green-x-reaper · 3 months
"Dearest you do look beautiful, even with a scowl, I trust you've dealt with said pig? Still that is a rather comfortable looking outfit." Octavius throwing his two cents in as he admires the wife. (lion-hearth)
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"Gods, yes. I'm tired of these peasants asking me for money. Just because I flaunt my money, doesn't mean I'll give it away. I want these creatures to feel envious and despair everytime I cross their paths." Dead sighed in frustration then looked at her husband. "I felt merciful today."
"Thank you. Honestly, I'm not used to dressing casual. It feels odd to me. I do like how the dress just outlines my figure." Dead tugged at the strap of the dress.
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veiledfox · 1 year
@lion-hearth [ x ]
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The Kitsune's tails bristle under Octavius' hand, the fur on them standing on edge with the sensations his gentle touch was giving. Such sensations making her body ease, relax over him, leading to an easily raised head by his hand. Her breath catching as her sight rises, anticipating what was to come, before she felt his lips pressed to her own. A proper kiss with the Man felt so nice to finally share, and while in his embrace no less. Earning a soft, short moan from her as an arm rises behind his neck, and she presses her body closer to his.
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reapersxchambers · 1 month
"Slap!" -Octavius saw an opportunity and gives a cheeky grin. (lion-hearth)
Send "Slap!" to slap my muses ass.
|| Accepting
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"Are you going to keep on smiling or are you going to take me upstairs and breed me like no tomorrow?" Dead grabbed his hand, locking their fingers. "I miss waking up next to that gorgeous face of yours, your arms around me and then how we'd break the bed before you go do your duties~"
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prismaticmuses · 2 years
@lion-hearth​ cont’d from here
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Night gave the man an incredulous look and laughed. “So, you... moonlight as a bounty hunter? You... do know being a bounty hunter is totally legal, right? I mean, my best friend is one- licensed and everything.” He raised his hands passively and looked away with a shrug. “I mean, hey, you do you. You don’t gotta tell me anything, if you’re like, undercover or something....” 
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Despite saying this, Night then immediately turned back to face him, leaning in a little closer with wide eyes and a hurriedly whispered voice. “Are you undercover?!”
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apricusnights · 2 years
@lion-hearth​ liked for a starter.
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“I would have gotten ahold of you earlier but with everything that happened last year and having to oversee a lot of the reconstruction efforts I think time just sort of got away from everyone.” Sitting down on one of the park benches. Aurora Vale had it’s fair share of nice spots, and it’s fair share of secluded ones if you knew where to look. Especially at this time of night.
“You helped out a great deal, Roland filled me in on everything. Seems like things have gotten a bit quiet for you as well. Thought I’d let you know that I had everything cleared, bounties included. Anything involving the so called Dark Angel got wiped.”
“That being said, I’m here with an offer. I want you to come back and work with us in at least a semi-official capacity. We have assignments that could use someone like you. Of course the general public won’t be aware of them, you know how it goes.”
“Ves wants to take a look at your equipment, he thinks he can make improvements.”
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sinokami · 2 years
@lion-hearth from X
Steele breathed out as he felt Redding’s hands roam across his built abdomen, allowing his hot breath to mix with the cool night’s air. Responsively, his hand reaches out to Redding’s right shoulder and begins to drag down the top of her dress. Another hand rests on her left hip and slowly moves around, before traveling up her back. His index finger curls under a set of laces between her shoulder blades, and he gently begins to tug them loose.
“Much obliged~”
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solar-throne · 2 years
[ @lion-hearth​ ]
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“I’ll be leaving for my trip back home soon, so I’m afraid I will be missing our next few meetings.” Mel commented as she sat down at their usual table with her cup of coffee, placing her copy of their latest book club read onto the table.
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“Though on the bright side that’s more time to decide on our next book, I believe its your turn to choose?” 
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apricusdays · 2 years
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“Pardon the detour, but I presume you know why we are here.”
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“We’re after one of the escaped criminals.”
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“A gang leader if the dossier is to be understood, and a common user of illusion technology. We had best be on our guard and incredibly careful.”
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Ivory planted one of her targets onto the ground and used it to boost herself to the mall rafters. She overlooked the shopping area of Evergreen Basin carefully. She didn’t now the terrain as well as the richer ones. Still, she was the one with the sniper rifle. “I’ll let you know if I spot anything.”
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“Follow me.” Lapis says starting ahead.
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“Are you sure, Lapis?”
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“I’m used to getting banged up. Just have my back.”
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teamlarl · 2 years
a stealthy UMF from a decloaking Sapir Suijin in a clothed but provocative pose and giving a dainty little wave towards Consul Renatus. (lion-hearth)
Send me “Umf” If your muse thinks my muse is hot.
Renatus blinked.
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"...Oh, that's right. You do have a thing for me, don't you?" With that reminder, the consul shrugged and turned back to the reports on his desk. "Well, how'd your latest mission go then?"
