#literally thought up a new timeline to hate Łukasz more than I already did lol
murder-and-toast · 1 year
TW: manipulation, self sacrifice, creepy/slightly intimate whumper, taking advantage of someone's mental health, demon whump, mafia whumper, threats of killing others, implied other whumpees, mention of dehumanization
Lucian sat in front of a small lake, wondering if trying to help Toki was actually worth it. Lucian knew he cared for Toki, and wanted to help, but no matter how much he tried, he'd always fail and the timeline would just be reset again and again. At that point Lucian had just wanted to give up and go back to his home world.
Lucian's ears then twitch as he hears someone walking up on the gravel behind him. He does a soft sigh through his nose and slowly stands up and brushes himself off before turning to look at the person. Instantly his eyes shot wide open.
"So, this is where you've been, you're honestly a lot cuter in person than I thought you'd be. Your horns are just so cute," the man said
The man got closer to Lucian, close enough to be able to grab Lucian if he wanted to. Lucian froze, just staring at him through widened eyes,
"Who are you?" Lucian asked
"Łukasz, I'm a good friend of your buddy Gabe," the man said
"How do you know me?" Lucian continued
"We can talk about that later, I have 2 choices for you," Łukasz started, "Either you come with me and work for me from now on, or I get rid of a few people you care for"
Lucian just stared at Łukasz's face, looking for any sign of this being a joke. Lucian then swallowed hard before saying,
"Could you explain what I'll be having to do for you?"
"Ah, of course, you see, I use other demons as puppets so I don't have to actually do any work for the mafia. You'd just be helping behind the scenes, and healing up some of my other puppets," he took a step even closer to Lucian before putting a gloved hand on his cheek, "and I'll be using you against Gabe just for fun"
Lucian paused, but wanting either option, but knowing what he'd have to choose. Lucian just stared at Łukasz shoes for a bit before finally letting himself speak,
"I'll do the first one"
"spectacular choice!" Łukasz said in a very happy tone
Lucian had just been sitting in a corner within a small room for weeks at that point, Łukasz hadn't gone to him for anything quite yet. But today was different, the building had been noisy. Loud yelling and the sounds of stuff crashing onto the ground.
Within the next few minutes, the doorknob had giggled for a moment before a click of the lock opening. The door had then opened and standing there was Łukasz, radiating with anger and soaked in someone else's blood. Łukasz then slammed the door shut causing Lucian to flinch.
Łukasz then went over to Lucian and squatted down, gently rubbing a gloved hand over Lucian's cheek and smiling slightly. Then in a very gentle voice Łukasz said,
"I apologize for whatever you heard out there doll, it's not that important. So how've you been so far doll?"
"umm. . . I've been decent," Lucian said vaguely scared, and uncomfortable with the pet name being used towards himself
"great, well I'm gonna be changing that real quick!" Łukasz was quite excited by the words from Lucian's mouth, proudly smiling as he pulled a knife from his pocket with his free hand. He moved the thumb of the hand on Lucian's cheek to gently caress the other side of Lucian's face. Łukasz then moved the blade towards Lucian's cheek.
Lucian tightly shoved his eyes shut as the blade pressed to his own cheek. His breath getting faster and heavier. The blade then glided against his skin, leaving a strong stinging feeling behind. Lucian had then let out a soft whine as the blade had left his cheek.
The blade was then set on the floor, Lucian let his eyes open as Łukasz brushed Lucian's bangs out of his face. Lucian slowly looked up at Łukasz eyes, leading to a smirk in response. Lucian tried to back away slightly, leading to the hand on his cheek moving to the back of his head and yanking him into Łukasz's chest.
Lucian tried to struggle back but the grip wasn't going to let him. The sound of the knife being picked up again could be heard, followed by cold air hitting Lucian's back as his clothing was cut off of his body. He had then tried to rush to use his wings to shelter himself from the cold. Lucian had then been released, leading to him instantly backing into the wall.
Łukasz had a bag with him that Lucian somehow hadn't noticed until now, he had taken it off and started to dig through it for a moment. Łukasz had pulled out some rope and a bone saw. Lucian then tried to back even further into the wall to no avail.
Łukasz had gently grabbed Lucian's shoulder, "Don't worry, you'll be fine," He said in the same gentle voice. He then pulled Lucian back into his chest and moving his arms behind his back before very tightly tying them in plenty under Lucian's large wings.
"There's nothing to be worried about doll, your horns are just so cute, I just have to have one of my own," Łukasz had said as he picked up the bone saw, "it'll only hurt for a second, alright"
Lucian began to shake in freak as Łukasz got closer and lined it up with the inside of Lucian's horn.
"P. . . Please don't," Lucian said through tears
Łukasz rolled his eyes and continued to run the blade through Lucian's horn. Blood had started dripping down from the horn as it had been cut far too high up. Lucian had fully frozen at this point, and within a few minutes, the horn and snapped off and fallen onto the ground beside himself.
Łukasz reached out and grabbed the horn, looking at it and smirking as he ran his thumb over every little detail of it for a few minutes. He then set it to the side and pulled out a roll of bandages and began wrapping the stub,
"Don't worry too much about it, it'll grow back eventually, it's only bleeding because of where I cut it so you don't have to worry about that either"
Lucian just was staring off, scared as he fully realized what he had agreed to. Pain slowly set in and he reached up to touch the stub, his hand touching Łukasz's as Łukasz continued to bandage the stub.
Once Łukasz moved his hands away and began to pack up his stuff, Lucian very cautious hugged him. Łukasz patted his head,
"Today was rough for you, wasn't it. As mean as this this gonna sound, it's only gonna get worse from here. But you'll be used to it by then, I promise"
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