#listen sometimes my brain is so triggered I’m like ‘okay time for CATHARSIS’
mihrsuri · 9 months
I think I am going to try, in an attempt to not listen to the brain weasels going to try to write like the most whump/hurt comfort/angst with a happy ending surviving sex slavery fic(s) I can - you can send prompts actually.
(I’d turn on anon asks but I know myself right now and it would be a terrible idea)
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Let’s start with you: How are you?: >> I’m all right.
What motivates you to get up every day?: >> I mean, the alternative is worse...
Do you have a true best friend?: >> No.
Do you see yourself as a sensitive person?: >> I don’t see myself that way, no.
Have you been upset recently?: >> Sure.
Do you still leave/receive voicemails?: >> No. Is this something one stops doing at some point, for some reason? I just don’t use the phone much, period, and I never have.
Do you live in your hometown?: >> No.
Are you a festive person? Do you enjoy holidays?: >> I can be a festive person, as long as brain shit isn’t interfering. I do enjoy holidays (some much more than others, obviously).
Did you/Will you attend college?: >> I did not attend and I won’t.
How many alarm clocks do you use?: >> Zero.
Do you consider yourself to be an open-minded person?: >> Yep.
Do you eat fruit?: >> Not usually. Produce is the most annoying shit to buy and keep and eat, what with how quickly it goes bad and how shit I can be at eating things in a timely fashion. I commend and envy those who don’t have this problem, but it’s definitely a problem.
What is your favorite subject to learn about?: >> I’m not sure.
How many meals a day do you typically eat?: >> At least one; two on average. 
Music, eh?
Have you seen any live shows?: >> Yes.
Name three of your favorite bands/artists…: >> David Bowie, Pearl Jam, Coheed & Cambria.
How big of a role does music play in your life?: >> It plays an extremely large role in my life.
Can you play any instruments?: >> No.
You’re feeling down - do you listen to sad music or happy? >> I don’t often choose music based on the mood it’s supposed to evoke. I listen to metal when I’m feeling down because something about the tempo and percussion-heavy sound is soothing. Or I’ll listen to synth stuff because it’s engaging in a way that just works for me. Sometimes I’ll listen to songs that make me cry if I feel the need for that sort of catharsis, but those songs aren’t necessarily “sad songs”, they’re just ones that make me cry. *shrug*
If you’ve ever been to a concert, how old were you and who did you see?: >> I’ve been to a lot of concerts. I was 18 when I went to my first one, and I saw Avenged Sevenfold and Coheed & Cambria on a co-headliner tour. (I actually went to two shows on that tour; the first one was in NJ and the second one was in NYC the next month.) Do you prefer music to be meaningful and deep, or purely for dancing/fun?: >> I like both. That’s why there’s Rush’s 2112 and Taylor Swift + Brendon Urie’s ME! on my playlist, for example. Is there a song or artist that you secretly enjoy, but don’t want to enjoy?: >> No.
If you could only listen to music from one decade, which would you choose?: >> I would never restrict myself like that. Has your parents taste in music in any way affected what you like?: >> Yeah, I grew up with a lot of R&B and soul music (and gospel, sometimes) playing in the house so I still deeply appreciate that kind of music. You’re looking for some new music - what’s your preferred way to discover?: >> Checking out random playlists on Spotify, usually. Do you still own any CD’s/records/tapes?: >> I have records, but no CDs or tapes. Do you ever hear a new song on tv that you like and find it?: >> Definitely. Speaking of television… (look at that smooth transition!) Do you watch a lot of television? Whether that be shows, news, movies etc.: >> I watch a fair amount, I guess one could say. Anywhere between a half hour to 3 hours of TV on any given day. Do you watch the news?: >> No. What about the weather channel?: >> I don’t have cable. I use the NOAA app on my phone for weather. What’s your favorite holiday movie?: >> It’s a Wonderful Life. What hooks you to a television show? >> There are different factors depending on what kind of show it is, but the one thing that’s universal for me is whether the characters are interesting, whether I care about what happens to them or not (even if “I care what happens” just means “I really gotta see what ridiculously stupid fucking shit they’re going to do now”, like in It’s Always Sunny). How do you feel about adult cartoons?: >> I like some of them, I don’t like others. Talk shows - boring or entertaining?: >> Boring, for me. Do you prefer cable, satellite or streaming?: >> We use streaming services. Have you come across any new shows you like this year?: >> I started watching It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia this year, finally, and I gotta say, I see why it’s so popular. I don’t remember what else I started watching this year, specifically, that was new to me. Do you still watch shows that you