#literally sorry about how trashy this whole thing looks. hopefully i can edit this later
kweebtrash · 6 years
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Pairing(s): Kino, Hongseok, E’Dawn, Hui x Reader. This one is Hui focused
Genre: SMUT AF, College AU, little fluffy
Summary: Sexual Liberation Pt 10. First person POV, heavy characterization of reader. just a bunch of smutty goodness in college.
Warnings: there’s a lot of sex over the course of the series. In this chapter, Hui’s voice literally being the bane of my existence, deep feelings, anal (of course), creampies, being pinning down to the bed, teasing, silk ties gripping the sheets
Word Count: 6k+
A/N: I flipflop between stage names and real names. Sometimes the formatting can be weird between mobile and desktop:/ Italics mean memories/past events and thoughts. I missed Hui a lot but I have no idea why this chapter was so hard to write. honestly just tell me it sucks im so sorry
Sexual Liberation Masterlist
“FMN” Jr Castro Ft Timbaland
“Swim Good.” Hui ft. Somin
A lump appeared in my throat when I saw him. He was leaning against the door, arms crossed across his chest and brows furrowed into an angry scowl. He was dressed as the Crow, his hair returning to it’s darker blue black color, face painted in black and white. A long black trench coat dusted across his combat boots and tight leather pants encased his thighs. He was still gorgeous even though he looked like he could kill me in an instant. I knew that this situation was grave. I hadn’t expected to sleep with Hongseok and I definitely never expected anyone to find out about it-at least not this way. Now I was forced to face Kino and remember the amazing night we had just a week ago. My body tensed as he spoke first.
“You missed a spot.” He growled and pointed to my neck. My eyes widened and I quickly realized he meant that I hadn’t completely gotten rid of the evidence of Hongseok’s orgasm. I wiped it away quickly and fumbled with my fingers.
“Um...hey.” It was all I could think to say at the time. I didn’t meet his eyes and instead looked over at the dresser.
“You fucked Hongseok.” He stated, flatly.
I swallowed hard and shifted my gaze back down to my feet. He was making me feel ashamed. Like I somehow should’ve never gone near Hongseok. He sounded so mad...Were his feelings hurt?  I didn’t want to do that to him, especially after I realized that I felt something deeper for him. But also we weren’t tied down together just yet. He wasn’t my boyfriend and we still had an agreement that we could be with anyone. Why was he so angry about Hongseok? “I can fuck whoever I want. I mean I fuck Hui and Hyojong so what does it matter about Hongseok?”
“Because Hui-hyung and Hyojong- hyung are just fucks. Hongseok is different.”
“Different how exactly? We’ve only had sex once and that’s all.”
“You know exactly how. I can see it in your eyes.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about but I don’t like your attitude.” I grabbed my heels and rolled my eyes. “You haven’t even spoken to me since the day we all hung out in the rec room. Not one text or snap or video call. Nothing. Now you’re barging in here being pissed that I slept with Hongseok? Please.” I went towards the door trying to leave but Kino pushed me against it, his hands teasing pressure against my neck.
“Answer me this, do you want him?”
I couldn’t help the way my body reacted to his hands on me. I was still sensitive to everything that Hongseok had done to me just a bit ago. I felt my skin heat up instantly but I willed myself to concentrate, my anger overcoming the hurdle of my passionate emotions. “Is that really what you want to know? So you can win your jealousy ridden pissing contest?!”
“I’m not jealous!” He yelled. “Just tell me if you want to be with him or not!”
I grabbed his hair and yanked back hard, pushing him away from me. He bit his lip as an angry groan left him. “I don’t have to tell you shit! We have an agreement. No strings attached. And now you’re upset because I had sex with someone else? What kind of sense does that make?”
He scoffed and completely dodged my question. “Fine! You know what, if you want to fuck him, that’s fine. Go ahead and fuck him. It doesn’t matter to me. You can be with him for all I care too because i’m done with you.”
