#literally servers and cooks gather round in the break room
sunflowergirl522 · 1 year
It’s amazing how cake (shots of alcohol) in the break room really turns all of our moods around (my place of business is making us alcoholics)
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urfavepisces · 7 years
Birthday Surprises
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2,250 (i know, sorry lol)
Warnings: Fluff, alcohol mention and that’s it (:
A/N: This is my late birthday gift to @evansstackie !💖 Love you Jas and I hope you like this and also I had to sneak in @greedysforloves and myself into it as well (:
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Bucky wasn’t good at planning things. He was more of a ‘go with the flow’ type of person and he never really figured out why but it did start to become more apparent that it was because he didn’t want any chance of disappointment happening. Things had a tendency of not going the exact way he wanted when he strategically planned things. However for this occasion, he was more than willing to forgo all of that.
It was your birthday and he wanted you to spend it being happy and surrounded around people you loved. That meant gathering up who was in the tower at the moment and holding an impromptu meeting twelve hours before it was your actual birthday.
“This better be important, I was about to beat my best score.” Sam grumbled beside Steve who had his eyes trained on his iPhone.
“Video games can wait Sam. Look, it’s Y/N’s birthday tomorrow and we’re going to do something special for her.” Bucky gave Sam a pointed look.
The word birthday had everyone perking up in their seats and paying more attention to Bucky.
“Now that I’m on board with. What are we talking? A party? Ya’ll know I know how to throw a bomb ass party?” Sam was already pulling out his phone, ready to send a mass text to his contacts but Bucky grabbed it from his hands.
“No. I’m sure she just wants to spend it with just us anyway, if there’s a whole bunch of people she doesn’t know, she probably won’t like it.” Bucky ran a hand through his hair.
“Parties can be fun Barnes and I’m sure she’d be happy to have some. She’s been working on that damn report of hers for the past two weeks.” Natasha chimed in.
Parties weren’t Bucky’s thing and he sure as hell didn’t know where to start. He was much better at doing one on one activities.
Steve could sense the anxiousness radiating off of his best friend, “How about Sam and Tasha plan the party. We’ll all chip in. Buck you can plan a day out with Y/N and then when we’re ready here we’ll send ya text then we can surprise her. What about that?”
That’s why Bucky loved Steve, he was always good with coming up with plans and delegating out tasks. It came with his position on the team.
Sam patted Steve on his shoulder, “And that’s why you’re the captain, Steve.” He winked at him but Steve knew better, he was poking fun at him.
“That sounds great Steve.” Bucky smiled at him before Sam and Natasha broke off to plan out the night’s festivities.
Everyone else filed out of the conference room just as you rounded the corner.
Huh, that was weird. No one told you that there was a meeting being held.
You entered the room, seeing Bucky sitting on the table, “Hey Bucky, did I miss the memo about a meeting?”
He turned in your direction, blue eyes catching the sunlight that streamed in which made them sparkle and almost had you melting in your spot right then and there.
It was a minor distraction but you recovered quickly seeing that he seemed off before he quickly shot you a smile, “Nah, we were just discussing some unimportant things. Nothing to worry your pretty head about, well I gotta go. See ya later Y/N.” Bucky rushed out of the room.
Okay, there was definitely something going on.
The sound of three rapid knocks woke you up from your deep slumber. You grumbled in your half asleep state, annoyed at whoever decided that it was okay for them to interrupt your precious sleep.
When you finally pulled yourself from your bed and dragged your feet to the door, the knocking had increased and you were about ready to cuss out whoever it was on the other side. But when you yanked the door open and Bucky was there holding up a white paper bag and again smiling at you, any words you were about to say were caught in your throat.
Instead you focused on what was in his hands,“What’s in the bag?” Your voice hoarse from just waking up.
“Breakfast. Happy Birthday Y/N!” Bucky gave you a soft kiss on your cheek.
You were confused, it wasn’t your birthday. Was it?
“Uhh—thanks?” The confused look had Bucky laughing.
“You forgot. Didn’t you?” His eyes were wide with amusement.
You had been working tirelessly on a mission report that kept getting sent back wanting more details. It had taken over your life at the moment and the days started to blend together so it was totally plausible that you had forgotten your birthday.
When you still hadn’t responded, Bucky pushed the bag into your hands and announced that you needed to be ready in half an hour and to wear comfy clothes and shoes.
Bucky disappeared down the hallway as you stood in your room still half asleep and more puzzled than ever. You stared down at the bag in your hands, opening it slowly and it revealed a handful of donuts from your favorite bakery down the street. They were still warm and the sweet smell had your stomach grumbling.
The sight had you more awake than ever and you were off to get ready as you stuffed one into your mouth.
An hour later you two were out walking the streets of New York, Bucky had apparently planned out the whole day. He took you shopping, making it a point to keep you from using any of your money. In his own words, “Today it’s all about you Y/N. I got this.” Bucky was such a sweetheart and this was making your crush on him even stronger than it was before. You didn’t even think it was possible.
After you two were done shopping, he took to a rooftop restaurant where he had made reservations.
The hostess led you to table in the corner, where you could see all of the beautiful skyscrapers and buildings of New York.
When the hostess left you with the menus and said the server would be by to take your orders, you gawked at the breathtaking setting of the restaurant.
“You like it?” Bucky stared in awe at how happy you seemed.
