pttwice · 4 months
little autistic mina whose bedtime routine gets disrupted because one of the things she likes to wear to bed is missing and she has a breakdown because she's already exhausted and a little overwhelmed :(
hi hi anon!
|| littleautistic!mina, cg!nayeon, cg!momo ||
"All done, mama. All done." Mina pushed her plate back and sank down in her seat. There were only a few carrots left on her plate and two chicken nuggets out of the five she started with. It was hard getting the little to eat on practice days since she was always so tired, so Nayeon and Momo took it as a win.
Nayeon smiled and took her plate and threw out the leftover food before putting the plate in the sink. She could worry about cleaning it after Mina was asleep since she knew the dishwashing sounds would be too much for her. "Okay, sweet pea. Let’s get you ready for bed.”
Mina nodded and quietly followed her mommy to the bathroom. She stood behind Nayeon and rested her head on her back as she yawned. Momo wiped the table down and set her and Nayeon’s plates in the sink before she joined them in the bathroom. She grabbed Mina’s toothbrush and sat two tubes of toothpaste out on the counter. “Do you want the berry flavor or the minty flavor?”
Mina thought for a moment, keeping her head against her mommy’s back. After a few seconds, she pointed to the berry toothpaste. Momo put a small drop of it on her baby’s toothbrush and handed it to her. “Start whenever you’re ready, angel.”
Hesitantly, Mina took the toothbrush and looked up at her mama. “Hold hand?”
Momo chuckled and nodded. She placed a gentle kiss on her baby’s forehead before taking her free hand. “Of course, angel. I’ll always hold your hand.”
Bedtime was always a hit or miss with Mina. Her routine stayed the same, but the ease with which they got her through it always changed. They started with teeth and Momo always held her hand as she leaned against Nayeon’s back, gently encouraging her as she brushed for two minutes. Once her teeth were clean, Nayeon would turn around to gently bring Mina in front of the sink to wash her face. If it was a tough day, like today, they would have to use an unscented face wash. Toothpaste with flavor was already a lot for Mina to handle on tough days.
Nayeon made sure to be extra careful with Mina’s face on tough days. She slowly rubbed the face wash in and made sure that her baby was as comfortable as she could be through the whole process. She wiped her face with a warm washcloth and dried it before she wrapped her in a tight hug. “We’re almost done, sweet pea. Just potty time and then getting you in your jammies before we read your story.”
Mina yawned and nodded as she barely kept herself upright in her mommy’s arms. She quickly went potty before washing her hands and following her mamas into her bedroom. Momo laid Mina’s pajamas out on the bed and dug through the drawer. Nayeon got her baby dressed as Momo continued her search.
“Did Mina’s socks get left in the laundry basket?” Momo asked as she looked up from the drawer. “I can’t find them in here.”
On hearing that her socks weren’t in the drawer and possibly lost, Mina started to whine. She always wore one of two pairs of white socks with penguins stitched on the sides. Momo knew that one pair was in the dirty clothes pile, but the other ones should have been in her drawer.
“I remember taking them out this morning and putting them in the drawer before we went to practice this morning.” Nayeon sighed and gently rubbed her baby’s back as she tried to avoid a meltdown.
Momo furrowed her eyebrows and looked through the drawer again. Mina’s whines only grew louder by the second as the long day started to really take its toll. She crouched down on the floor and put her head on her knees as she covered her ears with her hands.
Nayeon bent down behind her baby and placed her hands over Mina’s. She gently pressed down on them to make sure she didn’t start hitting herself and gently rocked her back and forth. “It’s okay, sweet pea. Mama’s going to find your socks and we’ll get you comfy and in bed.”
Mina shook her head as her mommy rocked her. She kept whining and closed her eyes. The lingering flavor of the berry toothpaste started to overwhelm her mouth and the weight of her pajamas on her body was becoming very apparent. “No socks.” She mumbled out in between her whines as she started to cry.
Momo’s heart broke as she kept searching inside the drawer. She turned out every shirt and put her arm through every pair of pajama pants the little owned. As she was about to give up and check the laundry room, she felt a lump at the bottom of one of the legs of Mina’s pajama pants.
She took a deep breath in relief and pulled the rolled-up socks out. Momo gently closed the door and sat down in front of her baby. “I found your socks, angel. Can I put them on you so we can get you in your soft bed?”
Mina barely registered her mama’s words, but ‘socks’ got through. Her whines started to quiet down as she kept crying. She nodded and sat back against her mommy, keeping her hands over her ears as Momo slid the socks on her feet.
Nayeon stood up and Momo carefully picked her baby up. She held Mina in her arms for a few minutes to try and help her calm down more before laying her down in her bed. Once Mina was tucked in, her mama on one side and her mommy on the other, she squeezed herself as far down in the covers as she could.
Mina’s head was just peeking out of the covers as she reached out for Nayeon’s hand. She brought her mommy’s hand up to her mouth and started to bite it as she tried to get rid of all the icky feelings.
Nayeon winced a bit and motioned for Momo to grab Mina’s pacifier. Normally she wouldn’t mind if Mina wanted to bite her hand, but when she was overstimulated, her bites were harder than usual. Momo reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out Mina’s pacifier that had a stuffed penguin attached to it. She handed it to Nayeon who carefully withdrew her hand from Mina’s mouth.
Mina let out a whine but quieted down once her mommy put her pacifier in her mouth. She took the penguin into her hands and let out a sigh of relief as she squeezed its flippers. She still felt overwhelmed, but the pressure from her mamas’ bodies and their warmth made her feel a little better.
Once Momo thought she was ready, she opened the book they always read to end Mina’s bedtime routine. Momo spoke softly in Japanese as Nayeon brushed her fingers through her baby’s hair.
Although they usually made it through the whole book before Mina fell asleep, Mina’s eyes closed, and her breathing evened out before they made it halfway through. Momo smiled down at her baby and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before closing the book. She set it down on the nightstand and watched her chest slowly rise and fall.
“Goodnight, Angel. Tomorrow will be easier. I promise.” 
