#lion sammich family
aratribow · 7 months
I wanna know, the kid at the top, I'm assuming, is JingRenHeng's kid
they're cutest omfg???
AAAHHH YES! yueshi! They r specifically a df/yx/jy kid actually :3c
They are the oldest of the bunch and yes they are CERTAINLY the cutest ^3^
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They love their siblings equally bailu favouritism is real tho, and the chaos twins are also well loved but ahh they sometimes have too much energy than what yueshi can deal with
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itsredpaint · 7 months
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when u have 3 parents to ask permission from
lion sammich au from the jrh server ft my jrh oc kid!
the Luofu conspiracy theorist guide on the general and his kids (real) (not clickbait) (not confirmed but its impossible to be wrong) (so it might as well be real) (no really the facts are all there)
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also a quick yueshi
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talvin-muircastle · 3 years
Really sorry about all the shit your post about the low bar got you, I think you're an amazing person and you should keep doing what you do
Hi, @theoscout!
There is no need for you to apologize. It has been very entertaining. I mean, yes, I am blocking them without answer: I have more important things to do than entertain them. But it has been funny watching them prove my point so clearly.
Let me explain the behavior you are seeing from them:
When mountain lions snarl and act threateningly toward a hiker on a trail, it is because they feel threatened. When a dog growls, or a cat puffs up its tail and hisses, they do it because of a perceived threat. They're scared. A skunk sprays, a rattlesnake rattles, a bee stings, and an alt-righter carries a tiki torch and a sign that says "You Will Not Replace Us" because they have encountered something they perceive as scary or dangerous and they want it to think they are scary and dangerous, too.
A predator that is hunting does not do these things. Hunting lions don't snarl at their prey. Rattlesnakes don't tell the mouse "Hey, hear that, coming to eat you!" Behavior toward another is based on where you perceive yourself on the food chain.
So, take a look at the responses to that post. I said, "A real man is not going to get all upset because he has to walk into the women's room when the facility is closed, clean it, and restock the toilet paper. Real men clean things." And that scared the shit out of them. I said, "A real man maintains a healthy relationship with his wife (we just celebrated our 21st anniversary!) by, among other things, packing her a lunch to take to work. It's not all on her." And they reacted like they were on the menu.
My family and friends have been laughing at them for days now. I showed them a restroom without urinals, a roll of TP, and a sammich, and they went into "BIG SCARY PREDATOR MUST CONVINCE IT I AM SCARY TOO!" mode. If you look at their profiles, many of the loudest ones have long lists of people they find scary and threatening: LGBT folks, Immigrants, "The Libs", their whole blog is "This is who I must make scary noises at." So much fear!
I could almost feel sorry for them, but they chose this life when there are better opportunities available.
Anyhow, welcome to my blog, hope you like Dad Jokes and Puns, I drop them without further warning!
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kendrickavant · 7 years
You're a Pesca-WHAT? Why?!
So, I'm pescatarian. I don't eat land animals and no, I do NOT do the whole eggs-are-chickens-but-you-eat-that, what-about-insert random pond creature or but-chance critter-is-blah-blah-blah. I realize my limitations regarding starting anything new. In order for me to start anything, it MUST be simple. Notice I said simple, not easy. Easy is easy. I know, I know, people hate that. Tough luck, easy is easy. Simple is easy to add or mix. I'll give an example. Pescatarian is easy, " Just plan what you're eating or follow a meal plan". My issue with that is the step, plan. MY pescatarian is simple, I don't eat land animals. See the difference? Yes, Marcherie does the lion's share of meal prep and cooking for us, the kids and get-togethers but I'm destroying chips, cookies, fruit after 6pm and everything else. Heck yea I'll smash on Mickey D's for a fish sammich and extra large fries. What is the benefit of this pescatarian lifestyle shift? Multiple Sclerosis, MS to most folks, and Spondylosis. I was diagnosed in October 2016 at the ripe ol age of 38. What is MS? SpondyWhat? MS, in simple terms, is when the immune system attacks the central nervous system. Everyday activities, like walking, standing and vision, are painful or non-functioning for hours, years and anything in-between. When simple functions require focus, waking up every morning is a check list of pain and body functions. How many fingers can I feel? Which leg is dragging? Can I move my neck? Dang, I can't see shit today. Spondylosis is a degenerative spinal condition; basically, arthritis of the spine. I have pain killers for Spondylosis but my UC, Ulcerative Colitis, will kick in 3rd gear if I pop them. DONE! Well, done with explaining the big stuff. I have allergies and an immune system weaker than cheap school toilet paper. Ok, I think THAT about sums up my medical history. Obviously, changes are necessary.
