cinamun · 5 months
I'm interested in the lore! I wasn't around for the beginning and darren is so fine. All of your sims look good. My dad was heavy into wutang and nas so is Darren based off like nyc street culture? My dad is 52 so I grew up listening to all that and some of the stuff you post about darren just reminds me of him and he's from queens. Sorry if you've answered this already but I do like the extras and stuff you post outside of the actual story. Nice touch cin
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POV: Its 1994, and this kid comes up and asks you for a light for his blunt rolled with 2 phillies (in the bridge we call em oo-ops).
The short answer to Darren's character is, yes, he was a product of the streets of Queens. He ran with a crew (mostly drug dealing, fighting and an occassional shootout) from age 11 and, as was the case with his voice claim pictured here, he was "raised" in the most infamous housing projects of the time. As such, you can imagine the kind of wild shit he was a part of, the death, the violence, the shit burned into the back of his eyelids and that which kept him awake at night. His parents were largely absent so he spent most his time in and out of school or at the bodega with his crew trying to pick up girls or rapping.
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