#little rant bc i LOVE this show and how it's so openly gay and trans and drag and queer in general
neoputo · 11 months
saw someone say izzy's makeup in the calypso's bday episode was ugly... so what? IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE UGLY! this is izzy's first time doing drag/painting his face. he didn't know what makeup is. god, he didn't even know it was an option! & ofc when you try doing something for the first time you're gonna be bad at it. guaranteed. & i guess john wee (who, btw, ATE that look) helped izzy out a bit, but probably only by suggesting some tips & tricks while izzy did the makeup himself—at least to me, he himself chose the colors, the shapes, etc. & he was so happy he could finally express himself in a way he didn't know was even possible yet he certainly needed.. ahhhh the power of drag!
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gibbearish · 4 months
Hey, I found ur trans quiz thing on uquiz, I think I'm in the right place. Anyway, I'm basically positive that I'm trans, but I don't know if I should come out. If I do, my mom and brother will be disgusted by me, (both Christians) and I'm pretty sure I'd get the same result from my best friend. My real name is Roman, but I put Charlie for my username bc I want to be Charlotte instead. I don't want to bottle up my feelings, but I'm sure they would all judge me. What do you suggest I do? Thx for listening.
hey there! yep you reached the right place:3
this is always a tough one, i was in a pretty similar situation when i was in high school. i know a lot of people will say like "you never know until you try, the people who love you might surprise you!" but personally ive always found that to be somewhat shallow advice. you know the people in your life better than randos ever will, so above anything else i would say to go with your gut here. if it tells you that coming out now wouldnt be safe, then unfortunately i think it probably would be in your best interests to just keep your head down until youre able to set up a life and support system outside of them, so that if things do break bad it doesn't fuck you over.
that being said, that doesn't mean you have to bottle it all up either, nor does that mean all hope is lost for having a relationship with those people afterwards.
first, try to seek out others like you in your life right now. im not sure how old you are but most of the people who've reached out from the quiz have been high schoolers so i'm going off that assumption, if you are in high school i would see if your school has a GSA you could join, or if that wouldnt be a possibility bc ur parents wouldnt let you go then you could try reaching out to the teacher that runs it to see if they have any advice or could help you connect with other queer kids outside of the club. if you can't do that then you may still be able to connect, i know the stereotypes abt people "looking gay" are shit but there are also legitimately queer style choices that people make on purpose because they want to look queer (myself included), and while openly saying "hey you look gay lets be friends" would suck, ill let you on on the secret code to tell queer strangers you recognize their vibes: "omg i love your hair". and obviously randos can give that compliment too but im being 100% serious when i say that if that comment comes from Another Queer and is said in the "im gay too please notice me" way, it hits different, idk how to explain lmao. or "i like your pins" if they have pride stuff. really it's just you pointing out the Thing that made you go "you seem like me," and then complimenting it to show the other person youre cool with that stuff. and obv follow the other persons vibes, if theyre just like "oh thanks" and then turn back around then just move on w ur day, but if theyre like "omg i love your hair too!" then *hacker voice* youre in
anyways on to the second part which is all hope is not lost:
you may not be able to come out to these people now, BUT you may be able to start laying the groundwork to do it further down the line. i'm not saying start religious/political arguments, obv do whatever you need to stay safe, but you can start just. nudging them in the right direction. like say your parents are ranting about something right on the line of anger abt queerness, like a guy wearing eyeliner or w/e, you could drop a noncommital "eh i think it looks cool but i get it" or "i mean its kinda just facepaint when you think abt it tho right?" or another example i cant think of right now to just kind of. push the needle a little bit. and with this kind of thing it's very important you dont go into it expecting immediate change, like. this is you planting the seeds so that in six months when theyre trying to fall asleep theyll be like "....huh. i guess it kinda is just like facepaint, so. why is facepaint ok for men but makeup isnt" yknow? so if you go into it with that being the expectation, the things you say hopefully wont register as confrontational or disagreeing, but just as like. the noncommital hand wiggle gesture. it can take a long time for ideas to take root in people so it makes convos much easier when you remind yourself not to expect immediate change
now obviously your mileage may vary, if you think even that would be too dangerous then absolutely feel free to disregard and just do your best not to let the things they say get to you. and either way remember that you WILL have your own life away from them someday where you get to be yourself, and it is never ever too late to start transition. no matter how long you have to stay with them to set up your own life, it is out there, and one day you will get to a point where whether they cut you off or not, it doesn't matter. you'll get to choose your own clothes, religion, hair style, makeup, house decorations, food, schedule, the world will be your oyster. so when it gets hard, hold on to that. i believe in u 💕
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shrikebrother · 6 months
long rant about tumblr i wrote below the cut. i just started going on a tangent & it probably doesnt make much sense but my mind just made me feel like i Needed to post it & it was kind of cathartic to write down. just ignore this
u cant enjoy anything ever on tumblr bc it gets popular for a little while & then quickly becomes considered passé or cringe or morally problematic for arbitrary reasons . or if u begin to like something while its getting popular bc u are seeing more of it & have become interested , well actually that just means youre a poser who doesnt actually like it .
this happens with everything from films/shows , books , music , hobbies , certain aesthetics , broad concepts & themes, popular tropes or symbolism in writing , cute animals . this even happens with stuff that ppl dont "enjoy" in the same way theyd enjoy a show or a celebrity & are just like , part of who they are like being trans or nonbinary or neurodivergent or A Woman or anything .
ppl can just be like , openly misogynstic or transphobic or homophobic or ableist & no one will bat an eye bc they will just slap "white" in front of whatever minority theyre talking about , not making fun of anything to do with them being white or actually criticizing white ppl , & theres a good chance whoever saying it is white themselves & many of the ppl agreeing with them too are white . its either just thinly veiled prejudice or the terrible need Tumblr White People have to feel like theyre Seperate from the Bad Whites & that theyre the one of the Good Ones . or maybe its just the classic internet love for being shitty towards other ppl & feeling superior to them because of it
i know im probably just showing how bad my internet experience has been at least before & a sign i shouldnt be on it as much (i am working on this) bc theres probably some ppl on here in the same sort of , Tumblr Communities im in that dont see these problems at all but i have & its just frustrating . expecting the internet to change is dumb especially on tumblr where everyone & their dog thinks theyre some Avant Garde Tortured Visionary (but Not in a Cringe Gay Poet Way) who has so much Cool Ironic Next Level Sex & balks at anything earnest .
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