Marcheie, my wife, has alwags been an undercover health nut. She meal preps, takes notes on cooking shows and replicates foreign dishes when passion tickles her hunger. Pescatarian was her idea. I signed off on fusions to treat MS. For months of fusions, I felt yucky. I'm a grown man using the term, yucky; it was bad. My mom and Marcherie did their own research while I focused on coping with the diagnosis of MS. I'll be eternally grateful for that coping time because... Nevermind, that is for another day. My Queens discovered that a pescatarian lifestyle resulted in better digestion (UC,  need it), weight loss/management (Spondylosis, less pounds, less stress on spine) and improves overall health and stamina (MS affects EVERYTHING so I need this too). I tried the Pescatarian lifestyle before my my initial diagnosis. I felt so good that I maintained throughout our Costa Rican vacation, not as difficult as you may think. When I was diagnosed, first thought I acted upon was eating whatever, drinking whenever and managing however. It reads worse than it was because I've been self-medicating since 17; I didn't suddenly go wild. I just rolled with the incurable disease news, decided my vices had gotten me this far and vices was the way to go. I followed medical instructions and prepared my Ritual of Acceptance. Everyone has a Ritual of Acceptance. Whatever you do to deal with news, issues, drama, hate, etc is your Ritual of Acceptance. Mine is ice cream, alcohol and cigars. Six months later and I was absolutely worse than before the diagnosis. I was tired, every-day-all-day-1st-hangover  tired. The various medicines had multiple side affects, mood swings, weight gain, suicidal thoughts; yup, just like those late night commercials. I'm building a brand and business, #oneloverealestate, that puts people in homes and protect families. We educate families on credit repair, insurance, mentor young people and this year, will offer our first book scholarship! Back to the regularly scheduled blogging, I'm working on rambling. I didn't have time or energy for  these diseases, their afflictions and the medical side effects. Six months after following medical instructions and my Ritual of Acceptance, it was time for changes. The medical professionals advised chemotherapy. My MS was extremely aggressive, lesions were developing at a ridiculous rate, spine had new disc issues and well, you get it. It was time for changes. I've never been a big medicine guy. Sure, I have issues, AM an issue, but my Ritual of Acceptance always worked better than medicines. I went back to the pescatarian lifestyle and felt better within 6 weeks. Pescatarian kept the eating habits simple, no land animals. That simple singular change slowly infiltrated and affected all my decisions. I ate a little less but a little more consistently. I don't meal prep but I'm cognizant of my options when I leave the house. I eat more fruit, vegetables and actively search for alternatives. By rejecting land animals, I began to choose other alternatives SUBCONSCIOUSLY. I don't catch myself until others mention what I've selected but I do it. That, folks, is simple. I'm not calorie counting, hitting the gym or excercising regularly, all which are easy. I've lost 15lbs since April 5th, 2017. I sleep better. In the 3 months of the pescatarian lifestyle, I've had no hospital visits, less allergies, less processed food, less checkups and appointments. This pescatarian lifestyle is legitimately benefiting my health and extending my life. I mentioned lesions earlier. Lesions are batches of the body affected by disease or trauma; for cancer, think tumor (seriously scary stuff). The foods to avoid/increase are the natural foundation of the pescatarian lifestyle. I reiterate, this pescatarian lifestyle works. It is simple AND it works. To help, motivate, inspire, teach, anything that exemplifies a successful philosophy of life with MS or any other incurable disease, I offer my rationale and testimony of the pescatarian lifestyle through blogging and pictures!
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wsdo · 8 years
should I make a post for just tonight or for the whole week where I havent posted. I will do both.  I suppose.  I will try to recall what happened within the last week.  A lot probably.  
i went home a week from this past sunday.  I was planning on visiting hood this weekend partially to visit and partially to see the Vagina Monologues which Kaylene was in.  
While i was home i socialized and watched some TV with my family and I think i got my dad hooked on the west wing.  it was fun and relaxing and stickel and i had a few nights of late night horrible movie watching.  There was one japanese one where a senile old man thought his daughter in law was a cow on his farm or something? that was an interesting movie.  We also watched Swiss Army man which was a strange but entertaining movie.  
