#listen...charlie is wearing a bowtie..... we can put that to Use
a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
XD chaggie fluff plot twist idea: the whole hotel assumes Vaggie's choker necklace is a pet collar, Vaggie doesn't correct them, Charlie overhears once and tugs self-consciously at her own bowtie-
Charlie was wearing bowties long before she met Vaggie BUT
after they met (and started living together) suddenly Charlie had a hard time focusing on previously normal things, most obviously her forgetting how to tie her bow in the mornings as Vaggie got ready for the day behind her, wandering distractingly back and forth in the reflection of the mirror Charlie was failing to pay proper attention to-
one day Vaggie notices the bowtie problem, casually and wordless waves Charlie over so she can try reaching up to fix it-
has to grimace and stop, her hands on Charlie's lapels as the pain in her shoulders flares up- and Charlie's heart goes from skipped beats to stopped to a slow thud as she SHE sees the wince, the frustration, the look of Vaggie finding something else she can't do anymore like she used to
so Charlie kneels down (head empty) (not even asking what the thing is) NOT wanting to be one of the things that makes Vaggie sad like that (not wanting Vaggie to give up and take her hands away)
Vaggie fixed the bow tie (didn't notice Charlie staring at her the whole time) (too busy making sure Charlie's bow was Just So) (too caught up smiling without realizing it) and Charlie spent the rest of the day reaching up to touch bow, trace the little satisfied line Vaggie's fingers had trailed along it (lingering a few seconds longer than she'd needed to)
next morning Charlie makes a big show of having trouble again while giving Vaggie hopeful glances, and, well,
(fair trade for all the help Charlie gave her, Vaggie said, waving Charlie over and rolling her one not-torn out eye as the hell princess kneels again when she COULD just lean down) (kneeling is more comfy!) (also the view is Very Nice)
the kneeling, the bow tie tying and fixing, the quiet intimacy of the moment.... Charlie and the tangible reminder of having someone actively in her life again (someone who cares, who's there every day and almost every moment of every previously lonely day), Vaggie and the chance to help this amazing woman put her best hoof forward in some small way (helplessness and failure replaced with usefulness and pride)-
imagine an au where that all quickly got incorporated into VARIOUS aspects of their relationship
XD years later the hazbins are all snickering about Charlie probably having Vaggie on leash, no idea what it means whenever Vaggie reaches up casually (healed enough to lift her arms now without pain) to adjust Charlie's bowtie, while Charlie stands perfectly still for her (an amazing feat, a Charlie not in motion) and uses the moment to take in every last bit of Vaggie's smile
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moirai-au · 5 years
“You look sad” Marvin and Jameson? If that works for you?
Timeline: early in Arc 6 - Aftermath, a few days after they defeat the Entity.
Taglist: @immabethehero @bupine​ @tabbynerdicat @i-maybe-exist @its-ethan-bro @sandinthetardis @honestlyitsjustkenna 
His fists clenched and unclenched as he stared ahead, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple. The orchids in front of him swayed back and forth slowly, gently, a barely-visible green glow surrounding the damaged stems. “C’mon,” he hissed between clenched teeth, “C’mon, just work already-”
A stab of pain in between his eyes made him gasp, and he lost his grip; the glow faded and  the flowers dropped back into their sorry state. He grabbed the edges of his work table to support himself, clenching his jaw and hiding his face in his free hand; he could feel the uneven skin under his palm.
He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. But most of all, he wanted his mask.
Mars yelped and turned around, clutching his chest where he could feel his heart beating frantically. “Jesus, Aster! I told you to stop sneaking up on me like that.”
The demon smirked, showing off his razor-sharp teeth. “Not in a million years. You’re too fun to play with, Scars.”
The young man rolled his eyes, feeling particularly aware of the chilly breeze against his face. “Back to nicknames I see. What, scared to admit you care? Again?”
Aster ignored him, walking around him to poke at the orchids. “The fuck are you doing here anyway? Doc would be pissed if he found out you were out of bed.”
