sleepybabyxo · 3 years
Warning: vomit/puke, breastfeeding
Icky tummy
Icky tummy
Natasha had been in a meeting all day and you couldn’t wait for her to come home. You lay in bed watching your favourite show and clenching your tummy.
You didn’t want to disturb mommy in her big meeting so you just lay waiting for her to arrive. It had been hours since you had seen her and she still wasn’t back. You started to feel dizzy and queasy. You stood up and stumbled to the bathroom. And suddenly you saw black.
“Princess I’m home”
“Where are you honey bee?”
She walked into the bedroom and saw your legs poking out of the door frame of the bathroom. “Oh god, baby” she ran to your side. You were lay in a pile of you own vomit. She grabbed a baby wipe and cleaned your cheek. Your eyes started to flicker as you winced and the coldness of the wipe. “Hey princess” Nat said in a low calming voice. “Mommy...I don’t feel good” “I know honey, but it’s okay mommy’s here now” she scooped you up and placed you in the bathtub. “Lift your arms up princess” she pulled up your t-shirt and un-hooked your bra. “Can I take you pants of baby?” “Mhm” you mumbled. She took your hands and helped you up. “Hold on to me little one” she pulled you pants down and lifted you on to her hip. And threw your dirty clothes in the laundry hamper. “Let’s run you a bath sweetie”. She placed you on the bed and went to clean up your sick.
Looks like your bath is done honey” she picked you up and placed you on her hip. “You want bubbles little one?” “Yes please mommy, I love the bubbles” she giggles and kissed your cheek. Before placing you in the bath. She washed the sick out of your hair and gently scrubbed your little body clean. “All done baby” she lifted you up and wrapped you in your favourite fuzzy duck towel. Giving you a kiss on the lips. “My clean little ducky. How about we get you changed and get some medicine down you. Then you can have some milk. That sound good?” “Mhm, thank you mommy”
She put a clean pull up on you and put you in your favourite pink onesie paired with some fuzzy socks. Then picked up and patted your padded butt as she carried you down stairs. Placing you on the kitchen island. “Let’s get you some medicine” “noooo, I don’t like the icky medicine” “but baby it will make your tummy feel better, count to three baby”
“Okay mommy, one, two, three” she placed the spoon in your mouth. “good now swallow for me and you can have a sweetie”. You closed your eyes and swallowed . “Good girl” she handed you a candy. “Thank you mama” “now milk time, you want a sippy or do you want mommy’s milk?” “Mommy’s milky please” “okay baby, let’s go up stairs kiddo”
she picked you up carried you up stairs. She sat in the bed again the wall and placed you on her lap. She lifted you her shirt and removed one of her breast for her bra. You let out a little giggle. “Awh baby you like mommy’s boobies?” You blushed and covered your face. Nat let out a low chuckle and guided you mouth to her breast. You latched on and started to suck. Her warm sweet milk dripped in to your mouth you closed you eyes and hummed in delight on Natashas nipple. She let out a slight moan as you continued to hum on her sensitive nipple. “Your mommy good baby aren’t you” you nodded your head and continued to drink her milk.
After a few minutes you started to doze off. Nat watched as you slumped in her arms she smiled and kissed your forehead. Before putting away her breast. You picked you up and placed you in bed, popping your paci in your mouth and elephant stuffie in your arms. She curled up next to you and whispered “I love you little one” and you let out a small almost incoherent “lub chu mama”
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sleepybabyxo · 3 years
I’m not angry baby, I love you <3
Character: Tony stark (daddy!Tony x little!Reader) (fem!reader)
Word count: 1.6k
Pronouns: she/her
Trigger warning- self harm details, mentions of blood, mentions of blades. Aggression (not physical) (PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I MISS ANY)
You and Tony had been together for about a year now, and around 6 months ago you finally opened up about you little side. You had a long conversation about your little side and your triggers. The one thing that you were most ashamed about, even more than your little side was your self-harm. Tony had seen the scars but didn’t want to bring it up, instead waiting for you to open up to him when your were ready. As soon as you told him and started to cry. He grab your hand and pulled you into his lap. You pressed your head into his neck, mumbling “I lub you” he gave you a kiss on the cheek and whispered quietly “I love you too princess”. And this brings up to today.
You had been doing amazing was your self-harm recovery, Tony was a huge help. Always letting you know what he was here for you and that your were his beautiful little girl. But recently Tony had been really busy with his work, and you felt sort of lost and lonely. You knew that Tony really wouldn’t care if you disturbed him, but you still felt guilty. So you left him to work. You decided to distract yourself and make you and Tony some dinner. Once it was ready you went to his office, you couldn’t wait to give him a hug and eat with him for the first time all day. You quietly knocked on the door, but nobody answered. So you decided to open it. Tony was sat on a business call, you went you give him a hug and he put his finger to his lips and shook his head. You understood why so you left without a word. Instead bringing his dinner up moments later. You sat on the couch alone and ain’t your dinner.
