#literwlly changed my life
reignbowarbiter · 1 year
ik blackbird and daydream aren’t necessarily hard to access but i wish it was easier bc it would help ppl understand eichi sooo much better😭
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chuuyansfwvent · 1 month
Nsfw vent NOT horny posting
this dude tried to add us on discord now. Lmao. The dude that only wanted to fuck around. Didnt even want a real relationship, he even had his gf give him permission to have me as his "special friend" but he would then always and MOSTLY be talkin about wanting to fuck or being in a sort of mood, or just venting to me and expecting i write concise paragraphs in response whereas when i vent hes like "idk how to help. Sorry!" I aint no special friend like that. No way in hell. The supportive friendship stuff faded the moment things started going in a certain direction. I would be totally fine if there was any like actual FRIENDSHIP effort, but ever since the flirty shit started, he only wanted to talk about that and suggestive things. Wanted to send me p*rn and shit. Like... we were goin thru some heavy traumatic shit and hes over here tryna get freaky. Dont give a damn abt ur 7 inches if u cant be a decent human being u can stay 7 states the fuck away from me man. If ya wanna try being online fwb u gotta be the friend first. It started out as a full blown platonic friendship, and then he wanted to treat us like a sidepiece without calling us a sidepiece, but then the friendship aspect died off and hes just over here talkin bout the shit he wanna do to us. Itd be a turn on if it was from somebody who actually gave a damn about us as people outside of like our body, but he wouldnt even see us as a man. Nah. The mf refer to us as "the entity" talking abt "i dont see you as anything, i see you as genderless creature of some kind." Well, im a man. Ya just dont wanna accept that ur havin fantasies abt another dude... And we even tried to talk to him abt the DID shit and he expects to change the literal identities of my headmates and like rename us and shit like??? Mmm no.
Yeah no like i aint about that. I dont settle for nothin. Im worth more than that i'll keeo my eyes open for someone who actually gaf and respect me. The dude made it seem like he and his gf were like into some polyam shit like nahhhhhhh ur not buddy. Im not ur online wh*re. I'll go be somebody else's wh*re, someone who actually deserves it. This shit? This is only available for homies who got my back as much as i got theirs. God this dude makes me so fuckin angry.
That aint all that irked me abt him but its really just too much to put here n i dont feel like it. Im just mad bruh. He literally put in so much effort just to try n get in our pants and drop all the normal friendship shit for freaky shit like NO FUCKIN WAY. How many years we known him? How many years he been putting in the effort and this is literally his only goal? Omfg. At least my last fwb from years ago still asks us how the fuck we're doing and reaches out when he can tell we're not doin well. This dude literwlly skimmed over hesvy vents after ASKING us to elaborate on whats going on lkke "please just talk to me. Tell me everything" and we tell him A FRACTION and hes like "sorry idk how to help. Anyways i been thinkin abt u all day u got me feelin things~ ;) ur so sexy i just wanna-" LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO buddy i was LITERALLY abt to unalive bc my entire life got ripped apart in an instant but ok go jork it i guess.
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shoezuki · 3 years
I saw someone say that because no one called them out before it means that they have not been held accountable and therefore have not changed. I don't know about these people but I have made mistakes in my teens and 20s and I am not going to stand on a podium and denounced every single one of them. I live my life as a changed person and my actions should speak for themselves. I didn't know you needed to publicly acknowledge all your wrongdoings as proof that you are no longer the same.
The idea that for change to take place, for someone to work towards being a better person and to realize their own mistakes, that they NEED to be publically shamed by others or even 'informed' by people maliciously or not. Is fuckin weird.
Its this weird like. Ideas of Publicity and that people Have to take part in educating ppl like. Spreading awareness or correcting every wrong. When sometimes you just... learn yourself. And sometimes people SHOULD learn things for themselves rather than having a Token Friend of Colour to inform a white person on their every move
Like. Literwlly everyone Has done something fucked up at some point. I know i for one had fuckedup views when i was a young teen/a kid. And i know that Know not because i was Told this or was Called Out. But because i found a better environment to live in that let me realize myself in safety and comfort.
But im not gonna disclose Every fucked up thing i said or did. Because thats not me Now. And it has no weight Now. And i know better Now. Theres no point in airing out the bad things you once did or said or thought cuz thats jus making it Relevant again. Thats givin it Importance it doesnt need or deserve.
Its this weird mixture of like. Combining the idea that you should Hate and Denounce ur 'past self' at every given opportunity, mixed with the Idea that its the job of poc and lgbt ppl to 'inform' and educate white cishet ppl yknow
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