#listen i just need his friendship with at least archie to be impossibly mended in s3 if not shiv as well of course but i can compromise
naivety · 6 months
the vague shape of george's non-romantic relationships that's been formed over time within the narrative is on constant rotation in my mind btw. the entire gravitational pull of george's character throughout both seasons has been sarah, before and after she gets killed, it's why he blows up a nuclear bomb, why he kills a bunch of people to start a war that's big enough to press the apocalypse is about to happen so we need to start over the entire year button and kills and betrays his friends and colleagues in the process. sarah is his world, and his world in the time that she's dead and even later when she's just left him is not just defined by the isolation of grief and depression, but just straight up isolation.
we know he has one (1) friend who he doesn't actually like and financially sabotages for dating his girlfriend once in a discarded timeline, we know he has a cousin who wanted to introduce him and sarah in the first place but is never seen or mentioned after that, no apparent siblings to speak of. in season 2, we do learn he has parents who presumably live in london as well, or at least within some semblance of driving distance. there's no particular warmth or even a lack of it it how he describes them before breaking into their empty house to establish a temporary time traveler headquarters, no reason to believe much of anything about anything about them. yet, when sarah dies, it's her dad who reaches out to him, not his own. in montages, it's sarah's parents who come to visit for holidays, nobody else. we don't see any friends reach out after sarah's death, no friends or family visit her with him while she's in the hospital, just george. when george joins sarah in an outing with her friends, it's portrayed as something strange and abnormal, and not just because of the timeline he'd just lived and then discarded for her without her knowledge, but abnormal to sarah, who knows george both better and worse than anyone else at that point. joining the lazarus project isn't just something that alienates him from the rest of the normal world, he appears to have no attachment to it in the first place other than sarah herself. his relationship with archie and shiv in his first year with lazarus appear to be the closest things he has to actual friends, and he kills one and betrays both, for sarah. the second the life he envisioned with sarah evaporates, the vision he had for his life at all does the same.
but the thing about george is that he appears, at least from the outside, perfectly capable of forming connections with people. he's incredibly intelligent, appearing fairly well off materially, very charming as a person, if not a little awkward, but in a way that mostly just enhances the charm. he is for all intents and purposes a pretty normal guy, which is why his descent into sabotaging all his newfound connections and ending the world is so startling for both the people around him and the audience, but it begs the question why he's so isolated in every aspect of his life outside of this one person in the first place. why he's so separate and alienated from the world even before he awakens to an inherently separate and alienating ability. this reality explains his actions and their hubris entirely, but has yet to explain it in of itself, let alone address it as quite a core aspect of his character and actions. hello can anyone hear me. sky max. i am asking
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