I went up 
Okay wait here is an interjection I have been watching west wing and this episode has had two lines which scream 1776 to me. 
“We have six weeks until the election, the universe was created in less time”
“Some time we’ll sit down have a couple beers and you can tell me how you did it.”
“Sometimes i have such a desire to knock your heads together”
somehow I don’t think this is a coincidence.  anyways.  
I went up to hood on friday night.  I had not realized that the show was at 7.I had it in my head the show was at 9 and i didn’t fully realize this until about 5.  I left at 530 or so and took 7 and 15 up to Frederick.  I got to the show a bit late at 730 but made good time considering rush hour on a Friday night.  
After the show i hung out and we watched something in Gabe’s room i don’t remember wait it was the lion king.  and lion king one and a half.  GAbe tried to order pizza to no avail.  it was fun.  The next day kaylene and I went and bought 100 dollars worth of feminine hygiene tampons for a charity thing related to vday.  with cash because we roll like that.  We also got tasty subway and when we returned to campus i ate my sammich and Gabe and I watched heartbreak ridge.  It was a solid WW2 movie.  i liked it.  I don’t know if I share Gabes opinion that its on the same level as Saving Private Ryan.  
Just as the movie ended we went to Vagina Monologues again. it was just as good the second time if not better.  The audience was much less excited this time however.  
Afterwards Gabe and I joined Kaylene and several other cast and crew members for some post show hang outs.  That was fun.  then sleep. 
then it was sunday. Sunday? yeah sunday.  something about the lonely island.  Kaylene and I did have a lazy sunday.  Gabe gave me one of his meal passes and we had these tasty brunch sammiches.  it was swiss chicken and lettuce.  mmmmm I’m hungry for sammiches.  Why isn’t jimmy johns open at 3am? 
Gabe and i then went to go see john Wick 2.  then we went to DQ and got blizzards and wandered around FSK mall.  
We returned and gabe went to prepare for the Oscars (for some reason) while I chilled with kaylene.  The three of us went and got dinner at the blazer and went to The Wright Side of Politics (Kaylene and Gabe’s political show on blazer radio) I stayed the night.  
On monday i got up and said goodbye to Kaylene and drove back to springfield.  I had some chopped meat, shells, and chips and salsa while I watched Pacific Rim.  I also worked on a few things for actual joblike type things. Namely my Americorps application.  I also looked for jobs in other areas.  I went to Giant with Dad and we got four whole pounds of grapes! they were on sale! and then we braved the arduous experience of going to chipotle for dinner.  I was put in charge of ordering Mom’s burrito bowl.  It was tasty. I do like me some burrito.  Mom got me a burrito last week with corn on it and I greatly considered getting corn this time but I decided to play it safe.this time.
of all the decisions I have ever had to make, I think the whether or not to get corn on my burrito was the hardest.  
After dinner i packed up some stuff and drove down to williamsburg.  it was a pensive 2 hour drive.  I stayed up that night playing Rising Storm 2: Vietnam (the closed beta anyway) because i am a giant dork.  I slept until about noon and had a snack and worked out a bit. I gave joe his birthday present because it finally arrived.  
It is a british Korea surplus haversack and a british army surplus sweater.  With Epaulets! I think he liked it.  he was very very excited and gave me several high fives. 
I made myself some pasta and played more rising storm2 and watched west wing.  And that is how we come to where i am now.  I am hungry.  i think there are apples in the house.  
I also have a headache.  One i think is being caused by caffeine withdrawal.  
I hope you have enjoyed this wonderful adventure of an autobiographical tirade. I will attempt to remember to update this more often.  
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aratribow · 7 months
:o pretty banner
Awwwrrr thankuuuu ^3^
It's actually from a lil floof au from my server with established jrh and yq, bailu, sw and yueshi (@itsredpaint 's oc) as their children IT'S CALLED THE LION SAMMICH AU!! (No angst allowed)
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It's just them making a lion sammich for jy KEHEKEBJE (and burning down the kitchen)
Have a good day/night op! 👉👉
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aratribow · 7 months
On short note, the lion sammich family au is a joint self indulgent collab made by me, @itsredpaint , @kaviolli and @saunne !!
We will be sure to slowly introduce the floof au more :3c
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