#lisa is known for making unpredictable choices in plots
brownbitchshit · 2 years
Wild theory for S3 :
What if s3 is broken into 2 parts totalling 10+ episodes where we see the present time in pt 1 and circumstances break Wilmon apart and then see a time jump for pt2 and get a happily ever after?
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dweetwise · 4 years
new chapter hype! have some quick hcs about how i think the killers would react to ji-woon.
The Trickster & killers headcanons
Evan thought he’d seen it all, but now there’s an obnoxious kid in a ridiculous costume prancing around in their ranks. Ji-Woon immediately makes it clear, in heavily accented English, that he’s not going to take orders from anyone, so Evan mostly leaves him alone and waits for the Entity to put him back in line.
Philip senses how unhinged the new killer is under the carefully presented flamboyant exterior. He stays in his cloak to avoid the Trickster as much as possible, even leaving his own realm if the other killer trespasses on the Autohaven grounds.
Max is wary at first, on edge due to Ji-Woon’s sudden, maniacal outbursts. But after the killer proves more than happy to completely ignore him, Max starts watching his song and dance routines from afar, the Trickster’s flashy getup reminding him of whimsy he hasn’t seen since his childhood movies.
Sally is brought back to unpleasant memories of the asylum and some of its patients with delusions of grandeur. She has no desire to deal with the Trickster’s god complex and usually blinks away whenever he’s in the vicinity.
Michael, mistaking Ji-Woon for a survivor, tries to kill him right off the bat. When the Entity intervenes to prevent it, he settles for staring at the teen instead. As usual, the mask betrays nothing, but Michael is secretly disgruntled when the idol only seems to thrive on the attention instead of being unnerved.
Lisa is more confused than anything. Why is some supposedly big pop star joining their group of horrible, disfigured monsters? Seeing his youthful, unmarred face is a cruel reminder of the life she missed out on, and she withdraws to the swamp to reminiscence about her past.
Herman is quick to strike up conversation with the boy; not to make friends, but to study him and find out what makes him tick. He’s intrigued by the clear sadistic tendencies the Trickster displays, promptly inviting the killer over to the hospital for experiments.
Anna is on her guard, despite the Trickster not appearing to pose much of a threat due to his small stature and skinny build. She knows better than to underestimate people, having learned that brightly colored animals are often the most venomous.
Bubba is terrified of Ji-Woon, even though he could probably overpower the lanky killer if he had to. The Trickster is loud and unpredictable, spooking Bubba on numerous occasions with sudden movement or a maniacal laugh.
Freddy loves murdering teenagers and is a little peeved that the Entity doesn’t allow him to do so with this one. He tries to give a snarky, villainy monologue to get under the Trickster’s skin, but the idol only starts talking over him in Korean before turning on his heel and arrogantly flinging an autograph over his shoulder, robbing Freddy of his moment.
Amanda is initially fascinated by his power; throwing small blades into people’s skin until they eventually collapse from their wounds is a creative way of torture, after all. But as soon as she approaches Ji-Woon, it quickly becomes evident that he sees himself as above her, claiming she should be honored to even be in his presence. Having none of that, Amanda starts plotting petty revenge to sabotage his knives.
Jeffrey is entertained, claiming the Trickster’s knife-throwing act would have landed him a spot in the circus he used to travel with. He has no issue with the kid, and as Ji-Woon doesn’t have a realm of his own, the idol can sometimes be found wandering the chapel or practicing his throwing skills on the circus target board.
Rin has a moment of nostalgia, Ji-Woon reminding her of her life before, when she was just a normal teenager with idol posters on her wall. However, his arrogance is very off-putting to her, angry that his behavior taints the few pleasant memories she has left.
Legion laugh their asses off. They have a field day with mocking his outfit and music, egging each other on with the dumbest of jokes, claiming he looks even more like a clown than Jeffrey.
Adiris, through his body language and golden outfit, concludes him as a false idol. Thinking he’s mocking her god and trying to lead people astray, her contempt for him only grows, and she’s known to burst into reciting sermons to draw attention away from the Trickster’s performances.
Danny’s narcissism knows no bounds and it doesn’t take long before he sees Ji-Woon as competition, hogging the spotlight from Danny and his genius. While the Trickster boasts about killing fans and managers alike, Danny can’t help the pure rage bubbling up, thinking how unprofessional and downright sloppy the novice killer’s methods are. However, he keeps his cards close to his chest, already planning how he’ll undermine the new arrival instead of direct confrontation.
Demo sees a lanky teen with a baseball bat and instantly distrusts the Trickster. Will aggressively hiss and be extremely on edge whenever the killer is near.
Kazan is angry. The new killer is loud and flashy and seems to have misunderstood the concept of honor entirely, having replaced it with pure arrogance. If the two are in the same room, the Oni can usually be found roaring Japanese insults at the Trickster or trying to club some sense into the youngster.
Caleb views Ji-Woon as nothing more than an annoying brat. He has no respect for the killer’s ineffective choice of weapon, the pathetic blades all bark and no bite; just like their owner.
Pyramid Head’s fingers twitch where he’s grasping his sword. The new killer reeks of sin and would their captor allow it, the executioner would inflict proper judgment on him once and for all.
Talbot sees the killer’s narcissism and immediately starts planning how to exploit it in his next experiment. He’s curious to see what would happen should he make Ji-Woon as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside.
Charlotte and Victor are hesitantly intrigued by Ji-Woon at first, as he’s got an aura of entertainer all around him. They watch one of his numbers in awe, but their joy is short-lived. Immediately after his performance, the Trickster sneers at them in disgust, as if the twins are nothing but a fleck of dirt on his shiny coat.
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