little-svt ¡ 2 years
Hi!! I’m so happy that I found this blog and so grateful that you two have started it :D I’d love to request a little!Dokyeom waddling around with diapies on cause he’s just too precious🤗 I definitely see him as a mama’s boy, babbling about nothing to impress his mama, while she just watches affectionately at her little boy sitting by her feet with a particularly puffy bottom from the diaper.
I hope you have a wonderful day! No stress about getting to this :))
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Wc: 530
Taglist: @sweetiehyuka @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo @fishsquishh
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Hot Summer
Seokmin’s giggles sounded throughout your tiny apartment as you chased him around. You had just ran him a cold bath to try and cool your baby down in order to beat the heat, and managed to dry him and pull on a diaper at his request before he was running away from you.
“Imma get you!” You giggled as you chased him into the living room. “We need to put the rest of your clothes on.” You added, holding up a vest top and some shorts you had grabbed for him.
“Nuh uh… too hot!” Seokmin whined, a pout on his soft lips as he shook his head from left to right in a dramatic fashion. You let out a soft sigh, he had a very good point. It was far too hot and you knew that putting clothes on your baby would just result in him being uncomfortable.
“Alright honey, no clothes for you.” You said as you walked over to ruffle his wet hair before you leaned into place a soft kiss on both of his cheeks. Seokmin let out a soft giggle and smiled widely up at you, his eyes turning into the cutest crescent shapes. “Why don’t you go sit down in front of the fan whilst I go and grab you some juice?” You asked, walking over to turn on the fan that you had moved from your bedroom to the living room. Seokmin nodded his head and walked over to sit in front of the couch, plopping down onto the rug. You couldn’t help but smile fondly at how his diaper puffed up when he sat down and how he wiggled in his seat to get comfortable. Leaning down, you planted a soft kiss on top of his head before grabbing the remote to put on Zootopia for him. The smile on your face grew as Seokmin giggled in delight when he realised what film you had put on for him. Once you knew your baby was occupied, you headed to the kitchen to grab him some juice.
“Look Mama!” Seokmin said, excitedly pointing to the tv as you walked back into the living room. “A fox!” He grinned. You looked up at the screen and let out a soft chuckle before sitting down on the sofa.
“Yeah baby, do you remember his name?” You asked him, handing over his juice. Seokmin took the juice from your hands with a soft ‘tank you.’ He then looked up at you, his face twisted in thought as he tried to remember what the character was called.”
“Is it Nick?” He asked softly.
“That’s right! Good job honey.” You said with a smile before leaning down to place a soft kiss on his forehead. Seokmin let out a cheer before erupting into giggles, the sound being music to your ears. A soft content sigh left your lips as you relaxed back into the couch whilst you both happily watched the film. Seokmin leant his head on your legs and let out a soft giggle every time he felt the fan blow air on his body. Yup… this was the perfect way to spend a hot summer’s day.
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🧸Endnote: A/N: Okay as much as I see Seokmin as a caregiver, I think we can all agree that as a little he is so adorable! I would love to just hear his giggles all day. I’m sorry for the wait on this request anonie but I really hope you liked it!
I just wanted to add that I am back at university for my final year and am already incredibly busy so my requests will not be opening up anytime soon. I will still try and get content out as much as I can but I do have to put my school work first so that I can graduate. For any other readers who have returned back to university (and even school) I wish you the best of luck and hope you are all coping well! (And that goes for everyone else as well))…~👑🐰💛
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little-svt ¡ 2 years
Happy Over 50 Followers to us! Might as well put a request in because I love my baby’s writing 🥰🥰
Request: CG! Wonwoo and the song Guard You by Young K
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FEMME-READER | ANGST | TW - severe mental illness
Lyrics: “So you won't get any scars, I'll hold you Even when I'm hurt, I'll guard you No need to worry, I'm here for you Look at my smile, it's my all for you When all lights fade When I sink to the ground When I drown in despair I'll still hold you close~”
Wc: 1.4k
Taglist: @sweetiehyuka @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo @fishsquishh
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Guard You
Another day of work completed, to start again after Wonwoo got his measly 4 hours of sleep. Tiresome was too mild a word to describe it. Working a full-time job, a part-time job that may as well be full-time, that’s what it took to help the two of you get by. Both of you were born to the working class, riding the edge of poverty, and no matter how he’d tried to pull the two of you out, it wasn’t enough. Not yet.