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tending-the-hearth · 1 month
the pevensie siblings find, when they return to england after being in narnia for so long, that it's not the fact that they're twenty years younger that is the most difficult to adjust to, but the clothes.
not in a "i wore expensive fabrics and jewels and silks and velvets for twenty years and now i have to go back to wearing inexpensive fabric?" way but in a "i spent twenty years wearing layers of comfortable heavy clothes and cloaks and soft fabric that didn't scratch and the feeling of loose clothing is a sensory nightmare" way.
edmund, who is perpetually cold, and always had at least three layers + a cloak on, and who the narnian tailors learned preferred inner linings of velvet because any other fabrics let too much of a chill in, and cloaks made of a study fabric meant strong protection against the elements
lucy, who can feel every little scratch and out of place tag in her clothes, always having narnian clothes fit her just right, made of soft fabric that never scratched her skin, and the narnian tailors knowing exactly what to use, and how to stitch the clothes so no loose threads ever bothered their beloved valiant queen
susan, who hates being restricted by her clothing, who loved the looser, softer-fitting arms of her gowns, because it meant that she could draw her bows faster, and tailors being able to pick which fabrics were the sturdiest and could withstand susan's draw, while still giving her the gentle appearance that perfectly hid her true abilities
peter, who can't stand anything tight around his neck, who only wore close-collar shirts when he had to, and who the narnian tailors knew to make the shirts a little looser around the neck, making sure that nothing closed too tightly, and making sure that his battle wear, though protective, never felt too constricting
and lucy and susan begin wearing headbands when they're back in england, every single day to mimic the comforting sensation of wearing their crowns that they're desperate to maintain
edmund and peter missing the weight of their shields on their backs, so they carry their school bags around as long as they can just to feel more balanced out as they walk alongside their sisters back home
just all four of them growing so accustomed to the weight of their narnian clothes and gifts and crowns, the lengths and layers of fabric, that when they are back in england, their old clothes are the biggest sensory nightmare to all of them, and they're just desperate to get their comfort back
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@lion-hearth​ said:
“They’re a 10, but..she only seems to be around when I am in a messy job" -Octavius
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Send “They’re a 10, but..” and fill in the rest to call out my muse! x
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“ ...Bad time? ”
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green-x-reaper · 8 months
@lion-hearth liked for a starter
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Dead squeezed the hand of her husband as she stood behind him. She expected a little more from these events. Rather, expected herself to be quite used to the crowd by now considering that she engaged with a public figure. Her wings twitched behind her and she tried to hide her face from the public. "I need to bite down on something, dear. I'm feeling anxious."
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veiledfox · 6 months
"You're too cute sometimes." Octavius chuckles after witnessing the results of his booping. (lion-hearth)
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"Too cute to pin down and rail?"
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INSTANTLY both hands slap up onto her face with a groan. "Why did I say that-"
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reapersxchambers · 3 months
Octavius tickles a hand down Deadmaster's back and firmly cups her behind, subtly pulling her into an embrace against him. "You seem to be giving off a certain kind of energy today love...I might want a taste or two~" His firmer torso giving a decent surface for Yomi's tiddies to squish against. (Lions-Hearth)
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"Perhaps it is because of what they call spring fever. It is to be considered one of the most lustful season of all. As it is symbolizes new beginnings and new creation." Dead trailed her hand up and down his arm with a low chuckle. She sighed happily and moved her hand towards the collar of his shirt. "Maybe I'm just following nature's call~"
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prismaticmuses · 2 years
Redding, still recovering from an injury, decides Tendo is more comfortable than a tree beside the fire. Making as sure as she could Dagger would have no problem with it, she eases to her feet and gingerly walks over to lower herself and recline back against him. '...I can't thank you in the way we....uhum...hinted at earlier...but...maybe this could suffice until I can?' (lion-hearth)
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Dagger kept a curious eye on Redding but didn't make any sound or movement to tell her to back off. She was a little jealous, but decided to remedy that by walking over to Tendo's other side to flop down beside him.
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The sudden attention from both sides had Tendo a bit flummoxed. "Uh... s-sure. Fine." He looked to Redding and hesitated to make any sort of movement. Should he touch her? Should he not? Should he move at all- change positions? He certainly didn't want to push her away; it felt nice having her there.
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"Um... are.. you okay? Still hurting? ... need anything more from me?" He asked out of genuine concern and also hoped her answer would help him decide what he was doing about this.
0 notes
apricusnights · 2 years
@lion-hearth​ X
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Arriving shortly after..with far less showmanship. Still, he swung his gigantic axe and knocked the leg off of one of the mechs with one stroke. Watching it fall before slamming the axe down on it’s head, breaking it apart.
Roland Marigold was a rather imposing figure, one of the few who might be considered on the same level as his unofficial ally. A few of his specialists were with him, mostly taking care of any roaming chimeras and a few of the remaining guards.
“Bishop’s in the main archive building, the weird fuckin cylinder is in there as well. Right in the middle of the lobby. Guessin Commander Fisher asked you to bust that thing up.”
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