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pttwice · 7 months
hai !! do u think you cld write abt autistic little!mina who has severe auditory sensitivity issues with cg!namo? something along the lines of them going out to the park with other littles from the group but smth happens while they’re playing and causes mina to meltdown and namo have to help her? or you can direct it however you’d like! just an idea :)
its okay if its too much !! I love your writing, thank you for existing and having this blog to share with us!!
also idk if you do anon emojis but if you do, wld it be okay if I was 🐯 anon? <3
hiya :) absolutely! i love the concept of anon emojis! you can definitely be 🐯 anon! also, thank you for the prompt!
|| littlend!mina, little!sana, cg! nayeon, cg!momo ||
The park wasn't Mina's favorite place, but she liked it in the fall. Not many people liked going to the park when it was cold out, but it was Mina's favorite since not a lot of kids actually wanted to play outside when it was cold.
Nayeon and Momo bundled the littles up before they left. Momo triple checked they had everything since it was a bit of a drive back to get to the park.
When they arrived, the littles hopped out of the car, each rushing to their favorite places on the playground. "Jihyo, keep an eye on your little sisters!" Nayeon yelled out to her as they all went running. Jihyo turned around and smiled, nodding and she gave her mommy a thumbs up.
Nayeon and Momo sat down, already exhausted as they watched the littles. Momo took a sip of her coffee, pulling her hat down a little lower as she saw Mina out of the corner of her eye.
"Don't you want to go play with Sana, Minari? She's playing your favorite game." Momo leaned down, pulling Mina onto her lap. Momo watched as Sana looked around, unsure of where Mina was. When they were at the park they usually played counting. They would see how many pinecones they could count and the winner would get an extra dessert from their mamas.
Mina looked up at Momo, holding onto her penguin stuffy. She had his wing in her mouth, nodding her head as she rocked back and forth in her mama's arms.
"Do you want me to take you over to Sana, sweet girl?" Momo smiled as Mina nodded, holding her arms up. Momo picked her baby up and walked over, sitting with her and Sana for a bit until they started their game.
"Minawi whatcha doin?" Chaeyoung walked over to Sana and Mina. She was holding an armful of twigs for her fort she was building with Dahyun and Jihyo.
Mina smiled and pointed to her neat pile of pinecones. "Count.
Chaeyoung nodded, looking down at Mina's large pile and Sana's smaller pile. "How many?"
Mina looked down at her pile again, quickly calculating the number in her head again. She smiled and held her fingers up. "45."
Mina was proud of her pinecone pile. She usually only got 40 by the time she left. Although it wasn't really a competition, it made her happy that she could get so many pinecones.
"Mina. Wanna go slide?" Sana pointed to the slide, hoping that Mina would say yes. Even though Sana could go alone to the slide, she didn't want to leave Mina alone. The little would be content to just count her pinecones over and over again, but Sana loved playing with Mina.
Mina looked over at the slide and nodded. She walked over with Sana, holding her hand. Mina touched the slide, shaking it a bit to make sure that it was going to be safe.
Sana went down the slide first, showing Mina that it was safe. She held Mina's hand as she climbed up the steps of the slide. Mina was a little scared since she had only been on the slide once, but when she went down, she wanted to go down again and again.
Other than the pinecones, the slide was Mina's favorite now. Even though she didn't like the cold, she liked the feeling of the cool metal. Mina went down the slide one more time and as she was about to run back over to Sana, but there was a loud noise that made her feel like someone was banging on her head. Mina threw herself to the ground, curling up as her hands flew to hear ears. A loud scream left her, scaring Sana.
Nayeon and Momo heard Mina immediately and ran to find her. As Momo bent down to make sure that Mina didn't hurt herself, she heard what set her off. Someone in the parking lot of the playground had shut their car door which caused their alarm to go off. Even though the car was pretty far from them, Mina had severe auditory sensitivity.
Despite the little's protests, Nayeon picked Mina up, holding her close so she wouldn't hurt herself. Mina tried to bring her hands up to hit her head, but Nayeon held onto them tight. Her cries only got louder, but Nayeon couldn't let her baby hurt herself.
Mina pushed against Nayeon to try to wiggle her way out of her mama's arms, but Nayeon kept a close hold of her. In the meantime, Momo ran back to the car. She nearly tore it apart trying to find Mina's headphones when her heart sank to the bottom of her stomach. Even with her meticulous triple check, she managed to forget Mina's headphones.
Mina's headphones were something that went along with them everywhere. It got to the point that Mina needed them most days and they had at least two pairs on them at all times. The little preferred the over the ears to really cover and block out sound, but earbuds would suffice if there was nothing else.
Momo stood there with the passenger door open, hands tangled in her hair as she mentally cursed herself for forgetting something so important. She looked up at the sky, trying to take a few deep breaths to calm herself down so she could think of anything that would help Mina right now.
By the time Momo got back from the car, she saw Nayeon still kneeling on the ground with Mina. The little had stopped trying to push herself away from her mommy's arms but she was still whining very loudly, a pained expression on her face. Tears were streaming down her face and Momo knew that it felt like the poor girl's entire body was on fire.
Momo knelt down, looking at Nayeon who raised her eyebrows. Momo just shook her head, wordlessly signaling that she had forgotten the one thing that would help the meltdown almost immediately.
Although the girls and the littles knew that Mina's meltdowns were something that their mamas were well equipped to deal with, Sana peeked out from the slide she tucked herself away in. She had collected her pinecones and was sitting with them when she still heard Mina groaning. She wasn't used to Mina's meltdowns lasting so long if her mamas were with her.
Sana looked down at her pinecones and then back to the heartbreaking scene in front of her before wiggling out of the slide. She took a few pinecones in her hands and walked over to her mamas and Mina.
Mina heard Sana's footsteps and started groaning even louder. The last thing her brain could handle right now was anyone else being near her. The pressure from Nayeon holding her was starting to feel nice and it was very slowly squeezing the icky feelings away, but only just.
Sana carefully stepped up beside Mina and reached out, a pinecone in her hand. She was careful not to touch Mina as she very quietly whispered, "Minari I have a pinecone you can add. Now you can have 46."
For a moment, Mina kept groaning, unable to understand what Sana had just said to her. Although the car alarm had gone off, there were still so many sounds. The rest of the littles on the playground, their shoes crunching leaves and sticks, and even the sound of the breeze rustling her jacket.