You scoffed, “Do I like it?” You punched his arm.
Bucky scrunched his face up. “Ow! What was that for?!”
“Bucky, we both know that didn’t hurt. I just can’t believe you did all of this for me. Like I’m really just so happy right now.” Your cheeks had never hurt so much from smiling.
That’s what Bucky did though, he always found a way to make you smile.
Before Bucky could respond, a young man came over with a pen and pad ready to take your orders but you didn’t miss the blush that adorned his cheeks.
After you two ate and oh man did you eat, your stomach was stuffed. You were surprised you could move after dessert but you didn’t regret it all. All of the food was cooked to perfection.
As you two exited the building, Bucky’s phone beeped and vibrated in his front pocket of his jeans. He quickly looked at it before shoving back it into the pocket.
“You ready to go home?” Bucky asked.
You definitely were, you were about to head into a food coma and a nap was calling your name.
“Yea but I don’t wanna walk. Can we get a cab?” You leaned onto Bucky’s shoulder.
Bucky couldn’t help but laugh out loud at you, “It’s literally a five minute walk Y/N.”
You pouted, “I don’t care. I’m too full to do anything right now.”
“Fine, anything for the birthday girl.” Bucky hailed a cab and soon you two were heading back to the tower.
And as you got nearer Bucky started to fidget, he started to bounce his knees and he couldn’t keep his hands still.
You furrows your brows at the sudden change, “You ok Buck?” 
He looked over at you, “Yea I’m good.” He tried to smile but it didn’t come out right but you chose to leave it alone, if he wanted to tell you he would’ve.
Two minutes later you were stopped in front of the tower and as you collected the shopping bags from the backseat Bucky paid the cab driver.
The fidgeting hadn’t stopped even when you two entered the elevator, he was just tapping his foot now and the sound had you looking at Bucky. Studying his frame and facial features to see if maybe it would give you sign as to what was going on but nothing came to mind.
Finally the elevator doors slid open and you two walked silently down the corridor to the living room.
You grabbed onto his bicep, making him stop and turn to you, “Thanks Bucky, I appreciate what you did for me today. You made this birthday really special.”
“Of course Y/N. You deserve to always feel special not just on your birthday.” 
Man he really had a knack for making your stomach do flips with just the way he looked at you. You two stood there just staring at each other, the silence somehow telling you both that this is where things could change between you. Maybe he liked you the way you liked him? I mean he had too, right? He took you out and catered to you on your birthday, what else could it be? Well maybe he’s just being a good friend and you’re reading too much into this. Yea that was it, had to be.
As the moment stretch on, you hadn’t noticed that Bucky had taken a couple of steps towards you and your hand been slipping down his arm until you were holding his hand.
However before anything else could happen, a voice called out breaking the trance you two were in. “What’s taking them so long? I’m ready to start taking shots.” It was Sam.
You looked at Bucky and he looked up to the ceiling, clearly irritated but then he he motioned for you to follow him.
And as you entered the living room, you saw that the couches had been taken out and dance floor had been installed in the middle. The kitchen was fully stocked with food and alcohol. You didn’t drink but the others did so it was mainly for them. Steve, Sam, Natasha, Wanda and even Thor was here. There was some other people you knew who worked the medical bay, even Lexie and Alex two new recruits who you had built a great friendship with in a short span of time were here and a couple of the lab technicians you were friends with.
“Surprise?!” Sam shrugged before making his way to you and wrapped you up in his arms.
“Happy Birthday kid!”
You were speechless. You just couldn’t believe everyone came together just for you and to be honest this the most that anyone has ever done for your birthday.
You made it a point to be on missions when your birthday came, you were okay with not celebrating it but since you were working so hard on the report, you had completely bypassed the fact it was indeed this month.
When Sam stepped back, everyone else got in line to give you a hug and wish you a happy birthday. Steve was the last one in line, “I hope today is everything you hoped it would be Y/N. You deserve it.” The sweet words made you tighten your arms around his tiny waist.
When you two separated, you thanked everyone and soon the party was in full swing.
After being dragged out to the dance floor by Sam and actually enjoying it for once, you tapped out after an hour and Lexie took your spot. You always knew she had a thing for him, she denied it but what you witnessed right now definitely said otherwise. You passed by Alex who was leaning on Steve’s shoulder, those two were definitely a thing but she swore nothing was happening but you had caught them kissing last week. It made you happy to see everyone else enjoying themselves but you were missing someone.
You hadn’t seen Bucky since you walked into the living room and that was two hours ago. You went into the kitchen and fixed yourself a plate with a couple of slices of pizza.
“Are you enjoying the party?” Bucky’s voice made you turn around. He was leaning against the counter, arms crossed over his broad chest.  
“This is honestly too much, like I don’t think I’ve ever felt so much love before. Thanks again.” You took another bite for your pizza.
“Of course, anything for you.”
You decided that now was a good time as any to let Bucky know how you felt for him. It could be the fact that you were on cloud nine because of all the festivities but it was also because you were ready for it to be out in the open.
“You wanna go out to eat sometime, you know like a date?” Wow, you hadn’t stuttered or said something weird. A point for you.
You were ready for the rejection that was coming, he’d probably let you down easy. Bucky was a good guy like that.
Bucky laughed, “I was literally about to ask you out but yes I’d love to.”
Without a doubt this was the best birthday ever.
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