My eyes widened at his sudden exclamation. “D-done? You mean…” I looked away from him blinking back tears. I definitely didn’t want him to see me cry over this and i definitely didn’t want him to see through the facade I created about not caring about his feelings. I cared about him, way too much in fact, but he didn’t seem like he really wanted to be with me which is why this whole thing was so strange. Sure we had some intimate moments but we went on and continued as if nothing had happened. That was until he started slamming doors and acting jealous for no reason.
He shifted his weight and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Y-yeah...We’re done.” His voice seemed a little quieter now.
I swallowed back my feelings and filled myself with fake pride. “Fine! I have other people to be with. You’re nothing special to me.” The words felt like they burned my tongue as soon as I said them. The look on his face showed something akin to heartache before shifting into his usual scowl. Maybe he was trying to keep up a facade too but right now I couldn’t even stand to be around him. I pushed my hair back and grabbed the door handle, taking a deep breath before running out of the room and the apartment. I didn’t stop until I reached my car, pulling myself into it and slamming the door behind me. God I fucking hated him. What difference did it make that I hooked up with Hongseok? At least Hongseok cared about how I felt during and after sex. He was just being so aggressively stupid I wanted to scream. And on top of all that it hurt...it hurt so fucking bad that he didn’t want anything to do with me.
I pressed my forehead to my steering wheel and let the hot tears run down my face, streaking through my makeup. My body was shuddering from the intensity of my tears, my whole chest feeling constricted into a knot. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my window which made me jump up. I looked up and saw Hui standing outside my car. He beckoned for me to open the door and I did, not saying a word. He seemed to except my solemn silence and instead opened his arms for me. I got up quickly and threw myself into his chest heaving the entirety of my feelings onto him. My breath hiccuped and stalled every once in awhile and he rubbed my back slowly, patiently waiting for me to calm down. I was shivering against him since I was still in my makeshift “costume”. He pulled away from me gently and kissed my forehead. “Come on. Let me take you home.” I nodded quickly and let Hui guide me over to the passenger’s seat. I gave him my keys before getting into the seat and curling up immediately. Just being in my car now had my skin crawling as I remembered the night I spent with Kino. Hui closed my door and got into the driver’s seat. I hoped that he wouldn’t go the speed limit so I could get out of the car quicker. The ride was silent, almost painfully so but it went faster than I expected. He parked in my usual lot and we got to his dorm in no time flat. As soon as i was in his room i took off every piece of clothing I had on. I collapsed onto the bed, burying my face in the pillow and forcing myself not to cry anymore.
Hui joined me a few moments later, his clothes discarded by mine. His arm pulled me closer to him until we were laying on our sides face to face. My heart sunk even more. The sight of Hui taking caring me was one I knew all too well. It created a pit in the recesses of my stomach. A question surfaced on my tongue spilling out before I knew it. “Why do you always take care of me?”
He chuckled lightheartedly. “Why do I always take care of you? Is that even a question? Because I care about you.” He set his hand on top of mine and I held it.
“Yeah but...you’re so patient and loving. Why the hell do you even put up with me?”
“Well you’re definitely a pain in the ass but the pussy’s good so..”
“I’m joking! I’m joking!” He laughed again. “Well partially. You know I love your ass more.”
I rolled my eyes and pulled the covers up over us. “I’m well aware, Hwitaek.”
“Ouch, don’t full name me. You only do that when I’m in trouble. I’m not in trouble, am I?”
I shook my head. “The opposite. I don’t know if it’s because i’m pretty vulnerable right now or because i’m a glutton for punishment, but you’re making my heart do some strange things.”
“You always make my heart do strange things.” He leaned in closer to me, pausing momentarily above my lips. He wasn’t trying to take advantage of what I had been through. Instead, he wanted me to let him know it was all okay. And I did. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him slowly, a mixture of sadness and comfort. His hands rubbed my hips gently, occasionally sliding up to the small of my back. My stomach was against his now and his kisses left my lips to trail across my shoulder and collarbone. He fell into a soft rhythm of tender kisses, decorating my body with heated trails. I sighed softly, sliding my fingers through his hair and petting him gently. He leaned into my touches like a kitten, wanting more. I smiled and brought his head to my chest giving his scalp light scratches. Hui sighed and laid comfortably against me, the room quieting to the stillness of our breathing. How could I have ignored him? How could I have been so wrapped up in everyone else that I had forgotten about him? Yet here he was with me, in my arms, with probably just as many thoughts that I was having but never questioning me. I wondered if he was okay with letting me sort out my feelings amidst everything that was going on. My hand trailed down his back, tracing his spine as he fell into the early stages of sleep. I laid awake for most of the night wondering what the hell I was going to do with myself.
