#lltg ep05
thegreymoon · 2 years
Love Like the Galaxy
LOL, when your adult child has had enough of your bullshit and goes no contact, so you pester the Emperor to order them to return home for the holidays 🤣🤣
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He at least is predisposed to love his poor daughter, but it’s a pity he’s a doormat for his abusive wife and mother. 
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It’s a pity he does not protect her more.
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Give the poor girl 1 (one!!!) person who loves her! 
At least he’s aware.
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Oh, shut up, like you are any better.
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You also abandoned a daughter, just like her. How dare you come back and think you have the right to parent anyone? 
My clever, capable baby 🤗
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Her face in the last one 😂
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Don’t worry, baby, we are all shocked right along with you! 
At least Niaoniao’s brothers seem predisposed to love her and her twin seems to be just like her. The grandmother remains an embarrassment, as always. 
This drama is giving me such Jane Austen vibes!
Aww, cuties, you are adorable scheming together!
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But their strategies for dealing with mother aren’t going to help her because the mother actually loves them and detests her. 
I’ve known Third Aunt for five minutes and I adore her already!
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Yes, beautiful, call her out! I just love that all the sensible and less evil people in this family can clearly see what is going on here.
LMAOOOOO, I can’t believe they got the Emperor to order him to come to dinner and he just showed up to tell them all to fuck off 🤣🤣
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Oh, shut up.
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I love how this drama is taking to task the toxic aspects of the concept of filial duty and actually having children stand up to their abusive, hypocritical, ridiculous parents.
Wait, she’s not his his mother?
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I also want to know what they did to his mother.
LMAO, I love him 😂
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He has no time for anyone’s nonsense and I appreciate that! 
Poor Yangyang, she’s going to get into so much trouble because of her ridiculous servants. I keep expecting her to turn out to be a villain, but no, it looks like she really is just very nice. 
LMAO, I’m surprised there wasn’t bloodshed 😂
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Look at them, they are so ready to fight it out! 
Oh, Niaoniao, I love you so much!!
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The way she took her mother down!! I AM LIVING!! 🔥🔥
Gorgeous 🧡
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He’s going, “Ah, yes, she’s the one!” 😍
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Sorry, Princess What’s-Her-Name, you are out of luck! 
Yes, show us Mr Yuan, I too want to see him after all the hooplah here.
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LMAO, I love her to pieces 😂😂
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Just look at her cute gremlin face! 🤗
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Another potential suitor? 👀
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Third potential suitor? 👀👀
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Whomst? 🧐
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LMAO, I love his “then, die” attitude 🤣🤣
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LMAO, suffer 🤣🤣
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The way she made a fool of herself and got wet for nothing 🤣🤣
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Aww, so he got to play the hero after all, and properly, with the right woman! 🤗
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