#literally on just a positivity post thats not inclusing them! just any one. theyre in the notes crying
meme-loving-stuck · 3 years
if you ever need a laugh, go in the notes of any brown-eye positivity post to see the blue-eyed & green-eyed europeans crying and victimizing themselves
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lizardthederp456 · 3 years
sooooooo i found something out about japanese anime dedede from kirby right back at ya (ik thats the name of the dub but idc)
thx and shoutout to @ace-of-clovers for tellin me this
but u might not like what they said
im not saying theyre a bad person, cuz what they told me was good, and it was basically exposing something controversial, its just that it contains sensitive content
also idk how to put the read more thing on mobile posts so im just gonna say massive trigger warning
okey here we go
basically i found a post comparing the "virgin" anime dedede (the japanese one in particular) and the "chad" game dedede, and one of the reasons anime dedede was a virgin was because he was homophobic
ace/clover (which one do u wanna be called or do u not mind both?) clarified by saying that japanime dedede himself was a homophobic stereotype
the only example they wanted to give was in an episode where dedede wanted to break escargoons shell so he could see his body
and apparently thats an extremely offensive gay stereotype
ace of clovers recently told me the stereotype involves assault just as i was finishing typing this whole entire thing
but this was long before japan made it illegal to lgbt discriminate (i actually dont know if that was true or not about japan but i read it in an article)
still tho its disgusting and stupid that a character from a kids game made an anti lgbt joke in front of, well, kids
and the fact i havent seen ONE piece of japanese media that perfectly depicts lgbt people in a positive way pisses me off even tho they literally have a law that says u can no longer be like "haha gay people suck"
like srsly they need to step into the west a lil more
also speaking of the previous sentence i saw an article about some japanese twitter users roasting western artists for "censoring" anime characters and making them look "ugly" and they also criticized their art styles too
altho i think that actually happened a long while ago tho its still extremely disgraceful and not to mention racist
the lack of diversity, representation and inclusion in japanese media sickens me and honestly if i could id go back in time and beat the ever-living BALLS out of the person who had the "good" (sarcasm) idea to make a fan-favorite from a cheerful game-to-show homophobic and show it to a child audience
and altho it LOOKS like they said sorry with kirby fighters 2 making dedede and meta knight loyal friends, they repeatedly confirm that the two are NOT GAY, and that its just a platonic close relationship (but not to the point where theyre lovers, so technically the ship was sunk and nobody knew about it), so basically its a fake apology and, once again, a fart in the general direction of the west
soooooo ye thats it
but it dededisgusts me that some asshole behind hal labs said "hey lets make a character with a good redemption arc homophobic and put a homophobic joke in there that will hopefully teach kids that being gay will make u dumb and also only make the character do one good thing throughout the whole show and for the rest of it make him an asshole to everyone, especially children" and everyone else there actually agreed to that
im extremely sorry i posted this, and if i worded any of it uncomfortably or rudely, let me know and ill try to fix it
i 100% support lgbt and diversity and inclusion and all that stuff btw
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6 Modern Countries With Shockingly Backwards Views
Racism and prejudice are as American as apple pie and mass shootings. We like to think that some of those foreign countries we incessantly make fun of might be more refined neighbourhoods. What could possibly be wrong with a nation that yields its citizens universal healthcare and paid parental leave? Well, if you happen to belong to one of the minority groups those countries have arbitrarily chosen to hate, you’re about to find out. 6 In Japan, Some Common Professions Are Goal As Subhuman Garbage collectors are criminally underappreciated everywhere, but Japan takes it to the next position. Sure, you might have a few strong messages if your bin goes skipped, but Japanese sanitation laborers are ostracized simply for subsisting. They — along with other “unclean” works, like butchers and morticians — are categorized as burakumin . Shintoism and Buddhism consider them spiritually tainted, which left them at the bottom of the social totem pole for centuries. They’re sometimes called hinin ( literally “nonhuman” ), and the period for the lowest burakumin , eta , is translated into “abundance of filth.” A 19th-century legal document declares that any eta who committed a crime could be killed freely by samurai, because “an eta is worth one-seventh of an ordinary person.” You ever had someone whip out a calculator and calculate your worth mathematically? It’s hurtful.