When i woke up Hui was gone. His keycard was left beside me and a text on my phone told me he had a shift at the cafe in the student center. He’d be gone for hours and wouldn’t be home until late. That was fine by me. I was already scheming up a plan to treat him. He deserved as much as I could give him and more. It took me about twenty minutes to will myself out of bed but I got there eventually. My hips were still sore, my heart still heavy, but i was determined to at least try and make today better than the last. I would put everything that happened with Kino out of my mind and focus on Hui. I went to his closet and stole another one of his hoodies (I’m sure he’d be looking for them soon. I had about 3 in my closet right now) and found some sweatpants he had in his hamper. Whatever. I just needed to walk to my dorm in normal clothes instead of the lingerie from my costume. I put the keycard in my pocket and gathered up my costume before peeking my head out. The tv was on in the living room and i mentally cursed. I didn’t really want to run into Hongseok or Kino right now. Quietly I tiptoed out of Hui’s room and crept towards the front door. I could see feet hanging off of the armrest of the sofa but no sign of who it was. My hand rested on the handle of the front door and i twisted it as slowly as possible, keeping my eye on the couch. Suddenly I heard my name from down the hall. Hongseok was staring right at me and Kino sat up quickly from the couch. I looked at Hongseok, then at Kino, then Hongseok, then at Kino who both stared back at me. I swung open the front door and fucking booked it. Shit, shit shit! Gotta go fast!
It wouldn’t be a day in my life if I didn’t run away from my problems. One day I would face those problems head on, but not today, Satan, not today. I managed to get to my dorm in record time. My roommate wasn’t there. It was still early enough for her to be at church singing the god’s good gospel while I went to the back of my closet and got out my box of sex toys. I dug through the stuff Hyojong brought me, pushing them aside until I found all my anal accoutrements. I sighed deeply. The things I did for Hui.
It was around 10 pm when I texted Hui to see if he had come home from work yet and if i could come over. He responded fairly quickly and I was off to meet him at the dorm, my overnight bag in tow. I still had his keycard from earlier and I prayed that I didn’t have the same problem of running into Hongseok and Kino again. I really hated that they all freakin’ lived together. As if me fucking them all wasn’t enough. I unlocked the door and looked around. The coast seemed to be clear and I could hear Hui recording in his room. I bit my lip as I heard the slow, sensual tempo coupled with his signature falsetto that always made me weak. I loved listening to him sing. His voice did so many things to my mind, body, and soul. Those high notes always had me weak in the knees. I stood by his door for a moment, ears pressed against the wood as his voice crashed over me like a wave, every note caressing my skin and filling it with a passionate heat.
I dont know…
Make you mine...
My heart was beating faster, my thighs losing all of their ability to keep me grounded. I raised my hand to rasp softly on the door but froze as I heard when I heard that line again.
I’ll just make you mine…
I bit my lip and swallowed hard, finally knocking on the door. The music stopped and Hui opened the door, smiling at me. “Hey,” He kissed my forehead. “Why'd you want to come over?”
“Oh, i need a reason to come over now? I cant just hang out with you?” I teased him as i slipped inside and sat my bag on the floor.
“You know that's not what i meant, babe.”
“Oohh i'm babe today.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. He smiled down at me briefly until he saw what i had on.
“Did you steal another hoodie from me….”
I stood quiet for a moment. “Noooooo….”
“UGHHH you always take them! Give it back! I don't even have any left in my closet!”
“i just had to wear something to get to my dorm! But if you want it back so bad, fine.” I pulled his hoodie over my head and handed it over to him. His head cocked to the side and he stared at my bare chest, presumably entranced at the fact that i wasn’t wearing anything underneath the sweater. “Hui….” I snapped my fingers at him and his eyes trailed back to mine.