Mars pursed his lips, fiddling with the fabric of his pyjama bottoms. “I’m fine. Just needed some fresh air. I’ve done nothing but sleep while I was stuck in that fucking tank, if I stayed still another minute I would’ve gone insane.”
The fiend hummed. “You should try it sometimes. Sane is boring.”
“What do you want?” Mars sighed, grabbing the plant to put it back in its proper place; the stems were just as ruined as before, the petals dull and drooping. “Other than ruin my day even more, that is.”
“I don’t want shit. He does.”
Mars followed Aster’s gaze; at the entrance of the greenhouse stood a sheepish-looking Charlie, his hand raised in a small wave. Mars blinked, waving back absentmindedly. “Um, hi? Sorry, did you need something?”
The dapper man shook his head, stepping inside the glass house to walk to the mage at a leisurely pace.
“‘kay Dapper, be quick about it,” Aster growled, “I have a nap to get back to.”
“Wait- Jem, you actually found him?”
It was common knowledge at this point; whenever Aster slept -which wasn’t that often- he disappeared from the surface of the Earth. Even Mars, who’d been living in the mansion all his life, who’d explored every nook and cranny of it a hundred times over, could never find where the demon hid to rest.
Well- except for that one time, not long after he got his human body. And that other time, just a week ago. But those were special circumstances.
“Yeah,” Aster relented, glaring at the bowtie-wearing man who only smiled innocently at him. “I don’t know how that weirdo did it either. Said he wanted to talk to you.”
Charlie nodded, his hands signing a slow and hesitant yes. “…Sure,” Mars shrugged. “What about?”
Aster propped his back against a pillar, closing his eyes in concentration. Since the whole… thing had went down the week before, the time traveller had been taken in by their strange little group, having nowhere else to go. Cecil had told them his vocal chords had been destroyed when that demon had slit his throat -a gruesome sight none of them wanted to remember- Aster had been playing translator, using his ability to pick up on the thoughts the time traveller projected. Until the mute was more comfortable with sign language at least.
Mars hadn’t really had the chance to interact with him much, being stuck in a feverish haze the whole time, yet he already knew all there was to know about him.
“I’m worried.” Aster started. His voice was even, calm, a far cry from his usually… intense inflexion. Mars tried to focus on Charles, the sheer bizarrerie of the situation not helping in the slightest.
The man’s warm hazel eyes peered right at him as the demon spoke for him, his hands signing clumsily every few words. “I’m worried. About you.”
Mars stared, dumbfounded. The man who’d been ripped away from his time, who had lost everything and everyone he’d ever known, who’d been captured, locked away, hurt and used as a human puppet for almost a year… was worried about him.
He’d laugh if he didn’t feel like such a useless husk at the moment.
Charlie gestured some more. “You look sad.” Aster translated, arms crossed and eyes still closed. The former mage raised an eyebrow. “What? I don’t. I’m fine.”
“Liar!” Aster hissed, eyes flying open to glare at him. “Stop lying. I fucking hate it when you lie, and you know it.”
Pretender. Fraud.
Charlie visibly tensed at the expletive as Mars scoffed, returning the glare. “And who’s saying that? You or him?”
“Both.” the demon retorted, uncharacteristically serious. “We know you. We’ve been in your head, remember?”
Mars winced, a mess of fractured memories coming to the forefront of his mind.
The blank void. The Architect beckoning him, coercing him to let go, to give up. The despair.
Then voices, first distant and muted, then all-encompassing; four he knew, and one he didn’t.
The merge. All those memories that weren’t his, flooding his mind relentlessly. The feeling of being one, then six, then one.
He’d been Ollie. He’d been Cecil. He’d been Dave. He’d been Charlie, the one he hadn’t known yet. Hell, he’d even been Aster. And they’d been him in return.
Everything they were, everything they’d ever been, mashed together in a single moment, in a single mind, powerful enough to beat their foe.
“I don’t remember much,” Aster’s voice snapped him out of his recollection; he was speaking for Jem again. “But I remember enough still. I know you now, Mars, and I can tell you’re distressed.”
