#listen ik ive been posting dungeon meshi a lot and trust me im a lil insane abt that
nvmbersix · 2 months
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lengthy hc stuff under read more <3 a lot of it is also based on my own little bit of rewriting of mcsm's story bcz lets be real its not The Greatest, but it is a fun story nonetheless and i wanna play with it,,
i'm not sure if it was ever established that they canonically live in the city where endercon takes place or they live somewhere on the outskirts of it, but for my personal hc, i imagine they live on the outskirts of endercon's city :]
axel and jesse are both orphans who grew up together, though while axel was born in their hometown, jesse just showed up out of nowhere with reuben. jesse's earliest memory is meeting his bestie by a water fall, but beyond that, he doesn't really remember anything about his own past.
the two of them met olivia when they found her getting bullied by adrien and his friends. they both stood up for her and soon after that, they all ended up being friends - she didn't hail from their hometown either, having actually moved there and was considered an outsider by most people (adrien and his friends especially), so jesse related to her a lot right off the bat
i wanna write more regarding the threes relationship with the order, petra and the ocelots, specifically lukas, but i think i'll wait until i draw them (which might take weeks. or months. we'll see..)
some character centric (cz the other one is backstory centric) hcs:
jesse thinks he's the same height as olivia. he's not. he's the shortest out of the entire group. he denies this reality with all his (tiny) being.
while jesse uses he/him pronouns he's not actually comfortable being referred to solely as a man. he doesn't have a label for it but he feels like he's a lot more flexible than that. he's honestly pretty okay with any pronouns, axel has used they/them and she/her for him in the past, which he really liked
olivia is #1 woman enjoyer worlds biggest lesbian. i loved the idea of her having a small crush on petra, and a BIG puppy crush on ellegard (which died into a normal admiration for an idol after the wither arc). i want to give olivia a girlfriend in s2,, i also think i want to make her transfem, because transfem olivia is so good and she reminds me of some of my transfem friends,,
axel never gives me the vibes that he'd care about romance or anything like that, so i thought of him being aromantic, maybe even asexual? i think he has a very queerplatonic relationship with his friends, specifically jesse and petra :] i also love the idea of him using he/they pronouns. axel's fine with being called a man, but they kinda wanna get silly with it sometimes, yakno?
again i wanna write so much more but this has already taken me like, 30 minutes?? soo i'll just end that here for now hsgjhsgse
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