“Don't act like such a 12 year old boy. You've seen my tits before. They're there. Being boobs.”
“I still like them! And i still like seeing them! But youre not getting this back.” He went to his closet and set his hoodie on a hanger while i peaked over at his computer.
“I heard some of this outside the door. It sounded amazing.” I looked back at him. “Will you sing some for me?”
“Sure….Do you wanna stay like that?” He motioned at my naked torso.
“Do you want me to stay like this?”
“i'm just saying. It's cold so...you know...but i mean if you want you can just stay like that...being...there….being hot.”
“Why, Lee Hwitaek! If i didn't know better i'd say you were flirting with me!” I said in my best fake southern belle voice.
He laughed as he sat down in his desk chair. “You're an idiot.”
“Yes, but i'm your idiot. Now sing for me.”
“Okay, okay!” He hit play on his computer and got closer to the microphone. He closed his eyes and surrounded me with his sultry voice again. I stayed behind him watching his every move as he poured himself into the song like he always did. It was one of the most sexiest things he could do. My fingers drummed softly across his shoulders, rubbing them for a moment before sliding down his chest. He shifted in his seat, clearing his throat for a second before resuming his singing. I smirked just a bit from watching him get heated under my touch. I continued distracting him with caresses across his chest, trailing up to his neck. His head tilted back slowly and i slipped the silk tie i had nestled in my pocket over his eyes, tying it behind his head.
“So that's why you wanted to come over.” he smirked.
“You know i can leave right now, Hui.”
“Noooo,” He whined softly. “Stay. We haven't had any time to just ourselves in awhile.”
“I know baby.” i kissed him gently. “And i'm sorry about that. I felt so bad so I planned this all to treat you.”
His cheeks were burning pink. “R-really?
I moved to the front of the seat, dipping between his knees. Of course he couldn't see any of this but that was the point. I wanted to thrill him and make every single move a surprise, filling him with anticipation. I pushed his knees apart gently and he reached forward to pet my hair. I grabbed his wrist and forced his hand to the chair. “Hwitaek, behave for me.”
He licked those gorgeous full lips of his, teasing his bottom lip between his teeth. Sonuvabitch. Every single time any one of my boys did that i was instantly begging for them to fuck me. I hated it. But Hui wasnt doing it intentionally(this time). I could tell he was already easing into the feeling of me touching him, wondering what I was going to do to him next. My hands trailed up his thighs that were still trapped in his work pants. The faint scent of coffee and whipped cream still lingered on him making him smell so sweet. My fingers went to work on unbuttoning his pants, trailing the zipper down in an anguishing tease. Hui was already pushing his hips forward encouraging me to take him on. Of course i ignored him and instead focused my attention on kissing around his abs, my tongue following the path of his happy trail before veering to his hip bone. His hip bone was one of his favorite places that I left marks on. The feel of his clothes pressing against the sensitive area after i had marked my territory had him leaving class early and begging to come find me all last semester.
The first kiss i landed made his hips twitch and his fingers gripped the sides of the chair tighter. I could almost hear his heartbeat thundering in his ears. I kissed the spot again while my hand worked the center of his jeans, rubbing in time with each lick and kiss. He was hardening with each pass of my fingers, increasing the length they had to travel each time. I looked up and i could see his head tossed back and he was trying so hard not to moan out loud. His moans were always enough to make Kino or Hyojong bang against the wall when they were trying to get some sleep. There were also plenty of times where his moans got us in trouble and suddenly there were 4 people in a tiny twin size bed flowing with a rotation of fucking. My lips smirked at the memories, the times before where everything was easier and my heart didnt flutter every time one of them came near me.
My ears instantly grabbed onto his plead, letting it flow through my body. My teeth sunk into his skin and i sucked deeply, pulling a loud groan from him. I slipped him out of the confines of his briefs, his thickness laying against his stomach, already begging for more attention. I swirled my finger around the perimeter of his head, my nail tenderly scratching the sensitive skin ever so slightly. “Is all this for me?” I whispered against his freshly bitten skin of his hip.