Once Mina's brain was able to slightly process that Sana was talking to her, her groaning subsided a little. She turned her head a bit, ears still covered with her hands as she opened an eye to look down at Sana's hands.
There it was. One more pinecone. Sana was right. She could have 46 and it would be the most she'd ever had when they played the pinecone game.
Mina's groans slowly turned into very quiet whines. She still had a hand over one of her ears to try and block out some of the sound, but she reached her other hand out to grab the pinecone. It was just sharp enough to make the burning feeling in her body go away but not so sharp that it cut her when she squeezed it.
Mina took a few minutes, her eyes still closed as she squeezed the pinecone. Although the pieces breaking off of it were still loud, the way it felt in her hand was so good. Her hand shakily raised up as she pressed the pinecone to the top of her head. Most of the scales of the pinecone had been broken off due to how hard Mina was squeezing it, but the way it scratched her head just enough felt relieving. It felt like it was scratching all the bad feelings and thoughts away.
Nayeon and Momo watched in awe as Mina calmed herself down. Mina's shoulder dropped and her eyes slowly opened. They had no idea that Mina and Sana's little pinecone game would help so much. Sure Mina had made it clear that she loved the game and tried to bring the pinecones home with her every time, but they didn't know it was soothing to her.
Once they were sure Mina was okay to go back into the car, they all left the park early. Momo put a beanie on Mina's head in an attempt to muffle a tiny bit of the noise. The littles knew that Mina wasn't feeling good so they stayed quiet the whole ride.
The second Momo carried Mina into the dorm, she picked up the pair of headphones Mina likes the best and slipped them over her ears. Mina let out an audible sigh, her body slumping over in Momo's arms.
It was still going to be a while until Mina felt good, but for now things were okay. She kept a tight hold onto the pinecone Sana had given her the entire night. The only time she wasn't holding it was when Nayeon gave her a bath. Even then, it was within her line of sight.
Sana's mamas thanked her and gave her extra kisses as they tucked her in. "How did you know that Mina would use the pinecone, sweet girl?"
Momo knelt down by Sana's bed, gently running her fingers through her baby's silky smooth hair. Sana yawned and glanced over at Mina who was fast asleep. Her pinecone was still clutched in her hand and she had earplugs in to sleep through the night without interruptions.
"Mina likes pinecones." To Sana, it was as simple as that. If Mina liked pinecones when she and Sana were playing, then they must be comforting to her when she felt icky. And thankfully, they did.
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pttwice · 1 month
i would love to see more littleautistic!hyo i adore her :((
- 🦝
hiya 🦝 anon! :) absolutely!!
|| littleautistic!jihyo, cg!jeongmi ||
There were days that Hyo could feel every ray of sun on her skin. Days like this were the best because it meant that Hyo was happiest. Their morning routine had gotten shuffled around a bit, but it was subtle enough that Jeongyeon and Mina were able to avoid any meltdowns. Hyo had whined a little and was hesitant to eat the different brand of Cheerios that Jeongyeon bought, but in the end, they were okay.
The golf course and the driving range were closed for the weekend for some big updates and maintenance on the club as a whole, so Jeongyeon and Mina decided to spend a day at the creek nearby.
They took Hyo there at least once a week when they first adopted her. It was an accident the first time they walked by the creek, but it was a good accident. Hyo had a meltdown while they were on a walk and the only thing that calmed her down was the sound of the creek near the park.
Jeongyeon and Mina had just moved into their apartment a year before getting Hyo, but they didn't have any reason before then to be near the park.
Jeongyeon took Hyo down and as soon as she saw the water, her tears started to subside. She relaxed in her mama's arms and just listened.
For two years, Jeongyeon and Mina would take Hyo there once a week to listen to the creek. They noticed that she felt lighter whenever they got near it. The usual tension that she had in her body completely melted and her body relaxed.
After those two years, they stopped going once a week since they were going to the golf club. Since the golf club was closed for the weekend, the creek seemed like the perfect replacement activity, and they knew there wouldn't be much protest from Hyo if that was the change in routine.
"Did you get her little shovel and bucket packed, baby?" Mina grabbed the house keys off the hook in the entryway and turned with Hyo in her arms.
Jeongyeon nodded and held the backpack up with Hyo's things as well as a few snacks in case any of them got hungry. They were within walking distance of the creek and the park, but it was easier to have everything packed than having to go back and forth.
"Yep. Double checked and everything." Jeongyeon flashed Mina a smile as she put her shoes on. She tossed the backpack over her shoulder and headed out of the apartment.
The weather was perfect. There was a light breeze, and the sun was out just enough to combat the slight spring chill in the air. Mina let Hyo down and held her hand before she locked the door to the apartment.
The three made their way to the park, each holding Hyo's hand as they walked. They swung their hands between them which made Hyo giggle — one of their favorite sounds.
The walk was short, but they took their time. Hyo liked to stop and step on all the tiles in the walkway that lead towards the park. Her mamas didn't mind, and they knew it was something that helped their baby feel more in control.
Since it was a holiday weekend, no one was at the park, and no one was at the creek. It felt like their own little private spot as Jeongyeon set her backpack down and took a seat on an old log.
Hyo immediately rushed to the edge of the creek. She crouched down, her hands waving excitedly as she looked into the water. The sun's rays caused the water to sparkle as it flowed past.
As Mina sat down beside her wife, she let out a happy sigh. She smiled as she watched her baby look into the water, her body visibly relaxing as the seconds passed.
They quietly sat for a few minutes, just letting Hyo take in the calming sounds of the creek and the few birds in the trees.
"Want scoop, mama." Hyo turned around and made a digging motion with her hands as she made her way over to where her mamas were sitting. Jeongyeon rifled through her backpack and handed Hyo her small plastic shovel and matching pail.
"Are you gonna scoop up the rocks, sweet girl?" Mina asked as she leaned back on the log, her heart full at the sight of her happy girl.
Hyo nodded and gave her mommy a small wave before she walked back over to the edge of the creek. She sat the pail down and dug her shovel into the bed of the creek.
The way the water rushed through the rocks in her shovel as she lifted them halfway out of the water mesmerized Hyo. She watched for a few moments before she pulled them all the way out and sat them in her pail.