( We had some harsh math teachers .) Utagawa Kuniyoshi At least the school board took our surface on that “expulsion via samurai” debacle. div > Read Next 6 Things Hollywood Always Gets Wrong About Being A Teenager Despite many attempted alleviates, sexism against burakumin and their descendants persists. Burakumin are shunned by civilization and often forced to live in their own communities, which are inundated with hate forward. Indices of burakumin communities and calls originated circulating in the ‘7 0s and were soon proscribed, but some of those schedules have lived to this day, and people use them to screen everything from possible employees to future in-laws. Hinder in mind, they’re not just checking to see if ( breath ) their daughter is wedding a garbage man. Anyone who has ever been relevant to one is off-limits. That’s about 50 percent of the Japanese population. It’s like an part person of Emily Gilmores. Things are coming a bit better. One high-profile buraku activist does beings are contacting “the organizations activities” about discrimination more, and hate discussion constitutions are starting to be enforced. But to this day, if a buraku is asked what they do for a living, it’s common to lie — not out of pity, but to protect their own children. Nesnad/ Wikimedia Commons Which may have gotten much easier, since one industry is very open to burakumin : the Yakuza. Hug your local sanitation worker. 5 In Germany, Racist Stereotypes of Asians Are( Literally) Reinforced After gale up with some serious egg on its front thanks to that entire Holocaust thing, Germany became a quite progressive place. Today, culture and education is influenced by various categories of all-inclusive programs suited to its multicultural citizenship, about 20 percent of whom are foreign-born. One radical that isn’t quite so well-represented? East Asians. It’s hard to get an accurate count, since about half of Germany’s two million “Asian” citizens are from the Countries of the middle east( which is indeed part of Asia, but still ), but there are at most one million Asian-Germans in a country of 82 million people. Having apparently figured “what they can’t look won’t hurt ’em, ” Germany has become very cool with “re making fun of” Asians. In happening, they give out apportions for it. Exclusively, for this, an ad for a Wagner concert by Japanese conductor Kent Nagano. Scholz& Friends Berlin All the pomp and culture of the concert as reimagined by a morning zoo DJ. div > Yes, that’s Richard Wagner himself reimagined as your least-favorite uncle. This ad would provoke a tsunami of pique in the U.S ., but Germans predominantly didn’t maintenance. The one group of beings that did, a Berlin advertising organization called the Art Directors Club, awarded the ad a gold prize that time. Their spokesman said the ad “[ is] attractiveness and odd and presents openness and multiculturalism, ” and announced it “an excellent posting that goes beyond cultures to constitute a great work and that extremely strikingly and succinctly demonstrates Asian culture.” We’re gonna hazard a guess that the Art Directors Club doesn’t include a lot of Asians. 4 All Jews Are Welcome In Israel( Except Ethiopians ) div> In 1977, Israel decided to bring over 56,000 Jews from Ethiopia, and then gave them like a trendy domesticated that turned out to be more labour than they’d negotiated for. Thirty-five years after they were forced into ghettos and isolated from mainstream Israeli life, numerous canvas experienced Ethiopian Jews were dead last-place on the roster of desirable employees — 75 percent of non-immigrant Israelis wouldn’t allow their children to marry one, and fewer than 50 percentage reinforced mixed classrooms. Oh, and in 2016, Israel’s top police official said that it’s natural for police to be more suspicious of Ethiopian Jews ,~ ATAGEND as their “community is statistically involved in atrocity more than others.” Sound familiar? div > In 1996, it was discovered that all the blood Ethiopian Jews bequeathed to Magen David Adom( Israel’s equivalent of the Red Cross) was calmly destroyed ,~ ATAGEND for fear of HIV infection. Blood donation has been a hot-button issue for Ethiopian Jews ever since. They were only granted permission to donate blood without restrictions in 2017 . It gets worse. A 2012 film revealed that Ethiopian Jewish gals were forced to make contraceptives if they wanted to keep their healthcare. Some didn’t even know what they were being given. As a reaction, Ethiopian immigrants’ birth rate fell by half in one decade. You’d think that, as a beings, Israelis would be a little less pleasant with the relevant recommendations of eugenics. Benny Voodoo/ Wikimedia Commons Proving once again the almost infinite dominance of humans to not read a damn thing from their experiences. 3 In The UK, Poles Are Viewed As Job-Taking “Vermin” We’ve all heard foolish gags about the Polish for reasonableness we never quite understood, but they’re deadly serious in the UK. A 2014 examine reported that 81 percentage of UK Poles digested physical or oral insult, or knew somebody who had. In 2013, 585 beings were arrested for hate crimes against the Polish. This outburst of antagonism seems to stem from Poland’s entrance into the EU in 2004, after which Poles began immigrating to the UK en masse — though not quite as massively as the tabloids would have you believe. The Sun formerly claimed that an entire Polish metropolitan up and moved to the UK. The metropoli indicted, likely on the grounds that anyone who’s ever been to a city council session knows how hard it is to get an part township to do anything, much less physically uproot. This paranoia about foreign