He nodded quickly being on his best behavior so I could treat him more. I kissed the marks on his hip before shifting my focus to his cock. I licked up the length of his shaft slowly, savoring the way he felt on my tongue. I flicked my tongue against his head before repeating my motions. He was already trying to press against my lips and encourage me to take more of him into my mouth. I gripped his base firmly, letting him know that I was in control, and steadied his hips before kissing his tip. His breath was already beginning to become ragged, morphing into the occasional moans that accompanied me slipping him into my warm mouth. I bobbed my head slowly, working his shift and swirling my tongue around his veins. Inch by inch I swallowed down more of him, almost filling my throat completely with his cock. I looked up at him, loving the way he looked so wrapped up in pleasure. I pulled away with a quick pop, licking my lips and swallowing back the taste of his pre cum. “That’s only just the beginning, Hui.”
“You’re killing me.” He panted. I smirked and kicked off my shoes before sliding down his sweatpants that I was still wearing. I had a much bigger surprise for him planned but for now I straddled his hips, hovering just above his cock and pressing myself against him. Slowly, i rocked my hips, dragging the slick center of my panties up the length of his shaft. Hui’s head dropped forwards onto my chest as he released a soft string of curses. I tilted his head to the side and took the opportunity to capture his neck in slow kisses, sucking on his adam's apple and adding small bites wherever i wanted. Each of his breaths were coming in faster now as his hips rolled to meet mine. The tip of his cock grazed against my clit with each pass making me shudder. The lace between us added the slightest bit of friction which only increased the pleasure of our slow grinding. Our moans and soft pants mixed together creating our own music. Hui's hands rose from the side of the chair and slid across the expanse of my thighs, rubbing small circles into my skin. “Fuck, youre so wet already…” He whispered.
I licked his lips slowly, pulling away every time he tried to deepen it into a kiss. “That’s what happens when you sing for me, baby.”
“I want more...please?”
I rose my hips a little bit and focused my attention on sliding just the very tip of his cock against my slick folds, sinking down ever so slightly when he met my entrance. His grip on my thighs mimicked what he had on the chair just a few moments ago, his nails digging into my skin as his knuckles edged into a bright white. “Hwitaek,” I reprimanded. ‘You weren’t supposed to let go of the chair. If you're going to be like this then ill stop.”
He shook his head quickly. “No...no please. I just…” He pulled me closer to him, pressing hot open mouth kisses along my torso, making stops to suck on my nipples and bite the swell of my breasts. “I need you.”
I finally allowed him the pleasure of a kiss before sliding off of him. “Ok, ok,” I smiled. “I guess i've teased you long enough.” I grabbed him by his hand and pulled him up from the chair. He followed me easily to the bed and i made quick work of removing all his clothes. I saved the silk tie for last, untying it and tossing it onto the bed. He blinked a few times, his eyes readjusting to the the dim light of his room before he caught sight of me crawling into the bed, my ass on full display. My lace heart cut out panties accented the shape of my ass and gave him perfect view of the pink gem plug i had nestled inside me. I looked back at him and smirked. “Do you like it?”
His jaw was hanging and it took him a long time to stop staring but when he did he practically jumped onto me, cupping my face in his hands and pulling me into a deep kiss. “God, I love you.” My entire world stopped, my mind warping into a permanent replay of what I just heard. My heart was skipping beats and I could barely keep up. Every time i tried to say anything my mouth was overwhelmed by the hot wave of his tongue against mine. My hands sought refuge on his shoulders pushing him away gently.
“H-hui…” I said, breathlessly.
He looked down at me and pushed my hair back gently. My face felt like it was on fire after hearing those words and especially seeing the look he was giving me. I couldn't help but cover my face and try and hide from him. He laughed, a laugh like warm honey, and pulled my hands away. “What are you hiding for?”
