#literally shook gortash up sobbing repeating like a lithany: “I didn't kill you I didn't kill you. I could have
maegalkarven · 8 months
Meanwhile Levi doesn't have a single moral bone in his body. He occasionally does good things because people thank and adore him for that, and give him things and say they owe him. It's all very nice. He also does things for people he loves because he likes seeing them happy. But that's it.
And also he keeps eating the flesh of his enemies (and you better not make him transform back into humanoid form amidst his meal. You WILL NOT enjoy the view) and likes pain a little too much and thinks his flowers deserve the blood more than said blood's original owners. He thinks murder is a way out of many difficult situations and believes to be superior than most people. He also the most emotionally constipated asshole who can't talk about feelings and goes into rage spurts when overwhelmed. AND is extremely emotional. An awesome mix, truly.
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