#lirl press tour
feelbokkie · 5 months
pls I'm so sorry but I saw this pic while scrolling and my immediate thought was hanji in lirl sending this to the reader and being like "this yours?" and I snorted so hard and then smacked my hand over my mouth in horror 😩💀
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- yongbbokkie 💙🤗
the fucking noise that just left my body was so inhuman
no because he absolutely would once he was comfortable enough
he acts first and thinks later so he would immediately send a string of text apologizing profusely and reader wouldn't respond so he'd think she's upset but she's dying laughing, and showing her brothers and Chan
and then would panic an try to call her and meanwhile the rest of the hoemigos are looking at him like "what the fuck?"
something like this:
"jagia, look, i found your eye."
"i'm sorry"
"i'm so sorry"
"i thought it was funny"
"i wasn't thinking"
"pls don't break up with me"
"please answer me"
"oh my god"
*13 missed calls from hanji*
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feelbokkie · 5 months
"Wait 10 minutes and I'll be be home to help. 4 eyes are better than 2."
"I can go get y/n and then we'll have 5"
SeUnGmIn omg😂😭😭
That was so out of pocket omfg I'm crYING
Seung will never let his fave cyclops live.
But imagine if someone outside the family had said that??
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feelbokkie · 5 months
Live from the amighoes apartment:
Felix: Do you like Y/N?
Han: Do YOU like Y/N?
Felix: *existential crisis*
Han: *existential crises back harder*
Hey, how did you get into my drafts?
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feelbokkie · 5 months
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Damn, chapter 10 leak
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feelbokkie · 5 months
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Me reading chapter 15 bc I just know jisung is not a bad guy but nobody is letting him speak or explain himself 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Live chapter 15 and chapter 16 Jisung reactions
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feelbokkie · 5 months
Can I just say, LFILIRL Han Jisung is the cutest, smollest, most adorablest human being on the planet and I just wanna put him in a little enclosure and just feed him and nurture him and love him and and and
Hes just stupid cute and I think you did a really good job in catching the essence of Han Jisung irl and how I believe he'd communicate with someone he's interested in through messages and such.
Like the awkward, shy, self-deprecating lil guy who loves music and just chatting about life's greatest mysteries with someone he thinks is pretty cool is so SO Jisung coded.
I'm so excited to see where this goes ♡♡
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- Hannji ♡
i've been very mean to hanji as of late fic wise and normally give him one of the slightly meaner rolls (i have predebut han brain rot, sorry) but i really do love hanji so much and i love his softer, dorky side. so lirl hannie has been my favorite han to write. peak paboracha, peak dork. he's so soft, i'm going to lose my mind
i don't talk about this often but han was my main wrecker before seungmin fucked everything up
but bestie, you and me both. i have like two plans for this entire fic, the rest is just freestyle. i don't even have the two things i based this fic on anywhere on the outline. outline is BLANK
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feelbokkie · 5 months
So.... in LFILIRL, is y/n and seungmin are twins/siblings?? Or we act like siblings because of smth??? Because I'm really curious and intrigued with the family dynamic here:)
So the family dynamic in LIRL is that Chan, Changbin, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Y/n all grew up in the same group home. All none of them are related by blood. Chan is legally their dad because when he aged out (after like a year of struggling) he managed to adopt the other four. (More on that later). So legally the four younger ones are siblings and for the last few years of their youth they were raised by Chan. All their age differences irl are the same in the fic.
So the group chat being “parentless behavior” is quite literal
Headcanon Seungmin and Y/n are twins in the same way Han and Felix are twins. They’re just closer in age than they are compared to Hyunjin but the three of them are born the same year. Y/n’s birthday falls anywhere between sep 23, 2000 and dec 31, 2000. I just haven’t really decided that yet
Hope this helps!
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feelbokkie · 1 month
When I first read lets fall in love, irl I didn't expect it to hit so close to home. I have eczema on my face, the flare ups are so common that my face always either red and splotchy or bleeding. Which obviously gets me concerned looks in public and loads of questions, and I struggle with that a lot due to my social anxiety. I've taken to wearing a mask in public (which isn't a common sight for my country) which still gets me looks and honestly kinda irritates the area. So I just don't leave my home anymore (except for college), this kinda became a rant sorry...my point is I stopped feeling desirable a long time ago..re-reading Let's fall in love, irl was oddly healing tbh.
Not just jisung or felix, the way the mc's entire family is so protective of her, they genuinely love her. She doesn't have to be loud, cheerful, scarless for them to pay attention to her or look out for her even tho none of them are related by blood.
I generally don't imagine myself as the lead even in self insert fics, but it's just nice..that a character doesn't have to be perfect to be desirable. That there might be people who can look past outward appearances, and be able to appreciate the personality that you don't get to show everyone.
I love how in each fic you write, the character has a distinct snd definitive personality, so while One last dance is probably my favorite fic (I'm a sucker for angst what can I say) the character I feel the most vulnerable about is probably this one. If I'm capable of finding a fictional character beautiful, I can extend the same grace to myself
(Sorry for rambling lol I stayed up all night reading fics)
I saw this when you first sent this and I’ve been thinking of the perfect way of trying to respond because this is important to me.
Also, don’t apologize for ranting, it’s welcomed here
I think as a writer, this is dream comment: someone taking something away from your writing.
