#lin shu died at meiling unburied and now his ghost walks the world with open eyes fixed only on the horizon (where no beacon fires yet burn
neuxue · 1 year
Mu Nihuang: 你认识林殊吗?// Do you know Lin Shu? Mei Changsu: ……认识。// ...yes. Mu Nihuang: 他是真的战死了?// Did he really die in battle? Mei Changsu: 是。// Yes. Mu Nihuang: 战死的哪里?// Where did he die? Mei Changsu: 梅岭。// Meiling. Mu Nihuang: 尸骨葬于何处?// Where was he laid to rest? Mei Changsu: 七万英魂,天地为墓。// For seventy thousand valiant souls, the earth and sky are their grave. Mu Nihuang: 他的尸骨都没人收?一块遗骸也没有找到吗?// No one retrieved his body? Or any remains at all? Mei Changsu: 战事惨烈,堆尸如山。又有谁能认得谁是林殊呢?// In such a fierce and terrible battle, with bodies piled high as a mountain, who could recognise which was Lin Shu?
when you’re alive but you’re a ghost but the people who knew you look at you like you’re still alive but you’re a ghost: the Mei Changsu Experience™
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