#littlebrownunicorn unicorn4lyf
The best day of my life!!
Hey! WELCOME to my page! So today our we had school today..... and it wasn't regular school we had a French competition and I think I might have a crush on this guy! But truth be told guys I’m not that type of person who gets crushes, so this is completely new to me! Let's rewind a bit so this happened at 3:10 ish I guess... And if most of you know I have terrible stage fright and I was legit hyperventilating sorta off... so then... WAIT... let's name my crush unicorn. So unicorn comes up to me and says  ‘ HEY.. don't be nervous.. your gonna do great...” Then I replied, “how do you know”. WAIT for it..... he then says “ because...  I believe in you” So as you know I had a mental breakdown and was screaming in excitement like out of all the girls to console he choose me... me ...ME this awkward looking girl to console... Let's just say I was the happiest girl in all the land... and you know me I’m a hopeless romance so that well made my day... Ok guys please leave some suggestions on what to write about 
XOXO LittleBrownUnicorn
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