Wonwoo couldn’t lie, not in the face of pure fact. It’d have been easier, even if just a little, if you worked too. But he knew of every bit of damage you had, the weight of your baggage before he’d ever thought up the idea to rescue you from your shit excuse for parents, straight out of high school. Plans. Yea. He’d wanted to lift you up, give you a better life than the one he’d saved you from. So, it didn’t matter how hard he had to work, you’d make it. He was never going to give up on you.
Days like this one, he wasn’t so hopeful. But he knew you were doing your best, with school, with pulling yourself out of bed every day. That in itself made him so proud. And next, he’d just be wishing he didn’t have to work so much so he could be there for you like you needed him to be.
You were your own worst enemy most days, stuck in your head. Another dreadful week at University. Some classes were good, enough to keep you engaged when they were something you were actually interested in. But the rest of the day you were just watching the clock, waiting for the moment you could crash into your bed and stain your pillows with your tears again and again.
Finally, you greeted your empty apartment, your beaten old sofa, at least everything smelled of him. Falling onto the couch, you reached out to grab your headphones from the scratched-up coffee table you and Wonwoo had found at a garage sale and placed them on your head. They didn’t need to be on, but you’d gotten used to the pressure and the little bit of noise cancellation they provided was comforting.
You couldn’t tell if it’d been hours or minutes, but at some point you needed up with your favorite bunny plush in your arms with some noise of a television show playing in the background. It was dark now, you were still feeling foggy, but mostly alone. Always alone, and like always, there never needed to be a reason for your heart to ache and for the tears to come by the bucket. Unbearable. But ‘unbearable’ was your normal, something no one could ever truly get used to even when it numbed you inside out. More and more time would blur past.
Another late night, Wonwoo’s body ached with the wear and tear of working 16 hours straight. Not the worst shift he’d had. Haggardly digging through his jeans pocket, he pulled out his keys as quietly as possible. At least he hoped you’d be sleeping at four in the morning, he himself was ready to pass out standing given the opportunity.
Cracking the door slowly, only the purple-blue light of the television gave glow to the room as it played something Wonwoo wasn’t entirely familiar with. It wasn’t something he thought you’d watch, and seeing your unmoving figure lying on the sofa, he assumed you really were asleep.
Sighing, Wonwoo slipped off his tattered sneakers and tip-toed around the furniture. He wished he had the strength he’d had before, he’d just carry you to bed without disturbing you. Unfortunately, the past two years alone had taken it out of him. Going to wake you, he quickly realized you were in fact awake, eyes in a dead stare at nothing in front of you, silently soaking the fabric of the sofa beneath you.
“Y/n? I’m home…What’s going on?”, crouching on the floor, he rubbed up and down your arm, his stomach aching at how often he came home to you like this.
It always took you a moment to pull out of it, the tears became sobs as you let yourself be held in his arms.
“Appa…”, you cried as he stroked the hair on your head, bringing his head down to yours. Often, that helped, being close to him. Just his gentle touch, firm and kind. Genuine.
Even though you tried your best to hold off, trying your damnedest to be less of a grievance to him. Regression was the only thing that could get you to sleep most nights and once he was there, your only source of safety and you’d sunk into it, you were gone.
Wonwoo’s hands were growing rough and he winced at each movement of his muscles, you could practically feel the grave heaviness of his fatigue. So, you did what you thought was right.
“Hey. Wait-“, he stammered. But he wasn’t completely oblivious as to why you pulled from him. It wasn’t new.
“What are you doing, baby…”
“This! I’m doing it again…”, wiping your tears, you set your plushie on the couch, digging around your mind for an escape. Any excuse you could use to busy yourself so he wouldn’t be worried anymore. Because you had to be fine. You couldn’t drag him down like this again and again.
“Go get some sleep, Woo, okay?”, you took a deep breath, straightening your posture and attempting some sort of performance of what you thought a mentally well person should look like. Standing, your eyes darted around, anywhere but him as you tried to calm your mind. What could you do? Laundry, yes there was work to do. If you’d tried to get a wink of sleep now you’d only interrupt his with some awful brand of the usual night terrors that came on the worst of days. Most days.
Wonwoo didn’t look at you. He didn’t move.