It was now around 11pm you still hadn’t seen Tony all day. You felt a little down. But you knew he was busy. You changed into to pjs and got into bed. You must have been tired as you drifted off to sleep almost instantly. Around 2:47am you rolled over expecting to feel Tony’s warmth. But nothing but cold sheets. You sat up and tears formed in your eyes. You got out of bed feeling extremely little. Grabbing your stuffie and popping your paci in your mouth. You waddled over to his office and ran to climb in his lap. “Da“ you were cut off almost Immediately. “Darling I’m on the phone, not now” you pouted a little put stayed silent. You clutched hold of Tony’s fingers playing with them gently. He quickly pulled his hand away. You flinched letting out a little gasp. “I SAID IM ON THE PHONE.” Your climbed off his lap and quickly left the room, tears streaming down your face. Wailing as you ran to your room. “I’m so sorry fury, I’m gonna have to go. I’ll email you in the morning with the rest of the details”. Tony put the phone down and picked up your stuffie from the floor. You hid in the closet sobbing and wailing. Tony entered the room, realising you were in the closet. “Baby girl, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap. Are you okay?” You didn’t respond, just continued to sob. “Darling am I okay to open the door?” You just mumbled. Tony took this as a yes. He opened the door, your moved your self further into the corner. “Little one I need to come to me” “NO” you screamed. “Princess I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to scare you. Let me make it better.” You turned away, “can’t”. “Okay well I’m going to give you a few options darling. You can come to me and we can have cuddles, I can give you some time alone to calm down or we can sit in silence together until you are ready to come to me. It’s up to you baby but whatever you choose I’m still here when you need me.” “Alone please” “okay darling, thank you for using your manners. Daddy is going to get you some water and a little snack for when your ready. Just give me a shout, okay?” “Mhm” you really should have used your words, normally Tony would have corrected you, but he knew that your were not in the best place right now. He simply blew you a kiss and left your stuffie by the door before leaving.
You stayed in the corner of the closet, your mind was racing. You slowly stood up, walking to your night stand. Opening the draw and lifting the base board revealing a secret layer with a small blade hidden inside. You sat on the edge of the bed, rolling up your sleeve. Placing the edge of the blade to your skin taking a deep breath before dragging it across your arm. Your eyes filled with tears as the blood dripping down your arm. You could feel the sting as the air hit the fresh cut. You continued like this for a few minutes until your arm was flooded with red. You didn’t realise how much blood there was until you saw the stained on the bed and the carpet. You gasped. Your were more concerned about the carpet then the pain. You didn’t want to Tony to be angry at you for ruining the carpet. Your ran to the bathroom and grabbed a toilet and some toilet cleaning, hoping it would fix the stain. You poured a little bleach on the carpet and scrubbed it with the towel. Moments later Tony came wandering in to check on you, quickly pulling your sleeves down. “Darling what are you doing...” tears began to stream down your face. “Hey, hey, hey it’s okay baby. No more tears.” He picked your up by your armpits. He noticed the blood stains on the bed. “Honey did you get your period?” You looked down. “It’s okay you didn’t need to be ashamed. Daddy has seen it before.” “S not that daddy”. He then saw the blood soak slowly through your sleeve. “Oh darling, did you hurt yourself?” You just sobbed and looked down. He rolled up your sleeve. “Wow this isn’t good baby” “I sor-“ he cut you off. “Don’t apologise, it’s not your fault. Let me help you clean up and we can talk about this tomorrow” he carried you to the bathroom an placed you on the toilet. “Let’s get this cleaned up and bandaged.” “s gonna hurt dada?” Tony could see you had really slipped now. You weren’t just in littlespace, you had entered what he called babyspace. “Give me one minute kiddo” he ran to the room and grabbed your paci and stuffie, as well as a snack. “Here you go, darling” you put the paci in your mouth and put the stuffie close to your face. He filled the sink with warm water and a little bit of soap. Before grabbing a cloth. “Now this might sting a little” your closed your eyes and clutched your stuffie. He slowly dabbed your arm with the cloth. Your winced as it touched your skin. “I know baby, I’m sorry. Daddy’s almost done.” Once he had wiped away the blood, you glanced down at your arm. “Hey don’t look at it honey” you pushed your head up with his finger, giving you a kiss on the head. “I love you.” “I lub chu” Tony proceeded to wrap your arm in a bandage. Once it was done he gave your arm a gentle kiss.
“Let’s get you changed” he picked you up and carried you to the bedroom. “Does my little one want a diaper?” You simply nodded. He lay your on the bed and grabbed a diaper from the cupboard. He slowly undressed you and put the diaper under your butt. He lifted your shirt slightly. He taped the diaper up and gave you a kiss on the tummy. “I love you precious” “I lub chu dada” “now which onesie do you want? Pink or purple?” “Pink pwease dada” he put on the onesie, be sure to be gentle when touching your arm. “Is baby ready for bed or do you want to get something to eat?” “Food please” Tony picked you up and carried you to the kitchen. He placed you on the island. And quickly made up a bottle of warm milk. He carried you to the coach and let you curl up in his lap. You took the nipple into your mouth a drank it quickly. “Slow down little one, it’s not going anywhere.” You slowed down a little. Once it was finished your cuddles into Tony’s neck. He spoke really softly in your ear, “how are you feeling little one? Are you ready to talk about what happened earlier?" You nod slowly hiding your face. “I just felt sad and alone” he put your head into the crook of his neck. “I’m so sorry baby. This is all my fault. I should have been more considerate.” You grabbed his face, kissing his nose. “Daddy is not your fault. Is not just that. Is just a bad week das all.” “Oh honey bun, when you feel bad you know you can tell daddy, right? I know I can’t fix it but I’m always here to give cuddles.” He squeezes you tightly and peppers you face with kisses. “I know daddy, I promise I will talk to you.” “Thank you precious. Now what do you want to watch, how about Disney?” You gave a small nod as snuggled into Tony’s side. He popped you paci in your mouth and put you stuffie in your arms. As the opening of frozen played, he could already so you drift slowly into dreamland. “Goodnight princess” he whispered, kissing your head.
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