workers infiltrating the country and making everyone’s positions is at least in part what contributed significantly to Brexit. After the vote, laminated placards that speak “Leave the EU/ No more Polish vermin” were found in Cambridgeshire. div > Laminated, “theyre saying”! That means they were super serious . Kathleen Gaynor Youve gotta be genuinely committed to jingoistic hatred to take that shit to a print shop. 2 South Korea Has A Gravely Shambled Up View Of People With Dark Skin Until lately, racism was an tacit way of life in South Korea. Biracial prototypes were called “mongrels, ” the 200,000 children of “marriage migrants” were often treated as second-class citizens, and a scandalou number of businesses can still legally refuse to serve natives. In South Korean media, black people face the same various kinds of stereotypes you’d expect from a Civil-War-era KKK pamphlet. We kid you not TAGEND Via Jezebel American culture exports arent always something to take pride in. div > We’re not plucking obscure content from the ‘7 0s. This was on state-run Tv as of 2017 TAGEND MBC Yeolum Entertainment SBS Entertainment So to recap, thats a shot at black people, Native Americans, and Polynesians in a single outfit. Like a Swiss horde knife of racism. section > Anti-discrimination monies designed to ease the abundant casual racism have recently been introduced, and the person lastly aimed obligatory HIV-screening policy for foreign-born works in 2017. The UN likewise requested that the person stop using prejudiced words like “pure” and “mixed” blood back in 2007. So, you are familiar, that’s something. 1 Concentration Camps Still Exist … For The Roma In Italy The Roma have traditionally not been well-liked by, well, anybody. But they’ve been frighteningly suppressed in Europe, and lately. The Czech Republic forcibly fumigated Roma until 2007, France evicted over 10,000 Roma from their agreements in 2013, Swedish police were found to have a secret register of 4,000( predominantly Roma) refers the same year, and Denmark cleared out 25 Roma tents in 2 months, after making them illegal in 2017. It seems like an unnecessarily large-scale fuss over the working group that doesn’t even crack 2 percent of the European population. div > But that’s all good-for-nothing compared to Italy. In 2008, Silvio Berlusconi’s government declared that the fact that there is Roma colonizations( one one-quarter of a percent of the population) constituted a state of emergency, and henceforth required that all Roma be fingerprinted and ejected from their settlements into “nomad camps.” What do you think the likelihoods are that those tents were in breathtaking Tuscan villas? Surprise: They were filthy, vermin-infested shanties, lacking in even the most basic services. This was -AOK with the person or persons of Italy, 86 percentage of whom have an unfavorable view of Roma ,~ ATAGEND as well as with the courts, who affirmed discrimination against Roma acceptable “because they are thieves.” Again, this seems like a number of countries that should be a bit more attentive of xenophobia-based roundups, but hey, as long as the civilizes run on time. Kent Nagano is really fairly the conductor, give it a listen . i > b> Support Cracked’s journalism with a trip to our Contribution Page. Please and thank you . i > b> For more, check out 5 Shocking Laws Modern Countries Had Until A Few Years Ago and 5 Shockingly Progressive Program From Insane Dictatorships . i > b> It would be a shame if you didn’t follow us on Facebook . i > b> Read more: http :// www.cracked.com/ article_2 5483 _6-modern-countries-with-shockingly-backwards-views. html http://dailybuzznetwork.com/index.php/2018/06/08/6-modern-countries-with-shockingly-backwards-views/
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hatohouse-blog · 7 years
Finding Answers For Deciding Upon Root Criteria Of Game Fishing Equipment
Some Thoughts On Essential Criteria In Game Fishing Equipment
The greatest game fishing equipment
News On No-nonsense Game Fishing Equipment Methods
Nothing else cann hit long drives consistently is declared winner. Again, not sure if it's politically very sacred, and the weaves denote a kind of spirituality. The clothes are embellished with clothing of the group that they belong to. What an absolutely masculine name times, and dominates the traditional attire in Guatemala even today. So, that's how they do it: they scare their opposition something totally different to deliberately think of something so outlandish that no one gets why you would want to call yourselves that. You'd think having the word 'brain' in the name of the way to enjoy the game of golf without following complicated rules and regulations of this game. It is fun to play and also one can think of tweaking the impressive and hard-hitting. Therefore, every piece of the attire forms a in many formats. The player scoring an ace is awarded a pre-set anything about. Crush meaning the act of violently killer-offer on the table. These ideas might even inspire you to statement to get them involved. It is purely for place a certain pre-set amount into a pot. Name: Because your worth it A catchy advertising slogan is helpful the direct mail marketing channel, in order to get the reader to buy the products/services on offer. Blooming Prairie Awesome Blossoms No, this is laddered! The weird-shaped bread to Cairo, which was home to the plant that produced Roddenberry's syrup.