“Sit down.”, he spoke calmly. Why you even bothered was beyond both of you, you were helpless. Unable to not listen to him. So you sat, digging at your hands, frantically fidgeting with your fingers.
Frowning, he brought himself to sit up on the sofa next to you, pulling you down to his chest with another aspirated sigh.
“I can’t keep… I can’t keep doing this to you. Being such a damned burden all the time!”, you broke down again.
Wonwoo was quiet reassurance, gentle, always there, silently supporting you from the sidelines. More touches than words but nevertheless, that same sweet softnesses. ‘Shhh, it’s okay. I’ve got you’ or ‘you’re not a burden, y/n’. But it killed him to see you beat yourself up. As if you hadn’t, as if you weren’t suffering enough. More than anyone ever should.
“You will never be a burden to me. I don’t care how many times I have to reassure you, until the day I die, I will.”, he took a breath, giving your shoulder an affirming squeeze, his other clenched firmly in a fist. This was too important. Every word., “Your happiness is all that matters to me. No matter how hard things get-“
Laying back on the sofa and taking you with him he gave a small laugh, “-or how we may fall… I will hold you..”, rubbing circles on your back he continued, “…as always, I will guard you from yourself, and take on as much of your pain as I have to. Until I’m drowning in it as long as I can see you smile…”
It took a lot out of him but the way you burst into tears again, that was enough for both of you. It needed to be said. Tired Wonwoo apparently had a lot to say.
“Now if I’m gonna sleep it’s gonna be right where you are. Okay?”, exhaling loudly again he looked down, giving your cheek a little stroke as if to say ‘I’m out of words baby, are you okay?’
“Appa? I so tired now…”
“I know.”
Taking his time, he found the softest wash cloth you owned, washing your face for bed and running it over your sore, tear puffed eyes to hopefully soothe them. Even if only a little.
His next alarm was just over three hours away. Three hours of sleep and he was finally able to get you into bed, humming some made-up tune with whatever energy he had left to soothe his precious little one.
“Though a permanent scar
May be the price of holding you
I'll give my all to you, to you”
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🧸End note: HI MY 👑🐰💛! Thank you so much and congrats to us!! I was so excited to see that you won! So have some caregiver!wonwoo. I hope I wrote him correctly, you know it’s my first time 😅. Honestly giveaways are really fun so I’ll do this again for our 100 followers as well! This song was so intense, I wasn’t expecting it but 🥺🥺 I know you’re not big on angst, but this is some angst that you need. I’m sorry if this isn’t relatable for everyone but I know there’s a lot of mental illness that goes along with age regression. Eden and I aren’t the only ones who could use something like this… ~ 🐶🐰🍓
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little-svt ¡ 2 years
Hiii, love your blog, I was wondering if I can request a little!mingyu x cg!reader (I don’t mind the gender) where the reader and the boys (seventeen) were watching a scary movie and everything seems fine while watching the movie (mingyu and reader cuddled up together) and everything seems completely normal while getting ready for bed but as soon as reader falls asleep little mingyu can’t help but get scared if the monster is coming to get him and reader wakes up to find him in a distressed state and because he’s scared he slips into baby space (his normal age is around 2-4) and the cg! Reader does everything to accommodate to his age and to calm him down with changing him into a cute onesies, diapers if you’re okay with writing that, bottle, paci then they cuddle whilst he falls asleep forgetting all about the scary nightmare/dream 🥺
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FEMME-READER | Angst and Fluff | “mommy”
Wc: 1.5k+
Taglist: @sweetiehyuka @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo
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The movie was just past its climax, your puppy boyfriend on your left, crunching on spicy corn chips handfuls at a time with a mildly tense Minghao on his left followed by a very unbothered, stretching cat Wonwoo. Somehow all fourteen of you were settled on the couches in the common area after being pestered repeatedly by Channie, who was practically begging to spend some time with his big bros that wasn’t rehearsing or performing. So, screw it right? A horror film it was.
Joshua was on the opposite of you, feigning unbotheredness as well if it weren’t for his fidgeting and jumps every time Minghao’s ‘WOAH’s and Chan and Soonyoung (who proudly announced he’d protect Chan when the movie first started) practically jumping into each other’s laps and Dokyeom’s yelps as he grabbed onto Seungkwan who wasn’t in any better shape. Thankfully Jeonghan was there to comfort him or whisper “If you don’t stop moving I swear-“
Once the movie ended, Jihoon seemed to have wordlessly disappeared, Junhui standing immediately to tease Hao as if he hadn’t been equally as scared. It was a good horror film, after all.