“You...you said…”
He just smiled at me and continued the parade of kisses against my lips. I eventually relaxed under his touches and let him take over. I laid back against the bed and watched as the panties were slowly eased off my body and tossed to the floor. My legs fell open welcoming Hui to lower himself between them. His warm lips decorated my thighs in sweet kisses while his fingers hooked around the base of the plug. Little by little he pulled it out slowly, my body encouraging it to release. I heard a deep hum of approval from Hui before his tongue found itself deep inside me. I raised my hips just a bit so he had easier access between my cheeks which were spread open by his thumbs. My eyes fluttered closed and i sighed softly focusing entirely on the way he was making my body. My heart was racing, his name staining my lips over and over. His heated hands rubbed across my cheeks, sweeping up towards my hips which he clutched tight. My fingers tangled themselves in his soft hair edging him closer and deeper within me while my free hand rested on his, our fingers sliding together instantly. I felt him pull away which earned him an annoyed whine, especially since I was begging for him to tongue me deeper. “Huiiii…”
He shifted back onto his knees and secured his arms around my back, easily lifting me to sit on his lap. I gasped and smiled down at him from my new found angle, tilting his head up so I could melt into his lips. I felt his hand ease itself between us, guiding himself to my eager entrance. I sunk down easily, biting down on his lip and tugging as i felt his entire length fill me. I pressed my hand on his chest, steadying myself as I began to roll my hips, a slow rhythm of pulling out and sinking back down onto him. He kept a firm grip on my lower back, guiding me to where we both felt the most pleasure. His other hand pushed my hair out of my face, a chunk wrapped in his fist as he pulled my head to the side. I expected him to kiss my neck but instead he whispered against my jugular. My skin held the whispers he uttered about anything and everything he wanted to do to me and all i could do was become a mewling mess under his kiss, his touch, his words. He landed a kiss that was wrapped in a smirk against my neck, the pleasure of hearing me moan his name increasing the friction between us. His lips trailed lower to wrap around my breast, sucking deeply and hungrily as his hips pressed into mine. He felt so good deep inside me. It was like he was making an electrifying heat pool in the pit of my stomach.
My hand crept up to cup the back of his head, keeping him tight against my chest, loving the way his tongue teased my nipple. His hips were bucking faster than my slow rolls making my walls clench tight around his girth. His hand left my hair and instead slipped between my cheeks. He didn’t waste time plunging two fingers into my already gaped rim. My mind floated back to the first time we were got together in the piano room. “Hmm, this seems familiar.” I panted and chuckled softly.
He nodded against my chest, thrusting his fingers at the same speed of his hips. “I loved watching you. I still do. All you need is that cute school girl skirt. Fuck…” I could tell he was holding back by the way he was throbbing inside me. He was saving the best for last but he always worked me up first before even thinking of plowing into my ass. I wanted him to have exactly what he wanted. “Fuck me now, Hui. The way you want to.” He pulled away from my chest and slowed his hips, easing me off him. His cock glistened with a mixture of our cum making him perfectly slick. I turned onto my hands and knees and I dipped my back low, my stomach pressing into the mattress with my ass raised high. He was on me instantly practically mounting me. I reached back and spread my cheeks wide allowing him a perfect view of my hole. Hui kept a his hand firm against my lower back as his cock slid against my gape, spreading our cum over me before easing his head into it. My eyes fluttered closed and I bit down on my lip, keeping my moan trapped. He was already stretching me further than the plug did. It was driving me insane. Little by little every bit of him sunk into me and he rested there for a moment, allowing my prestretched walls to adjust. He bent over my body trailing wet kisses down my spine, the room filling with the soft sounds of us panting. I spread my knees a little wider welcoming him to start moving. The first thrust was small and tentative. Even though we had done this plenty of times before he always took pride in making sure i felt nothing but pleasure. I could feel the pressure deep within my stomach. My body reacted instantly and i was pushing back against him in no time.
Hui moved his hand to grip the back of my neck, pinning me to the bed. I couldn’t move under him but it made everything that much more intense. His thrusts were slow and rough, the sound of his skin slapping against mine echoed in my ears almost blocking out the way my heart was thundering. My teeth forwent my bottom lip and instead found their new home buried deep in Hui's pillow. All my sounds were muffled but he could still hear every moan and scream i made. I could feel his eyes on me, watching the way he slid in and out of my ass which wrapped around him so perfectly. My walls were clenching around him, welcoming his swollen member and his impending orgasm. Just thinking about him cumming inside me had my thighs quaking and threatening to collapse under me. His free hand wrapped around my waist, pressing against my stomach, feeling the head of his cock pressing into my walls. My hand clutched desperately at the sheets clenching them in my fist. My other hand slid between my legs and i pushed several fingers inside myself, greedily wanting to feel even more pleasure.