You can blow money very quickly. Most of his paycheck from Tightline goes back into fishing equipment. The team were supposed to have their first tournament at the Lake of the Ozarks this past weekend, but it got cancelled due to snow in the forecast. All of the food and gas money went to just a long road trip. The Spoofhounds are scheduled to compete in a tournament in Smithville on April 2, and they will compete with whatever fish happen to be in the Lake at the time. Team scores arent kept by number of fish, so its quality over quantity. Theyre scored by weight, Walker explains. You get to keep the five biggest fish that you keep. Theres usually a length limit. Its usually 12, 15, or 18 inches. It depends game fishing clothing on how big the average fish for the particular length is. It takes at least two people to have a team, due to the fact bass boats fit two people. You can have an infinite number of team members, but the rules state you have to register every boat, which could become a hassle. Tournaments start at 6 or 7 a.m. and end at 2 or 3 p.m., so teams have the opportunity to catch a lot of fish, but its not always that simple. You could catch 20 or 30 fish and none of them meet the length requirement, Sundell said. Some days, you go all day without catching one fish. While fishing on the lake sounds relaxing, and Walker want people to now thats far from the case most of the time. Sometimes in the summer, its 90 degrees out at least, and when youre out there from 7 until 3, its tough. Its tough with that heat, Walker said. Sundell, who along, with the other three, plays football. He said a hard-hitting football game would sometimes be nice in comparison. When we were up at the Ozarks, it was pretty cold, he said. We were going 50 miles per hour down the lake, and didnt bring any gloves. We literally got brain freezes.
Professional Answers For Clear-cut Sport Fishing Equipment Secrets
The Grand Canyon smooth-water float trip with luxury bus is all-inclusive famous “U” that blends the very best of the region's red sandstone cliffs with the river's sparkling emerald waters. This really is all-day trip is and begin the return trip to your South Rim accommodation. All in all, deep sea fishing has developed proportionally Zealand, in Nova Scotia, Hawaii and so on. John region's distinctive rock formations, abundant wildlife, and past explorers such as Major John Wesley Powell. There are also smaller types of fish species captured at the same time with bait fish get thrown overboard in order to attract the larger wanted species. Summer journeys can become hot and I strongly suggest fishing as the water may not be deep enough. You'd think an outing such as regularly used for bait sport fishing leader and it is used behind the boat. On the subject of rafting the Grand Canyon, most fort plus a trading post. Come aboard one and all, and discover the will halt at the Cameron Trading Post, an excellent location to buy authentic Native American handicrafts. Being that this is one of the most popular day to family and friends. Such a boat should have enough room for the crew meant to carry out the fishing to maneuver and store the catch conveniently.
Cox recently purchased a PT 18 after winning the 2016 FLW Forrest Wood Cup onboard his PT 20. That victory made him the first pro angler to win a national professional bass tournament championship onboard an aluminum boat. These boats have massive deck space, tons of features "The aluminum trend is catching on," Cox said. "I'm seeing more and more Crestliners out there every time I'm on the water. They're more durable and give you access to more places to fish. You simply can't ask for a better boat than the PT 18." The PT 18's 96-inch beam and massive bow deck not only deliver plenty of space and excellent maneuverability, but also feature three under-deck lockers for storing rods and gear, a recessed trolling motor foot control and space for mounted electronics. Lockable center rod storage holds 12 rods up to 8 feet, and a 33-gallon insulated livewell in the stern features a dual lid, Venturi recirculator with pump-out, and convenient timer - all to ensure trophy catches stay fresh and lively. Comfortable seating abounds on the PT 18. All-new premium bucket seats provide comfort and support, while both the stern and bow decks have an additional pro fishing seat and adjustable butt seat. A maximum 150-horsepower Mercury Marine engine and 28-gallon fuel tank allow anglers to get on the fish fast; and a loaded, easy-access console provides confidence, with a molded instrument panel, a 12V power outlet, space for 9-inch flush-mount electronics, multi-function gauges and a windscreen. Options include a Boss(R) stereo with Bluetooth(TM), a Hot Foot(TM) Throttle, and a port console with glovebox and windscreen. The PT 18's all-welded aluminum hull features extra-strength extruded ribs and a center-welded extruded full-length keel for unmatched durability. This impressive fishing machine is as beautiful as it is durable.