She repeated this process three more times before she dipped her pail into the water, only filling it up halfway. It was an odd process and Jeongyeon and Mina weren't sure why Hyo liked it so much, but it was cute to watch.
Hyo moved the smaller rocks around in the water, sifting through all of them before she picked one out. She inspected it closely and rubbed it with her thumb before putting it back in. She did this with every rock until she picked one up and placed it on the grass.
For an hour or so, Hyo filled up her pail with new rocks. She picked all of them up and rubbed them all before picking one out from each pail load.
By the time she had finished, she had seven rocks neatly lined up. Some were large and others were the size of pebbles. Hyo set the pail and shovel to the side before she turned her attention to the seven rocks on the grass.
Jeongyeon and Mina got up and crouched down beside her. They looked at the various rocks that Hyo had picked out and pointed to their favorites.
"What about this one? Do you like the little red spots on it?" Mina pointed towards a medium sized rock in the shape of an oval. It was dark brown with deep red specks.
Hyo picked the rock up and felt it again with her thumb before she pressed it to her cheek. She looked up at her mommy and shook her head before setting it back down.
"Not Hyo rock."
Mina just chuckled and nodded. She gently ran her fingers through Hyo's soft hair and placed a gentle kiss to her temple before she turned her attention back to the rocks.
"Maybe this blue one?"
Jeongyeon pointed towards a blue and gray rock with small black dashes on the sides. It wasn't the prettiest, but it was the most unique out of all of them.
Hyo repeated the process with Jeongyeon's rock as she did with Mina's rock before she shook her head and sat it back down. "Not Hyo rock."
Jeongyeon nodded and sat back. She knew that it was rare for Hyo to pick either of the rocks that she or Mina pointed out.
It had been like this since Hyo was a baby. She loved picking rocks out at the creek, and she always took one home. She wanted her mamas to help her pick one and even though she almost always picked one of the ones she liked, Jeongyeon and Mina liked that she wanted to include them in the process.
It only took a few more rubs of her thumb and a few more rubs against her cheek before Hyo finally picked out a rock to take home. She carefully put the rest of the rocks back in the creek while Jeongyeon collected her pail and shovel.
On the walk home, Hyo held Mina's hand and held on tight to the rock with the other. It was dark green with a small chip on the side.
Perfect to add to the many rocks that adorned the shelves in Hyo's room. Perfect to remind them of another good day.
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pttwice · 4 months
a little bit more about little autistic!jihyo in my au:
physically she is a baby. she's 5 years old! mina and jeongyeon adopted her when she was three. her biological parents couldn't afford to take care of her financially even though they loved her
the first day at mina and jeong's house, hyo was extremely scared. she refused to sleep in any rooms other than the kitchen on a cot and sleeping bag because every other room smelled too strongly of mina's perfume (which she loves the smell of now) or was too loud.
hyo slept in the kitchen for about a week and if she got too overwhelmed, she'd climb into one of the cabinets where it's dark and safe.
originally, hyo was nonverbal. the only word she'd ever say was "food" and she'd say it even if she wasn't hungry because she didn't know how to tell her mamas if she was upset or tired.
hyo's biological parents couldn't afford to test her but they knew she was neurodivergent in some way. once hyo was comfortable enough with mina and jeong, they got her tested and diagnosed.
hyo's diagnosis didn't worry her mamas and it really helped them understand their new baby girl better.
over the next two years of having hyo, she grew extremely attached to them. she's physically the age and size of a five year old, but mentally she hovers around 2-3.
some days hyo will be extremely talkative, but most of the time she'll communicate with her mamas by drawing or pointing to things.
whenever they go out to eat, her mamas bring a tablet so it's a little easier and faster to communicate to get hyo the food she wants.
i have a lot more set up for this au but i just wanted to share some things to fill in any gaps :) if you're curious about little autistic!jihyo, don't be afraid to let me know! i love talking about her 💚
also for more of a clarifier, i write about this au where she's physically a child and separately little autistic!jihyo in general where she's an adult but she regresses.
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pttwice · 5 months
banana pancakes (pt. 1)
|| littleautistic!jihyo, cg!jeongmi / littleautistic!jihyo au / non-idol au ||
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In every sense of the term, Jihyo is a summer baby. Summer means lighter clothes, almost always no pants, and semi-comfortable shorts if absolutely necessary. Summer also means that Jihyo can play golf or watch golf if she isn’t feeling big enough.
Summer is also much easier for Jeongyeon and Mina. They don’t have to bribe their baby to put pants on and all of Hyo’s favorite foods are in season. Summer for the caregivers also provides more opportunities for activities they can do together.
As the light began to peek through the light-yellow curtains in Jihyo’s room, she rolled over to face the welcoming warmth of the sun’s rays. It was just past 6:30 in the morning, Hyo’s usual summer wake-up time, when she sat up in her crib. She kept her eyes closed to allow the sun to gradually wake her up.
Her hands lightly bumped against the pacifier tucked securely between her lips as she rubbed her eyes. The pacifier — one of her favorites clipped to her onesie adorned with pastel images of elephants and giraffes — was connected to a yellow ribbon, dotted with small baby blue stars. The pacifier itself was a pastel yellow and adorned with little bumble bees.
Hyo brought her hands back down to rest on the worn elephant stuffy in her lap, Mr. Trunks, as she looked around her room, attempting to wake up. Her big girl bed was nicely made and sat in the center of the room. To the right of her bed was her closet where all her clothes were neatly hung up and folded. To the left was Hyo’s favorite part of the room.
A cedarwood rocking chair tucked beside a house-shaped bookcase completed the room. On the back of the rocking chair, one of Hyo’s many blankets were draped. It never left the chair, always ready to be wrapped around her for story time. The bookcase was an organized chaos filled with her books both big and little.
Being the resourceful and crafty woman she was, Jeongyeon built the bookshelf for her baby as a Christmas gift since the old bookcase couldn’t hold the ever-growing collection of books. When she first saw the new bookcase in her room, Hyo had a meltdown. She couldn’t believe that the old one was gone and for weeks, she refused to go anywhere near it. In hindsight, it was a major change for the poor little. Eventually, though, Hyo grew to love it even more than the old bookcase.
