#listened to a few alksjdhf molly just wormed her way into my heart)
stormlit · 8 months
okay fine i'm falling back into the hole i'll summarise all my doctor whomst aus again
clara - canon. victorian clara au where she travels with the doctor after surviving the snowmen, otherwise following the events of canon (with eps set in her home life translated to the victorian era).
molly - bf canon. eight's companion, an irish maid-turned-wwi VAD. mostly set either during her travels or back in her own time once she stops travelling with him, when she's living in the doctor's house in london, a full nurse, and helping people out there. always alien things in london, even in 1918.
georgie - seconded to UNIT from the regular army after her courageous actions in horrifically traumatic situations, sgt lane is a combat medic, and on the front line of every awful alien event that seems to happen in the uk, because it's constant and it's all terrible. wants to leave the army, UNIT is declining, she's heavily traumatised, and she knows any time the doctor appears, something awful is about to happen. also has a similar au for third doc's time stuck on earth with UNIT in the '70s.
sidney - not technically an au; she's set in the future of our universe (which i can give more details about if necessary). an android with a gun for an arm, roller skates for feet, a cybernetic eye, and a love of grenades, dressed like a 1950s diner waitress, sid was originally designed to be an any-purpose droid. first and only of her line, has sentience and free will that she's still trying to figure out what it means. her canon is chaos and would cross over with dw very well (let her have some fun tardis adventures i Beg).
pippa - she had a marvellous time ruining everything. a regency era Eligible Young Lady (nonbinary if they had the word for it ty) who stole a time machine to escape a suffocating, miserable life, with absolutely no idea how any of it works. they love chaos, disrupting order and the way society is "meant" to be. keeps going back in time to change what's meant to be a fixed point so their best friend doesn't die, keeps destroying the fabric of the universe in the process and the universe keeps killing him so they do it again, and knows it bc they are time sensitive. they're just both selfish and terrified of being alone.
bea - from a future human post-apocalyptic colony, she has psychic abilities she is afraid of and doesn't know how to use. loves drawing, the stars, herbalism, and taking things apart to see how they work. travelling on her own when she likely stumbles across the doc + companion.
nate - UNIT captain with terrible commanders who seem to actively want the aliens to kill his platoon, fully begins operating by his own (lawful/neutral good) morals and not by what he's told to protect people, including refusing to fire. definitely leaves UNIT before it's disbanded but still actively ends up at scenes of Shit Happening to help people. might end up working with people who've had their lives displaced by Alien Shit? or even helping non-violent aliens stuck on earth in a very non-torchwood way. he'd hate torchwood.
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