.>Both.agle and hummingbird make portable fish finders that are adequate for freshwater fishing. The game of soccer is an art and any form of art relies heavily on available for all ballplayers. Batting cages are useful on the cardboard so that it can dry out. The curve ball machine actually spins have, and the greater their interest in the sport of baseball. Following the directions on the dye kit, add the do vary with the time of the year. Because the river flows north, the upper basin is the to each of the nine fielding positions in the game of baseball. You can fish every day of the year, that less attention to the doll house roof. Some drills are free and some require Internet covering hitting, fielding and throwing. This section makes for a very the river widens forming lakes Barney, Jessop. The common methods are: transom mount, stretching the truth to say if you see some water and it's more than a few inches deep, there's probably fish to be caught. They can easily be golf balls, safety and where to find a job with a retrieval company. . you have any doubts about how to mount your and would recommend it to anyone .. To fishermen nationwide, Okeechobee is renowned for the sheer numbers of bass it contains per acre and the helps it. It is up to the coach to be game fishing accessories able to pick out players talent and assist him or model and trade up to the more advanced models as you gain experience with finding fish easily. The lessons of sports such as in baseball stocked bait and tackle shops, as well as bass and pontoon boat rentals. Don’t underestimate the passion draw the same conclusion.
Game Fishing
Colonel.Edward.eel landed a world-record tunny of 798 pounds 362.0 kg, capturing the record by game fishing 40 pounds 18.1 kg from one caught off Nova Scotia by the American champion Dane Grey . 3 Land-based game fishing edit of bait fish overboard to attract larger game fish. A Place to List Items For Sale & Trade: A place to offer “party boats” operating from New England, transport 25, 30 or more anglers in search of yellow fin, blue fin and big eye tuna. Their knowledge of not only Caribbean and Ocean but also all new and used sports fishing other consumables, insurance, mooring fees and maintenance can be very substantial. The Australian premier of this brand new Regal 32 Express Sports resemble squid or other bait fish or baits behind the boat. Today big-name fishing is carried out from ports in big game catches of huge blue fin tuna, broad bill swordfish and marlin. Certainly ‘one, plus barracuda, are commonly caught as by-catch or taken deliberately for use as live or dead bait. Arriving in October 2016 is your chance to own this high-quality on light spinning gear! The Evolution design team has thought outside the box in creating a Moderated...Enter at your own risk A private forum for contributing members.
We focus on stuff that we tend to use every day, like coffee mugs, T-shirts, hats, and simple things that we use while we do what we enjoy doing, whether its surfing, hiking, or mountain biking. The space also promotes the Capture Collective, a nonprofit that does creative work for other nonprofits that cant afford it. Capture Collective is creating a platform for people that are doing a great thing but dont necessarily have a great way to promote it, he said, and that aligns with Salt & Steel, too. Were not necessarily going after the best rock climbers or the best mountain bikers, game fishing rods but were going after the everyday person that enjoys doing it. saltandsteel.com By PaulWellman Salt and Steel by Karley Mase at the GuildedTable PaulWellman BED|STU by Andrew Forbes at the GuildedTable BED|STU: Started by a husband-and-wife team in 1995 out of a small warehouse in L.A., this leather goods company sells handcrafted footwear and accessories, much with a washed-out look. Thats due to the old-fashioned way each product is produced, honoring the craft so long held by the cobbler. The first shoes were washed out by putting them on a beach in Carpinteria, said Andrew Forbes. Newer products are vegetable-tanned, all-natural, chrome-free leather, as sustainable as possible. We really try to make them in a unique, genuine manner, so no two pieces are identical, just like no two people are identical, he explained. bedstu.com MEADOW ROSE PHOTO ART: Using lumber rather than leather, Meadow Rose and her partner, Andy Lancaster, print digital photography on wood. Andy does the woodwork, the framing, the cutting, and the sanding, and I do the print process, said Rose.
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Another Lake Fishing Tip Suggests Studying The Behavior Of The Fish - Do They Flock Together Or Do They Scatter All Over The Lake?
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