#listen i saw the demon's name on my dash and it got chris going like... then me thinking about his worst fears
liveshauntedmoved · 2 years
god, not me thinking of chris’ worsts fears... ( i say as i would have loved to have seen him with you know the ‘real’ barbas and not the hope one ) so yeah....
anyway, chris’ worst fear, especially in the arc where he’s trying to save the future, is really not one thing in and of itself but like, it’s completely losing mel, not being able to save her - which in turn means completely losing his mother. his greatest fear is losing everyone he cares about while being left alone to pick up the pieces. so what i feel like barbas would show him; his mother dead but this at the hands of mel, his aunts dead around them. leo saying he’s proud of mel and how she could never do wrong, of his grandad also amongst the dead. before it clears and he’s left alone in the halliwell manor with the voice of mel taunting him about he could never save her, how he could never save any of them. leo’s voice taunting him of how he wished he never had a son, how he could never live up to the expectations he has of mel, how a halliwell being born male is wrong.
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rational-mastermind · 4 years
Day 4! Today’s lucky couple will be Chris and Claire!
I was quickly making my way down the corridors. A little skip to my step. It was a good day. I thought so at least. I saw Trilby coming down the hallway and waved the file I was carrying to him.
 “Yo! I got another case! Wanna-”
 “NO.” Trilby interrupted firmly, as he briskly hobbling past me on his crutches. “Not after last time, you don’t.”
 The crutches weren’t related to last time.
 “Well shit.” I pouted.
 I stuffed a hand into my pocket with a sigh.
 “Guess I’m flying solo.” I shrugged.
 “Chris?” I turned around and saw Claire poke her head out of her own office. “Who’s flying solo?”
 “Oh. Me. Mission.” I showed her the file I received. “Winchester. Witch. Demon. Me. Solo.”
 “..Oh no you’re not.” she shook her head warningly. “Uh-uh. Nope. That’s got bad vibes all over..”
 “Whatcha mean?”
 “I mean I may not predict the future, but this feels wrong.” she bit her lip in worry. “Hmm.. I wonder if Yarrow-”
 “Well.. You wanna tag along?” I offered.
 “I’m sorry?” she looked at me in confusion. “Me? Wh- wait, you mean- me??”
 I shrugged.
 “Well why not? I mean..” she pushed up her glasses and gave me an incredulous look. “No, come on, I’m serious. Why not?”
 “Chris.. I’m.. I-I don’t..” she fiddled with her glasses, looking uneasy. “Chris, I don’t... Go out in the- in the field too often. I just.. I just do paper work.”
 “Well then you should go with me!” I grinned. “Yeah, this would be awesome!”
 “I don’t...know...”
 “Aw, come on, Claire.” I gave her a hopeful look. “Just this once? It’s just one little demon! I mean, I could handle it myself, easily, but-”
 “No!” she suddenly blurted out and then looked more worried. “..You.. You really shouldn’t..”
 “Then you come with me. It’s a win win!”
 “How so?”
 “Well, you get to make sure I’m not alone...” I came up and kissed her hand. “And I get to spend time with you.”
I always loved the way Claire flushed whenever I did something nice for her. The way she fidgeted and stammered. It was just so cute! I was happier by the day that we ended up being together.
After Trilby wound up with Siobhan, I thought it was just gonna be something casual. Something simple and easy.. A way to blow off steam after work. But well.. After spending more and more time with Claire.. I’ve really warmed up to the idea of being more than just fuck buddies. Especially if it means seeing her get all flustered and cute. It wasn’t simple, but that was okay. It didn’t have to be.
Unlike this mission.
It was supposed to be simple.
It was supposed to just be some bitch in the woods, some stupid edgy teenager getting in over her head.
It didn’t have to be like this.
The client was a young teenage girl named Susan Medon who was, allegedly, just doing spooky shit in the woods. A small Blaire Witch kinda thing, where she scares her and her friends and accidentally summoned a real sonuva bitch.