The mage sayed silent for a few seconds; the problem with sharing a mindspace with other people? They’d be able to call you out on your shit.
Jem was right. Back at the forest, right after it was all over, they’d all been stuck in a trance-like state, their minds still linked by a few fraying threads. They’d managed to drag themselves back to the mansion before collapsing in an exhausted pile, unable to tell where each of them started or ended, a few fleeting thoughts and feelings still coursing between them.
The connexion had been snapped for good by the time they woke up the next day, and the memories of the time they’d spent as one had been fading away ever since.
Mars signed. He resisted the urge to hide his face, knowing the futility of the gesture; there wasn’t anything about him that Jamie hadn’t seen already. “Okay, okay.” he relented, sitting on a bench next to his work table. “Fine, ya got me. I feel like shit.”
Charlie nodded. “I figured as much. Do you wish to talk about it?”
The mage snorted; it was so weird to hear such old-fashioned language coming out of Aster’s mouth. “Not really. But I know you won’t leave me alone until I do, so I guess we’re doing this.”
“Indeed we are. Because I know you’ll let it fester inside until someone gets hurt. Most likely you.”
Mars looked down at his lap. He hated how right Jem was. “You sound like Dave.”
“We do share a similar outlook on life. Now,” the time-traveller said patiently, sitting next to the mage, “Penny for your thoughts?”
“It just… feels like such a non-problem, you know?”
Marvs didn’t know how long he’d been venting, but once the floodgates had been open, he’d found he couldn’t stop. And Jem just sat next to him, listening to his woes in silence, only nodding from time to time to show he was paying attention. Aster had moved to lay down on the table, his head resting on an arm while the other dangled from the surface. If not for the dim green glow of his barely opened eyes, one could’ve thought he’d fallen asleep. Not that he’d actually would, not in plain sight like this.
The mage scratched at the bandages on his arm; hopefully Cecil would let him take them off for good soon. “My powers, my magic- they were the source of all my problems. I’ve lost count of how many times I wished I hadn’t been born with it. But now…”
He shook his head, fingers digging into his skin. “Now I- I feel wrong. Useless. Broken. Like I’m nothing without- fuck, I actually miss it.”
He laughed mirthlessly. “God, I can’t believe this. I sound like an entitled brat. Oh wait, I am. This is stupid, I’m stupid, you’re literally stranded in the future and I’m complaining about trivial stuff like this, I shouldn’t be upset by this-”
Mars turned back to Charlie, gaping; the man was glaring at Aster, crossing his arms in a disapproving manner. The demon furrowed his brow, opening his eyes to peer at the other. “What? …Oh c’mon old man, it’s the same thing- hey, what’s that supposed to mean? I’m not even- Ugh!”
The fiend growled and clicked in his native tongue before shaking his head and turning to Mars. “Fine. He didn’t say bullshit. He said, and I quote, ‘that’s a pile of moonrocks’.”
Mars blinked; that one was new. “What?”
“It’s not a contest.” Jamie insisted. “How you feel is not daft or unimportant just because some other people are, according to you, worse off.”
“But… don’t you miss your time?”
Charlie looked up, a wistful expression on his face; the sky was clear today, the afternoon sun casting warm rays through the glass ceiling. “Of course I do,” he said through Aster. “My life wasn’t perfect by any means. But it was something, and it was mine.”
He frowned. His hands were tight around his pocket watch, knuckles turning white. “And this… creature took it all away. I can never go back. All for some power he coveted for his grand plan. Did you know I couldn’t even use it anymore?”
That last sentence was directed at Mars, who reeled back in surprise. “Wh- your magic?”
His head was spinning. It all seemed so… final. “It’s gone? Completely? Are you sure?”
“Quite sure. I’d never noticed it existed before I learned to harness it, but I can say for certainty that this part of me is gone.”
The mustached man tilted his head. “But surely you knew this, did you not? I felt it. The strain. The snap. Like something shattering. That means you all must have felt it as well.”