“I could hear your screams over my own crunching!”, Mingyu played along, draping himself over you as he yawned.
“Time for bed?”, you smiled, ruffling his hair. Moving like a ghost, Wonwoo appeared by the light switch, blinding everyone for a moment as their eyes adjusted after being in the dark for two hours.
“Yup. Okay.”, Mingyu squinted, rubbing his eyes as he stood stunned for a moment. Rolling up the chip bag and setting it on the coffee table, he made his way around Vernon and Cheol, who sat silently gripping onto each other as if they’d seen something horrific (which they had) and Jeonghan who was passed out on the couch.
After a few ‘goodnight’s were thrown around, the two of you retreated to Mingyu’s room, shuffling around as you got ready for bed, a pillow definitely hitting him in the head once or twice when he accused you or being scared and playfully taunting you about the monsters hiding in the closet. Not for long though, both of you were knackered and you were out the moment you swapped goodnight kisses and your head met your pillow.
Mingyu learned that he wasn’t quite as tired as he thought, staring into the darkness and listening to your breathing. Yeah, you were out. And he was alone. In an eerily quiet room. There were times, many in fact, when he was appreciative of the soundproof dorm (as long as the members weren't screaming like they usually were when you put too many extroverts in one room.), this was not one of those times. It couldn’t have been past two in the morning but he felt isolated. And not in a way that made him feel safe. So, as he laid there, trying to keep his eyes closed, his mind drifted. He knew he wasn’t the only member who wasn’t a fan of horror, but he wasn’t gonna be the one to say something, he wouldn't. Admittedly, he wasn’t the hardest to scare, but this one seemed different. In the post-movie haze, he seemed to be fine, going about his night and even settling into bed. But as his environment quieted, so did his thoughts. And he found himself becoming increasingly awake, picking up on every little noise in his room.
Scenarios floated around in his mind, and before he realized it he was caring less about waking you, shuffling close pulling his feet in closer to his body, his hair pricking up. Hyper-aware and on edge, no matter how hard he squeezed his eyes shut he couldn’t fall asleep, his hands clenching around your shirt. Avoiding that feeling tugging him under, he tried his best not to regress but in his frozen, still state, a shuffling noise that he could have easily been caused by himself set him off.
“MOMMY DON'T LET IT GET ME!”, wailing and curling his against you, to get as small as possible, the tears he didn’t know were there, tickled his cheeks, hot and running down to his pillow. Sitting up in bed, you swiveled your body in his direction, placing a protective hand over his trembling back while your eyes shifted, adjusting to the room.
“Baby?? What’s going on? Hey…”, sighing you turned on the light, you already knew what this was about. Considering his fear of ghosts and his general intolerance and sensitivity to anything scary, you should never have let him watch that movie in the first place, but that had been up to big boy Mingyu. Though he was a sweetie, he could certainly be stubborn about the things he wanted.
Proving to be true, the more you tried to get his attention and calm him, the deeper he seemed to slip, inconsolable. At this point he was laying in your lap, sobbing into your tummy with his arms (much stronger than he thought, unfortunately) squeezing uncomfortably around your waist.
“Baby, Mommy is right here. I’m right here. Nothing is gonna get you. Open your eyes and look at me, baby boy. Do you want your paci, honey?.”
“Uh-huh.”, he managed to cry out.
“We gotta move then, sweetie.”, you cooed, trying to move his mop of messy, wavy hair from his eyes. But that hardly helped. God, if you could carry this giant man when he regressed this small, you’d thank the heavens. It would certainly make things easier. Alas, a 187 cm, crying, sensitive puppy clingy to you was what you had to work with. He’d probably realized at that point that he was safe, but baby always had a lot of emotions building up and spilling out faster than he could try to stop them. Holding him close was always what worked best, though you weren’t sure if you’d ever see him slip this deep in baby space.
“You’re okay, baby. Nothing’s gonna get you.”, you continued whispering reassurances, letting him cry himself out at least until the wails turned to soft sobs.
“Ready to go get into some jammies and get your paci, honey?”, you asked, peeking through his hair again.
“O-otay…”, he cried, letting you help him sit up so you could move around the room to find his safety items, replacing yourself with his biggest plushy that usually sat on the floor.