Apparently Susan didn’t just do this kinda thing for shits and giggles.
Holy fuck the woman was as much a monster as the thing she summoned.
Susan Medon knew exactly what she was getting herself into. She wasn’t just in this for a good prank. She did this kinda thing for revenge.
According to Claire, who acted as a sort of medium for this mission, Susan had been practicing this kind of dark magic shit for a while now. She was good. Really good. And the poor idiots that were bullying her at school hadn’t realized that the poor little goth chick they made fun of was planning their demise.
Now we’re locked in its house. I say “it” because Susan is dead now. And whatever’s possessing her body now is in control. But even then that wasn’t my concern. Oh no no no.
It was the thing’s pets that I had problems with.
Hell hounds, and plenty of them. They were nasty things. And poor Claire was terrified.
“So what do we do now?” she asked, as we hid out in the kitchen, salt lining the doors and windows around us.
“I’m thinking. I’m thinking.” I was pacing, frantic.
I had to get her out of here safe. I didn’t know what all to do. I could coat my machete with salt, but that would only ward them off for a bit. And even then the salt would eventually wear off after a few good swings. And even then I didn’t know how to get her out. I could fight the demon, but it was a strong bitch. And that was only if I could find the thing before it jumped me. And that was only if the hell hounds didn’t get us when we stepped out of the door.
“I’m thinking!”, I grabbed at my hair tugging.
She tugged on my arms and I looked up. She was looking at the door and while my blood was turning to ice, I mirrored her.
There was a persistent scratching at the door and I could see bits of the salt being tugged at. One claw managed a good swipe at the flimsy white stuff and I heard a piercing whimper.
The fucking bastards were trying to dig in.
“Wasn’t salt supposed to work??” Claire asked. “I thought they’d get burned.”
“They don’t care.” I said, fear gripping me for the first in a long time. “Cause there’s more of them.”
 “Oh shit, Chris, what are we gonna do??”
“...Where’s that sink?”
I quickly go over and douse my trusty machete. I throw a dash of salt on it and then guide Claire to a corner.
“Stay here.”
I quickly poured the remaining salt in a circle around us. I looked at her sternly and cupped her cheek.
“Claire, stay safe.”
“Chris, no don’t-!”
I gave her a kiss goodbye and stepped out of the salt ring.
She grabbed my arm to pull me back in, but by then the barrier by the door was broken. Hell hounds busted down the door and she pulled back in fear. I readied my blade. Five large dogs, that’s 3 more than earlier. They circled around me, drool dribbling down on the floor and teeth barred. Their snarling was a deep, guttural noise that reverberated through the floor. Their bright red eyes pierced mine.
“Alright you disgusting mongrels.” I gritted my teeth. “WHO’S FIRST?!”
I began hacking and slashing as best as I could. The dogs winced and all but screamed in refreshing agony. But it wasn’t a solid victory on my part. After killing them, I was hurt. Badly. And I had just barely managed to kill the last one, its teeth just starting to pierce my soft fleshy shoulder. I pushed it off and weakly tugged my knife back out.
“CHRIS! Oh fuck!” Claire hurried out of the safety of the salt ring and rushed to my side. “Oh fuck fuck fuck, oh no no no, what do we-?! Are you- Wha-what do we-how do I-?!”
I was out of breath and losing blood fast. It was hard for me to keep my focus on the room.
“Claire.. Claire listen..” I felt my strength draining out of me. “You goda.. Hurry... Use.. m’blood.”
“What?? No- Chris, I need to get you patched up first.” She ripped off her jacket and used my blade to cut off a sleeve. I shakily raised a bloodied hand and dropped it on hers, hoping to stop her.
“No.. No Claire.. Y-ya godda... godda do the perfication...” I was slurring. My head was throbbing, the room was swimming and growing dark. There was a loud ringing in my ear. I knew I wasn’t gonna last long. “Do the perfication rin...”
I passed out, only left dimly hoping she just did as told. I didn’t see the tears flowing down her face or the way she tried to shake me awake. I was left to the endless void of unconsciousness until later when I saw the result of what happened.