By the time Jihyo had fully woken up, Mina had just started to stir. She knew she couldn’t ignore the sun trying to wake her up or the soft coos of her baby over the baby monitor forever. As per her usual weekend morning routine, Mina slipped out of bed and stretched upwards. She grabbed her turquoise robe from the back of the bedroom door and draped it around herself before she quietly headed out to the kitchen, careful not to wake Jeongyeon up.
In the kitchen, she started the coffee pot — always prepared the night before — and grabbed one of Jihyo’s bottles out of the fridge. She pulled a small pot out from one of the cabinets beside sink and filled it up halfway. She set the burner to a low heat so the water would be just right by the time she came back with Hyo.
Hyo was eager to start her day as she sat in her crib, patiently waiting for her mommy. When she heard the doorknob turn and saw the door slowly open, she pulled herself up to stand. She welcomed the swish of the door against the carpet in her room and flashed her mommy a toothy grin, her pacifier still securely in her mouth. Mina returned her baby’s smile and stood in front of her, the bars of the crib being the only thing separating them.
“Did you sleep well, pumpkin?” A small chuckle fell from Mina’s lips as she brushed her fingers through Hyo’s bedhead. Mina’s question was answered with a little bounce and a happy, muffled babble. Hyo reached her arms out in front of herself, ready to finally be held.
With practiced ease, Mina walked to the side of Hyo’s crib and slid the bars down. She scooped her baby up and settled her on her hip.
Mina walked over to the changing table and laid Hyo down, handing her a bumblebee shaped teether to distract her while she quickly and gently changed her diaper. Once she finished, Mina picked her baby back up and made her way into the kitchen for breakfast.
Not even needing to look at the pot or bottle, Mina kept her soft gaze on her baby as she set the bottle in the water to heat it up. She sat Jihyo down in her highchair, making sure she was buckled in before grabbing the box of Cheerios on top of the fridge. Mina dumped a few Cheerios out onto Hyo’s tray before she poured a bowl for herself.
Once the bottle was warm enough, Mina took the bottle out and dumped the water out of the pot of the pot, setting it in the drying rack to be put away later. She set Hyo’s bottle to the side to cool down for a moment and grabbed the jug of milk out of the fridge to pour into her cereal.
Mina put the milk jug away and turned around with her cereal and Hyo’s bottle in hand, a soft smile making its way to her lips. As usual, Hyo was busy lining her Cheerios up one-by-one into neat rows before she started to eat them. Hyo reached out for her bottle of honey and cinnamon spiced milk and latched onto the nipple to take a sip before she popped a Cheerio into her mouth.
For almost 15 minutes, all that filled the room was the sound of Hyo’s happy hums and chewing from both. It was moments like this that Mina didn’t really mind waking up early. Seeing her baby happy and fed was well worth an early breakfast.
Mina sat back in her chair and took a long sip from her coffee as Jihyo finished the last Cheerio on her tray. Mina left her coffee as she unbuckled her baby and gently pulled her out of her highchair. She quietly hummed under her breath as she walked back to Hyo’s room, hoping she could convince her baby into a comfy pair of shorts since they were going out today. If it was up to Hyo, she’d go out in nothing but a diaper and a comfy shirt. Unfortunately, it was not up to her.
“Do you think we can get you into a softy shirt and your yellow shorts, sweet girl?”
At the mention of a softy shirt, Hyo had a little smile, but the instant she heard the word ‘shorts’, a deep frown formed on her face. Hyo whined a little and tucked her face into her mommy’s neck. It wasn’t fair that she had to wear shorts. It wasn’t like her bottom was completely naked or something.
Ever the patient mommy, Mina took her time getting Hyo’s other clothes out. She pulled out the yellow shorts and Hyo’s favorite bumblebee shirt from her dresser. Socks and shoes would be a different battle that Jeongyeon could deal with.
Once Hyo’s clothes were laid out on her bed, Mina sat Hyo down. She carefully untucked her baby from her neck and gave her a reassuring smile. “If we get your shorts on, then we can get mama up, pumpkin.”
Now, Hyo wasn’t usually one to easily fall for a bribe. Jeongyeon always talked about how Hyo was too smart, but sometimes, she could be convinced. And Hyo has never been one to say ‘no’ to waking her mama up.
With a hesitant nod, Hyo let go of her tight grip on her mommy’s shirt. Mina gently took Hyo’s onesie off and slipped her shirt over her head. She expected more protest from her baby as she put the shorts on, despite their agreement, but she was pleasantly surprised when she was instead met with a brief whine.
Once her shorts and shirt were on, Mina picked Hyo up and carried her into the hallway bathroom to brush her teeth. Thankfully, Hyo liked having her teeth brushed. She liked the fruity flavor of the toothpaste and the way the soft bristles felt against her gums.
Mina gave her bottom a light pat to make sure she was still dry before she carried her in to wake her mama up. Jeongyeon was still fast asleep as Mina gently opened and shut the door. She set Hyo down on the bed in the empty space beside the sleeping woman and walked into their en-suite bathroom. Hyo let out a happy squeak as she crawled up to her mama. She got as close as she could without touching her mama’s face with her own and rested her chin on Jeongyeon’s chest.
Jeongyeon stirred slightly at the sudden weight on her chest but kept her eyes closed, determined to get a few more seconds of sleep. Hyo smacked her lips together a few times, hoping the noise would wake her mama up, but Jeongyeon’s eyes stayed shut. A couple seconds passed before Hyo reached her hand up to gently tug Jeongyeon’s hair.
The slight pressure on her scalp from Hyo’s tugging was just enough for Jeongyeon to slowly open her eyes. At first, she thought it was Mina trying to wake her up. Usually, Hyo’s wake-up calls weren’t so gentle and forgiving.
As Jeongyeon’s vision focused on the face looking up at her, a still sleepy smile formed on her lips. “Good morning, pumpkin. Did you sleep well?” Jeongyeon’s voice was gravely with sleep as she slowly pushed herself up to lean against the headboard. Hyo adjusted herself accordingly and sat on her mama’s lap. She babbled and stimmed by gently pressing her fingers against her mama’s. Jeongyeon took her time waking up and nodded or gave Hyo a small hum to let her baby know she was listening — even though she didn’t really know what she was saying.
