#literally called the hinterlands and barbarian north
lightsmortalenemy · 11 months
"Oh you can't say you're from Aberdeen, then they know where you live"
No one comes to Aberdeen. No one dares to. This is forsaken land, the hinterlands and wild west that Scotland abandoned. If someone willingly came to this city they would either be a monster or found floating in the pier by afternoon.
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lightdancer1 · 3 years
The next of the five, the Lightdancer, was born in what I call the Blue Fire Verse:
Originally known by another name I changed after the release of a poorly done porn series to evade any kind of confusion. In this alternate universe, the one developed the most deeply, the Lightdancer, Tahalavataru the Morning-dew, was born in 1491 to a world already profoundly altered by the whim of the Crawling Chaos, who met a fine Jewish girl he liked and schtupped her and brought forth a lineage of demigods with few equals in the multiverse. To this lineage was born a being of Urhalzantrani descent, whose impact in turn brought The Day the Mountains Fell, humanity's First Contact with aliens in the form of the Architects of Fear.
Upon her return in 1980 to root out an Azarath-affiliated bloc using an old Witch King relic called the Staff of Storms, she creates a group called the Prometheans with herself as the strange mystic being that unites the group, a super-spy with a bird theme, an alien warrior princess, a golem with magickal powers, a shapeshifter who focuses upon animals first and foremost, a speedster connected to an alternate dimension granting unrivaled powers of super-speed and none of the physics drawbacks, and the End of Empire, a Black man who was a superhuman-hunter who literally made the God on the Gilded Throne bleed by throwing a black hole grenade down her gullet of his own invention and achieves apotheosis into the ranks of the Urhalzantrani in the aftermath.
As the name indicates this is also where the original origin of the Omniverse Tales as a pastiche of the New Teen Titans came in. Xaderavcal the Unifier was originally the Starfire expy but she evolved into a Paul Atreides analogue instead and her adventures spun off into an alternate universe.
The End of Empire is the equivalent of Cyborg but he's more modeled after a 40K obliterator in terms of his changes, a towering technorganic mass who commands a vast arsenal produced from his own body, wielding all manner of esoteric weaponry capable of dealing harm to omniversal entities and matched only by the Lightdancer herself.
And the Lightdancer, the Hammer of Doom, the Unmaker, Nine-Eyed Death, she is the equivalent of Raven with elements of Superman.
The broader universe is loosely modeled on elements of a DC Universe that had its meta-origin event happen in 1908, with ensuing results like the Colossus-ish Josef Stalin overthrowing his fellow Bolsheviks and ruling as the immortal expy of the Emperor of Mankind in an Imperium of Mankind-ish USSR down to the 'Kill All Gods' mentality.
The Fantastic Four equivalents are the CUP analogues as well and rule the Ottoman Empire as a super-tech state, pushing its boundaries back to the Danube in the process.
Germany is ruled by Ernst Roehm, who gained the power to transform into poisonous gas and with it a kind of twisted immortality and neatly turned the Night of the Long Knives into the end of Adolf Hitler and the start of what became a brutal war between the USSR and the Reich that leaves the heart of Europe a desolate wasteland and no-man's land between great powers.
The USA is torn between the South, where a revolution against Jim Crow led to a Neo-USA dominated by Black people and something of a sci-fi paradise, and a hellscape in the North and West where superheroes and supervillains turned it into a blend of Lebanon and Afghanistan.
China is its own mirror to the USA, torn between superpowered warlord gangs with Mao and Jiang both footnotes and the Ma Clan among the most powerful of the warlords and spanning central Asia, inner Mongolia, and Manchuria in their domains.
India and the former Belgian Congo are old-model sci-fi utopias where the very best in humanity flowers, and both are only marked by the vice of navel-gazing and leaving the barbarian savages beyond the hinterlands to fight it out in blazing hellscapes of technology and superpowered armies.
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