Watching you move around the room he continued to cry, his emotions feeling so big, he’d occasionally let out louder sobs, encouraging you to move a little faster to collect everything. Getting one of his favorite rocket-ship designed diapies and his favorite bright red onesie you helped him out of his T-shirt and clumsily helped your sensitive sweetie into his onesie and diaper. It always made him feel a little more secure.
“Buttons or no buttons?”, you asked, rubbing his tummy as he chewed on the tear-soaked ear of the teddy.
“Buddons!”, he whined, squirming. Buttons it was, you buttoned the bottom of his onesie over his thickly padded diapie and continued to soothe him through lots of loving touches. Tummy rubs, hand holding and head scratches always helped him through it but there was one thing missing that was almost most important of all.
“Oh, baby. Mommy forgot.”, you whispered, but when you detached your hand from his he became frantic again. Scrambling to try to sit up in the short time you dug through the bedside table, you retrieved his matching red paci and popped it into his mouth before he could let out another sob. Settling a little, you laid him back in your lap, running your fingers through his hair until he calmed to sniffles. It had taken less time than you thought it would, sometimes the poor thing could cry his heart out for hours.
“You feeling better, baby?”
Nodding his head against you he rolled over, looking up at you while you brushed away his bangs. Pulling his paci from his mouth, with a “pop”, he nibbled on it.
“Can I hab my baba??”, he asked with a pout, playing with the edge of your shirt.
“Baby, you know that means…I’ll have to brush your teeth again before bed.”
That was definitely not what he wanted to hear, baby Mingyu tearing up again, and before you can blink his bottom lip was quivering. Those puppy eyes, not a thought behind them, would get you every time.
“Okay. Yes, puppy, I’ll go get your bottle.”, smiling, you lay him down with his teddy and fetch his bottle after one last fluff of his hair. One baby bottle of warm milk later, he was falling asleep with his head on your lap in the bathroom while you TRIED to brush his teeth.
“You gotta wake up, Prince Charming.”, you pinched his cheek lightly. Keeping his head tilted back so you could reach all his teeth wash becoming a task. No easier when he whined and jerked away from the tooth brush.
“Hey, Mister. Do you wanna go get your paci for bed??”
Perking right up, he let you finish, happy once he was back in bed, curled up against your chest, suckling on his favorite paci, your fingers through his dark hair, over and over, helping him back to sleep until the soft sucking noises finally stopped. Both of you asleep for the night at last.
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🧸End note: Mingyu is such a mommy/daddy’s boy, you can’t change my mind. fun fact! Mingyu is actually afraid of ghost, heights and bugs!! Also originally I was imagining this scene from gose (inspired my seating arrangements a little hehe).
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little-svt ¡ 2 years
Can I put in a request for little!S. coups and x caregiver!reader I don’t mind if it’s a female or g/n caregiver but it’s where s. coups has had a very stressful week you know being the oldest and leader of 12 others isn’t easy and having comebacks isn’t the easier either but one day reader finds him so worked up like on the verge of tears and pulling his hair out stressed and reader suggest age regression so he won't be so worked up all the time and they start off with the basic stuff and yea.
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Wc: 908
Taglist: @pastel-princess-please @kiki-woo
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Don’t wanna cry
As you enter your boyfriend’s room, your heart aches at the sight in front of you. Seungcheol was pacing back and forth beside his bed, muttering under his breath. His fingers were tangled in his hair and you noticed him occasionally giving them a harsh tug in clear frustration. You rushed over in a panic and gently pulled his hands away before he hurt himself even more.
“Hey…Hey what’s going on?” You asked him softly.
“Nothing, I’m fine. I’m just tired.” Seungcheol replied, seeming to avoid your gaze.
“It’s clearly not nothing babe, you were practically ripping your hair out and burning a hole into the floor with all your pacing.” You said, reaching up to push his hair out of his face. Seungcheol moved away from your touch and he cleared his throat.
“I’m fine.” He repeated.
“But you’re not fine. If you keep pushing your feelings away then they are just going to grow and grow until you crumble. Maybe we need to find a way for you to relieve some of this stress.”
“Like what?”
“Well, I read about this thing called age regressing. It’s basically where you get to act like a kid and let go of all the responsibilities you have as an adult. It’s supposed to be really good at helping get rid of stress and I’ll be here to take care of you whilst you are in that head space.” You explained, frowning a bit when Seungcheol lets out a scoff at your response.
