#link and ghirahim took like 15 hours
cpyclopse · 1 year
Skyview temple
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This is the background for my ghirahim drawing I promised a week ago. This background took at least 12 hours so it might as well be its own post
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aschenink · 6 years
21 Questions Tag
Holy crap, I haven’t done one of these in what feels like a lifetime! I was tagged by @whataremetaphor and @possibledreamswriting, thanks lovelies! 💖
Not tagging anyone because I don’t know who to tag anymore haha, sorry! But if anyone wants to join in, please do (and be sure to tag me so I can see)!
1. What’s your eye color? Dark brown
2. Who’s your favorite person in the world? Me? My younger brother 💖
3. What’s your favorite snack? Is coffee a snack? Coffee should def count as a snack. Otherwise, it’s a toss-up between bittersweet chocolate or ube rolls! 
4. Following? I’m currently following 469 (lol) people. 
5. Writing Motto? “Fuck you, spellcheck, I know what I’m about, even if that sentence does have seven unnecessary commas.” [Sorry, I don’t have a real motto.]
6. Favorite TV Shows? Archer, Bob’s Burgers... Hannibal is probably my all-time fave though!
7. What’s your favorite fairytale? Beauty and the Beast?
8. Favorite Song? This kind of changes like, hourly tbh, but long-term might be The Chain by Three Days Grace.
9. Languages I’m fluent in? English and bad English. That’s a Fifth Element reference i’m sorry
10. Languages I can count to ten in? English, Spanish, Tagalog. 
11. Top 5 Mythical Creatures, in order? (1): Nagas (2): Imps (3): Ingkantos (4): Basilisks (5): Hellhounds
12: What’s your favorite sport? To watch/favorite on a professional level? Basketball, for sure. To play? Volleyball. 
13: Favorite Musical Character? Erik/The Phantom from Phantom of the Opera. No one else even comes close to my obsession with him tbh. 
14: Favorite TV Character? Hannibal Lecter, as played by Mads Mikkelsen. 
15: Favorite Book Character? This question hurts my heart but honestly it’s probably Calder from Joe Abercrombie’s The Heroes/ the First Law series. Or Glokta, from the same. Or basically any of Abercrombie’s characters. All of them. Did I mention this is a hard question?
16: Are you a dog or a cat person? A dog person, for sure (although cats are great)! But unfortunately I’m allergic to both dogs and cats, so I don’t get to be around them very often. 😭
17: Favorite Genre? Grimdark fantasy, soft scifi, and literary fiction are my faves! But TBH I’m not very picky, I’ll read anything so long as I enjoy the prose. 
18: Who is/are the best teachers you’ve ever had? Ahh... My parents, honestly. I grew up in a poor/shitty school district so, while I had some teachers I enjoyed, it was always my parents who taught me the most--not just in life but also academically. But I did really like my high school chem teacher!
19: Favorite Fanfiction (authored by someone else)? Honestly, this is such a hard question. I wrote fanfic for years. You would not believe how much of it I read. I guess... Turn (Harry Potter: Draco/Harry) and The Road Delivered Us Home (The Hobbit: Thorin/Bilbo) are the ones that I love and are well-written... But out there somewhere in the void is this fic titled In Too Deep (Legend of Zelda: Ghirahim/Link) which is probably my real favorite but the author took it down a couple years ago. Something about that fic always managed to stick with me and completely destroy my heart. When I was like, 13 and unbelievably depressed I used to steal some liquor and then I’d binge-read the fic in a matter of hours and then I’d send these super dramatic emails to @trash-fragments about the fic and I mean, this happened a lot, and now that whole thing seems super surreal and I’m genuinely upset that I can’t relieve those days anymore.
20: Favorite original story (authored by me)? Kinda hilarious (read: sad) b/c I’m not actively writing it right now--it’s been temporarily shelved b/c I need to sort some serious plot issues out with it--but Eosophobia is absolutely my favorite. It’s got biopunk, it’s got a post-apocalyptic world, it’s got a lot of varying immoral characters all out to get each other, it’s got slow burn romance, it’s got angst, it’s got found family, it’s got blood family, it’s got a lot of blood in general, it’s got engineered superviruses, it’s got sass, it’s literally got everything I could possibly ever want and it kills me that I can’t translate it onto the page yet. 
21: What’s your favorite comic series on Webtoons? I’m highkey surprised that I remembered an answer for this, but I really like the series My Giant Nerd Boyfriend!! I don’t keep up with it tbh but I binged my way through a lot of it a couple months ago and it’s just super cute haha. 
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