Jeongyeon was almost fully awake by the time Mina emerged from the bathroom. It had only been 10 minutes since she had gone in to get herself ready, but to Hyo, it felt like an eternity. Mina softly chuckled as she sat down on the edge of the bed. She gently picked Hyo up before her baby crawled off the bed trying to get to her mommy and turned her around to sit in between herself and Jeongyeon.
“Do you think you can use your big girl words to tell us what you’d like to do today, sweet girl?” Hyo took a moment to think about her mommy’s question. Big girl words were hard sometimes, but she felt good enough today and just big enough to use them for a little bit.
Hyo looked up at her mamas before she nodded and spoke. “Wan’ golf.”
“Do you want to watch golf, or play golf?” Jeongyeon knew the answer, but she wanted to make sure that her baby made the decision for the day’s activity.
“No p’ay, thank you.” Hyo smiled and cuddled further in between her mamas, eager to get outside and watch people play her favorite game in the entire world.
Aside from learning about drinks and reading webtoons, golf is Hyo’s favorite. It’s something she can play if she’s feeling big enough and something she can watch if she isn’t. Since today turned out to be a watch day, Hyo’s mamas hoped that she’d be okay just watching people at the driving range instead of the 18-hole course since that meant they didn't have to move around to each hole.
Since this is quite a long one, I'm splitting the first au in the series into two parts! Part two will be out soon and I hope you enjoyed reading this first part. I'm really excited to share with yall my ideas about little autistic!jihyo in this au world! :)
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pttwice · 4 months
hello joon, long time no see but I started my internship today and felt like celebrating by requesting a littleautistic!jihyo, where she go's on a dinner date with momo, chaeyoung and Mina but because by accident they end up doing something wrong with the speakers and it spikes really loud and jihyo ends up regressing and doesn't like it at all, lucky tho Mina (being the quit but Loving woman she is) packed ear defenders incase of this happening and they end up having a nice dinner and jihyo gets her burger and fries or idk generic kids meal at restaurant ya know. hope u had a good start to the year <3
hi hi chimpo! i'm so glad that you started your internship! congrats and i hope you're enjoying it so far! i'm sorry that this is getting written so late, but i hope you still enjoy it :) 💚
dinner date
|| littleautistic!jihyo, cg!mina, cg!momo, bigsis!chaeyoung ||
"Are you ready to go out and have dinner, pumpkin?" Mina crouched down where Momo was sitting with Jihyo on the floor and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.
Jihyo looked up at her mommy with her big brown eyes, an unsure look on her face. She slowly shook her head and nervously flapped her hands before grabbing Momo's hand. She pressed the pads of her fingers into Momo's palm and leaned against her mama.
"It'll be okay, Hyo. We're gonna get to see Chaengie, too." Momo smiled and gently stroked her baby's hair with her free hand.
Jihyo perked up a bit at the mention of Chaeyoung's name. She pressed a little more gently into her mama's hand and looked at her mommy. She let go of her mama's hand and slowly held her arms up.
Mina gently picked her baby up so she could stand on her feet and helped Momo slip her jacket on. They loaded Jihyo into the back of the car and drove to Chaeyoung and Tzuyu's.
By the time they made it to the restaurant, Jihyo was excited to be eating dinner with her big sister. She held tightly onto Chaeyoung's hand as they walked into the restaurant with her eyes closed, not ready for the blight fluorescent lights.
To her surprise when she sat down and opened her eyes, the lights were dim and the main light at the small table was from a few fake candles. Jihyo smiled in appreciation and clapped her hands together.
Mina ordered the two strawberry milk and they started with a few bread rolls. Chaeyoung colored quietly with Jihyo while the little babbled on and on about golf and mixed drinks. Chaeyoung wasn't really sure what Jihyo was talking about, but she loved listening to her talk.
"And then and then uhm..."
Jihyo's thoughts drifted as their main dishes arrived. She bounced excitedly in her seat and gently held Chaeyoung's hand to press her fingers against her big sister's palm.
Usually, Jihyo would be more adventurous with her food, but the spaghetti looked too good to not get. She happily dug into her food and chatted in between bites with Chaeyoung.
Everything was going smoothly until one of the servers turned the microphone on by the entrance. There was a little feedback and an extremely high pitched screech from the speakers before the server spoke into the microphone.
Immediately, Jihyo covered her ears and threw her head against the table. She started to sob and scream, causing a few heads to turn. As quickly as she could, Mina stood up and picked Jihyo up. She was met with a bit of a struggle from her baby, but she was able to get her into the bathroom without too much fuss.
Mina set Jihyo down who threw herself into her mommy's arms, sobbing and whimpering against her shoulder.
"I know, pumpkin. I know. It was so scary, but it's okay. You're safe with me now." Mina cooed and soothingly rubbed Jihyo's back, careful to put enough pressure on her back to make her feel slightly more comfortable.
Jihyo adamantly shook her head and covered her hands with her ears again. When that didn't block out the sound of the lights humming in the bathroom, she started to hit her ears with her hands.
"Okay. Okay. It's okay, Hyo. Look. Mommy's got your ear defenders." Mina quickly pulled out the earmuffs from her purse and gently pulled Jihyo's hands away. She slipped the ear defenders onto her baby and continued to rub her back. "Is that better?"
Jihyo shook her head again, keeping her eyes closed as she pointed to the lights in the bathroom.
"I'm sorry, pumpkin. Do you want to stay here for a few more seconds and keep your eyes closed, or do you want to go back out where it's not so bright?"
Mina patiently waited for Jihyo to make her decision and stood up when she pointed to the door. Jihyo held onto her mommy's hand tightly as they slowly walked out of the bathroom.
They sat back down and Chaeyoung held Jihyo's hand, knowing that she'd want to stim while they sat. Chaeyoung continued to eat her food, glancing at Jihyo every once in a while, to make sure she was still okay.
Eventually, the pressure on Chaeyoung's hand from Jihyo's grip loosened. She looked up at her big sister with a tiny smile, thanking her with a small and silent wave.
Momo smiled and leaned over to Jihyo, gently kissing her baby's cheek. "Do you still want to eat, pumpkin?"