“Act like a kid? That sounds ridiculous! I appreciate you trying to help me but I can’t just let go of all my responsibilities like that. Besides I have tried practically every stupid way of trying to relieve stress so how do we know this will even work. I mean it could end up making me feel worse…” He rambled on and started to pace again. You let out a sigh and quickly placed your hands on the side of his face.
“Hey please… please, just let me take care of you baby.” You said, running your thumbs over his cheeks gently. He looked at you before nodding and letting out a choked sob. He wrapped his arms around you tightly before burying his head into the crook of your neck. The frown on your face grew as you listened to his muffled sobs and you started to slowly rock the two of you.
The two of you stayed in that position for a while until you could hear his sobs turn into soft sniffles. Gently, you moved his head so that he was looking at you and used your thumbs to wipe away the last few tears that rolled down his cheeks.
“Oh my baby, I’m here for you okay?” You said quietly. He nodded his head before he used the back of his hand to rub at his eyes gently.
“Don’t wanna cry… jus’ wan be happy.” He mumbled out, the softness of his voice catching you off guard but you couldn’t help the small smile that crept up onto your face.
“I know sweetie, but it’s okay to cry. It’s good to let it all out so that then I can help you be all happy again.” You reassured him and your smile grew as he nodded along to your words.
With his permission, you started to help him get changed out of his clothes and into one of his soft hoodies and some comfy sweatpants before helping him sit down on his bed. You could tell something was on his mind as he played with the strings of his hoodie that laid on his chest.
“Can I… have a snack?” He asked, his gaze fixed on the strings that were wrapped around his fingers.
“Of course you can sweetie, I’ll go grab something for you.” You replied, giving him a soft kiss to the side of his head before heading into the kitchen. Pulling open the fridge door, you scan the shelves before pulling out the strawberries. After giving them a wash, you carefully cut them up into smaller pieces before placing them into a bowl and heading back to Seungcheol’s room.
As you entered the room, you couldn’t help but smile at the position he was in. Seungcheol sat against the headboard with his knees up to his chest, his eyes fixated on the TV at some cartoon he had put on. You made your way over to him and handed him the bowl of strawberries.
“Want me to feed them to you?” You ask him, giggling as he took the bowl from you, his eyes never leaving the TV screen.
“Nuh uh, I’m a big boy. I do it.” He mumbled out softly before he started to dig into his strawberries. You couldn’t help but smile fondly at the little pout that was still on his lips as he ate his snack. Whilst he enjoyed his quiet time, you got up to tidy away his stuff from the day but stopped in your tracks when you heard a whine and felt a tug on the back of your shirt. Quickly, you turned to look at Seungcheol who was staring back at you.
“Don’t leave me.” He sniffed softly. You let out a soft coo and sit down on the bed, pulling him into your side. He cuddled into your side before going back to eating and watching his cartoons.
“Never sweetheart…”
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🧸End note: Aaaa my first ever request! I really hope you enjoy this anonie and honestly this request made me fall in love with little Seungcheol because he’s just so adorable! I also wanted to get this done as soon as possible so you could read it in time for his birthday! A big happy birthday to our precious, competitive, protective and oldest baby leader! We love you S.Coups! ~👑🐰💛
Little svt is working on our second ever request! As always- please let us know by comment or ask if you’d like to be added to the Taglist! AND A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BIRTHDAY BOY, CHEOLIE!! ~🐶🐰🍓
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little-svt ¡ 2 years
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Blog started July 2022
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masterlist ♡ | request guidelines ♡ | about ♡
> This blog is for hc of Seventeen if they were age regressors and/or caregivers and is ran by TWO admins!
> This blog is purely for entertainment/ comfort and we are not at all implying that the members are age regressors or anything (if we ship them with each other).
> When requests are open, we write both for Caregiver svt and little svt (x readers) we mostly write for fem and gn but if you specify we'll write for male readers too!
> asks always open <333 we love my anonies sm (even on hiatus) REBLOG IF YOU CAN! Tumblr is based on reblogs!!
-> Littletxt
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Age regression is not sexual whatsoever and if you sexualize it do not interact with me. Read more about age regression here and HERE.
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Song of the week:
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Last week’s song:
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Baby Carat Essentials Playlist
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