Mars looked down at his feet. “I- yeah. But I didn’t think… I didn’t know…”
“Do not pity me, friend. I don’t miss it.”
“You don’t?”
“Not one bit. I lived my whole life without it, and using it proved to be my downfall. But you?”
Jamie put a hand on his shoulder. His eyes were steeled by resolve. “You’ve always been aware of this power. It’s brought you pain, a lot of it. But it was still a part of you you learned to live with, to depend on. And without it, I am willing to bet that none of us would’ve met, and that’s not a prospect I’m too fond of. So it’s not surprising that you’d feel a sense of loss. Although…”
He got up, reaching for the orchids above the work table, Mars’ slitted eyes not leaving him for a second. He came back and handed the plant to the mage, his crinkled eyes and dimples showing that he was smiling under his mustache. “Look.”
And as Mars squinted at the flowers, wondering what point the other was trying to make- he saw it.
There, partially hidden beneath the dying stems, were a few bright green buds that definitely weren’t there before.
“Have faith, Mars.” Jameson winked. “I don’t think you’ve completely lost your touch yet.”
Mars looked at Jem, at a loss for words; this was a man who’d been through things he couldn’t even fathom. Yet here he was, still standing. Smiling through it all, bright and warm like a saturated sunrise, despite the obvious grief and trauma he didn’t try to hide when he was having a bad day.
He felt something bloom in his chest. Admiration. Hope.
In this moment, the heavy cloud that hovered over his head seemed so threatening anymore. He smiled. “…Thanks Jem. You’re… pretty swell.”
The dapper fellow smiled even brighter, scratching the back of his head bashfully. Aster made a gagging sound. “Blargh, you fleshbags are gonna make me sick. Dapper, you make me say any more of that sappy shit I swear to fuck-”
Language, Charlie signed. Aster flipped him off.
The mage and the time traveller erupted into chuckles, before the latter gasped. He raised a finger in the air as if to say hold it and got up, running out of the greenhouse like the devil himself was hot on his heels.
“What’s he doing?” Mars asked Aster, puzzled at the other’s behavior.
The imp shrugged, jumping down from the table. “Hell if I know. Heard something about forgetting, and fixing. Whatever, I’m out.”
“What do you mean you’re ‘out’? How am I supposed to-”
“Look,” Aster cut him off with a sneer, “He’s said his piece, I’m done playing parrot for today. Figure it out, genius.”
And with that, he walked away and disappeared into the mansion, leaving Mars sitting awkwardly on the bench.
Thankfully he didn’t have to wait for long, because Charles walked back in not a minute later, visibly holding something. Mars shot to his feet, not believing his eyes. “Jem- Is that my-”
The dapper man beamed as he came to a stop in front of him; in his hands laid his old cat-shaped mask. In one piece.
Well, sort of- the cracks running through it were obvious, having been filled out with a slick golden substance. The thinner cracks all around the edges has been filled in the same manner, giving it an almost regal feel.
It looked beautiful.
“I-” Mars choked, grabbing the mask with reverence, “Shit, Jem, this is- how? I mean, I know how, stuff like this was your job back then- but where? When? I thought- I thought it was lost, back in the forest…”
Charlie signed, slowly. Mars squinted, trying to decipher what the other meant with his very limited knowledge of ASL. “You… found the pieces? Here? In the mansion?”
A nod.
“But how? Did one of us pick them up on the way back?”
A shrug.
“Right, fading memories, got it.”
He looked down at the mask for a few more seconds, taking it all in, before finally holding it up to his face. He fastened the white straps around his head, in fluid motions rehearsed a thousand times, and let out a trembling breath; the weight and feel of it was familiar. Comforting. He smiled down at the tinkerer.
“Thank you.” Mars smiled down at the hat-wearing man, his slitted eyes gleaming in relief and gratitude. “So much. For everything.”
And as Charlie signed what he could only guess meant you’re welcome, he decided he needed to brush up on his sign language.
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