My hair clung to my sweat drenched face, my teeth practically ripping at the pillowcase. I could feel myself on the brink of an orgasm. I was rocking faster. Harder. Screaming for my release. Hui's grip on the back of my neck tightened as my name spilled from him, mixed in with curses and pet names. I looked back at him through the strands of hair that were sticking to me. His eyes were closed, mouth torn between moans and screams of passion. I pressed my ass flush against his hips making sure he could fill me completely. I slid my fingers out from within me, trailing them up my folds and concentrating rough circles on my clit. Hui swelled inside me and my entire being shuddered as I was filled with an intense heat. A wave of ecstasy hit me hard and i screamed into the pillow. My body tried to contain all of Hui’s cum but i could feel it already spilling out of me. “Fuck Hui…” I groaned into the pillow. My legs gave out of me and i collapsed onto the bed with Hui’s thrusts slowing to a languid roll. He braced himself on his arms so he wouldn’t crush me. His cum trickled down between my folds and I couldn’t help but lick my lips, a devilish smile crossing my lips. I gathered some of his cum on my fingers and swirled it around my clit before diving into my entrance again. Hui pulled my hand away and lowered himself to whisper against my ear.
“Youre being bad.”
I turned my head quickly and captured him in a deep kiss, sucking on his lips and tongue greedily. “I love the way you feel inside me.”
“Mhmm…” He moaned against my lips. “You are seriously the best.”
“I'm glad you liked your surprise.” I eased myself onto my side, allowing Hui to spoon me instantly. He kept himself buried deep inside my ass and I welcomed it, feeling comforted by having him there. He bought my cum slicked fingers to his lips and trailed his tongue across them, swallowing down our taste.
“We taste so good together.” He moaned before morphing our hands together. He buried his face between my neck and shoulder, planting warm kisses against my neck. I pulled the covers up over us and settled into our familiar position of comfort. “Did you mean it?” i asked softly.
He nuzzled my neck, muffling his response. “Mean what?”
“What you said...earlier. Or were you just caught up in the moment?” Saying the latter out loud made my heart feel heavy.
“That I love you?” My heart skipped a beat again. The way he said it so casually still blew my mind.
“Yeah...that. That's um...i've never had anyone say that to me before.”
He sighed and leaned away from me a bit. “It's complicated.”
“Boy, youre fucking telling me. Christ on a cross.” I sighed, comforted by the fact that we were both in the same position emotionally.
“I didn't really mean to say it but i also don't like...not mean it? I really do care about you. And i definitely have feelings for you. But i know that you may not want to be with me.”
“What? Hui, thats not true at all. I want to be with you. In fact i want to be with a lot of people and that's why i've basically fucked everything up. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Not at all.”
“You're not the only one. We contributed to it too. So we're all dumbasses here. Just take your time with it. I'm patient. I want you to be sure of your feelings above everything else.”
I groaned and pulled him close to me. “I hate when you say those things to me. You're so perfect.”
He chucked and squeezed me tight to him. “Barely. But if it gets me some boyfriend points then by all means keep saying it.” He kissed my cheek and laid his head back on the pillow. “By the way you're not borrowing my hoodie tomorrow.”
“I'll have you know i brought my own clothes this time. I came prepared. Im still gonna steal your hoodie though.”
“I'm going to get a safe and lock them up. You're like a dragon with a hoard.” he yawned then fell into a softer sigh. I could tell he was trying to stay up just to banter with me and protect the dignity of his hoodie. But he was definitely not going to win this one. I placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and smiled.
“Go to sleep, Hui. I'm not going anywhere.” I closed my eyes and stayed wrapped up in his warmth not even paying attention to my phone vibrating at the bottom of my bag.
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