#llama youre a real one and i appreciate you immensely
semisolidmind · 7 months
If I catch you apologising for following your interests again I swear to frick I will appreciate & support you SO hard. that's a threat
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joanofarc · 1 year
ten songs from shuffle vs. five i actually listen to
i was tagged by the wonderful @kodachromism to participate in this game, and while i usually struggle doing these, i turned off my mind and had fun writing. the rules are self-explanatory. songs i don’t get to choose and then songs i do get to choose (somewhat)!
i shuffled my 2021-2023 listening log spotify playlist, which is 10,000 songs tall and full of songs on albums i’ve only heard once. i’m not tagging anyone, but if you see this and want to do it, do it. here we go.
1. q quarters (the associates)
kind of a bad start, since i don’t have a lot to say about this one. there’s a lot of aesthetic brilliance to adore the associates for, but i’m too twee to be a goth outright. there’s nothing that really grabs me here, unlike the following track ‘tell me easter’s on friday’, which i love.
2. the fast one (tindersticks)
actually literally fast, and not very stand-out. i really don’t remember this song from my first listen. sounds like fucked up spy music, with wailing violin, melodica and groove. pretty gothic lyrics, here, too. did i have a phase or something and didn’t realize it?
3. quicksand (hatchie)
this is apparently the most-listened tune on hatchie’s debut, which is crazy, given ‘this enchanted’ is strictly better. but while the album is based on various pop modes (some from the 90′s), ‘quicksand’ is basically the most literal application of current radio pop trends. it’s not a bad song but it’s really boring when you get to the meat of it.
4. wings of heaven (rose mcdowall)
the third track on rose’s post-strawberry switchblade solo release is sincere, really. it emphasizes moving to a place of freedom, and i really love that from her. it’s not packing the same punch as ‘crystal days (/nights)’, but i’d rather have a full 80′s rose mcdowall pop album than just a single and scattered tracks, so.
5. giuseppina my dear (papiro)
i love this album but i’m also kind of a sucker for certain kinds of lounge-influenced indietronica. super schmaltzy stuff on this tune, with a sneaky bit of morricone hiding in the main synth line. so, another interlude, but a cute one.
6. i remember when (k. hand)
one from the late and great kelli hand. as the penultimate track (and at nine minutes), it leaves a bit to be desired, but i remember this coming on at work and it instantly put me in the zone.
7. summer holiday holocaust (kalle j)
oh, fuck, what a song. kalle j was never part of the sincerely yours / labrador rosters, but this song deserves to be in the annals of swedish balearic pop next to hits by the embassy, air france, the tough alliance, etc. good vibes throughout, chillwave adjacent, certainly fuzzy. i recommend this one.
8. apricots (the high llamas)
the final track on 1992′s santa barbara. i think a lot about microdisney -> the high llamas, and i see the lineage well-represented, here. it’s a bit too cynical to be brian wilson, you know? it’s got that irish flair! i’m observant. it’s an okay tune.
9. wandering (oranger)
oh, interesting. this is the final track on the very-new 2023 oranger album. i remember this album being fairly hit or miss, but listening again, i’ve got this fondness for mike drake’s vocals that’ll always make oranger accessible for shuffle. speaking of shuffle, the interplay of acoustic guitar and drums really works here for me.
10. panic (sophie rimheden)
i remember not liking this album at all, which sucks. i tried so hard to get into sophie rimheden because i love early aughts glitch pop. there’s hooks here, but no chops, which is something i really appreciate from contemporary barbara morgenstern. this song is just one idea stretched out for five minutes with no real payoff. just a whole lot of keyboard slap bass.
1. no way down (air france)
cool, i mentioned this group earlier. ‘no way down’ follows the immense ‘no excuses’ with no desire to cruise to similar heights. during its main refrain, it’s still subdued and chill. handclaps, whistling and vocal samples. a hipster’s dream, yeah? but you can’t end on an absolute banger, so this song and ‘windmill wedding’ are perfect balearic pop breezers to close out the minialbum.
2. love theme (from the world that never was) (the secret history)
michael grace, jr.’s creative direction and lyricism pairs perfectly with lisa ronson (daughter of legendary mick), creating 80′s pastiche with indie pop trends of the 2000′s. you’ll want to hear this if you’re a fan of 80′s romance movies. or if you’re a goth that wears too much pink. i was super grateful to do an interview with mgjr for my radio program, i just wish i asked more about the secret history!
3. probleme (the feelings)
hey you! you’ve got a problem. i know because i’ve got that problem, too. this CD is really for the sillyheads out there, because the feelings aren’t really that serious about things, blending pop rock with sloppy indie raps and beep boops. ‘probleme’ is probably one of the less cringy tunes on the album, so it’s safe to recommend to you.