Apparently Claire can get crazy scary when she’s mad enough. Psychics, am I right? Honestly, seeing what grotesque and gruesome lengths she would go to for my sake is about the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed.
“And that was one of the best dates I’ve ever been on.” I concluded.
“Great... So why did you need to tell ME?” Trilby sighed, rubbing his eyes.
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce II Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Metal Face (Disclaimer!! I own nothing of XenoBlade Chronicles or Ratchet and Clank!) For the next few weeks I’ve been playing some pretty awesome games with the paintball team. With all that was going on, it sounded pretty shitty not to ask Ratchet to be part of it. He was a good help to us. We even befriended the leader of our rival school’s paintball team, Victor Von Ion. He had one hell of a paintball suit. Chuck disagrees however and only sees us as a nuisance. And although I am busy with stuff I’m still keeping up my grades in my classes. “Good work Mr. Morrison,” said the professor, “Keep up the good work.” “Thank you sir,” I said. I was on my way to a store to meet Kitty to get some supplies. “So what do you need this stuff for again?” I asked. “Its for a new magic trick I’m practicing,” said Kitty, “Its gonna be amazing.” “What is it?” I asked. “It’s a surprise,” said Kitty, “But it requires a special tool. “What does it look like?” I asked. “I don’t know,” said Kitty, “I’m blind.” “You’re blind?” I asked, “Wait…. If you’re blind then how are you…” “I have this kind of radar that allows me to see things through a sound barrier,” said Kitty. “Wow,” I said. “I was born blind but I’m not ashamed of anything,” she said. (To the 4th wall) Holy shit that’s cool. “Good for you,” I said as I smiled, “But me… my uncle acts like he’s ashamed of me.” “Why?” asked Kitty. “He claims he knows who I want to be and how I should live my life,” I said, “Its just hard trying to get him to accept me for who I am.” “Why should you care about one family member’s approval?” asked Kitty, “You have dozens of friends.. well at least us who think you’re a good person.” “Thanks,” I said as I smiled. Meanwhile in another area of the store the masked man appeared with some mechons. “Gentleman, I’m here to pick up some items,” he said, “Act calmly and I won’t harm anyone.” He picked up a table with his bare hands and threw it. I saw him. “Oh no,” I said. “What is it?” asked Kitty. “Kitty you gotta hide,” I said, “That guy is bad news.” I took her somewhere safe. “Stay hidden,” I said, “I’ll be back after I call XenoBlade.” “Ok,” said Kitty, “Be careful!” I went to change my costume and sprung into action. “So you’re the famous XenoBlade the world talks about,” said the metal man. “And youi are?” I asked, “Metal Face?” “I kinda like that name,” he said, “Metal Face it is!” He commanded some mechons to attack me and I avoided them. One of them threw something at me. “Here’s your change!” I said as I threw it back using my headband. I jumpd around fighting off the mechons. I tried to do something with the headband but it was malfunctioning. “Oh shit,” I said, “Come on!” I suddenly had a vision of one of them attacking me from behind. I used the monado to cut off one of its tentacles. “Time to try out its new toys,” I said, “Monado Buster!” The blade part of the monado grew larger. Now I had more distance attacks. One of the mechons was about to tackle me but someone dashed by and pulled me out the way. IT was Denise. “Took you long enough,” I said, “Thanks.” “No problem,” said Denise. “Can you and the gang take care of the mechons for me?” I asked. “Got it bro,” said Micah. I saw Metal Face trying to escape with the tools he needed. “Get back here!” I said. I saw a mechon about to attack Kitty. “Kitty watch out!” I said. But somehow Kitty blocked it with her cane. “Am I the only one who saw that?” I asked. She kept blocking the attacks from the mechons and did some kind of spell that pushed them away. The mechons got away with the gear. I was face to face with Metal Face. “Give it up,” I said. “I don’t think so,” said Metal Face, “Looks can be deceiving but I am an expert at swordplay. He had some kind of blades on his