#literally i was WAITING for a convo between beau/king and yasha/king
7of-hearts · 2 years
yes yes yes yes this is all i wanted
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cadaceus · 4 years
There was... so much to process from this episode. I feel like I can’t even do my little pre-recap ramble without spoiling something. I will say this though: [Captain Holt voice] STONE??? Besides that point however, there were a lot of emotions (especially in regards to Nott near the end there) and I was up until 3am, text-ranting my best friend about said emotions. I think this is one of, if not *the* first Critical Role episode where I genuinely shed a tear. So without further ado here are my liveblogs, notes, and eventual all-caps emotions about Campaign 2, Episode 91 of Critical Role: “Stone to Clay.”
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- Nott’s problem is not on her to-do list! That makes me sad :((
- Essek’s soft “If you would have a guest for dinner, perhaps?” stop stop i already love you  😭
- Everyone being a bit awkward at small talk is a Whole Mood, including Yasha saying “I’ll....build a fire?” I love my 7 charisma daughter!!!! (also Frumpkin jumping into Essek’s lap is so cute)
- “There are two stories I can think of that managed to step into the annals of history, the time before.” I am still waiting on that Time Travel Arc!!! I am literally so ready (and they don’t know what happened to the second time traveler... maybe they are still out there somewhere??)
- “Is this friendship safe for you here?” “Nothing I do is safe.” uhhhhhh  👀 
- okay WHAT was the embarrassing thing about Essek that Laura got a whisper about, what made her laugh so hard, was he really pooping that one time? I have to know !!!
- Marisha, Sam, and Laura all giving the side-eye when Caleb says to Essek “I think you and I share... interests” dfghjkldjddk leave the wizards alone !!!
- Fjord pretending to be “Jeff” and Jester trying to sell him on the Traveler.... BYE (+ Fjord’s imitation of going ‘Ooh! I’m seeking change and direction!’ is basically  him before the Wildmother anyway)
- Fjord’s last name being Stone..... uhhh HELLO? HELLO???
- “I’m the Transmutation wizard, but you’re the one who changes people.” Aww that was really sweet, that whole conversation between Caleb and Jester was lovely
- Sam, Travis, and Marisha have the best reactions to that Jester convo with the Traveler loooool
- Aww Yasha sleeping in Caduceus’ room because she’s afraid to sleep alone  😭 My love
- Not gonna lie, I totally thought Vence was dead/had been killed after they’d found out he was being scryed on, so the fact that he’s (a) alive and (b) been captured by the Empire is !!!!!!! A Lot !!!!!
- Also I love how the message was like “Ah yes peace talks to potentially end this devastating war will take place in four weeks” and everyone’s first reactions were “Oof that’s cutting it a bit close to travelercon :/“ because mood 😂😂
- Caleb cupping Nott’s face and reassuring her that he’s so close to solving the equation and getting her back, have I told everyone how much I love them yet lately?? Because I love them so much
- Essek: “So... how I do this... How was your day?” 😭 He’s literally like Zuko post-redemption from the Last Airbender in his awkward but powerful and slightly charming levels, I love him
- One of the lightbulbs in my overhead light has been dead for awhile now but when Matt Mercer said “all the candles immediately light” it chose that exact moment to flicker on for the first time in months???? What kind of witchcraft???
- I’m not saying I ship Beau/Jester/Yasha but...... I’m starting to ship Beau/Jester/Yasha sdfghjk I love them okay
- “The spell is complete” OH SHIT THAT WAS FAST I’M NOT READY AAAAHH
- Laura’s facial expressions during the “We work well together. We should explore other things.” “I have some ideas.” conversation were pure gold I love her sdfghjklkjhghjk
- “You go towards the kitchen and the door is locked.” / Cad: “Well, that’s half your problem right here.” lmaooooo king of comedy
- “I kind of thought I’d have to die to do it again.” When is someone going to confront Nott about her death back in Happy Fun Ball because I think she was acting recklessly under this exact assumption :(((
- Caleb (to Nott): “We wouldn’t judge you if you wanted to stay with us for awhile.” Beau: “Or if you wanted to go home.” Caleb, increasingly desperate: “Or if you wanted to stay with us for awhile.”  😭 😭 😭
- “We do what we always do. We do it together. Caleb and Nott.” Why are they literally making me cry at 1am what did I do to deserve this treatment it’s so much
- Jester: “Do you want to come find some gem dust with me Fjord?” / Nott: “I mean, he can’t dig, so yeah.” / Fjord: “What?” / Nott: “I mean, come on.” LMAO GOT EM
- Nott: “I want Beau to mold my titties and no else, because she’s got the most experience with them--” Yasha: “Well that might not be entirely true!”  😂😂 BYE
- This will be our best trick yet
- Okay here we go...... here we go....... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I’m so emotional :(((((
- uhhh chief
- Wait so does Nott have a curse on her? She can’t turn back until the curse is broken? On the one hand I’m really sad because she’s been working towards this for so long but on the other hand I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Nott and meet Veth quite yet, I thought it all happened suspiciously quick (in the sense that at the start of the episode she still didn’t even think it was possible/they were actively planning to work towards a different goal, and then at the end it was very possible to achieve Nott’s goal)... I should have known it was too good to be true :((
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