4. delete it (mspaint, militarie gun)
ah, you remember when this came out? post-american was like a shock to the system. the hattiesburg band really upped the production and came into that rap-rock catchiness they sought to revive. the song ends without anything truly explosive, but i bet it makes yr head buzz live.
5. the face of youth today (squire)
DID I TELL YOU I’M THE FACE OF TODAY? this band singlehandedly convinced me of mod revival... i don’t know why i was so late to it, but jesus, it’s just so catchy. i still maintain i wanna’ cover this song and make ‘indie modtronica’... my band name will be the contraptions. keep that in mind.
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rubbersoles19 · 7 years
Here’s to the ones we’ve collected along the way ♡
This has been a crazy, wild year for me. Like, intensely crazy. So much has happened, so much has changed, and so much has begun. here’s to some of the ones I’ve collected along the way!
@indecisive-llama: My absolute best friend in the whole wide world. This girl is a dangerous agent of chaos with a sassy side just slightly bigger than her golden heart. Indy, you’re my baby, confident, best friend, and forever. I am so thankful to have you in my life, and love and appreciate you more than you may ever realize. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love you long time!
@reverseblackholeofwords: Chrysler is a sweet, precious, and sugary Southern Belle whom I adore. She’s amazingly talented and secretly sassy, and it’s always refreshing to have another writer in my circle. Chrysler, I’m so glad we became friends this year. I love you very, very much, and appreciate the way we can hurt each other with our writing. It’s truly a unique relationship!
@rebellingstagnationblog: Reese’s is another talented writer I’ve grown close to, and is everything I want to be when I grow up. Her writing, like her personality, is deep and sincere, and she’s extremely generous. This writing adventure with you has been insane, and an amazing learning experience. Thank you for trusting me, and investing your time in a youngster like myself! I hope rehearsals go well!
@stasaface: Everything’s bigger in Texas, and Sassafrass’s heart of kindness and goodness is proof of that! A wise, compassionate person she is, but a push-over she is not. We’ve had some great time, Sassa, and I wish us many more in the future! I can’t thank you enough for all your support and companionship in these recent times. You decided I wouldn’t be alone, and for that I thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
@angstphilosophy: AP is a bro I haven’t talked to as much as I should (curse you school!) but is a real bro. Always has been. Not only is he totally down to cry about attractive looking Youtubers, but he’s nuts when it comes to theories, and a fantastic listener. Here’s too many, many more stories, my dude!
@meryguillan: What an absolute sweetheart! We haven’t been talking for very long, but I immensely enjoy our conversations and swapping pictures of our cats! Mery is so kind and gentle, and her personality is bubbly and warm. I hope we can remain friends into the new year and beyond!
@tazmanianbrit: Cheerio, love! I have SO enjoyed watching Tazzie grow and blossom this year. She’s an excellent listener, very creative, and diligent, reliable, hard worker. Tazzie is one of the biggest fans of *AMADEUS, and I love and adore her for it. Here’s to even bigger, better edits and collabs in the years to come!
@game-of-grump: WE NEED TO TALK MORE. GG was one of the first friends I ever made on Tumblr, and still remains very special. An aspiring artist, she is sensitive and kind, and I’ve never seen someone such a big fan of the Game Grumps in my life! Love you girl!
@leviprime, @teh-bluejay, @raidenraccoon, @ladyariaa, @quack-a-roonie, and @splatterphoenixart are my Duckverse homebodies! These crazy characters will always have my back in anything duck related ever, and I appreciate and adore this small community we’ve built. Your ongoing support and encouragement have meant the world, and make all my efforts worth it! (Also, I haven’t abandoned All My Ducks, I promise)
@frozenseas, @maybekatie, @adorkwithhats, @fallskima, @super-magical-wizard, @the-east-hunter, @jenni-with-an-i, @carmenthefoxy13, @odia13, @evanisonfire, @tntgirl31, @pizza13598, and everyone else that supports the comic: Hello! I love you all, very, very much. Some of you I’ve talked to before, some of you I’ve only interacted with on the comic itself, but I appreciate all of you more than you could ever realize. I know this isn’t close to all of the regulars, but for now, it’s a pretty solid start. And to Frozone, Faller, Katie, and the rest of the my stream buddies, an extra big thank you for following me on that platform as well. And Dork, thank you so, so much, for all your support for the comic with your kind words and beautiful art (I’m still stunned with it every time I see it, tbh). To everyone, thank you!
And to everyone else out there I may have forgotten, I’m sorry. I really, really do love you all. I wish everyone a fun, safe New Years! In 2018, remember: be wise, be kind, be safe, be brave, and have a heckin’ good time!!
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