hands. “Attack,” he said. I fought him and he blocked my attacks. The blades manage to cut through my costume. “Damn it!” I said. I kicked him in the face and he quickly got back up. “You really think fighting me will be that easy?” he asked. “You’re damn right I do,” I said, “What’s your game here?” “You wanna know?” he asked as he put his blades away, “Let’s talk.” “Very well,” I said, “But away from those people.” He got on a mechon and went to the top of a building. “From what I’ve seen you’re an amazing person,” said Metal Face, “We’re not so different when we see each other face to face.” “From what I’ve seen you just like getting what you want while hurting innocent people in the progress,” I said. “Well, everyone has their path,” said Metal Face, “Los Angeles and its people find you amusing, worship you like a hero.” “That’s because I am a hero,” I said, “I do what I have to.” “However one day they’ll all turn against you, it starts with one person, then it starts to grow,” said Metal Face, “So why bother?” “Because its right,” I said, “Its my responsibility.” “Responsibility,” he said, “A word that’s considered a poison for some of us.” He took out one of his swords. “I could kill you right now, but I’ll give you a choice,” said Metal Face, “Use your popularity, their trust, to convince them that the only way to evolution, is though the mechons. Imagine a world we could create….. or destroy, causing the deaths of innocent people again and again until we both die. IS that what you want?” He got on the mechon. “Think about it, hero!” he said as he flew away. I jumped down from the building to a cheering crowd. “Thank you, but its my team you should be thanking,” I said, “They make all of this possible.” “What are you doing?” asked Micah, “You know how much these people love you.” “I’m not gonna take full credit from my friends,” I said as I smiled. “Hey,” said Kitty, “You’re Mr. Xenoblade.” “Just Xenoblade,” I said as I smiled, “Mr. Xenoblade was my father.” “Oh my god, Michael!” said Kitty as she went inside. I jumped in and powered down and walked up to her. “Thank goodness you’re ok,” she said. “OF course,” I said, “Why wouldn’t I be?” She looked at my face. “You’re hurt,” she said, “Hold still.” She got a napkin and did some kind of spell. “This should heal that scar from your face,” said Kitty. “That’s really sweet Kitty,” I said.. Denise and Micah were smirking. I flipped them off. I was continuing my double life saving people and hanging out with Kitty. Meanwhile my paintball team was getting some phenomenal results thanks to me, Ratchet and Clank. My uncle was looking at the paper. “Who is Xenoblade?” he read, “He’s a criminal is what he is.” “Christopher,” said my mom. “He’s a menace Vixen,” said Uncle Chris, “He’s just like the rest.” He showed her another article about some other superheroes causing damage at a party. “Come on, they can’t help it if they’re a little clumsy,” I said.  “Michael its people like Xenoblade that are responsible for how our city has turned out,” said Uncle Chris, “Look around you, there’s vandalism, disrespectful children, and criminals with powers similar to him.” “Not everyone with super powers are criminals,” I said, “I talk to Xenoblade all the time.” “You what?” he asked. “We’re pals, homeboys,” I said, “He’s always there to listen no matter what.” “Do yourself a favor,” said Uncle Chris, “Stay away from him.” “Wait what?” I asked. “He’s a bad influence on you, and your friends,” he said, “Most importantly he’s interfering with life.” “You don’t know that,” I said. “Yes I do,” he said, “Don’t you ever say I don’t know something when I do.” “Xenoblade’s a good guy,” I said getting angry, “He’s out there saving the world and doing things the police can’t.” “Can’t?” asked Uncle Chris. “Yeah,” I said. “Michael I will not have you affiliated with those demons out there pretending that they’re on our side,” said Uncle Chris, “If you and Xenoblade don’t stand back and let the police do their job there’s gonna be nothing we can do for you. One day that Xenoblade is gonna get what he deser….” “I’m not gonna listen to anymore of this,” I said. I stormed out and headed back to campus.
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