Jihyo nodded but pushed her plate of spaghetti away, signaling that she didn't want to eat that, but something else instead. Momo nodded in understanding and made a mental note to get a box so they could take it home for leftovers.
"How about some chicken nuggets and banana slices?" Momo let out a small laugh when Jihyo slowly nodded her head. She was exhausted, but she was still hungry.
Jihyo was quiet for the rest of dinner, but she felt much better once she started eating again. She was grateful that her mamas were with her, and her big sister held her hand the whole time.
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pttwice · 5 months
banana pancakes (pt. 2)
|| littleautistic!jihyo, cg!jeongmi / littleautistic!jihyo au / non-idol au ||
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The drive to the golf course wasn't far, but Jeongyeon kept glancing in the mirror to make sure they packed everything Hyo would need.
"Jeong, I'm sure we're not missing anything." Mina didn’t even have to look up from her phone to be able to tell that her wife was needlessly worrying.
“I know, but you know how I get. I just want to make sure Hyo’s got everything she needs.”
At the brief mention of her name, Hyo looked up from her golf ball stuffy that her mommy crocheted for her last Christmas. She flashed her mama a toothy grin before looking back down at her stuffy, happily flapping its arms.
The parking lot was fairly empty despite the beautiful weather, but it was only 9 in the morning. The car came to a gentle stop as Jeongyeon put it in park. She turned the engine off and got out, opening Hyo’s door to get her out of the car.
“Golf, mama!” Hyo held her stuffy up for her mama to see, her smile even bigger now they were at the golf club.
“I know, pumpkin.” Jeongyeon chuckled at her baby’s enthusiasm and unbuckled her seatbelt. “Can we leave Ace here so we can go watch golf? We don’t want her to get lost since she’s so small.”
Hyo thought about her mama’s words before giving a small nod. She definitely didn’t want to lose her stuffy, so she tucked her in between the back passenger seats before her mama helped her out. Mina grabbed the diaper bag and Hyo’s watered-down juice — regular juice made for a way too hyper Hyo — before she walked around the back of the car. She held onto her baby’s free hand as they walked into the golf club.
The girls have been a part of this golf club for at least two years now. They had belonged to a different club originally, but due to a change in management and an almost violent argument between Jeongyeon and the new owner, they had to switch for Hyo’s safety.
Thankfully, this club is even better than the original. Hyo had quite a challenging time getting used to the new club since it was a massive change, but once she started to warm up to it, she never wanted to leave. The owners of this club absolutely love Hyo, which is a big plus. Whether she’s little or big, they treat her with the same kindness as they do with all their members.
“Good morning! I'm happy to see my favorite golfer today. How are you, miss Jihyo?”
Minatozaki Sana is one of the managers at the club, and quite possibly the nicest person on the planet. Whenever Jeongyeon and Mina were looking for a new golf club, they met Sana — not at the club, but at the grocery store — when she was still a regular employee. Sana overheard them talking about golf clubs and convinced them to check out the one she worked for.
A well-deserved promotion and two years later, Sana has easily become one of Hyo’s favorite people. Jeongyeon and Mina were quick to explain their special situation with Hyo and from day one, Sana had been nothing but kind and accommodating. She didn’t have any experience with autism, but she was more than willing to learn to keep Hyo and her mamas comfortable and happy.
As soon as Sana spoke to Hyo, her eyes lit up. She let out a happy giggle and gave Sana a tiny wave. “Watch golf, Na Na.”
“Yeah? And are we watching at the driving range or the big course today?” Sana smiled and took the membership card from Mina to scan before handing it back. She walked out from behind the front desk and bent down a bit to focus on Hyo.
Hyo looked at Sana with a serious expression. This was a tough decision to make. She loved watching how far the golf balls could go at the driving range, but she also loved watching people play a whole 18-hole game of golf.
Ultimately, Hyo ended up picking the driving range. She slid into one of the air-conditioned booths with her mamas and bounced in her seat. There was only one woman out this morning, but she was sure there would be more people coming in soon. It would be a shame to waste such a nice Saturday staying inside anyway.
By 11, there were three more people at the driving range. Jihyo had been extra good for the past two hours, just watching and occasionally pointing out an exceptionally long hit to her mamas. In her messy handwriting, she scribbled down the furthest drive on a cocktail napkin at the table with a pen her mommy found in the diaper bag. Unfortunately, though, Hyo was starting to get antsy and fussy. She tugged on her mama’s shirt sleeve for the third time in the past few minutes with a soft whine.
“What’s up, pumpkin?” Jeongyeon gently brushed a few stray hairs behind her baby’s ear. She nodded in understanding when Hyo gave her another small whine and pointed to her mouth.
“Do you want to eat some snacks, or are you ready for lunch?” Mina asked as she pulled out a bag of Cheerios, handing them to her baby. Hyo scrunched up her nose and shook her head, pushing the bag of Cheerios back to her mommy.
“Wan’ pancake, p’ease.”
Jeongyeon and Mina shared a small glance before turning their attention back to Hyo. They were surprised that she’d want to go home so early, since they typically spent at least four hours at the golf club, but who were they to deny their baby delicious pancakes for lunch?
“Okay, sweet girl. You can help me make them, too.” Jeongyeon smiled and picked Hyo up, holding her tight as they made their way back to the car. They waved to Sana before they left the club and buckled Hyo in the backseat.
Banana pancakes were Hyo’s absolute favorite food. When Jeongyeon first made them for her, she didn’t eat anything else for a week. It took a lot of coaxing and several unsuccessful bribes to get her down to one banana pancake meal a day and then two banana pancake meals a week.
“Okay, Hyo. You can put the bananas in now.”
Hyo looked up at her mama to make extra sure that she could put the bananas in. She looked into the pan and carefully put five thin banana slices into the pancake. She let out a happy squeal and bounced up and down, tugging on the hem of her mama’s shirt. Even though she’d seen her mama make pancakes hundreds of times by now, she still loved the sight and smell as they cooked.
“Can you drink some water for mommy with your pancakes, pumpkin?” Mina asked, her head in the fridge as she took the syrup out and a carton of blueberries.
