for me to catch up lol. I think their South America dates were towards the end of TDS2 tour so maybe lol. Or maybe they'll have one more dream sketch for the final concert dates in South Korea.
Mark cutting food for Jisung while he fiddles with the camera :P
星星長大啦 X3
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Jisung said Jaemin was super rich boyfriend style and the guys were like ehhh but he's dressed a bit ultra-casually. Dude that's how the ultra rich dudes dress XD
Jisung asking Mark how to ask the staff to clean up the plates. I want to see more of Marksung :P I think they're kind of overlooked because they're closer with the other members but we can't deny that there's a good deal of trust between the mathyung and maknae of Dream.
Mark is so focused on Jaemin's short sleeves but otherwise he said Jaemin's boyfriend style was cute <3 <3 <3
LMAO and Jaemin's socks are all stretched out what is this man he is totally on ultra casual mode lmfao.
Steak on fire literally
Mark adjusted the camera settings and now he can see his bros XD
Mark can't help it
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Clingiest group of men alive
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I feel like the way they choose to lie on the couch says a lot about them
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Tickle tickle
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Beginnings of vocal line joining Saturday Drip rehearsal
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Jaemin called Brazil Czennies the most precious people in the world and Mark went no that's u
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Jisung's outfit. They all have different outfits here compared to previous concerts I think. Also I think I caught Renjun mid-yawn here, sorry dude.
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So they're coming off of the high of the Bruno Mars concert that I think literally every kpop idol watched lol
Nahyuck things
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I do like these frilly white outfits a lot but as I mentioned before Renjun's outfit reminds me too much of Mclovin lol. I like Jaemin, Jisung, and Jeno's the most because they kind of have that Disney prince thing going on. On average I tend to like Jeno's outfit the most though. I guess his stylists are good.
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Mark ending Trigger the Fever with swinging Renjun around
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Chenle found a Brazil flag with him and Daegal
Jaemren <3
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Does Jisung like Oasis
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Obligatory question at the beginning of Boom
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Dreamies always stuck together
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Spectating on Sorry Heart
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pamelalovenyc · 1 year
Navigating Global Cuisines: A Travel Foodie's Guide
For many travelers, exploring the world isn't just about the landscapes, cultures, or activities—it's about the flavors, aromas, and culinary adventures awaiting in every corner. After all, what better way to connect with a new place than through its food? From the bustling street markets of Bangkok to the cozy bistros of Paris, let's embark on a gastronomic journey and see how you can make the most of global cuisines as a travel foodie.
1. Street Food: A Taste of Authenticity
Street food offers a window into the soul of a place. It's where traditional flavors meet innovation.
Bangkok: Dive into Pad Thai, freshly made from street carts, or savor Mango Sticky Rice.
Marrakech: Relish Moroccan treats like M'smen (a square-shaped flatbread) or Harira soup at Jemaa el-Fnaa.
2. Fine Dining: A Gourmet Experience
Luxury restaurants provide a unique blend of ambiance, presentation, and culinary artistry.
Tokyo: Experience the meticulous craft of Kaiseki, a traditional multi-course Japanese meal.
Paris: Savour gourmet dishes at Michelin-starred restaurants, accompanied by world-class wines.
3. Local Markets: Fresh Produce and Traditional Ingredients
Local markets offer fresh ingredients and a glimpse into daily culinary practices.
Barcelona: Visit La Boqueria to find fresh fruits, cured meats, and a variety of cheeses.
Mumbai: Crawford Market will mesmerize you with its array of spices, dried fruits, and local snacks.
4. Cooking Classes: Delve Deeper
Why just taste when you can learn to cook? Many destinations offer cooking classes for tourists.
Rome: Master the art of pasta-making.
Chiang Mai: Learn the intricacies of Thai cuisine, from Tom Yum soup to Green Curry.
5. Unique Dining Settings: Elevate the Experience
Sometimes, it's not just about the food but where you eat it.
Maldives: Enjoy a meal in an underwater restaurant, surrounded by marine life.
Cappadocia: Relish a traditional Turkish breakfast in a cave setting or on a terrace overlooking hot air balloons.
6. Dietary Restrictions: Navigating Challenges
While exploring global cuisines, dietary restrictions needn't dampen your food adventure.
Apps: Use applications like HappyCow for vegetarian and vegan-friendly restaurant recommendations.
Translation Cards: Carry cards explaining your dietary restrictions in the local language.
7. Beverage Trails: Beyond Food
Every cuisine has its signature drinks, from teas and coffees to wines and spirits.
Tuscany: Embark on wine tasting tours, sipping the region's finest Chiantis.
Kyoto: Experience traditional tea ceremonies, understanding the Zen behind each sip.
8. Seasonal Delights: Timing Your Visit
Some culinary experiences are bound by seasons.
Germany: Visit during Christmas to enjoy festive treats like Lebkuchen and Glühwein at Christmas Markets.
Japan: Spring offers Sakura-themed dishes and beverages, celebrating cherry blossom season.
9. Culinary Festivals: A Gastronomic Celebration
Align your travels with global food festivals for a heightened experience.
Melbourne: Taste your way through the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival.
Lima: Join the Mistura Festival to explore the diversity of Peruvian cuisine.
10. Local Etiquettes: Respecting Traditions
Understanding local dining etiquettes ensures respectful interactions.
South Korea: Never stick your chopsticks upright into a bowl of rice—it's considered disrespectful.
India: Eating with hands, especially the right hand, is common and often appreciated.
Traveling the world as a foodie is more than just satiating hunger; it's about immersing oneself in the stories, traditions, and people behind every dish. As food writer M.F.K. Fisher aptly put it, "First we eat, then we do everything else." And in the world of travel, food often becomes the central narrative, weaving tales of history, culture, innovation, and sheer passion.
As you map out your next travel destination, let your palate lead the way. Seek the spices, chase the aromas, and let every bite be an exploration, a revelation, and a celebration. Here's to global adventures and culinary trails that leave a lasting taste! Safe travels and bon appétit!
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