grew up watching?: >> I didn’t really grow up watching anything. What about movies that you grew up with?: >> The only movies I really remember from childhood that I still enjoy watching are Labyrinth, The Prince of Egypt, and The Pagemaster. I didn’t see a lot of movies as a child, either, aside from dry historical shit that my dad made me watch. Are you subscribed to any streaming services?: >> Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime. Reality shows - entertaining or horrifying?: >> The genre seems to have broadened considerably since the Survivor and Jersey Shore era, so yeah, there are some reality shows I can stand watching, like some stuff on HGTV. What is the first movie you ever saw in a cinema?: >> The Prince of Egypt. Let’s talk about what you don’t discuss at Sunday brunch Do you identify with any organized religion?: >> No. If so - is it how you were raised, or have you found your own?: >> I was raised Christian, and when I got old enough to realise that 1) it didn’t suit me and 2) I didn’t have to be chained to a religion if I didn’t want to be, I gave it up. Do you think that marijuana should be legalized?: >> I don’t have a firm opinion on that specifically. I’m sure it’d be fine if it was, but I specifically think people should stop being given ridiculous prison sentences for drug possession, and I think the War on Drugs should end, because it’s not helping anyone. If so, would that be for medical use only, or recreational?: >> I mean, if you’re going to legalise it, then... legalise it... across the board. Pro-life or pro-choice?: >> Pro-choice. Have you ever protested or been on strike?: >> I’ve participated in protests. Is gun control necessary or no?: >> Certainly. Are you happy with the political state where you reside?: >> Not currently. It seems to me like our current administration is straight-up ignoring the Constitution, and considering the Constitution is the basis of USian democracy, that seems pretty fucked up to me. I know a lot of people think that the problem is... democracy, for some reason? and no, I don’t agree with that. Democracy is the least corruptible political system I can think of, and the fact that its core tenets are being tossed out of the window of the Oval Office right now is not the system’s fault, it’s the fault of the specific people we’ve voted into office. Should abstinence or sex education be taught in schools?: >> Sex education. “Teaching” abstinence isn’t education, it’s just attempting to use fear and shame to intimidate young people into not having sex. What are they actually learning? Have you read the book 13 Reasons Why or watched the show?: >> No. Should shows like this be available to everyone or could it be a trigger?: “Um, of course they should. People with triggers become adept at knowing what they can and can’t watch and will make their choices accordingly; we’re not idiots. If I know something has torture in it, I stay away from it. Simple as that. I’m not going to deny other people the right to watch what they want.” <-- What I was going to say is basically this, but this is the succinct version so I’ll just... yep. Okay, let’s simmer down. Back to happy things. Do you like animals?: >> Sure. If so, do you have any pets?: >> No. I like animals best when they don’t live in my space. What is your favorite day of the week and why?: >> I don’t have one. Do you have a favorite season?: >> Spring. How do you enjoy nice scents? >> ??? Do you live in a large city or small town?: >> Small city. Are you happy with that or would you like to change it?: >> I’d prefer a city with more... of an identity, I guess I would say? Grand Rapids gives me the impression of a very young city, which exists in a culturally homogeneous region of the Midwest US, and it kind of just takes its cues from... what’s hot and popular in this era. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. A lot of people love GR because it’s a forgotten city that’s had an urban renewal phase and now it’s... respectable, I guess you could say. But as far as my personal desires in a city are concerned, it’s not my kind of place. I love places that are so culturally rich that just being in them changes you fundamentally, places that are colourful and vibrant and unabashedly unique. Places that aren’t afraid to be unpolished in places, places that love their dead. I don’t know. I have a lot of feelings about this but they’re hard to make coherent. Do you have any children?: >> No. Are there any colors that you think compliment you?: >> Yeah, most of them. Do you enjoy cleaning or find it to be a chore?: >> I really don’t enjoy cleaning. I very much enjoy tidying and organising, though! What is your absolute favorite food?: >> I don’t have one.
If you were any color, what would you be?: >> I’d have to be black or white. A hue that contains or absorbs the entire colour spectrum. Do you spend a lot of time on social networks?: >> I really don’t. I’ve downsized to the point where now I only have tumblr, and I spend less time here, too. It’s... it’s nice.
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