#lisha adkuna
ambyandony · 4 months
Fusion (JJBA) - “Lisha Adkuna”
Limbo Adkins + Trish Una
presenting the fusion of my oc limbo with Trish for absolutely no reason I just was thinking about her so fuckinn much . specifically a monster au variant for reasons i dont really know.
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"Lisha" Adkuna (either Lih-sha or Lee-sha add-kew-nah), fusion of Limbo Adkins and Trish Una, User of fusion Stand 「IT GIRL」.
A 「My Space」*-classic median fusion, meaning that most of her basic traits fall between what they are for Trish and Limbo; thus, she's 16 years old, about 5'3.5" or 161.29 cm tall, and - as is common for fusions where components share the same pronouns, she/her in this case - is identifiable by she/her rather than they/them.
She has a soft, light, somewhat high-pitched voice, fairly reminiscent of Rosemary Fairweather (which incidentally was another possibility for the Stand name), a la 'Washing Machine', which is incidentally also her musical style, considering Limbo is a musician and post-PHF Trish is a pop star. makes the best collab ever with myself
Fusions with Limbo tend to automatically take her cloud tattoo and present it differently in a way that relates to the fusion in some way. Lisha's tat is... particularly drastic in difference and... interesting, to say the least.
Side note. That's a bracelet. Her hand is fine.
(* see bottom of post)
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The fusion between Trish's 「Spice Girl」 and Limbo's 「Cloud Nine」 is
「IT GIRL」’s ability, ‘signal fog’, also known as a ‘dead zone’, effectively makes signals ‘soft’.
It works in an AOE. When it is active, within the ‘fog’s reach, signals will become distorted automatically. Technology will become static or fuzzy, it becomes exceptionally hard to see, and even vocal speech is hard to decipher.
However, anyone who is outside of the fog’s range is unaffected by it. In fact, they can’t actually see the fog and can see anything within it fine. As soon as they enter the fog, it’s tangible; visibility is severely lowered, similar to a very thick natural fog, though it has the look of digital or visual snow.
Stands are disrupted (though not disabled) by default; as Limbo would explain it, the connection between a Stand and its User is, itself, a signal.
I made a sketch sheet too but it's ambiguously-anachronistic aka i can't tell you at what point in the timeline this would be occurring since
1. fugo is clearly post phf,
2. narancia and limbo have not gotten together with mista yet,
3. narancia.
so basically just dont worry about it
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text is kinda small though so here's close-ups
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Fugo: Ciao, Tr.. Trish? Limbo?
Lisha: Both. Lisha.
Fugo: ... What do you mean, 'both'
Lisha: Long story. Elephants and conjoined twins. You wouldn't get it
Fugo: ... And can it, uh... be fixed?
Lisha: Working on it.
Fugo: Okay, well, the next full moon-
Lisha: Is soon, yeah.
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(Lisha, labelled in a side note as "half-girlfriend (Limbo is his girlfriend)
Lisha, Limbo voice, with delight: Ciao, Narancia!
Narancia, labelled "faceblind": ..... who the fuck are you
(Lisha is further labelled, "looks sounds and smells too much like both Trish and Limbo for him to tell it's either of them")
Internal Trish voice: Limbo why are you about to burst into tears
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Lisha, Trish voice: No, because I was trying to tell him about me -
Lisha-Trish, continued: I mean I was trying to -
Lisha-Trish, continued, angrily: FUCKDAMMIT! It was Trish!
Lisha-Trish, continued, exasperated: It's weird to talk about myselves in the third person!
( a side note to her right points to her purple keyhole sweater and reads "Her only other "default" outfit option. Neither one of her know why she gets a sweater that looks like this, though... )
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Limbo: I know!!!
Limbo: I KNOW!!!
Trish: He is literally gross girl what is wrong with you
Limbo: He's nice to me!
Trish: ...
Lisha, Trish voice: (points threateningly at Mista) Don't talk to me.
Internal Limbo voice: DON'T SAY IT LIKE THAT!!!
Mista: (Didn't say anything) (Was watching her zone out for like two minutes just glaring at him (thinks one of them is mad at him))
Trish: It's for your own good.
Limbo: What if he's mad at me!!
Trish: Wh-mad at you!?? How the fuck do you live like this?!?
Limbo: I'm so fucking far away from nirvana you genuinely would not fucking believe
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Lisha: Well, see, the Full Moon is coming up soon and... I don't know if that's gonna be an issue for me... I'm on a bit of a time crunch trying to... uh... un-me myselves.
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* 「My Space」 is a Stand belonging to a pair of conjoined twins (Eve and Belynda, or "Evelynn"). It takes a form resembling a conjoined pair of elephants, and its ability is simply to fuse two individuals into a single entity, both fusing their physical form and their Stands. Due to the way it does this, fusions function as a collective or co-consciousness, akin to a sort of very complicated Dissociative Identity Disorder; both components are generally actively conscious at all times, though they are able to speak either collectively or individually.
Considering this shared consciousness, fusions created by 「My Space」 are practically unable to refer to their fusion as a collective, as both sides view the body as themself. Thus, fusions usually say ‘i’ or ‘me’ instead of ‘we’ or ‘us’. This is also confusing when the sides try to refer to each other, as they will usually still refer to the other as ‘me’, since both are always actively conscious, even if only one is actively speaking. However, ‘myselves’ is a very common malaprop for fusions.
Evelynn refuse to undo the fusions unless their victim tracks them down and is able to convince them, usually by amusing or impressing them with some kind of talent or skill. They consider their Stand's ability a performance and insist it's only fair that they're entertained in return (really most of the separating process is just trying to track the twins down).
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ambyandony · 4 months
Fusion - “Lisha Adkuna” ( no text version )
Fusion of Limbo Adkins (OC) and Trish Una
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