Hyo gave her mommy a little pout but nodded. She wasn’t the biggest fan of water, but the last time she went almost all day without water, her head hurt and made her feel super icky. Hyo turned her attention back to the pancakes and excitedly clapped her hands together as her mama slid the last pancake onto the stack, completely forgetting about the water she had to drink.
Mina scooped Hyo up and buckled her into her highchair, setting a sippy cup of water down as well as a plate decorated with little golf balls and golf clubs. Hyo eagerly watched as Jeongyeon brought the plate of pancakes to the table.
As was routine with banana pancake meals, Jeongyeon cut Hyo’s two pancakes into 12 round pieces. She pushed the pieces onto Hyo’s plate and dug into her own pancakes, adoringly watching as her baby made a spiral pattern on her plate with the pancake pieces.
“Do you want blueberries, sweet girl?” Mina held the carton of blueberries out to Hyo who picked three perfect blueberries. She arranged them into a triangle in the middle of the spiral before finally picking up the first piece of pancake, dipping it in a little syrup. She ate the piece, happily rocking back and forth in her highchair. No matter how many times Hyo had her mama’s banana pancakes, she’d love them just as much each time. There was always the perfect amount of banana and a slight dash of vanilla.
Piece by piece, Hyo steadily ate all her pancake pieces until she emptied her plate. She leaned back in her highchair and brought her hand up to her lips. She blew a thank you kiss to her mamas and held her arms up.
Mina unbuckled her baby and picked her up. She pressed a gentle kiss to Hyo’s forehead, causing her to happily coo. Hyo let out a small yawn and laid her head against her mama’s chest. Mina’s heartbeat was soothing and just what Hyo needed to slowly lull her into a relaxed state.
“I think it’s time for a nap, huh?” Mina slowly walked into Hyo’s room, taking her time to change her diaper, and put her onesie back on her. With each passing minute, Hyo’s eyelids grew heavier and heavier. Her tummy was full of banana pancakes and her heart was happy from watching golf and being with her mamas.
Mina gently swayed back and forth with Hyo in her arms, a smile on her face as her baby’s breath started to even out. She quietly and carefully pushed down the bars of Hyo’s crib and laid her baby down. She tucked her stuffed elephant in her arms and placed one more gentle kiss on her forehead before pulling the bars back up. Quietly tiptoeing out of the room, Mina made sure to leave the door cracked open to let a bit more light into Hyo’s room.
As Hyo let sleep fully take over, she held her stuffy close to her chest and gently suckled on her pacifier, content in knowing that there was still so much to do with her mamas. More banana pancakes, more golf, and much more love.
Thank you for reading the second (also the last) part to the first fic in the little autistic!jihyo au series :) I hope you enjoyed reading. Also, if you haven't read the first part, it's linked on the second masterlist as well as here. 💚
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pttwice · 5 months
here are the thoughts for littleautistic!jihyo right now:
going to do a non-idol au series with jeongyeon and mina as her caregivers!
i’m working on the first one in the series right now and it might take a little while because i started physically writing it on paper while i was on vacation. i still have to finish writing it on paper and then type it out
also going to do separate littleautistic!jihyo fics as well that are within the twice world :)
these will be coming up much sooner than the non-idol au series
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pttwice · 5 months
Masterlist 2 🦕
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Hi! The second masterlist is here! I will try to update it as I write but if there's a fic you've read and it's not on the list, just let me know! I'll also be adding this to my introduction which is pinned to my page for easy access :)
Hyperlinks are added to only some of the titles based on which member I had written down first for the fic. (ex: for a little!tzuyu, cg!momo fic, there would be a hyperlink for the story under Tzuyu's name instead of Momo's)
Age Regression:
comfort (little)
reflection (little)
bedtime (cg)
going on a bug hunt (cg)
aquarium (cg)
one more time (cg)
shallow end (cg)
banana pancakes (pt. 1) (cg, littleautistic!jihyo non-idol au series)
banana pancakes (pt. 2) (cg, littleautistic!jihyo non-idol au series)
special (little)
temporary tattoos (cg)
reflection (cg)
secret chocolates (cg)
heart stickers (cg)
one more, please (cg)
going on a bug hunt (cg)
cleanup time (cg)
aquarium (cg)
creek (cg, littleautistic!jihyo non-idol au series)
keyboard (cg)
shallow end (cg)
laundry day (cg)
comfort (cg)
dinner date (cg)
bad dream (cg)
bedtime (cg)
cleanup time (little)
one more time (cg)
just like momo (little)
shallow end (cg)
potty break (cg)
tim (cg)
heart stickers (little)
one more, please (little)
one more time (little)
beach day (cg)
shallow end (little)
banana pancakes (pt. 1) (little, nd, littleautistic!jihyo non-idol au series)
banana pancakes (pt. 2) (little, nd, littleautistic!jihyo non-idol au series)
special (cg)
potty break (cg)
tim (cg)
dinner date (little, nd)
secret chocolates (cg)
one more, please (cg)
creek (little, nd, littleautistic!jihyo non-idol au series)
beach day (cg)
show and tell (little, nd)
shallow end (little)
banana pancakes (pt. 1) (cg, littleautistic!jihyo non-idol au series)
banana pancakes (pt. 2) (cg, littleautistic!jihyo non-idol au series)
potty break (middle)
tim (little)
dinner date (cg)
bad dream (cg)
bedtime (little, nd)
creek (cg, littleautistic!jihyo non-idol au series)
just like momo (cg)
keyboard (little)
beach day (little)
show and tell (little)
laundry day (little, nd)
secret chocolates (little)
going on a bug hunt (little)
just like momo (big sis)
wǒ ài nǐ (cg)
shallow end (little)
laundry day (little)
temporary tattoos (little)
dinner date (big sis)
bad dream (little)
going on a bug hunt (little)
show and tell (big sis)
shallow end (little)
laundry day (little)
special (little)
going on a bug hunt (little)
aquarium (little, nd)
wǒ ài nǐ (little)
shallow end (little)
laundry day (little)
little!twice ideal outfit ask
more littlewerewolf!samo and littlevampire!mina hcs
littlewerewolf!samo learning how to play catch
baby tzu
a little more about littleautistic!jihyo in the au
littlewerewolf!samo taking care of sick littlevampire!mina
Non-Age Regression:
Still none yet
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