Of all my smaus, I think that lirl for sure is a bit self indulgent. I don’t have any scars on my face or anything wrong with me that I can hide with a mask like that. But I also stopped feeling desirable well over a decade ago. So I decided to make one fic a beauty and the beast type story. But my problem with b&b is that at the end, Beasr turns into this “conventionally attractive” man, which is the least realistic part of the fairytale. Not everyone is going to have that magical transformation moment.
Found family is one of my, if not my top, favorite tropes and there is something special about those 5 quite literally forming a family. All 5 of them care for and are so protective of each other (it’ll be more prevalent in their side stories) despite all their differences.
I know xreader fics/smaus can be problematic because of how hard it is to make them inclusive (trust me, I look nothing like any of the readers in any of my fics) but I always hope that people can take away something from the fics I write so I’m happy that you are.
I hope you find more reasons to find yourself desirable because, believe me, you are 💛
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feelbokkie · 5 months
I was really putting off reading lirl till it was complete, but I couldn't resist and binged everything now I'm soooooo desperate for the rest. I'm absolutely in love with EVERYTHING you write, I can't get enough of it. The orphan siblings are by far my favorite dynamic (as of yet), han is so adorable in this one I love him so much!!!! Thank you so much into putting incredible amount of time and effort into writing this, ily 💞
I’m so glad you love the series! It’s definitely not what I was planning when I first announced the series but I’m glad everyone loves this version so much. I think the orphans are my favorite dynamic that I’ve written so I’m happy that they’re getting the love they deserve. This is also my favorite version of Hanji that I’ve written too. Definitely one of my fav stories that I’ve worked on. Kinda sad to see it end but I still have the side stories so I get to live in the series a bit longer before moving on
Thank you again for loving lirl!
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feelbokkie · 5 months
Does felix know about her face?
I debated with this for a long time while creating the plot line for the fic and I think my final answer is no.
They met in middle school via internet cafes and just playing games and since Y/n primarily contacted Felix via email, and the bullying she endured, she never told him about that. And then as she got older, her anxiety got in the way.
And like Lix having a friend that was just his, Y/n liked having a friend who didn’t know about her face.
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feelbokkie · 5 months
Woah woah woah hold the front door!
Is Lixie into yn?
Cause I'm getting the feeling he's into yn
This.. someone is going to get hurt in this and it's probably gonna be me
That or Lix just has a dirty mind
I genuinely do not know what’s up with Lixie though because there wasn’t supposed to be a second male lead but the vibes are pushing an agenda ig
Also, I mean, overall it is a Han fic so it’s inevitable that Lix would be the one hurt in the end so
Sorry, Lix
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feelbokkie · 4 months
was it really? there was so much i wanted to do with that chapter but cut so much out. i'm glad that you and so many others loved it though
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feelbokkie · 5 months
as someone with a huge scar across my face from an accident, thank you for writing lets fall in love irl, makes me feel like maybe I have a chance with someone some day 🥲 mine doesn't sound exactly the same as y/n's because mine is just a big ol diagonal line across my face, but it still made me really happy thank you 🥺💖
Tumblr’s been weird about giving me notifications for asks since it murdered tumblr live so I’m just seeing this now.
You’re so very welcome, Nonie! I was kind of worried starting this series that I might someone offend someone who has a scar on their face so I’ve been trying my best to do y/n and readers who can relate on that level some justice. I’m glad it’s making you happy and I know you’ll find someone who loves and appreciates you one day 🩵
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feelbokkie · 5 months
Whenever you post commenting on the feedback you get from readers, like when you said, "i see people want more back story," i actually picture you peeking in on all of us through your little pfp and its such a cute image i had to tell you
Nonnie, you are absolutely correct. Real picture of me looking at everyone’s feedback
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feelbokkie · 5 months
But my mind went down a rabbit hole and I NEED to share it with you 🫣
I saw a comment on the jisung smau that Chan should get a girlfriend/mum to help him with the kids. And my mind went 🌀🫨..
What if… Chan meets this (one or two years older) girl who kinda frequently comes to the hospital because she’s in an abusive relationship and Chan is almost always her nurse? And they start bonding?? And he helps her out of the relationship and after a while they start dating (it was basically love at first sight but bc of her relationship she was scared and not ready)..
And she’s so soft yet firm with his kids when they start sh!t and because she’s a bit older than Chan he feels safe/taken care of? So he finally has someone to rely on? 🫠🥹
Nonnie, listen
I am 1000% on board bc this shit is in me wheelhouse (you guys should have seen the shit i was writing in my other fandoms)
I also pictured Chan with a slightly older doctor, glad we're all on board with Chan with an older women trope, and a whole thing with that
but, the only confusing thing is
bc reader is already a character in lirl and then adding another reader is going to be a little confusing. unless i give lirl y/n a new name for that.
what i might end up actually doing, bc i still have firefighter changbin brain rot and will at some point write at least a one shot, is that i can write a one shot about emergency room nurse chan
or, idk something
because I love this idea
i will come back to this idea eventually, i promise
never apologize for the idea zoomies
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feelbokkie · 5 months
The frequency that I check your blog for updates for all your smaus is embarrassing 🫣 I love your writing so much and as a Han bias, lirl is just so 🥰 thank you for sharing your love and talent with your readers!!
i wish i had a more consistent upload schedule for everyone who isn't on the tag list 😭
i do know that this next arc, and maybe even the rest of the fic will be slower bc there will be a lot of written parts and those take longer to write
and you're welcome! i'm glad you're enjoying the fic! i'm trying to atone for my han sins with this fic
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